Sunday, January 16, 2005

Science is Honest

Science is honest enough to admit what it does not know. It proceeds with reason and observation. Religion is dishonest. It pretends to know what it does not know. Its mission has only to do with eternal salvation. For my part, I have no taste for rewards after my death. Instead, I love science. It has a much greater mission: to free mankind from superstition in all its forms, especially in the form of religion still stuck in the quagmire of its own concocted revelation. Poch Suzara

Nothing Versus Something

Science would never have understood the power of nature were it not for the power of reason and observation. Indeed, owing to the power of reason, science has been able to successfully observe the difference between what is natural, which is something, from what is supernatural, which is nothing. Poch Suzara

God Blames Man

God blames man for his fault; and in order to make the situation even more faulty, God decided to become a man. And to think that God had the bright idea of transforming himself into a Jew. The divine mission obviously failed in spite of the biblical declaration that the Jews are Chosen People of God. Poch Suzara

It's all a Game

Little boys and girls enjoy playing the game called “HIDE AND SEEK.” Mindless men and heartless women love to play the same game too. They call it “SEEK AND CAN FIND GOD.” Happily, most of these men and women now silently agree that God could no longer be found inside a Church or inside a Cathedral or inside a temple or even inside a synagogue. In fact, if God were already existing here, there, and everywhere, why waste seeking Him anywhere? Poch Suzara

The Infidel Jesus

The bible proves Jesus himself was an infidel. Tim 5:8 states clearly: “But if any of you provide not for his own, and especially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.” Well, in the same bible, Jesus admonished: “Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.” Matt. 6:34. Poch Suzara

The Pope and God and World Peace

As a Catholic boy then I was most proud of the Pope who prayed daily to God for world peace. Today, an old man, I am not only ashamed of the Pope, I am even more ashamed of God. There is still no peace on earth or even goodwill to all men. Meantime, this week, civilized humanity from civilized countries have sent billions of dollars worth of food, clothing, and medicine to help the hundreds of thousands of poor victims who survived the Tsunami Disaster in South Asia recently. But the Pope offered only mass and prayer for the victims. No wonder even priests and nuns are walking out disgusted with the Catholic hierarchy. In the meantime, I ask: Is it possible that there is no peace on earth because so many billions of people embrace conflicting religious beliefs that have more to do with hate this world and to look forward only to a better life to come after death in the next worth? Poch Suzara

The Failure of prayer

“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:16. The same bible, however, also admits: “There is none righteous, no, not one.” Rom. 3:10. And to think that we Filipinos have not ceased praying to God to “give us this day our daily bread and to lead us not into temptation.” Poch Suzara

Only God Can Make a Tree

“A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.” Matt. 7:18. And to think that only God can make a tree.

Disciples's Descendants

“And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness.” Matt 10:1. I pity, indeed, those disciples gifted with power to heal all manner of diseases failed miserably to cure the sick maniacs who, over nothing, crucified Christ on the cross? But where on earth today are the descendants of those disciples? How come they all disappeared? Perhaps, they are the “faith-healers” in the Philippines today claiming to heal all manner of diseases?
Poch Suzara

The Peacemakers

“Blessed are the peacemakers.” Matt. 5:9. Again, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. John 14:27. A graceful message, indeed, from a Savior who also gracefully admitted: “I came not to send peace, but a sword, and to set families against themselves.” Matt. 10:34-37. And who also peacefully announced: “But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.” Luke 19:27. And who also gracefully warned: “…he that hath no sword, let him sell his garments, and buy one.” Luke 22:36. Indeed, piss on you too! Poch Suzara

Every Child

Every child born in this world is an atheist, and, if he grows up with faith, his faith differs with the country in which he may happen to be born, or the people amongst whom he may happen to be indoctrinated. His faith therefore is the result of local teachings. Thus, throughout the world the religion of people is determined, by and large, by geographical accident of birth. In the Philippines, the Filipinos are Christians; in Japan, Shintoists; in China, Buddhists or Confucians; in Italy, Catholics; in India, Brahmans; in Indonesia, Muslims; in America, Baptists or Methodists or Lutherans, etc. What these people were taught during infancy they continue to believe up to senility; and they die in the faith in which they have lived. For my part, as I have learned to think for myself, I thank “the gods” I was born an atheist. I am not only free of religion; I am free from religion. Poch Suzara

Faith Versus Reason

To have faith in reason is a needless waste of energy. Reason can easily explain the nature of faith. Faith, however, can never explain the nature of reason. Meanwhile, Reason is not just one tool inside a Tool Box. Reason is the whole Tool Box itself. For my part, I am in love with reason. It has led me to atheism as religion is a malicious authority, and the God of the priesthood industry is a ferocious absurdity. Poch Suzara


There are those who thank God for having survived a natural calamity. Those, however, who die from the flood and landslide have no one to thank except begin to enjoy immortality: – the condition of those already dead but who refuse to believe that they are already dead. Poch Suzara

See You in Heaven Hogwash

“My kingdom is not of this world.” John 18:36. Jesus could have been more honest. By simply revealing the exact whereabouts of his kingdom located in which galaxy. And by what mode of transportation to utilize to get there. There are billions of galaxies each comprising millions of planets and stars out there. In the meantime, more than a 100 billion people have already lived and died on this planet earth since God knows when. And yet, as frightened and dumbstruck religious morons, we all want to go to the kingdom of God in heaven, though none of us want to depart away from this kingdom of man on this earth. Poch Suzara

Dead Lazarus

Jesus raised the dead Lazarus back to life. Lazarus was so dumbstruck in that he bothered not any of the inspired authors of the bible to clearly relate to them his discovery of the reality of immortality. Indeed, what is it like to experience life after death; or, at least to convey if there were Americans in Heaven, Arabs in Hell, Jews in Limbo or Filipinos in Purgatory? Poch Suzara

Blessed are the Poor in Sprit

“Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matt. 5:3. I ask: how exactly do we love our mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, and yes how do we even love our own life and love this world also if, indeed, we were not precisely rich in spirit? Poch Suzara

The Resourceful God

If God is the source of everything, where was God located to help those who survived after the Tsunami Disaster that killed hundreds of thousands of people and other living creatures, and destroyed billions of dollars worth of properties? Indeed, God is not a lively object, but a deadly subject: the ultimate mystery, not a lovable nor an embraceable entity. For my part, I have great admiration for the Fireman who saves a child inside a burning building considering the Fireman himself did not start the fire! Poch Suzara

The Perfect God

If a perfect God made man in His own image and likeness, how come man is not perfect? In fact, man is still unfinished, crude and incomplete, and still evolving, not to mention burdened with biblical lies and crippled with theological baggage? Poch Suzara

God's Existence

I am told that God has neither a beginning nor an end? Let's assume, for the sake of argument that God has been in existence for more than 750,000,000 (million) years? Now, if I live as long as 75 years on this earth, how much time, in ratio, do I have to end up as a saint of God; or, as the case may be, to end up as a sinner against God? Would you believe that, by a simple arithmetic, I have much much less than 7 and a half miliseconds long to carry out either of the silly infantile task! Poch Suzara

The American Way of Life

In the Protestant bible, it says: “Let no man seek his own, but every man another’s wealth.” 1 Cor. 10:24. In the Catholic bible, it says: “Let no man pursue his own interests, but the interest of the other.” 1 Cor. 10:24. In either case, the inspired author must have had in mind the American way of life when they wrote those sacred verses. Poch Suzara