Thursday, May 13, 2004
Atheism and its history
In the history of atheism, no atheist has ever hanged, drowned, tortured, imprisoned, shot, killed, executed, or burned at the stake others for being an atheist. In fact, there has never been a war declared by atheists against other atheists. Indeed, in the atheistic philosophy, we have no such thing as the Chosen Atheists of the Godless. We have no belief system and that is why we do not have to hate others who do not believe in the existence of God. Indeed, we atheists do not cut each other's throat because we have no disagreement as to what exactly happens to people after their throats have been cut. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
I Am Told
I am told that the United States of America is the most richest and most powerful country in the world because the Americans believe in God. But if this were true, how come the Philippines is one of the poorest and most backward countries in the world despite the fact that we Filipinos do not only believe, but also love, worship, and adore God? In fact, in this God-forsaken country, we all love God up there by hating each other down here. Poch Suzara
Most people were shocked to hear Columbus say that the world is round, and not flat. Today, my friends and relatives are equally shocked with me. They are saying to me that I should change my attitude and stop insisting that we are destroying our round world with our flat silly values and flat silly beliefs. Poch Suzara
Most Men
Most people prefer to cling to what they know and not to what they must learn. Yet, the progress of human society is mostly depended on learning; and not just on knowing. Poch Suzara
Being Dead
The problem with being dead is that you would not know that you are already dead. How would you therefore know anything about being alive in the next world if in fact there is any? The famous high school dropout writer H.L. Mencken explained life after: "immorality is the condition of a dead man who does not know that he is dead." Poch Suzara
In All of Nature
In all of nature and its beauty, only one stands out naturally ugly and obscene - RELIGION. Sacred beliefs have yet to inspire men away from cutting each other's throat for the glory of the supernatural; specially as religious men cannot agree as to what will happen to them after their throats have been cut. Poch suzara
The Bible Commands
The holy bible commands that women bear children in pain and in sorrow. It simply means that mothers have no free will to ease the pain and suffering of child bearing as that is totally against the dictates of God's expressed divine will. Poch Suzara
Letter To Newsweek
Letter to Newsweek May 11/2004
Dear Sirs: Haven't you editors learned from the Philippines? As the only Christian country in Asia, we Filipinos love only two things: corruption and God. And due to corruption, we all love God up there by hating one another down here. Why are you proud to report that Christians are swelling in numbers in China today. Shame on you. And if your report were true, shame on China for now embracing beliefs and values that have kept Third World countries poor and backward.
Somebody ought to tell the newly converted Chinese Christians in China today that in the modern world today saving human minds and hearts is far more useful for the future of the human race than saving souls useless as a divine disgrace. Poch Suzara
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Thanks To Science
Thanks to science, we have more knowledge of our world today than our grandfathers knew yesterday. Now isn't it rather silly when we have to believe in the sacred words uttered long ago by silly men who knew even much less? And to think that such inspired authors knew no more than their own ancestors did. Poch Suzara
How Can We Grow
How can we grow as a people when we are taught to believe that there is a better life to live in other foreign countries? How can we mature as a nation when we are also taught to believe that there is a better life to come in the next world? In the meantime, we are also taught that true freedom comes not from choosing our way, but yielding only to God's way. No wonder corruption, in this God-forsaken country, corruption is the not the worst, but the best part - of our culture. Poch Suzara
Religious Crackpots
Religious crackpots took advantage of the child in you to learn and to believe in childish nonsense. Today the same religious crackpots continue to pray for you not to grow up. In this way, they continue to take advantage of the child in you. It always works; especially since they never cease to tell you to have faith since you have no other choice but to believe in your own free will. Poch Suzara
Not One Filipino
Not one Filipino has ever become filthy rich for believing that God is bad; yet millions of Filipinos are filthy poor for believing that God that is good. Poch Suzara
As An Atheist
As an atheist, I am most proud to have robbed death of its terror. I may be afraid of dying; but I am not afraid of death. What is even more important, however, is that as soon as I abandoned love and respect for a divine grace, I eventually found grace in my heart to have more compassion to the plight of the human race. Poch Suzara
Free Will Nonsense
Most of us believe that we have free will; yet we have forgotten those school days, when we were not free at all to question our teachers who frightened us to believe that, whether we like or not, we had no other free choice but to believe in free will. For my part, I say, good will makes more sense than free will. After all, no one had the opportunity to freely choose not to be born at all; especially to be born in this mad world! Poch Suzara Twitter# facebook# Google#
Saturday, May 01, 2004
I Refuse To Believe
I refuse to believe in the power of prayer. According to the bible, Jesus too often prayed. But as a God himself, how come he could not answer his own prayer? Otherwise, if he could answer his own prayer, how come crucified on the cross, he cried out: "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Poch Suzara
The Scientific Way
If you wish to prove that the scientific way of thinking is worthless, all you have to do is to prove with evidence that "evidence" is just as worthless; especially in the search of the truth which is precisely what science is all about - the search of the truth. If you can find the truth, more, much more than a Nobel Prize awaits you. Poch Suzara
Blind Faith
All of us children in school we were taught to cherish blind faith. Today as grown-ups we are even blind enough not to see that, for the most part, our schools, colleges, and universities are commercial enterprises, and educational institutions. Indeed, if we were a people educated with a vision of the here and the now, and educated with the power of reason, we would be not only be one of the richest people, but also one of the most advanced countries in Asia today. Poch Suzara
Bertrand Russell
Bertrand Russell wrote: "One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certain are stupid and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision." For my part, I am most proud that I am always full of doubt. Bertrand Russell may not have taught me how to become a professional philosopher; but he taught me how to be no longer a vacillating creature by having confidence in my own precious mind before believing the mind of others. Poch Suzara
Science Honesty
Faith-healers, astrologers, phrenologists, palmists, fortune tellers, magicians, crystal-gazers, ghosts, angels, devils are the playmates of the psuedoscientists. On the other hand, the true playmates of the scientists are reality, nature, observation, experimentation, and being honest as scientists cannot afford to be dishonest in the scientific community. Poch Suzara
We Are What We Are
We are what we are as a people partly because of Vatican trash. We are what we are as a nation partly because of Hollywood garbage. For my part, I envy the progress of human decency of other Asian countries not influenced by false values under the tradition of sacred, if not glamorous, lies. Poch Suzara
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