Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Peace On Earth

The highest ambition of a Christian is not to go to heaven, but to expect the non-Christians to go to hell. Indeed, if peace on earth and goodwill to all men were to become a reality one day, men must begin to realize that organized religions have always been a disgrace, and not a grace to the whole of the human race. In the ultimate analysis, for the sake of peace in this world, far more precious than the freedom of religion is freedom from religion. Poch Suzara

Security for the Insecurity

The memory of my own suffering has prevented me from being abusive to any one, especially young people. I was myself abused in school as a little boy both physically and emotionally. I found it then hard to accept the beauty of Christian values and beliefs. Happily, I managed to escape. I ended up to be a high-school dropout. I came to the conclusion that it is not only unproductive, but utterly destructive for religion to provide believers with emotional security after having been frightened to believe with the emotional insecurity that it creates.
For my part, I would rather have a developing mind clearly answerable to the here and the now. I have no need of a mediocre soul vaguely answerable later to some one vague called a God existing way out there. I’d rather stand with self-respect and look at my life here and now in this world.Poch Suzara


Philip K Dick wrote: “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.” How true. However, here is a ticklish problem: Science admits with all humility and honesty that it understands only 1 per cent of what actually constitutes reality. So, when it comes to reality, what is there really to believe? Poch Suzara

The Truth

The un-examined truth is not worth believing. In fact, in the ultimate analysis, there is no such thing as the truth. There is only the search of the truth. It is man’s greatest and most noble of professions.
Bertrand Russell said it all: “Truth is a shining goddess, always veiled, always distant, never wholly approachable, but worthy of all the devotion of which the human spirit is capable. Poch Suzara

Freed Slaves

When it finally freed the slaves, the United States provided no meaningful compensation to the former slaves for the value of their labor, nor did it provide them with the economic assets needed to compete with the white community in the marketplace. It stand to reason that the transfer of wealth from those who benefited to those who still suffer because their ancestors were oppressed is the only way for a meaningful reconciliation. Indeed, until America’s white ruling class accepts the fact that the book never closes on massive unredressed social wrongs, we Americans can never claim that America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. Moreover, America can have no future as one people.
For further information, please read Randall Robinson’s recent book The Debt: What America Owes the Blacks – the enslavement of Blacks in America from 1619 to 1865 was “far and away the most heinous human rights crime visited upon any group of people in the world over the last five hundred years." He has explained in detail why we must look at the claims of the descendants of slaves as a form of property. Poch Suzara

Sunday, October 08, 2006

To My Black American friends

As an Asian white American I stand by you in your struggles for the reparations due you as African Americans. This is a gigantic struggle. Please count me in as one individual in this part of the world rooting for you. I am totally on your side. I can hardly wait for the day when Black Americans will have tremendously decreased evils on American soil not with bombs, death and destruction, but with the power of logic, legal, and historical arguments advancing the brotherhood of man under peace on earth and goodwill to all men.
According to reputable American economists, the sum due for unpaid labor to the Black Americans by white Americans comes to about $1.7 TRILLION DOLLARS. A pittance comparatively.
Consider the African World Reparations and Repatriation Truth Commission meeting in Accra, Ghana, in 1993. Attorneys, economists, and social scientists issued the Accra Declaration, which calculated that enslavement, colonization, the appropriation of land, extraction of raw materials and mining minerals, for example, diamond, gold, silver, oil, mahogany, cocoa, etc, out of Africa by Europe and the United States cost the African continent $777 TRILLION DOLLARS. Poch Suzara

Belief Growing Obsolete

Terrence Mckenna wrote: "What blinds us, or makes historical progress very difficult, is our lack of awareness that our beliefs have grown obsolete and should be put aside.... This is I think much of the problem of the modern dilemma: Direct experience has been discounted, and in its place all kinds of belief systems have been erected.... If you believe something, you are automatically precluded from believing its opposite; which means that a degree of your human freedom has been forfeited in the act of committing yourself to this belief." Now look for example at our committed belief on how great a man was Thomas Jefferson. The man who symbolizes freedom and liberty for all. As one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America, he actually owned well over 100 slaves and freed only a handful at the time of his death – his own children. Indeed, Thomas Jefferson had sex with a slave girl and had sired several children. A man of enormous power and wealth had sex with his slave black servant Sally Hemings. She was fifteen years old. In most civilized societies, this is called rape. How is that for a committed belief? Care to believe the opposite? Poch Suzara

