Thursday, March 17, 2005
What does it really Matter
What does it really matter if people do believe or disbelieve in God? Look at the more than 100,000,000,000 people who already lived and died on this earth. God never gave a hoot whether those people died rich or poor; died young or old; died sane or insane; or, hated and killed each other in wars declared in His name on earth or for His glory in heaven! Poch Suzara
What God decides
If it were true that what God decides to do with the souls of men were none of man’s business, then where is man’s precious free will to decide anything of value or importance for himself? Poch Suzara
It is Incredible
It is incredible, indeed, how God is suppose to be present here, always present there, and always present everywhere and yet, nobody has yet seen God anywhere. Moreover, if it is true that God is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent why did we have to build monuments to human stupidity otherwise known as churches and cathedrals? Poch Suzara
A Filipino Saint
After 500 years of Christianity, no Filipino has yet achieved sainthood for doing God’s work in Philippine soil. But we do have a Lorenzo Ruiz canonized recently as a saint for doing God’s work in Japan some 200 years ago. He was executed by the Japanese authority for doing God’s work in Japan. And to think that up to today the Japanese still do not believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Poch Suzara
World Peace
As long as there is to be made hugh profits in the manufacturing, selling, trading, importing or exporting of weapons from the arms industry by governments to settle disputes between nations - peace on earth and goodwill to all men will never become a reality. Not in a million years. Indeed, if you want war, prepare for war! However, if you want peace, prepare for peace! Poch Suzara
Philippine Democracy
After more than 60 years of democracy in this country, we have yet to lessen its vices, and bring out its natural advantages. We have already perceived the evils of democracy, yet we are still ignorant of the larger benefits it may bring. How has this been impossible? Very easy! On top of our democracy has always been a theocracy. On top of our politicians are the theologians with the wealth, power, and glory to determine who amongst our stupid politicians will go to heaven and who will end up in Purgatory. Imagine men and women of this country, with college education, in this 21st century, still believing the claims of ancient superstition from the religious morons. Poch Suzara
It’s a Good Thing
It’s a good thing God failed to break His own record at Tsunami Disaster in South Asia last December, 2004. After all, more people were drowned throughout the world during Noah’s Flood according to the bible. And to think that millions of innocent men, women, and children gifted with a free will from God had no free choice to escape away from the mass extinction by drowning. Poch Suzara
The Apostle Paul
The apostle Paul’s dictum: “Servant, be obedient to your master.” In the Philippines, in order to avoid eternal punishment in hell, we must be obedient to our master - the men of the priesthood industry. For God’s sake, even the average Filipina with an average intelligence must cater to, if not always obey, the pronouncements of the silly priests still in control of this only Christian country in Asia. Poch Suzara
One Nation Under God
America encompasses every religious group in the world including Buddhists, Shintoists, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Confucians, Lutherans, Baptists, Catholics and others. In fact, there are over 1,350 denominations and sects. If America were one nation under God, which God? Poch Suzara
Why do I remain an atheist
If I were to take seriously the believers of God’s existence, they must elucidate, not only what they claim to know, but explain exactly how they arrived at their knowledge. If they did not acquire knowledge through their senses, by what other means, if any, did they acquire it? The burden of explanation lies with them. If they uphold their beliefs in the absence of rational grounds, then they are dogmatists, not atheists. We atheists do not care to believe, but we want to know. If explanations are not forthcoming, as an atheist I will remain an atheist proud of the ultimate of freedom: the freedom of thought. Meanwhile, the goal of atheism is to promote precisely that ultimate freedom of honest thinking. Poch Suzara
Laws in the Philippines
There are two separate laws in the Philippines: the law of God and the law of man. Even Filipino lawyers believe that the law of man should be under the law of God. And to think these brilliant lawyers have been highly trained in law school to be experts in the art of cross examination. Poch Suzara
Jesus and Jose Rizal and the Sick Man of Asia
In the Philippines Lenten Season is that time of the year when the faithful multitudes are not allowed to eat meat on Fridays. What is encouraged, if not inspired however, is to live like pigs, behave like chickens, and to think like cows during the rest of the year.
After all, The Lent season (40 days) is the preparation with prayers and fasting for the commemoration of the death and resurrection of Jesus in a foreign land some 2,000 years ago.
Well, the Christmas season in the Philippines is that time of the year (5 months, from October to December to January of the New Year as the colorful celebration of the birth of Christ.
As for our national hero Jose Rizal, only a handful Filipino intellectuals celebrate his birth anniversary June 19, 1861 with sincere nationalism, and commemorate his death anniversary December 30, 1896 with much horrors in thought against Catholicism - the killer of our national hero.
In the ultimate analysis, millions upon millions of Filipinos - the Jesus-freaks of this only Catholic country in Asia deny vehemently that they are NOT among the Sick Man of Asia. Poch Suzara
After all, The Lent season (40 days) is the preparation with prayers and fasting for the commemoration of the death and resurrection of Jesus in a foreign land some 2,000 years ago.
Well, the Christmas season in the Philippines is that time of the year (5 months, from October to December to January of the New Year as the colorful celebration of the birth of Christ.
As for our national hero Jose Rizal, only a handful Filipino intellectuals celebrate his birth anniversary June 19, 1861 with sincere nationalism, and commemorate his death anniversary December 30, 1896 with much horrors in thought against Catholicism - the killer of our national hero.
