Saturday, August 27, 2005
Who Is God
Science has no answer to the question: who are we and why are we here? Well, neither has religion. Religion, however, has a wild guess. It claims that God created us and that is why we are here. However, if this were true, then we must ask: Who is God? Where did He come from? Why is He way out there? Why is He not down here? Poch Suzara
We Atheists
As atheists, we should address ourselves thoughtfully to the reduction of human suffering. No need to thoughtlessly negate the task of educating people to believe that this world is our world. It is the only world we know. There is no other world out there for us after we are dead. Robert G. Ingersoll wrote: The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. And the way to be happy is to make others also happy.” Poch Suzara
Thursday, August 25, 2005
A Devout Christian
A faithful believer who never, not even for a moment, doubted the Christian doctrines taught to him to believe and who does not go insane has the heart of a snake, the conscience of a hyena, and the ambition of a crackpot. Poch Suzara
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
A Stupid Man
A stupid man, devoid of intellect, believes, naturally, everyone is just as stupid as he is. Sometimes,it is true, I envy the stupid man. He has no need to pursue new or fresh ideas to make sense of life. He sees nothing around him. He is more comfortable and happy holding on to his blind faith that got him to be stupid to begin with. Poch Suzara
A Reader Writes:
For you not to believe in God, you sure do talk about Him a lot. It seems you are obsessed with Him, only in a bad way. So you believe there's no God? I can only say this, when you depart from this world, you had better be right. I would rather believe there is a God in Heaven and be wrong, as to believe there were none, and be wrong.”
My response: to begin with, who told you that after death we can depart away from this world unto a next world? Where is that next world located? Do you have a map on how to get there? And how do you know it is a God, not a Goddess out there waiting for you? All I know is that this world is our world. The only world we know. But then again, if there were indeed life after death, then we must do our best to leave this world a better place than how we found it. At least as a legacy for our children’s children. Why concern yourselves with eternal salvation since there is first the works needed to improve human civilization? As to my obsession with a God that does not exist, I plead guilty. What other harmful idea is there that has done more harm to mankind than the silly idea that there is a God existing out there so full of love and mercy and justice for people on this earth? Thank you for writing. Poch Suzara
My response: to begin with, who told you that after death we can depart away from this world unto a next world? Where is that next world located? Do you have a map on how to get there? And how do you know it is a God, not a Goddess out there waiting for you? All I know is that this world is our world. The only world we know. But then again, if there were indeed life after death, then we must do our best to leave this world a better place than how we found it. At least as a legacy for our children’s children. Why concern yourselves with eternal salvation since there is first the works needed to improve human civilization? As to my obsession with a God that does not exist, I plead guilty. What other harmful idea is there that has done more harm to mankind than the silly idea that there is a God existing out there so full of love and mercy and justice for people on this earth? Thank you for writing. Poch Suzara
Another Reader Writes
“Isn’t religion meant to be flawed since the proponents are flawed themselves? Religion has indeed brought out the worst in people but we can’t refute that it has also brought out the best out of people. Nothing is absolute. There may only be balance in this crazy world we live in. Even though, the God concept maybe a lie, what a beautiful lie it is with an amazing placebo effect. I have come to believe that humans need to have something greater than themselves to aspire too... to follow. Is that so wrong?”