Rita Rudner

“Someday,” said Rita Rudner, “I want to be rich. Some people get so rich they lose all respect for humanity. That’s how rich I want to be.” See Manila Standard Today ( Sept. 27, 2006 ).
My dear Rita, you don’t have to be rich to lose your self-respect and sense of dignity. It is the easiest thing to do. Besides, why do you want to emulate the lives of our rich Ivy League-educated dummies in the US Senate? Considering from among them will most likely be, again, the next president of the USA. Poch Suzara

Organized Religions

Organized religions provide the peace for the troubles in our world that they themselves create. They then make sure that peace is not long lasting. It is in this way that the Christians, Muslims, and Jews have always been indoctrinated to hate and to kill each other. In the meantime, the munition makers are in it for the money. Indeed, big profits are made in war and in the aftermath especially as the seeds for future wars are planted especially by those in the military-industrial-university complex.Poch Suzara


A Kikiyu proverb goes: “It is they who have not died in war, that start it.” Indeed, the rich munition makers in control of the stupid politicians in the government of rich countries are among those who are never killed in any war. In fact, they grow to become not only livelier but also richer. Poch Suzara

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Open Letter To Americans

When President Bush attacked Iraq in 1991, claiming that he was acting to end the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait, a group of native Americans in Oregon distributed this biting and ironic thought-provoking Open Letter: “Dear President Bush. Please send your assistance in freeing our small nation from occupation. This foreign force occupied our lands to steal our rich resources. They used biological warfare and deceit, killing thousands of elders, children and women in the process. As they overwhelmed our land, they deposed our leaders and people of our government, and in its place, they installed their own government system that yet today control our daily lives in many ways. As in your own words, the occupation and overthrow of one small nation . . . is one too many. Sincerely, An American Indian.” For further reading, I highly recommend Howard Zinn’s: The People’s History of the United States. It is closer to the truth version of American history. It includes all sides of the story. Left and right. Front and back. Top and below. Triumph and tragedy. Joy and pain. Successes and failures. Rich and poor. White Americans and Black Africans. The native Indians and the Asian-Latin Americans. Masters and slaves. The victorious and defeated in war. The conquered and the conqueror. Indeed, not only his story, but also her story of American history. Poch Suzara

American Presidents

In 1947, Truman ordered 74,000 tons of military equipment to the right-wing government in Athens, including artillery, dive bombers, and stock of napalm. Weapons for death and destruction manufactured and stockpiled in the United States since World War 2.

In 1971 Nixon ordered the US Air Force to drop 800,000 tons of bombs on Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Weapons for death and destruction worth in the Billions of Dollars.

When the Vietnam war ended, Jimmy Carter declined to give aid to Vietnam for reconstruction, despite the fact that the land had been devastated by American bombing. Asked about this at a press meeting, Carter replied that there was no special obligation on the United States to do this because “the destruction was mutual.” As if the United States did not have to cross half the globe with an enormous fleet of bombers and 2 million American soldiers, and after eight years of mission not accomplished, left a tiny nation with over three million dead and its land in ruins.

Bill Clinton continued to supply arms to nations all over the world. While he enjoyed converting the Oval Office into his Oral Office with the consent of a tuti frutie employee in the White House.

By the way, this is the same White House constructed in 1792 that required the influx of African slaves to lay its foundation. The same Africans in slavery and poverty that enriched not only the treasury of the US government at the local, state, and federal levels, but also responsible for the wealth and privilege of quite a few powerful US corporations that manufacture weapons for war, death and destruction in foreign countries.

As the Commander in chief of the US military, President George W Bush has nuclear subs at his disposal. These subs are loaded to the hatches with nuclear warheads that can be targeted to within a centimeter of Osama Bin Ladin’s nose. And yet, with all of that sophisticated technology, the US government, since 2001, could not, with any precision, find Osama Bin Ladin hiding in the mountain caves of Afghanistan for his so-called crime against the destruction of the World Trade Center. And to think that this is the same Osama Bin Ladin who had millions of dollars deposited in various banks in the United States.

