Wednesday, April 05, 2006
The Burning Bush
During ancient times, God in the shape of a burning bush, appeared to Moses. What a treat that must have been for Moses. But was it true? Perhaps, Moses who was really more into magic than he was into logic was just being dramatic. He was just hallucinating as he was a lunatic. Indeed, in the bible, Moses managed to described the nature of his own death and burial. In the scientific term, Moses was a psycho-ceramic. In the layman’s language, he was a crackpot. And to think that this biblical hero was one of the characters who was responsible for the success of the Christian religion. Poch Suzara
God’s Creation
Let’s assume God is perfect and that man is the evidence of his creation. The real question is what was God’s motive? Why would a perfect God bother to create an imperfect man in his own image and likeness? Free Will? What force has human free will against the power of divine will? In the meantime, if God could create heaven without pain and suffering, what was so hard for God to have created also a planet earth without pain and suffering? Poch Suzara
Adam and Eve
Adam or Eve wrote not a single verse in the bible. No report whatsoever about their unique personal relationship with God Himself. What was it like to experience communicating directly with God? Did He speak authoritatively or affectionately? In what language? Was God really that involved with human hopes and dreams and education? What about the Tree of Knowledge then existing? Did God inspire both Adam and Eve to discover and to learn from that tree of Knowledge? Enough to add new and fresh ideas on top it and to pass on to their children and grandchildren? And what happened to that Tree of Knowledge? How come it miraculously vanished into thin air? Perhaps, Eve asked God to have it replanted elsewhere. Did Adam cut it down as it turned out to be a worthless tree of stupidity. At any rate, where is that Tree of Knowledge to be found existing anywhere today?
My dear reader, would you believe that even the millions of college-educated Filipinos - the most well-informed men and women in all of Asia today know not where that Tree of Knowledge is to be found? All they know is that God has it revealed as one of the Revealed Truths of God in the Holy Bible. Poch Suzara
The Talking Serpent
According to Genesis in the bible, it was the serpent who tempted Eve to eat off the fruit of the Tree of Good and Evil. After she did so, she got pregnant. Since Eve’s son Cain turned out to be evil who, over nothing, murdered his only brother Abel, it must have been the serpent who sired Cain with Eve under that Tree of Good and Evil. Poch Suzara
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Insanity is far more destructive than the Weapons of Mass Destruction. After all, insanity produced such weapons. Not surprisingly, however, even far more destructive than human insanity is the American insanity. Indeed, we Americans have yet to retool our basic industries from war economy to peace economy and start entertaining the idea that being loved and at peace with the rest of the world is a much more lucrative business than being hated and at war with the rest of the human race. In the meantime, anti-terrorism is no excuse for imperialism. Poch Suzara
Someday, thanks to science, health will spread faster than disease. In fact, even more fantastic, one day science will make our dream of human immortality a reality. These miracles in the future could have been made possible during the past centuries had not stupid religion stood in the way always fighting against the progress of science. Indeed, fighting science as an engine generating the power of human knowledge to improve the human conditions on this earth.
In the centuries to come, not religion, but science will be mankind’s only savior. If, however, science fails to work, what we will be needed is not less, but precisely more science. In this world, indeed, in all of nature, there is absolutely nothing quite like science. Poch Suzara
In the centuries to come, not religion, but science will be mankind’s only savior. If, however, science fails to work, what we will be needed is not less, but precisely more science. In this world, indeed, in all of nature, there is absolutely nothing quite like science. Poch Suzara
The Sun and the Earth
A million ( 1,000,000 ) planets the size of earth can fit inside the sun. The earth compared is a piece of particle floating in space aimlessly. But the religious teachers like the Jesuit theologians and its Opus Dei gang continue to teach our children in school to believe that on this speck of dust called earth, God made man in his own image and likeness. In other words, in relation to the galaxies, the creator himself must be a supernatural speck of divine dust floating in space thoughtlessly, if not recklessly. Poch Suzara
Religion makes half of the human world insane, and the other half hypocrites. Even more amusing, however, religion divides people into hate and war perpetually, and then unites people dead and buried in the cemetery eternally.
