Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Progress of Ideas

Unless it is a progress of ideas, progress is destructive. The Entropy Law sees to that: each time order is created, the consequence is eventual disorder. Examples of pollution, of extinct animal species, of eroded landscape – in short – of exhausted resources – are evidences of progress not of ideas, but progress of human stupidity. Poch Suzara

For Christ's Sake

More than six million people, mostly Jews, but also gypsies, political opponents, homosexuals, prisoners of war, and freedom fighters were gassed to death inside crematoriums build throughout Germany generated with the power of faith. In his MEIN KAMPF, Adolf Hitler wrote: “I believe I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jews, I am fighting for the works of
the Lord.” Poch Suzara

Bible Lies

The truth has only one version. Lies have many. Thus, there are 57 different versions of the holy Bible for sale in bookstores today. But there is only one Multiplication Table – the perfect model of truth – free from ignorance and contradictions. In fact, 2 plus 2 equals 4 as a perfect model of truth is not even mentioned in any of the conflicting chapters of the silly bible. In the meantime, here are examples of lies written in the Bible: “I have seen God face to face.” Gen. 32:30. “No man has seen God at any time.” John 1:18. As a matter of fact, what does it really matter whether one has seen God or has not seen God? What will it chang? How will the existence of God make this world a better place to live in? In fact, the existence of God is totally irrelevant, completely useless, if not shamelessly worthless to human affairs. Poch Suzara

The Filipino People

If a people believe that God will always provide; if they believe that Christ will soon return with his Mother of Perpetual Help; if they believe that there is power in prayer behind the coming Savior; and that this life is nothing as compared to the next life in the next world to come with God in heaven - such people can best be described as the Filipino – the Sick Man of Asia. Poch Suzara

Corruption in the Philippines

Corruption is here, there, and everywhere in the Philippines. It is just like the existence of God present here, present there, and present everywhere. Look, however, at the priesthood industry also omniscient in the Philippines. How they love to support and maintain corruption. Corruption inspires everybody to seek God’s forgiveness of sin and pardon of crime that continue to benefit the priesthood industry. In the meantime, take a look at their already mind-boggling wealth deposited in the Vatican Bank. Poch Suzara

We Love only God Up There

Look at how we all love God up there, by hating one another down here. Consider how in this only Catholic country in Asia we Filipinos have no trust in God. Well, I said it before, I say it again: As soon as God-fearing security guards need no longer be employed to assist our God-fearing policemen to help secure and protect the wealth of our God-fearing church officials and their God-fearing partners in commerce and their God-fearing associates; not to mention our God-fearing government buildings, hospitals, banks, schools, colleges, universities, shopping malls, commercial and residential buildings, expensive residential villages, movie theaters, restaurants, churches, and cathedrals, public parks, museums, including the building of the National Bureau of Investigation - I believe we can begin to trust God in this only Catholic country in Asia. Poch Suzara

Pope John Paul 11

Pope John Paul 11 fell ill and immediately rushed to the hospital to take advantage of the power of medical science. Nobody, however, thought of rushing the Head of the Catholic Church to a Cathedral to take advantage of the power of prayer. Poch Suzara

Silly Sinners

Silly sinners have yet to grasp the real nature of the Revealed Truth that has yet to be revealed: - behind the Original Sin was the powerful Original Creator. Poch Suzara

Bible Readers

Bible readers have yet to find existing somewhere in this world the living Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil mentioned in the bible? Perhaps that same Tree of knowledge can tell us where exactly may we also find living today the Talking Burning Bush and Talking Serpent and Talking Donkey mentioned in the bible. Poch Suzara

A Deadly World

What can one expect of a world where half of its population believe in Allah, and the other half believe in God? And the rest who do not believe in either God or Allah, believe nevertheless in some other kind of superstitious nonsense. Bertrand Russell, In his The Prospect of Industrial Civilization, wrote it quite clearly: “Governors of the world believe, and have always believe, that virtue can only be taught by teaching falsehood, and that any man who knew the truth would be wicked. I disbelieve this, absolutely and entirely. I believe that the love of the truth is the basis of all real virtue, and that virtues based upon lies can only do harm.” Poch Suzara

Free Will Not So Free

Is it true that God gifted man with a free will because God does not want man to be like robots? If, however, men were free to choose between good and evil how come the Arabs have the free will to be Muslims, the Americans have the free will to be Christians, and the Jews have the free will to be Jewish? Are we to believe that God also has not only the free will but also the free thrill to enjoy watching the Jews and the Christians and the Muslims freely hate and freely kill each other in his name and for his glory? In the meantime, what has free will got to do with the freedom OF religion? It seems to me free will has more to do with the freedom FROM religion. Poch Suzara

The Almighty Dollar

It is all about the crock of greed. In the Philippines, the US Embassy charges $300 per applicant for a visa to visit the USA whether it is approved or disapproved by the US Ambassador. Exclusive of other charges for other consular services, the US Embassy earns off Filipinos about 2 BILLION PESOS yearly. Imagine that every 25 years. That’s a 50 BILLION PESOS or $1 BILLION DOLLARS minus the Philippine economy but a plus for the US economy earned not by trade or commerce but by American diplomacy. In the meantime, the per capita income of the 88 million Filipinos today is $200 dollars per year. These are the same Filipinos who are hoping to migrate and earn a better living in foreign countries one day. Poch Suzara

