Sunday, January 16, 2005

Every Child

Every child born in this world is an atheist, and, if he grows up with faith, his faith differs with the country in which he may happen to be born, or the people amongst whom he may happen to be indoctrinated. His faith therefore is the result of local teachings. Thus, throughout the world the religion of people is determined, by and large, by geographical accident of birth. In the Philippines, the Filipinos are Christians; in Japan, Shintoists; in China, Buddhists or Confucians; in Italy, Catholics; in India, Brahmans; in Indonesia, Muslims; in America, Baptists or Methodists or Lutherans, etc. What these people were taught during infancy they continue to believe up to senility; and they die in the faith in which they have lived. For my part, as I have learned to think for myself, I thank “the gods” I was born an atheist. I am not only free of religion; I am free from religion. Poch Suzara

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