Billions of people enjoy having faith in the mysterious, in the religious, or in the superstitious. Indeed, billions of people even admit that they cannot live without God. This is truly a pathetic state of human affairs since God Himself admits that He too cannot live without the devil. Poch Suzara
Billions of people enjoy having faith in the mysterious, in the religious, or in the superstitious. Indeed, billions of people even admit that they cannot live without God. This is truly a pathetic state of human affairs since God Himself admits that He too cannot live without the devil. Poch Suzara
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Poverty in the Philippines Accoriding to the ADB Clowns
According to the Asian Development Bank economists
( MST March 29 ) – the following are the causes of poverty in the Philippines:
1) Weak Macroeconomic management
2) High unemployment
3) Weak agricultural production
4) High corruption and weak governance
5) Insurgency and violence particularly in Mindanao
6) Physical disability
It’s incredible how the economists of the ADB responsible for these conclusions utterly failed to include one of the greatest, if not the most powerful causes of poverty in the Philippines: – religion.
Indeed, what wealth could be produced by a people who, during these past 400 years, have been taught to believe and to have faith in the following:
That the cultivation of one’s mind is not that important as the salvation of one’s soul after death.
That this life is nothing compared to the next life in the next world after death.
That this land down here is nothing compared to the promised land of the Lord up there.
That while we are struggling to survive on this earth, we should be waiting by praying for the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus. We are told that He will remedy all the ills of our sick society. By the way, this is the same Jesus who, in his lifetime, cured leprosy temporarily in his community. Leprosy is a disease that is curable but still victimizes people throughout the world today.
Before Christianity arrived in our shores in the 16th century, we were among the simple people of Asia. Today, in this 21st century, after 400 years of Christian values and beliefs, we Filipinos have only become the complicated Sick Man of Asia. And to think that the Chinese, Japanese, Thais, and the Vietnamese and other Asian neighbors have always enjoyed what we Filipinos have never enjoyed in the Philippines: love of country and love of fellow-citizens. What,instead, we have always loved is that pie in the sky, by and by. Indeed, we take pride and continue to have faith in what the holy bible teaches us: - “Love not this world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” John 2:15.
I ask you ADB economists: Have you taken into account the assets and properties and other commercial enterprises including schools, colleges, and universities that are owned and controlled by the religious institutions of this country? They are worth in the trillions of tax - free pesos. In the meantime, during the past 400 years, hundred of millions of spiritually impoverished Filipinos continue buying what our religion has always been selling: eternal salvation with Jesus in the next life. Indeed, blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven Matt 5:3.
Other Asian countries have already emerged out of their economic stagnancy. Thanks to the power of science and technology. But if we Filipinos were to grow and to develop as a nation, we too must begin to learn to accept the scientific way of thinking. It is the only path towards regaining our health as a people and achieving our wealth as a nation. If, however, we just continue to embrace more of the same old religion, the poor quality of life in the Philippines will worsen. And in our already sick society, this will mean more poverty of the worst kind: - the poverty of the Filipino minds and hearts. Poch Suzara
( MST March 29 ) – the following are the causes of poverty in the Philippines:
1) Weak Macroeconomic management
2) High unemployment
3) Weak agricultural production
4) High corruption and weak governance
5) Insurgency and violence particularly in Mindanao
6) Physical disability
It’s incredible how the economists of the ADB responsible for these conclusions utterly failed to include one of the greatest, if not the most powerful causes of poverty in the Philippines: – religion.
Indeed, what wealth could be produced by a people who, during these past 400 years, have been taught to believe and to have faith in the following:
That the cultivation of one’s mind is not that important as the salvation of one’s soul after death.
That this life is nothing compared to the next life in the next world after death.
That this land down here is nothing compared to the promised land of the Lord up there.
That while we are struggling to survive on this earth, we should be waiting by praying for the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus. We are told that He will remedy all the ills of our sick society. By the way, this is the same Jesus who, in his lifetime, cured leprosy temporarily in his community. Leprosy is a disease that is curable but still victimizes people throughout the world today.
Before Christianity arrived in our shores in the 16th century, we were among the simple people of Asia. Today, in this 21st century, after 400 years of Christian values and beliefs, we Filipinos have only become the complicated Sick Man of Asia. And to think that the Chinese, Japanese, Thais, and the Vietnamese and other Asian neighbors have always enjoyed what we Filipinos have never enjoyed in the Philippines: love of country and love of fellow-citizens. What,instead, we have always loved is that pie in the sky, by and by. Indeed, we take pride and continue to have faith in what the holy bible teaches us: - “Love not this world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” John 2:15.