The social critic, H. L. Mencken, wrote: “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” By frightening the American people to the attention of certain governments like Iraq, Iran, Korea, Cuba, or by inventing or exaggerating how dangerous these governments are – the failures of the US government itself could remain hidden or un-exposed. In the meantime, I ask: what value has the utility of freedom if lies and other falsehoods were more politically useful than the simple truth? Poch Suzara


Ignots Pistachio wrote: "If you want to know if you're insane, ask yourself if you have an unwavering belief, one that you could never disavow no matter what. If you answered yes, then you're insane.” Bertrand Russell himself did recognize that we all have a little corner of insanity inside our brain. For my part, I too am insane. I have an unwavering belief that the greatest threat to the peace of the world is the U.S. government. Look how our high government officials have unwavering beliefs too. Look how they continue to believe that freedom and democracy can be installed in foreign countries such as Vietnam in the past and Iraq in the present with bombs, death, and destruction! Poch Suzara

Old and New Beliefs

Edward O Wilson said, "Old beliefs die hard even when demonstrably false." For my part, I would worry more about new beliefs especially as it is patently false. For example, the new beliefs of U.S. Congress that there is now much room for humanitarian pursuits as a priority of the US government not only in foreign countries, but also in American soil itself with regards to the plight of the native American Indians and the reparations due the Black Americans in this century. Poch Suzara

Sunday, September 24, 2006


I am told that prayer is not an occasional impulse to which we respond when we are in trouble. It is a lifetime attitude. Prayer is our steering wheel, not our spare tire.
I ask: if God does not listen to the prayers of the dying and the dead, why should God listen to the prayers of the living?
Prayers, indeed, are like magic formulas, mumbled over and over again, with the advertiser’s faith in the law of reiteration. Think of it: if prayer works with the power of God, it should only be said but once, and not to be repeated day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, century after century, millennium after millennium.
In the meantime, you define 0.01% as a "high success rate" when it comes to answered prayers. You consider that to be evidence that prayer works. And you believe that the remaining 99.99% FAILURE was simply the will of God. Poch Suzara

The Guardian of Freedom

The greatest guardian of freedom has always been the diffusion of knowledge. The dumbstruck in governments, especially in the US government, however, still believe that freedom can only be installed, protected, and defended and promoted by the power of the military. Bertrand Russell wrote: “Freedoms cannot effectively be said to exist if they protect only occasional differences about matters which are of small importance.” Poch Suzara

All Men

All men are created equal; unfortunately, equal only in mediocrity as a source of pride especially equal as well in the belief that ignorance is bliss. Poch Suzara

Filipino Lawyers

Top criminal lawyers of the Philippines are very religious too. The statue of Baby Jesus is displayed inside their law office. Well, why not? If the judge himself has religious icons displayed inside his court room, and criminals during trial in court may carry with them the holy bible or the rosary or the little statue of Mama Mary, why not top lawyers also to pray to baby Jesus to be on their side? And to think that in no other school, except in law school, that the the art of cross-examination is taught; specially to ferret out the truth. In the meantime, there remains of the necessity of cross examining the causes of evil keeping us Filipinos frightened as a people and keeping the Philippines misguided as a nation. As a high school expelled student, I have yet to hear from any of our top lawyer with guts or gumption to publicly declare that the only way to remedy the traditional ills of our sick society is to get rid of CHRISTIANITY out of our country. Indeed, to be replaced with nothing but the beauty of science and the power of technology. It simply means in our schools, colleges, and universities - no more childish prayer; no more infantile theology. No more God Bless you hogwash! Poch Suzara

Frightened of Atheism

Atheism frightens most men not because they have no taste to disbelieve in a God, but because they have no taste to be a thinker, especially to be a courageous freethinker. Indeed, it is not possible to be an atheist if one does not develop the habit of the scientific way of thinking. Or, simply, if one refuses to learn to question everything. Poch Suzara


Millions of years before my birth, I was a nothing. I had no existence. Millions of years after my death, I will be a nothing again. I will have no existence. Now I am told that there is life after death. Of course, there is life after death - the life of my dear loved-ones. I will leave them behind until they too will eventually join with me to rest in peace forever in nothing, over nothing, and for nothing. Really, how could we enjoy a hereafter when none of us ever enjoyed a herebefore?
But then again, there is the First Law, the conservation law. It says that while energy can never be created or destroyed it can only be transformed from one form to another. For my part, I should leave alone the conservation law. Let her decide what she wants to do with our un-bundled energy after death that was once a bundled up energy called - life.
In the meantime, each and every unfolding reality contains not only the seed of its own destruction, but also the embryo of a new reality that will replace it. I think the best we all should do is to face reality courageously – there is no one at the helm on this earth. We are all in charge for our own destinies. Poch Suzara