Jose Rizal was put to death not because his way of life was inimical to the welfare of the Filipino people. On the contrary, Jose Rizal was put to death because his way of life was inimical to the welfare of Christianity in the Philippines.
After Rizal's death, how many more Filipinos in the likes of a Rizal have we heard of struggling in this God-forsaken country to help us stand up with self-respect as a people and to help us develop with dignity as a nation? None whatsoever except only those who childishly call themselves "Knights of Rizal" or who foolishly call themselves "Rizalists."
For my part, ever since I was expelled out of high school in a catholic university – I slowly began to entertain the thought that Jose Rizal must have been a greater man born and executed in the Philippines some one hundred years ago than was a Jewish fellow known as Jesus Christ born and executed on a stick in a foreign country some two thousand years ago. Poch Suzara
Friday, June 01, 2007
Mediocrity recognizes nothing higher than itself; in fact, mediocrity, like water, seeks its own level.
The opposite is talent: it instantly recognizes genius. In the Philippines, however, mediocrity is synonymous to “Knights of Rizal.” Even up to this 21st century, Rizal admirers still have no idea whatsoever as to who precisely authorized his death by execution in public during the late 19th century. There is still much silly illusion, much deadly confusion, much infantile delusion about the life and times of this great Filipino free thinker. The thinker who authored two great books as a wake up call to all Filipinos. In the meantime, we Filipinos are in desperate need for another Jose Rizal, even by way of a Rizal junior to challenge the silly communion of saintly criminals still pretty much well-entrenched in our corrupt government, in the corrupt churches, and indeed, in the corrupt schools, corrupt colleges, and corrupt universities in the Philippines today. Poch Suzara Twitter# Atheist# Google@ Facebook#
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Jose Rizal and the Holy Trinity
Rizal was executed by religious crackpots in authority over life and death in his century. The same religious crackpots in control of minds and hearts of most Filipinos today in this century. Indeed, there was a time when the world was ruled by religion. Historians refer to it as the Dark Ages. Filipinos today still live in the dark ages. The Philippines is still ruled by religion.
Had Rizal lived on as a serious reader, the writings of Robert Ingersoll would have made him realized that his belief in the holy trinity was based on nothing but holy baloney. Indeed, in reading the writings of Robert G. Ingersoll, any high school dropout gifted with a little I.Q. could rightly conclude that sacred gimcrackery pretty much characterized the formation of Christianity. Poch Suzara
Robert G. Ingersoll
1833 – 1899
Christ, according to the faith, is the second person of the Trinity, the Father being the first, and the Holy Ghost the third. Each of these three persons is God. Christ is his own father and his own son. The Holy Ghost is neither father nor son, but both. The son was begotten by the father, but existed before he was begotten – just the same before as after.
Christ is just as old as his father, and the father is just as young as his son. The Holy Ghost proceeded, from the Father and Son, but was equal to the Father and Son before he proceeded, that is say, before he existed, but he is of the same age as the other two.
So it is declared that the Father is God and the son is God, and Holy Ghost God and that these three Gods make one God.
According to the celestial multiplication table once one is three, and three times one is one, and according to heavenly subtraction if we take two from three, three are left. The addition is equally peculiar, if we add two to one we have but one. Each is equal to himself as the other two. Nothing ever was, nothing can ever be more perfectly idiotic and absurd than the dogma of the Trinity.
Had Rizal lived on as a serious reader, the writings of Robert Ingersoll would have made him realized that his belief in the holy trinity was based on nothing but holy baloney. Indeed, in reading the writings of Robert G. Ingersoll, any high school dropout gifted with a little I.Q. could rightly conclude that sacred gimcrackery pretty much characterized the formation of Christianity. Poch Suzara
Robert G. Ingersoll
1833 – 1899
Christ, according to the faith, is the second person of the Trinity, the Father being the first, and the Holy Ghost the third. Each of these three persons is God. Christ is his own father and his own son. The Holy Ghost is neither father nor son, but both. The son was begotten by the father, but existed before he was begotten – just the same before as after.
Christ is just as old as his father, and the father is just as young as his son. The Holy Ghost proceeded, from the Father and Son, but was equal to the Father and Son before he proceeded, that is say, before he existed, but he is of the same age as the other two.
So it is declared that the Father is God and the son is God, and Holy Ghost God and that these three Gods make one God.
