Friday, July 30, 2004
Wars over Revaled Truth
Think of it: There has never been a war declared over conflicting interpretation of the Multiplication Table. Yet, wars today are still ongoing over the Revealed Truth as stated in the Christian Holy Bible, in the Muslim Quoran, and in the Jewish Talmud. Poch Suzara
Thursday, July 22, 2004
The Poor Filipino
We are the poorest people on this earth. When we are in other countries, we work hard for the rich foreigners. When the rich foreigners are in our country, we work harder for them to make ourselves not richer, but poorer. Look how, despite our hard work, we managed to owe the foreigners some $58,000,000,000 (billion) dollars or P3,000,000,000,000 ( trillion ) pesos.Poch Suzara
Monday, July 19, 2004
The Original Atheist
I have great respect for Adam and Eve as depicted in the bible. They were not Christians in general nor Catholics in particular. And considering God in cahoots with the devil together to bring about the Fall of man, I would not be surprised if Adam and Eve ended up to be the original atheists who lived on this earth. Indeed, I am most proud to be an atheist myself. I think the idea of a divinity existing together with deviltry is an idea that eternally sucks! Poch Suzara
Sunday, July 18, 2004
Origin of Humankind
According to science, the origin of humankind transpired sometime within 2.5 million years ago. Life became aware of itself, and began to transform the world of nature to its own end. Not, however, according to religion in the Philippines. Everything began when the Spanish Friars arrived some 500 years ago to convert the Filipinos into the ways of the Lord Jesus Christ who was born in Israel some 2,000 years ago. Poch Suzara
To Believe
To believe is a most wonderful thing. You don't have the know what you believe; you don't even have to understand what it is you believe. In fact, as long as you never learn how to think, and you do not know or understand the nature of your beliefs, you are considered to be a faithful believer. Poch Suzara
Charter Change
In the Philippines, we are still talking about the need of a Charter change; but we desperately need is a character change. Poch Suzara
College Graduates
College graduates run the Philippines. As a high-school dropout, I am most proud that I play no part whatsoever in the stupid mess that is keeping the Philippines poor and backward. Poch Suzara
Poorly Educated
A poorly educated person is one who believes that to be thoughtful of others is one of the horrors that nature has imposed upon him. Poch Suzara
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Devoid of vision
Because the priesthood industry has imprisoned the Filipino mind with a vision of eternal happiness with God in heaven, it prevents him from seeing earthly solutions to national problems. Indeed, where there is vision of the here and the now people flourish; where there is only vision of life after death people perish. Poch Suzara
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
One Painful Thing
One of the most painful things in life: a stupid fellow who has no other recourse but to relate to you as only another stupid fellow. Poch Suzara
The Good Life
The good life should be like a good country or, for that matter, like a good world: - one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. For my part, however, my good life has been and still is inspired by my love for reading and studying the works of Bertrand Russell. Poch Suzara
Sunday, July 11, 2004
God's Existence
God's existence is not needed by those who have self-respect and dignity. God's existence is for those who are contented with their own timidity, and therefore have no taste to assume responsibility for humanity. Poch Suzara
The Concept of Evil
Evil is a concept of religion, not science. Evil is just one of the many fruits of ignorance. Science is in the daily business of eliminating not evil, but ignorance. It leaves evil alone as the secret behind the success of religion. Poch Suzara
Just to prove that our system of education is just as poor and backward as ever: there exist no active relationship of any kind between teachers, parents, students, together with the business community, a representative from the Police Department, and there is no representative from the Garbage and Trash Collection Department to remind the students to watch out for the garbage and trash being taught to them to love, worship, and adore. Poch Suzara
Poch Suzara
Poch Suzara
Our Sad Women
Our sad women do not even wonder why so many men they have sex with are so inept at satisfying them. Yet men are so competent at being selfish, greedy, stupid, and insane; not to mention violent and destructive. Does it seem natural? it is not. Men are made sick with sick values and sick beliefs as inspired by the teaching that God has gifted them with a Free will. Poch Suzara
The Church in Commerce
The Church is now the greatest of commercial enterprises existing anywhere in the world today. Indeed, the church has investments in mining, shipping, trading, importing, exporting, banking, buying up more real estates and prime properties. The church is even heavily invested in the manufacturing of arms and weapons of mass destruction as a preparation to make war against the unbelievers of the faith. Otherwise, how does one explain the wealth of the Church at par with the wealth of the United States government into trillion of dollars? Poch Suzara
Render unto
Render unto God the things that are God's; and unto the devil the things that are the devil's. Forget therefore your free will. It's a fight as to which of those two supernatural morons will win you over to either side. After all, your silly free will is nothing compared to the power God's will or to the power as well of the Devil's will. Poch Suzara
The Will of the Devil or the Will of God
I have more respect for the deviltry than I have for divinity. The devil never inspired authors to write a book called: the HOLY DEVIL. Indeed, the devil has never written a book to make poorer the minds of men or to frighten the hearts of women. Unlike the book called the holy bible written by inspired authors of God.
I must, however, admit that I am most grateful for the existence of the holy bible. I read it thoroughly and properly. The bible contents indeed convinced me that I will be better off as a saner, wiser, healthier, and happier person as an unbeliever of the faith. Indeed, as an atheist. Poch Suzara
United Religions
Since decades ago, a "United Nations" has already been established to explore peace and harmony among nations; and yet, since centuries ago, there is still no such thing as the "United Religions" to explore possibilities of peace on earth and goodwill to all men. Poch Suzara
Filipino Dentists
Most Filipno dentists are much more conversant with biblical theology than they are familiar with the latest in dental technology. 82 million of the population of 85 million Filipinos suffer from rotting teeth, decaying molars, and bleeding gums. Yet, most Filipino dentists are far more interested to save the souls of Fellow-Filipinos for heaven than to save their set of teeth on this earth. Poch Suzara
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