I ask you ADB economists: Have you taken into account the assets and properties and other commercial enterprises including schools, colleges, and universities that are owned and controlled by the religious institutions of this country? They are worth in the trillions of tax - free pesos. In the meantime, during the past 400 years, hundred of millions of spiritually impoverished Filipinos continue buying what our religion has always been selling: eternal salvation with Jesus in the next life. Indeed, blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven Matt 5:3.
Other Asian countries have already emerged out of their economic stagnancy. Thanks to the power of science and technology. But if we Filipinos were to grow and to develop as a nation, we too must begin to learn to accept the scientific way of thinking. It is the only path towards regaining our health as a people and achieving our wealth as a nation. If, however, we just continue to embrace more of the same old religion, the poor quality of life in the Philippines will worsen. And in our already sick society, this will mean more poverty of the worst kind: - the poverty of the Filipino minds and hearts. Poch Suzara
Saturday, March 11, 2006
If Life doesn’t begin at conception, when did life begin for the sperm and egg that were already “alive” prior to fertilization? Indeed, life is not only a lively but also a sexually transmitted disease with a morality rate of 100 per cent. Poch Suzara
Truth telling
In a world of religious lies and political deceit, being truthful shocks the hell out of most people; specially if the system of education they went through were not about the power of intelligent thoughts, but only about the faith in stupid beliefs. Poch Suzara
I agree that ignorance is not shameful; however,imposing ignorance is shameful. I further agree, that most people should not to be blamed for their own ignorance, but if they willfully pass it on, especially in school, colleges, and universities, then that's not only blamable, but also damnable. What I think is utterly ridiculous, however, is when most people do not call it ignorance; instead, in most cases, they proudly believe it as having Faith in God. Poch Suzara
Thursday, March 09, 2006
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who are in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, forever.
I ask: is God really that maliciously cruel in that he leads you into temptation? Moreover, if God can deliver you away from evil, why not get rid of evil to begin with? Perhaps, God does not want to displease his old buddy Satan the one in charge and responsible for evil in this world. At any rate, next time you pray to God tell Him to lead you instead to the power of thought! Poch Suzara
Death and Temptation in the Bible
The bible admits that: “God is a not a man that he should
Lie; neither the son of man that he should repent.” Num 23:I9.
Then this same bible admits also that: “And it repented the Lord that he has made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.” Gen 6:6
Again in the bible: “The strength of Israel will not lie nor repent: for he is not a man, that he should repent.” I Sam I5:29
But in the same silly bible: “The Lord repented that he had made Saul King over Israel.” I Sam I5:35
A faithful Christian wrote that he is so sad for me because as an atheist, when I die, I will be going no where; whereas he will be going to meet with God in heaven after his death. What a moron. This fellow does not read his own holy bible, Eccl. 9:5: “For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.”
And to think that the faithfools comprising our sick society have the foolish notion that the atheists are ignorant of bible contents or messages. On the contrary, properly read the bible is most encouraging for the creation of atheism ever conceived by inspired writers. Poch Suzara
I ask: is God really that maliciously cruel in that he leads you into temptation? Moreover, if God can deliver you away from evil, why not get rid of evil to begin with? Perhaps, God does not want to displease his old buddy Satan the one in charge and responsible for evil in this world. At any rate, next time you pray to God tell Him to lead you instead to the power of thought! Poch Suzara
Death and Temptation in the Bible
The bible admits that: “God is a not a man that he should
Lie; neither the son of man that he should repent.” Num 23:I9.
Then this same bible admits also that: “And it repented the Lord that he has made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.” Gen 6:6
Again in the bible: “The strength of Israel will not lie nor repent: for he is not a man, that he should repent.” I Sam I5:29
But in the same silly bible: “The Lord repented that he had made Saul King over Israel.” I Sam I5:35
A faithful Christian wrote that he is so sad for me because as an atheist, when I die, I will be going no where; whereas he will be going to meet with God in heaven after his death. What a moron. This fellow does not read his own holy bible, Eccl. 9:5: “For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.”
And to think that the faithfools comprising our sick society have the foolish notion that the atheists are ignorant of bible contents or messages. On the contrary, properly read the bible is most encouraging for the creation of atheism ever conceived by inspired writers. Poch Suzara
Free Will as a Lot of Theological Hogwash
A reader comments: If God will take away His gift of Free Will, you will not be an atheist, nor will you have the freedom to rebuke God, nor be forced to believe ALL that is written in the Scriptures, nor have the option of how you will live my life, if I still want to call it a Life.