Poor Americans

America may be the riches and the greatest country in the world; but America has yet to win love and respect of people living around the world. No doubt, a great many people throughout the world would love to live in America, but millions of Americans, specially its lonely senior citizens existing on low social security income, are now living happily in many other foreign countries. Not to mention the more than 130 million Americans who are now politically homeless in the USA. They are no longer a viable part of the rich corporations that owns and controls even the White House in Washington. Indeed, we Americans should stop behaving like consumers of politics; we should, instead, act like the creators of politics that precisely gave birth to the United States of America. Poch Suzara

American Freedom and Democracy

If the native Indians were properly compensated (trillion of dollars worth today) in precious land stolen from them by the White Man, I will believe freedom exist in America. If the freethinkers and atheists, and not just the Jesus freaks, have equal opportunity to run for government office in the US, I will believe democracy exist in America. If the Black Americans were duly compensated for having their ancestors from Africa transported to America to work as slaves, I will believe that America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. Meanwhile, America may have installed democracy in the Philippines. But only after having paid Spain some $20 millions dollars to the Spanish king that never owned the Philippines to begin with. Poch Suzara

Think of It

The terrorism against the Christians is committed in Allah’s good name. The terrorism against the Muslims is committed in God’s good name. We have yet to hear of terrorism in the world committed in Satan’s bad name. Poch Suzara

Religion and the US Government

Religion in the US government is quite unique. It can fly. It has wings. It is known as the US Air force. And if religion continues to dominate the Bush administration innocent blood, enough to float the US Navy, will continue to flow. It did yesterday in the rivers of Korea, Vietnam, Guatemala, Grenada, Panama, Cambodia, Lebanon, Nicaragua, and the Persian Gulf. Today in the rivers of Iraq, and soon in the rivers of Iran too. Poch Suzara


Our Founding Fathers knew that government must change as the time changes. Thomas Jefferson himself, in a mature reflection, declared: “Some men look at constitutions with sanctimonious reverence and deem them like the ark of covenant, too sacred to be touched. They ascribe to the men of the preceding age a wisdom more than human, and suppose what they did to be beyond amendment . . . I am certainly not an advocate for frequent and untried changes in laws and constitutions. . . But I also know that laws and institutions must go hand and hand with the progress of the human mind. . . As new discoveries are made, new truths disclosed, and manners and opinions change with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also, and keep pace with the times.” As democracy has decayed in America, theocracy has gotten back on track. Poch Suzara

What's Wrong With America

A hairstylist must pass a licensing exam before he could practice his trade in America. But any low I.Q. superstitious Texan or Hollywood ham actor with the solid backing from religious freaks and rich corporations can qualify to become president of the USA. Indeed, anybody can become president of the USA and that is precisely the problem. Poch Suzara

Hope For Peace

The best hope for peace in the world is via the expansion of freedom. Not, however, by way of the freedom installed by the U.S. government which is only about the freedom to succeed in trade and commerce. The U.S. government is ready to liberate and to install freedom in countries that are rich in oil deposits and rich in other commercial opportunities. Indeed, if a typical American does not give a hoot to his next door neighbor right in American soil, why should he give a hoot to his foreign neighbors around the globe? Poch Suzara

Catholic Bishops

Even though our rapid population growth keeps the Filipino poor as a people, the Catholic Bishops welcome more babies. Millions of them, however, destined to a life of religious attitudes and behaviors that lead to widespread poverty. And to think these babies, many of them born unwanted, are produced yearly in vast quantities by unpaid and unskilled labor who enjoy their work. The Bishops could not care less about the coming of the Lord to assist the Filipino become healthy, wealthy, and wise as a nation. Instead, they say that, whilst the Lord has not yet returned, we can all enjoy God’s greatest gift of “free will” by choosing the good away from the evil. In this case, according to the Bishops, we must always choose good pregnancy over the evils of serious family planning and birth control contraceptives. In the meantime, it’s incredible to see how the child-bearers themselves, the women, virtually have no say on the matter. It’s the men, specially the bishops of the Church, - always deciding for women what not to do. I ask you women: Aside from your minds and hearts already surrendered to the Priesthood Industry, must you also surrender your reproductive system? In the meantime, where is the free will of the Bishops to choose human dignity for the Filipino as a people? Why choose only more of the same old religious insanity, poverty and misery? Why are the bishops keeping our free will not free at all? Look how we must obey the bishops calling for a continued production of unwanted babies for the Filipinos who are already quite famous as the Sick Man of Asia throughout the world? For my part, as I believe that a “good will” is much more sensible than a “free will.” I say to you Bishops: Shame on you for believing that the population growth of the Philippines is a matter of good sexual morality based upon divine authority. On the contrary, my dear Bishops, the population explosion in the Philippines is an issue of economic perversity, if not social insanity, as inspired by historical mediocrity. And to think that God Himself practiced family planning and birth control. He had begotten with a Virgin Mary only one Son, didn’t He? Poch Suzara