In the ultimate analysis, millions upon millions of Filipinos - the Jesus-freaks of this only Catholic country in Asia deny vehemently that they are NOT among the Sick Man of Asia. Poch Suzara
Terrorism is not a country or a thing but – a method to make war – a technique. Who then has declared war against the greatest of basic terror: – the shocking of the minds of innocent children taught in school to believe in sacred lies and other superstitious nonsense? Indeed, the worst of terrorists are not half as immorally insane as those who, in God’s name, continue to terrorize the minds of boys and the hearts of girls in schools taught to embrace sacred lies and other falsehoods. Poch Suzara
“With the exception of pure mathematics,” wrote Bertrand Russell, “every science has had to begin by fighting to establish its right to exist.” In the Philippines, however, the Christian religion, especially the Catholic religion, has had the right to exist without opposition from any one, or any thing, whatsoever. In fact, owing to Christianity, there is hardly anything that can be valued as the existence of viable science in this only Christian country in Asia. Poch Suzara
Filpino Families
Filipino families believe themselves to be rich because they live in the expensive villages of Makati city. In fact, they are the people who are suffering from the worst kind of poverty – the poverty of the mind: - They still believe and have deep faith in the same obsolete values and other silly beliefs that characterized those brutal centuries historically known as the Dark Ages. On the contrary, rich families, like rich individuals, are those precisely who are deeply involved with changing reality: they learn to refashion their goals and aims that help create a sane society. Poch Suzara
LaSallite Minds
Confucius say: Ordinary minds talk about people. Average minds talk about events. Great minds talk about ideas. In the Philippines, however, De La Salle college students are awarded a diploma so that they never have to talk about their minds long dead and gone since grade school. In fact, highly educated LaSallites have not ceased thanking God for their college diploma – the piece of paper that certifies publicly that education is over and done with. Poch Suzara
Two Kinds of Free Will
There are two kinds of free will – the phony and the real kind. The phony free will has only to do with the freedom of religion. The real free will has only to do with the freedom from religion. Iask: what purpose is there for the existence of free will if you were punished for choosing one way; but, rewarded for choosing the other way? Free will is utterly meaningless unless you also enjoy the ultimate of freedom – the freedom to choose or not to choose. Poch Suzara
Quality of Life
The Church could not care less about the quality of life. For the sake of saving souls, what’s essential to the Church is the quantity of life. The more souls there are to be saved, the business is better for the Church. Thus, the evils of family planning and birth control practice – the only way the Church stays in business for wealth, power, and glory.
Yes, abortion is evil. Besides, it is no fun to kill a baby inside the mother’s womb. It’s called murder; and murder is a crime. What’s more fun, however, is to let the babies be conceived, let them be born, let them grow up a bit, give them a fighting chance, and then kill them. Kill them with malnutrition, filthy surroundings, parental neglect, diseases, or asphyxia from vehicular soot and lead. Indeed, many of the nation’s poor children play, trade, sell, eat and sleep, poo and pee, and God knows what else they do – in the streets of our major cities. What’s our purpose of being so overly concerned of babies not yet existing, and at the same time be stupid and apathetic to children not only already existing but also already dying? Isn’t this the height of religious hypocrisy? If we do not abandon our children in the streets, we abandon them in school. There, for the most part, they are taught not how to stand up to needs of the human race, but how to kneel down to divine grace. How to seek a life of piety by ignoring knowledge and wisdom that helps carry on a decent and a healthy society. Instead, they learn how to love divinity by hating humanity. Poch Suzara
Yes, abortion is evil. Besides, it is no fun to kill a baby inside the mother’s womb. It’s called murder; and murder is a crime. What’s more fun, however, is to let the babies be conceived, let them be born, let them grow up a bit, give them a fighting chance, and then kill them. Kill them with malnutrition, filthy surroundings, parental neglect, diseases, or asphyxia from vehicular soot and lead. Indeed, many of the nation’s poor children play, trade, sell, eat and sleep, poo and pee, and God knows what else they do – in the streets of our major cities. What’s our purpose of being so overly concerned of babies not yet existing, and at the same time be stupid and apathetic to children not only already existing but also already dying? Isn’t this the height of religious hypocrisy? If we do not abandon our children in the streets, we abandon them in school. There, for the most part, they are taught not how to stand up to needs of the human race, but how to kneel down to divine grace. How to seek a life of piety by ignoring knowledge and wisdom that helps carry on a decent and a healthy society. Instead, they learn how to love divinity by hating humanity. Poch Suzara
Sex Experts
The Filipino boys and girls know everything there is to know about sex. They have, in the streets, acquired all the necessary information needed. As a matter of fact, these young boys and girls are such experts at making babies no matter what cost to society. They even know and duly accept that unwanted pregnancy is not really the result of irresponsible sex, but a wonderful product of God’s will. Poch Suzara
Our Women
Women – the most precious half of the whole of mankind – they are what mothers and grandmothers are made of; what wives and daughters are made of; what sisters and nieces and aunts are made of. And yet in the Philippines, we allow our poor women to live in the slum areas, to sweep our streets, to beg in the streets, to work as household maids or as hospitality girls in foreign countries. In fact, a vital component of the Philippine economy is based on prostitution, from which the men profit much more than the women, many of whom are employed, nay, enslaved by men. When we degrade the status of women, we degrade at the same time, children; especially the male children who grow up, if at all, dumbstruck as they generate our sick society. I ask: how may we survive as a nation if we continue to treat our women like they were 3rd class citizens of the Republic. Poch Suzara
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