Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Filipino Progress

Filipino progress can only be born of questions and doubts. Barren of questions and other inquiries the TREE OF FILIPINO PROGRESS will never grow.
In this only Christian country in Asia, we are, indeed, a grace in the rat-race for salvation. We should be more of a grace in the race for civilization. Poch Suzara


Curiosity killed the cat. At least, before the animal died, it had a sense of curiosity. Most humans are killed, especially in war, not to satisfy their sense of curiosity, but to die in battle to promote political stupidity, if not to generate religious insanity. Poch Suzara

A Simple Truth

If God never listens to the Pope’s prayer to deal with the existence of the devil, why should God listen to your silly prayers to deal with existence of a Poch Suzara?

I am Told

I am told to fear not the future because God is already there. But if God has not been here in the present nor there in the past, why should God be anywhere in the future? To play more Hide and Seek games? Poch Suzara

How to Read

I loved the Christian Brothers at De la Salle University. They taught me HOW to read. Then I hated them. They dictated to me WHAT to read. And to think that these teachers were the same religious crackpots who also frightened me to believe that God gifted man with a free will. Poch Suzara

According to Christian Beliefs

According to Christian belief humans are depraved and corrupt. If this were true, why would God have a depraved human for a Mother and have a corrupt human for a Son? But then again, If Jesus and Mary were such exceptionally decent people, why didn’t God create them in the beginning? Why create a depraved Adam and a corrupt Eve to turn out guilty of the original sin? And to think that both Adam and Eve were never taught of the Lord’s Prayer: “Give us this day our daily bread, and lead us not into temptation.” Poch Suzara

I love Atheism

Atheism is not the rejection of natural morality. It is the rejection of supernatural morality as concocted by silly deviltry begat by theology. Poch Suzara

If God does not Exists

If it were proved that God does not exist – would it be still necessary to be an atheist? Oh yes, it would still be necessary to be an atheist. Look how the Christians and the Muslims have been cutting each other’s throats? Only because one tells the other: Thou shalt have no other gods before me! If we were all atheists – there will be peace on earth and goodwill to all men. Atheists do not kill other atheists to prove to each other that God does not exist. In fact, in all of man's
history, there never was a war declared by the atheists against the theists. It was always the other way round - killing atheists by the theists always pleased the good God. What a bunch of barbaric morons!
Poch Suzara

Death In Religious War

In a religious war, dead Christians is God’s plan to populate Christians in Heaven; and, dead Muslims is Allah’s plan to populate Muslims in Paradise.
As an atheist, I hope both God and Allah will grow up sooner and learn to stop playing deadly games against each other. Both supernatural beings are achieving nothing lively or even anything healthy. It is just plain terrestrial insanity. Poch Suzara

Bertrand Russell

A great many Christians believed Bertrand Russell was an evil man devoid of gratitude with God who created him.
Indeed, Bertrand Russell did not waste his life having faith in mediocrity or praying daily to a divinity. He had no taste for theology as he was a great man of logic, mathematics, and philosophy.
Russell devoted 70 years of his life in the search of the truth. He was honest and frank to admit his failure in not having found the truth. He said others might find if we can all continue to search for the truth. As for the rest of his life, since he died at the age of 98, he devoted much of his days struggling for world peace. Russell hated the nuclear bomb. He organized the “ban the bomb” international movement. He was always on the side of humanity. He was never prepared to meet universal death to prove the stupidity behind global insanity. Poch Suzara

Mental Torture

The most painful kind of mental torture a thoughtless man can experience in life is to think that he could himself do a little thinking. Poch Suzara

The Irony of a Stupid Man

The irony of a stupid man is that he actually has the intelligent impression that everybody else is just as stupid as he is. Poch Suzara


“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void: and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. “
I ask: where was the inspired author located while he was actually reporting creation then going on? Did he actually see or hear God said, Let there be Light? Poch Suzara


A cathedral is grand work of art with great building materials erected with engineering skills. But isn’t God already everywhere on this planet and already present in the billions upon billions of galaxies. Why would the Supreme Being need
a House of God established on this tiny atom called earth? Isn't a cathedral a monument to human stupidity? Poch Suzara


Theology has been in a bankrupt state of affairs during the last many decades that the most the theologians can do these days is to brag that it was they were the first who discovered the power of science. What a pathetic and a dishonest group of liars these theologians are! Ever since the birth of science, the theologians have not ceased envying, hating, fighting, opposing, threatening, imprisoning, torturing, burning at the stake, hanging, and executing men of science. In the Philippines, our own national hero - Jose Rizal was indeed executed by the Spanish theologians.
Bertrand Russell wrote it simply: “Science, while it diminishes our cosmic pretensions, enormously increases our terrestrial comfort. This is why, in spite of the hs of the theologians, science has on the whole been tolerated.” Poch Suzara


It is the greatest evil that continues to keep our world in the dark. Religion has crippled the minds of children, distorted the minds of men, and twisted the hearts of women. No doubt, religion teaches one to be good; unfortunately, to be good for nothing. Look where faith has taken the human race since God knows when? In this 21st century, the majority of people still need to have faith in a lot superstition nonsense in order to feel that life has meaning. Poch Suzara

Saturday, January 21, 2006

The new name is "Rational"says Marshall Brain

The new name is "Rational" says Marshall Brain:

It is time for us to recognize as a society that there is no such thing as an atheist. Let me help you understand why this is the case.