According to the celestial multiplication table once one is three, and three times one is one, and according to heavenly subtraction if we take two from three, three are left. The addition is equally peculiar, if we add two to one we have but one. Each is equal to himself as the other two. Nothing ever was, nothing can ever be more perfectly idiotic and absurd than the dogma of the Trinity.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Our Ancestors
“Two billion years ago our ancestors were microbes; a half-billion years ago, fish; a hundred million years ago, something like mice; ten million years ago, arboreal apes; and a million years ago, proto-humans puzzling out the taming of fire. Our evolutionary lineage is marked by change. In our time, the pace is quickening.” Carl Sagan
Hopefully, in time, we will have no more human stupidity based upon sick religiosity; instead, we will have more sense of humanity based upon a healthy philosophy. Poch Suzara
The Poorest People
The poorest people in the world are the Filipinos. In this day and age, we still believe those silly foreigners who taught us to love and to fear their God Jesus who was not even born in the Philippines, but born supposedly in a foreign land that never got to be a Christian, but only a Jewish State.
No doubt, we need radical reforms to reform our sick society. However, for as long there is always available from God Jesus the forgiveness of sin and the forgiveness of crime, our rotten society will forever remain rotten under the blessings of Christianity of no matter what denomination. Consider the rich sinners and the wealthy criminals comprising the powers-that-be: they are always enjoying the forgiveness of sin and crime from the holy spirit.
For my part, I thanked the holy spirit that I am a heretic daily, an infidel weekly, a freethinker monthly, and indeed, an atheist yearly. Poch Suzara
No doubt, we need radical reforms to reform our sick society. However, for as long there is always available from God Jesus the forgiveness of sin and the forgiveness of crime, our rotten society will forever remain rotten under the blessings of Christianity of no matter what denomination. Consider the rich sinners and the wealthy criminals comprising the powers-that-be: they are always enjoying the forgiveness of sin and crime from the holy spirit.
For my part, I thanked the holy spirit that I am a heretic daily, an infidel weekly, a freethinker monthly, and indeed, an atheist yearly. Poch Suzara
Monday, May 21, 2007
A Guru
A guru from India told me that what my mind can conceive, I can, in life, achieve. But in high-school at De La Salle University, I conceived more questions than my teachers could answer. Well, for asking far too many questions in class, what I achieved was neither wisdom nor knowledge, but getting expelled out high school. And to think that in life questions are always far more important than answers because the answers, in time, become obsolete. Poch Suzara
Thought Patterns
Most thought patterns in humans are established before the age of ten. The idea of God is not innate. In most cases the idea of God is planted in the minds of children before the age of ten when their minds are as yet quite malleable and therefore distortable, if not twistable. Most men and women still have the mind of little children. The ability to conceive new and fresh ideas becomes next to impossible. Such is the power of insane religiosity as inspired by human stupidity. Poch Suzara
Spiritually Matured Person
In his Road Less Travelled, M. Scot Peck wrote: “… the learning of something new requires a giving up of the old self and a death of outworn knowledge. To develop a broader vision we must be willing to forsake, to kill, our narrower vision. In the short run it is more comfortable not to do this – to stay where we are, to keep using the same microcosmic map, to avoid suffering the death of cherished notions. The road to spiritual growth, however, lies in the opposite direction. We begin by distrusting what we already believe, by actively seeking the threatening and the unfamiliar, by deliberately challenging the validity of what we have previously been taught and hold dear. The path to holiness lies through questioning everything.”
Now I question the admirers of our chief hero Jose Rizal. They claim that Rizal was a spiritually matured person, not a repentant believer. In the Ultimo Adios poem, however, written before his death by musketry in public, he wrote in the 13th stanza:
“I go where there are no slaves, oppressors, executioners. Where Faith does not kill, where he who reigns is God.”
How spiritually matured was Rizal since he believed in the hereafter where he who reigns is God? I ask: if there is such a thing as a hereafter, how come there isn’t any herebefore? Nay more! If, in next world, faith does not kill, then wouldn’t it make more sense if we were all born not in this world, but in that world and certainly not created in the image and likeness of God? Poch Suzara
Now I question the admirers of our chief hero Jose Rizal. They claim that Rizal was a spiritually matured person, not a repentant believer. In the Ultimo Adios poem, however, written before his death by musketry in public, he wrote in the 13th stanza:
“I go where there are no slaves, oppressors, executioners. Where Faith does not kill, where he who reigns is God.”