My reply: Why ignore our family, our country, and all of mankind – that are greater realities than ourselves? Why negate such beauties? You admit that the God concept may be a lie, but what a beautiful lie it is with its placebo effect? Indeed, the placebo effect of such lies have tremendously helped the Vatican in this century to be worth more than THREE TRILLION DOLLARS in cash, properties and other assets? Are you saying that the Philippines – the only Catholic country in Asia – should remain poor and backward by maintaining for itself more of the religious lies in the centuries to come? Do you really believe that a lie has brought out the best among Filipinos as a people? In the meantime, listen to Bertrand Russell: “There is something feeble, a little contemptible, about a man who cannot face the perils of life without comfortable myths.” Poch Suzara
Christians in the Philippines
Christians in this God-forsaken Philippines cannot afford not to love and worship and indeed cannot live without God. This is only because there is no one else but God who can forgive daily sins as well as pardon daily crimes. Indeed, thanks to the Sacrament of Forgiveness we are all enjoying ourselves as a society of sinners, and also proud of ourselves as a nation govern by insane criminals? In the meantime, what growth and development can be expected of a nation where its people are educated to save, first and foremost, their silly souls by belittling the power of their minds and hearts? Poch Suzara
Faith in Divine Garbage
If God were the first cause of everything, how come as the Original Creator He was not the first cause of the Original Sin? Why blame Adam and Eve? As a matter of fact, for the Fall of Man, I should blame first the devil who, in the shape of a Talking Serpent, molested Eve to bring down Adam. But here’s a better question: who do you really blame when you meet people whose views have been twisted and distorted by their faith in divine garbage? Poch Suzara
Christ Guilty of What
Was Christ guilty of heinous crimes that He deserved to be crucified on the cross? Luke 23:5 says: “He stirred up the people, teaching throughout all Jewry, beginning from Galilee to this place.” According to John 18:1, however: “Then said Pilate unto them, take ye him, and judge him according to your law.” The Jews therefore said him: “ It is not lawful for any of us to put any man to death.” Why then should the Jews want Christ be put to death on the cross for teaching Jewry? Poch Suzara
Power for the Apostles
“Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases.” Luke 9:1. Indeed, with such power and authority, the disciples were able to resurrect the dead Jesus back to life. Sadly however, they could not apply the same miraculous power and authority to raise to life their own dead mental faculties. Otherwise, they could have also raised their own Jewish land and Jewish people into a Catholic country like they did the Philippines - the only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century. Poch Suzara
The Lord Is Gracious
The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion: slow to anger, and of great mercy. The Lord is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works. Ps. 145: 8 – 9. If that were the case, why did the Lord together with his relatives in heaven create hell for the relatives of Adam and Eve on earth? But then again, what can one think of a Lord so gracious and full of compassion - who can create a universe, but unable as yet to create land for His Chosen people – the Jews on this earth? Poch Suzara
If Atheism were a Religion
If Atheism were a religion, how come we Atheists have no faith as Atheism has nothing to do with the diffusion of fear or the confusion of ignorance? On second thought, perhaps Atheism is a religion. After all, we atheist believe that the theists created God in their image and likeness. Poch Suzara
A Loving and Merciful God
God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they might all be damned. 2 Thess 2:11-12. Indeed, a religion, even if it calls itself the religion of love and mercy, must be hateful and unmerciful to those who do not agree to belong to it. Poch Suzara
Buddha Before the Time of Jesus
Prove all things; hold fast to what is good. 1 Thess 5:21. How true, except for the historical fact that Buddha, the atheist that he was, already said the same thing thousands of years before the time of Christ. Poch Suzara
Jesus - Apathetic to World Peace
Although Jesus possessed the miraculous powers to put an end to killings between men via wars between nations, Jesus accepted the concept of war with these admissions: “And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. Matthew. 24: 6-7. See also see Mark 13: 7-8. Poch Suzara
A Real Saint
God has yet to canonize not a good for nothing, but a good for something saint: The saint who has ceased helping the poor because he has finally eliminated poverty out of the community permanently. The saint who, with the miraculous powers from divinity, has successfully abolished mental slavery as that is the root-cause of misery and poverty and indeed the foundation of a sick and sinful society. Poch Suzara
Who are the Freethinkers?
The freethinkers are just like the scientific thinkers. They do not have all the answers, but they are always open to all the questions. In fact, the freethinkers and the scientific thinkers are always more fascinated with the questions than they are with the answers. After all, the answers, in time, become obsolete, if not irrelevant. Indeed, without the freedom to think freely or to think scientifically, we could not formulate deeper questions for ourselves in the search of the truth. Poch Suzara
Science and Immortality
Science tells us that for immortality to be a reality, it must consist of both HEREAFTER and HEREBEFORE or else there is no immortality. Only the infinity of stupidity. Indeed, why should immortality begin only at birth? And to think that despite the promise of eternal salvation, the after-life of heavenly bliss, most people will do anything to postpone the inevitable triumph of biological death. Poch Suzara
100 Billion people
More than a 100 Billion people have already lived and died since Christ died on the cross. A great many of them have been killed in wars waged in God’s name and for His glory. And to think that God is still so desperate, if not so lonely. He seems to need, insatiably, more love, more worship, and more adoration from more people. Is God that cold-blooded perfection so lost in self-admiration? In the meantime, most religious people have beliefs that are quite childish. Specially as such beliefs are based not upon the reality of evidence, but upon the fantasy of evidence otherwise known as divine providence. Poch Suzara
My Wicked Dream
My religious friends and relatives believe me to be a wicked man as I related to them my dream: to establish a public library in every town in the Philippines. And the main part of those public libraries will also serve as the Center of Information for family planning and birth control for both college school boys and college girls and for married and un-married couples. Poch Suzara
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