Thursday, January 22, 2004

Look At the Filipino Lawyers

Look at Filipino lawyers highly trained in the college of law to learn to become experts in the art of cross examination. Yet, they too are dumbstruck when it comes to cross examining their own silly religious beliefs and sick social values that's keeping the Filipino illegally poor as a people and illegally backward as a nation. Poch Suzara

What's the Difference

What is the difference between the monster called Sadam in Iraq who loves and prays to Allah in heaven, and the other monster called Bush in the USA who loves and prays to Jesus Christ also in heaven? Poch suzara

God Has The Power

God has the power to forgive sin and to forgive crime. God therefore has all the right to order such evils committed. The most the rest of us damned fools can do is to pray to God to please lead us not into temptation. Poch Suzara

It is all so Absurd

It is all so absurd. Something as the creation of the soul that will exist forever, should be tied up to such trivial incident like the meeting of the male sperm with the female egg. What is even more ridiculous, however, is that there will be good souls to end up in heaven, and there will be bad souls to end down in hell.The latter to please the devil. The former to please God. And then we are even intellectually crippled enough to be unable to figure out how we have become the Sick Man of Asia? Poch Suzara

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ, the son of God, who came down to earth to destroy the devil, utterly failed to do so. Thus, ours is the religion of the failures and the losers. Look how the devil has been winning more Filipino souls for hell than God has been winning Filipino souls for heaven. And at the rate things are going in the Philippines, it looks like only the souls of politicians and the souls of the theologians will make it to God's Kingdom Come. Poch Suzara

I Do Not Agree

I do not agree that the truths of religion are beyond the power of reason. If they were, then religion was not made for human beings.I agree, however, that religious lies are for people devoid of thought. Indeed, religious people are incapable of critical analysis due to mental paralysis. Poch Suzara

Not Good Enough

I am told that no one is good enough to save himself, and no one is bad enough that God cannot save him. For my part, I ask: I am to be saved from what? Poch Suzara


Pagan culture in Greece gave birth to such concepts as democracy, rational philosophy, public libraries, theatres, and the Olympic games creating a blueprint for the modern world of science and technology. I ask: What about Christianity? During these past 2,000 years of existence, especially for the Philippines - the only Christian country in Asia, aside from the Filipino being the Sick man of Asia, what else has Christian values and beliefs given birth to? Poch Suzara


Most people associate Paganism with the myths of the gods of the Olympus. But if Paganism were so primitive and Christianity the one and only true religion, why was paganism or Pagan civilization replaced by a thousand years historians refer to as the Dark Ages? Poch Suzara

The Power of Reason

The power of reason is always more revealing, more lively, more inspiring, more enlightening, more penetrating, and in fact, sometimes, even more blinding.On the other hand, sadly, blind faith is the premature death and burial of human intelligence. Poch Suzara

I do not believe in Supernatural Morons

I do not believe in the existence of God or in the existence of the devil. I do not see any value whatsoever in believing in the existence of supernatural morons. Indeed, the mere fact that God and the devil, since time immemorial, have been fighting over to win the silly souls of men, makes them both moronic supernaturally. Poch Suzara

Questions Are Far More Precious

Questions are far more precious than answers because in time the answers become obsolete. Sadly, most people have all the answers, but no longer ask interesting questions. Wondering no more why there seems more stupidity generating our sick society as inspired by a sick Deity. Poch Suzara

Real Education

A real education has nothing to do with earning a college diploma. It has more to do with learning how to keep away from the evils of dogma, hogma, and pigma; especially as it keeps forever retarded the medulla oblongata. Poch Suzara

Fates Far more Deplorable

There are fates far more deplorable than death. For example, wasting away this precious life by preparing to be saved in the next life as if there is any. In the meantime, we all want to go to heaven, but why is it that nobody wants to die? Poch Suzara


America is not only the home of the brave and the land of the free. It is also a place where weapons of mass destruction are produced to drive other nations to buy such weapons in order to defend themselves against the American foreign policy. The US government apparently loves to substantiate the paradoxical theory that nations can keep themselves alive only by preparing to kill each other. Poch Suzara

The Philippines

The Philippines is one of the most progressive countries in Asia.It has ceased multiplying and substracting Filipinos locally for the sake of replenishing Filipino workers globally. Poch Suzara

A Stroke or a Heart Attack

A stroke or a heart attack is less damaging compared to the brain damaged caused by religious indoctrination during childhood. Religious faith cripples the mind and damages the heart for the rest of one's life. Poch Suzara

Tuesday, January 20, 2004


To explain the unknown in terms of the known is a logical necessity. But to explain the unknown in terms of the unknowable is a theological insanity. Indeed, theology may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, or whether what it is claiming makes sense to any one at all. Poch Suzara


The right to believe and to have faith are taught first in schools. Hardly, however, the right also to think and the right to question everything - the very foundation of science and the scientific way of thinking. Poch Suzara

Love and Sex

A man gives love in order to get sex. A woman gives sex in order to get love. It's a game men and women play together in order to multiply and replenish the earth with unwanted children who grow up to play the same old silly game over and over again. Poch Suzara