Do you believe in Leprechauns? Probably not, because Leprechauns are imaginary. Yes, there are lots of books, movies and fairy tales dealing with Leprechauns. People talk about Leprechauns all the time. Leprechauns even have a popular brand of breakfast cereal. But that does not mean that Leprechauns exist.

We know that Leprechauns are imaginary. Why? Because there is noevidence for their existence. Despite all the publicity Leprechauns get, normal people dismiss storybook creatures like Leprechauns as myths, and rightly so.

If you do not believe in Leprechauns, what are you? Are you an aleprechaunist? Of course not. You are normal. People who do not believe in Leprechauns are completely normal.The new name is "Rational"

In just the same way that we don't use the word aleprechaunist to describe the people who do not believe in Leprechauns, we should not need the word atheist. We should be able to say, "I am a normal person" and be done with it.

The problem is that, in America today, if you say, "I am a normal person," what everyone assumes is that you mean, "I am a Christian." Currently we are a minority, and as long as we are a minority we need a name.

It is time to choose a new name for those of us who know that all human gods are imaginary. There are two good reasons for picking a new name. First, the word atheist is overloaded with extraneous meaning right now, most of it negative. Second, there is no reason to define ourselves as the opposite of theists.

My response:

This is about more frightened childish nonsense. Leprechauns hold no power over schools, colleges, universities, including governments, especially the US government today. Leprechauns hold no power over the minds of men and the hearts of women as the belief in A SUPERNATURAL BEING does. We atheist must fight evil no matter how religious evil is. Atheists should stop hiding inside the rational closet. Come and out and fight the evil that is perpetually keeping our world in hate and in war - this belief in the existence of a good God. We atheists must never be ruled by the theists. To begin with, we must never shy away from the word ATHEIST. For my part, I thank God I am an ATHEIST. Poch Suzara

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Gearing Towards Economic Recovery

In his piece published in the Philippine Star today, Vicente G. Roxas wrote: “Efforts should be geared towards the satisfactory solution of the current economic crisis through an increase in productive capacity and productivity which will generate our overall production in the three sectors: the Agro-industry, the Agro-Business and Technical Vocational Education and Training Program. To attain the objective, the following policy guidelines or measures may prove helpful: “Love yourself and country next to God. It is quite unfortunate that a good number of our fellow countrymen do not put this into practice. Apparently, what they do believe is love GOD next to yourself or to your country, obviously for self-aggrandizement.”
I ask Mr. Roxas: have you heard of Filipinos who got filthy rich for believing that God is bad? And yet, millions upon millions of Filipinos are filthy poor for believing that God is good! Perhaps, as an expert economist, Mr. Roxas can further expound why our stupid economy should have any connection with our stupid theology? Poch Suzara

Top Filipino Economists

Top Filipino economists are still insisting, as a matter of fantasy, that the biggest problem confronting the nation today is how to pay our external old debt of $65 billion dollars.
These economists are not even ashamed of themselves. As a matter of reality, our biggest problem is how to catch and put in jail those corrupt officials in government that made such loans not to benefit the nation, but to deposit into their personal bank accounts such foreign loans. Well, more loans are needed for the nation and, as we are acquiring more loans, how come the nation is getting poorer and sinking deeper into the economic quagmire?
As a matter of reality, however,, the biggest problem of the nation is the population explosion. Two million babies are born every year in the Philippines. Whatever economic productivity, if any, we may achieve, it will be just eaten up by more mouths to feed. Thus, instead of the higher, only the lower standard of living.
The trouble with our God-fearing, college-educated and faith-soaked economists is that they feel so blessed by God. Specially when they see Filipinos smiling and proud of their lower standard of thinking. As if with our poverty as a people and bankruptcy as a nation God will continue to bless this Pearl of the Orient Seas – the only Christian country in Asia.
It is all about the same stupid economy in cahoots with stupid theology year in and year out: the religious insanity ever playing the major role to keep up with the economic insanity of this God-forsaken country. After all, according to our Christian values and beliefs, the more we suffer, the more sacrifices we make for the Lord, the chances are better for the Philippnes to remain forever famous as the only Christian country in Asia. Poch Suzara

Friday, January 13, 2006

A Thinking Filipino

For a great many years, I prayed daily on my bended knees but received no response. Then I started to think daily with my head.
It got me into more responsible thinking. As a grown-up man, I no longer bother with childish prayers. I gave up trying to change the mind of God. God, after all, is immutable. Poch Suzara