How spiritually matured was Rizal since he believed in the hereafter where he who reigns is God? I ask: if there is such a thing as a hereafter, how come there isn’t any herebefore? Nay more! If, in next world, faith does not kill, then wouldn’t it make more sense if we were all born not in this world, but in that world and certainly not created in the image and likeness of God? Poch Suzara
Original Sin
How can we be so silly as to feel shame or guilty of the original sin since we never originated anything in this world to begin with? Poch Suzara
The Lord's Prayer
The prayer “Our Father, who art in heaven,” admits that God is not everywhere. In fact, it only proves that God is omni-present up there in heaven; but only and always omni-absent down here earth. Poch Suzara
What's The Difference
What is the difference between the Coliseum in Rome built as a monument to human depravity as inspired by deviltry and the Manila Cathedral built as a monument to human stupidity as inspired by divinity? Activities inside the Roman Coliseum were about superstitious sadism. Activities inside the Manila Cathedral were superstitious supernaturalism. How do such evils differ? Poch Suzara
Solution to Philippine Problem
First make the problem smaller, not bigger. After all, it is vain to do with more what could be done with fewer. In this way, the problem becomes smaller and manageable and in turn becomes the real prize of progress. With problems keeping the Philippines poor and backward, I would suggest breaking it up into three smaller independent States: The Republic of Mindanao, the Republic of Visayas, and the Republic of Luzon. All three new States to be managed not by politicians, theologians, or magicians, but by public administrators and scientists. Poor Filipinos hoping to migrate to foreign countries to enjoy a higher standard of living need not fall in line devoid of self-respect and dignity like they do at the US Embassy every day of the year. They should only emigrate to independent States growing economically and developing scientifically right here in the next door neighbor. Poch Suzara
Silly Theology
As a young boy, I was told that theology is the study of God. Today as an old man, I am aware that no new knowledge has been discovered about God. His experiences in life and what lessons he has learned from such experiences. God seemed to have just grown older, not wiser. He has amassed a great deal of experience, but it remains a mass of experience. The pattern of his thought and attitude and action remains the same. In fact, what God was last century, he is exactly the same God in this century. I wish theology could even discover if God in fact is a He, a She, or just an It.
In the ultimate analysis, however, at this point and time in man's history on this earth, theology should have already discovered the secret of life and death as something knowable and not something unknowable. Poch Suzara
In the ultimate analysis, however, at this point and time in man's history on this earth, theology should have already discovered the secret of life and death as something knowable and not something unknowable. Poch Suzara
Biblical Tree
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit; neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Matt. 7:18. The question is: where exactly is that corrupt tree found on this planet today, and who created its evil fruit? Poch Suzara
Jerry Falwell
Jerry Falwell said: “Grown men should not be having sex with prostitutes unless they are married to them.”
It would have been nearer the truth had Jerry Falwell, instead, declared: “Creation, not prostitution, is the world’s oldest profession.” Poch Suzara
It would have been nearer the truth had Jerry Falwell, instead, declared: “Creation, not prostitution, is the world’s oldest profession.” Poch Suzara
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Love from Jesus
Jesus admonished: "Love, love one another." Jesus, however, failed to show his followers how prcisely to love one another. Thus, even among bible characters themselves, from the Old to the New Testament, nobody knew how to love anybody. In fact, Jesus himself knew not how to love others. Otherwise, if He did, no one in His community of love would have had the gall to get Him crucified dead on a stick. Poch Suzara
Mark Twain's Monkeys
Mark Twain wrote: "I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's."
Please Mark, let us not insult the monkeys. Monkeys do not achieve a reputation for mediocrity. Monkeys do not go to school. They are not made stupid by acquiring a college education. Take a look at the men and women with college education in charge of the stupid mess otherwise known as the United Nations today. Poch Suzara
Please Mark, let us not insult the monkeys. Monkeys do not achieve a reputation for mediocrity. Monkeys do not go to school. They are not made stupid by acquiring a college education. Take a look at the men and women with college education in charge of the stupid mess otherwise known as the United Nations today. Poch Suzara
We are all superstitious. Consider how we all believe that there is such a thing as security. None exist in the ultimate reality. After all, in nature, in every birth follows life and then only death and decay. Even security in the hereafter is based on a lot of religious hogwash. Consider the fact there isn’t even a herebefore. How could there be a hereafter? Poch Suzara
No One is Perfect
No one is perfect. We atheists, however, have no sense of sin, nor sense of guilt, nor sense of shame with the thought that we are not perfect. In fact, we atheists are never bothered by the fact that no one is perfect. Poch Suzara
War is nature’s spasmodic effort to change the status quo, but we have none of that. As soon as one war is over, we lay the foundation of another. Blinded and obsessed by either ecclesiasticism or commercialism, - old boundaries, old sovereignties, old systems, and old ways are set up, when the purpose of war is to destroy them. Do you not see then the part self-righteous wrongdoers play in war? Indeed, the righteous are always ready and willing to kill those who are more righteous.
We atheists have found intellectual as well as moral equivalent for war, something that can bring about change without bloodshed, without violence – brains instead of battles, books instead of bullets, and mature thinking instead childish believing. Poch Suzara
We atheists have found intellectual as well as moral equivalent for war, something that can bring about change without bloodshed, without violence – brains instead of battles, books instead of bullets, and mature thinking instead childish believing. Poch Suzara
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