My response: Where was your free will to choose to be born a girl or a boy? Or choose to be born of a Filipino or American parents? Or to choose to be born in the century of your choice? Or even to choose not to be born at all?
Indeed, where is your free will to choose as to when exactly you would like to die one day? And if you really have a free will, why then do you pray daily to God to lead you not into temptation? And why pay for your sins as the results of free will? Now where was Adam’s free will to choose his kind of woman? Or Eve’s free will to choose her kind of man?
More to the point – why would God give a serpent not only free will but also the free ability to talk and tempt Eve to fall with Adam in order to prove that divine grace for the coming human race will end up in nothing but a total disgrace? Free will is theological hogwash. Poch Suzara
The Mission of Jesus
Another reader comments: Jesus' original mission in the world is to redeem mankind from sin, not to destroy the devil.
My response: How? By fasting without food for forty days? By walking on water? By curing leprosy not on a permanent basis?
Crucified on the cross Jesus cried out: “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Are those the utterances of a redeemer or a savior? Surely, those are the cries of a failure. After all, Jesus failed miserably to destroy the devil as was his mission to do so. Poch Suzara
My response: How? By fasting without food for forty days? By walking on water? By curing leprosy not on a permanent basis?
Crucified on the cross Jesus cried out: “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Are those the utterances of a redeemer or a savior? Surely, those are the cries of a failure. After all, Jesus failed miserably to destroy the devil as was his mission to do so. Poch Suzara
The college-educated men and women of this country have yet to ask: how come there are no atheists or agnostics or humanists working for our government? How come only the college educated Christians are in government keeping it as corrupt as ever? In fact, the President of our Republic recently admitted that “God put me here.” Perhaps God is truly behind the power of college education in the Philippines. Poch Suzara
The Poor Filipino
The poor Filipino has no government. It has been stolen away from him. He also has no money. The consolation, however, is that the poor Fellow is often reminded that everything is just fine and dandy because after he is dead, he will begin to enjoy eternal wealth and health and happiness in heaven as a reward for his never- ending faith in God. After all, te bible assures us that the poor are God's favorite people.
In the meantime, the priesthood industry in this God-forsaken country has not ceased living off the backs of the poor Filipinos, profits from their degradation, and benefits from the ignorant and the oppressed, specially from the faithful and obedient Filipinas. Poch Suzara
In the meantime, the priesthood industry in this God-forsaken country has not ceased living off the backs of the poor Filipinos, profits from their degradation, and benefits from the ignorant and the oppressed, specially from the faithful and obedient Filipinas. Poch Suzara
The Bible says
With God, all things are possible. Is this true? How come, after billions of years of existence, God has not yet found it possible to learn from experience? For example, learn how to co-exist with love and health and wealth with the whole of humanity to live happily and gracefully together globally. In this way, we will have time and energy to explore not each other's hate, but explore our love for this world. Our world. Poch Suzara
Why do I Bother
Why do I bother writing about Christianity as another word for holy baloney? It is because Christianity has had more than 2,000 solid years of existence behind the power of God to have regenerated the world. Look at the devout and faithful Christians themselves. They do not love the world. Their own holy bible teaches them to “love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any one love the world, the love of God is not with him .” Look at the Philippines. It is probably the only Christian country where there is so much love for God up there, but only via so much hate for one another down here.
And to think that the bible also admits that: “With God all things are possible.” Mark 10:27. Poch Suzara
And to think that the bible also admits that: “With God all things are possible.” Mark 10:27. Poch Suzara
Only in the Philippines
According to the Department of Health, more than 98 per cent of Filipinos suffer from tooth decaying, molars rotting, and gums bleeding. And yet, the Filipino dentists practicing dentistry in the Philippines are more active and involved with what is written in the Old and in the New Testament than what’s written in the latest on the science of dentistry.
Indeed, only in the Philippines: Under our Christian values and beliefs, even the highly university trained Filipino doctors have not the slightest inkling just how sick we Filipinos are as the Sick Man of Asia. In fact, look at those Filipinos already dead in our society. They are not yet buried. They are still roaming aimlessly around waiting for the Second Coming of Christ to resurrect them back to life. Poch Suzara
Indeed, only in the Philippines: Under our Christian values and beliefs, even the highly university trained Filipino doctors have not the slightest inkling just how sick we Filipinos are as the Sick Man of Asia. In fact, look at those Filipinos already dead in our society. They are not yet buried. They are still roaming aimlessly around waiting for the Second Coming of Christ to resurrect them back to life. Poch Suzara
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