Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I am Told

I am told by friends and relatives that in the end before I leave this world, I will find God. Well, I said it before and I say it again: a God who is always lost, indeed, always omni-absent is not worth finding. Poch Suzara


Kill one poor fellow and you are a silly murderer. Kill millions of people and you are a silly conqueror. Kill eventually every man, woman, and child in this world and you are not only a silly God but also in cahoots with a silly devil. Poch Suzara

A Nation of Religious Morons

We are a nation of religious morons. Even in our schools, colleges, and universities – they teach how to save and how to love not our country, but only how to love and how to save our stupid individual souls! Poch Suzara

On Being Spiritual

Most people believe that being spiritual is only about listening to others preaching bombastic garbage from the holy bible. On the contrary, being spiritual is about questioning everything, especially questioning the bible as it contains plenty of nothing. After more than 4,000 years of messages from God in the Old Testament and from Jesus, the Son of God, in the New Testament – look at our world still sapped with so many destructive religious messages such as God loves the world. Poch Suzara

Friday, November 02, 2007


Corruption may have been invented in China. But thanks to the pardon of crime and the forgiveness of sin - corruption was perfected as a way of life; especially in Congress and in the Senate of the Philippine government. They seek not solutions to national problems, but seek instead only money and power. When they do get money, plenty of it, money made either by lies or by deception, or made by hook or by crook, they just continue to be selfish, greedy, stupid, insecure, corrupt, and insane. Wow, they are even so proud when you address them as “your honor.” After all, they are the elected members of the House of Representathieves. Poch Suzara

God Revealed in Nature

Nature is terrible and cruel. It cares nothing for human values. Nature is also wasteful. Moreover, nature has only to do with birth, death, and decay. Nothing is permanent in nature. As an atheist I admit that I am a part of nature as nature is part of me. Now where or when or how has God ever revealed himself in nature? Poch Suzara

Why Something

Why the existence of something rather than nothing? The implication is that there is a creator responsible for that something. Well, this is all fine and dandy. But why only a male God responsible for that something? Why not instead a female goddess responsible for everything?

Quality Education

If quality education starts with the teachers, the government can do a great deal to transform by improving the conditions for teachers. Unfortunately, this is not enough. What is mostly needed is the scientific outlook or, simply, the love of the truth in classrooms. Bertrand Russell explained it in plain language: “I wish to propose for the reader’s favorable consideration a doctrine which may, I fear, appear wildly paradoxical and subversive. The doctrine in question is this: that it is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatever for supposing it true." If this doctrine were widespread and generally accepted and practiced in our schools, colleges, and universities, it will revolutionize from backward to forward the Filipino way of life in the Philippines. Poch Suzara

Atheist Defined

Dictionary says an atheist is one who denies the existence of God. This is hogwash. What we atheists deny is that God has absolutely anything to do with existence. Otherwise, the proofs of the existence of God should have already been established centuries ago. In this already 21st century – the Christians, the Jews, and the Muslims still hate and kill each other over who or what such weird supernatural beings should be called: - God? Allah? Yahweh? Or what have you! Now let us assume for the sake of the argument that God exist somewhere out there. Does God really have such an uneasy vanity as to be terrestrially upset just because we atheists do not believe in his terrestrial existence? If we atheists were able to declare that God does not exist, how come God could not be return the compliment by also declaring that the atheists do not exist? Yet here we are existing as clean and as bright as the sun – the real creator of life on this earth! If we must believe in something, let us believe in the existence of the sun. The sun is clean and bright even as it burns itself out in the process. Poch Suzara


Ignorance establishes its own blindness; prevents its own enlightenment; and, belittles human intelligence. Ignorance is bliss and has always been precisely what the subject of theology has been all about. Look how the theologians are still ignorant of the knowledge whether God as a He, a She, or an It!


Our newspapers seem incomplete unless they report death, murder, rape, robbery, and other forms of lawlessness and crime, not to mention the life and times of the tootie frooties and patuties famous in our sick society. The few recognize it as social insanity. The many believe it to be the miracles of “freedom and democracy.” Poch Suzara

Our Most Pressing Problem

What is the most pressing issue besetting our country today?

I say blind faith. We are still blind with so much faith in the power of stupid prayer.

During the past 400 years, we never missed praying daily to a higher power to remedy the ills of our sick country.

In the meantime, we are a corrupt people because of our corrupt values and corrupt beliefs.

In this 21st century, we are still praying to Mary, Mother of God, to pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, amen?” Poch Suzara

100 Trillion Cells

The 100 trillion cells that are bundled up together comprising our body are not human cells, but tiny animal cells. It is amazing how such tiny creatures together could evolve into our physical form and still more amazing how such little devils could evolve as thinking human beings.

Too bad silly religion managed to intrude into the picture to damaged man’s thinking capacity; especially to believe that a God made man in his own image and likeness. Poch Suzara

Religion Against Science

All the melodramatic quarrels of religion against science should have already been settled thousands of years ago. The findings of science should have already been reported in the bible – a book written by inspired authors of an All-knowing God. Obviously, God failed to inspire his bible authors about the wonders of science because God knew nothing of the scientific way of thinking.
In school, we were taught to believe that God is omni-present. And yet, God has always been omni-absent. God was not present to edit the works of His inspired authors who recklessly wrote such nonsense as “Cain knew his wife,” or that “Joshua commanded the sun to stop,” or that God told Noah to save not his neighbors, but to “save the animals,” or that dead characters in the Old and in the New testament were able to resurrect themselves back to life. Poch Suzara

Russell and Dawkins

Bertrand Russell was once accused of being “lecherous, salacious, libidinous, lustful, venerous, erotomaniac, aphrodisiac, atheistic, irreverent, narrow-minded, bigoted, untruthful, and bereft of moral fibre.”

On the contrary, Russell was one of the kindest philosophers who ever lived. In his time in many countries, he intellectually taught millions of people to be courageous with self-respect and to be comfortable with human dignity.

Next to Russell, I have the greatest respect and admiration for the famous atheist-biologist Richard Dawkins. He recently published “The God Delusion” – a best seller in the USA and Britain, it is now also coming out in 30 foreign editions, shooting onto best seller lists in Italy, Germany, Brazil and Spain.

I particularly enjoyed reading Dawkins’ description of God of the Old Testament - “arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction… a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sado-masochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.” Poch Suzara

If God is Dead

“If God is dead then everything is permissible” is not an argument against a dead God, but an argument against a living God! Why does God allow the sinner to enjoy his sins and then enjoy even more not only the forgiveness of sin by God, but also enjoy the offer of paradise in the hereafter? Poch Suzara

The Bible

We are a nation of bible believers. Not bible readers. It is not parts of the bible we reject, but parts of the bible we accept – that makes us the Sick Man of Asia.

The bible tells us to have faith. But faith means having the free will to choose to avoid knowing what is true.

The bible tells us to love our neighbors and to love our enemies. Well, our neighbors and our enemies are one and same people we work with; vote for; trade and do business with; and indeed, neighbors and enemies together are with us during mass on Sundays! Poch Suzara

God's Children

Why should God tell parents how to raise their children when he had drowned His own? Oh yes, the existence of God might still be a mystery. One thing, however, is no longer a mystery: in this world, God loves the dead more than He gives a hoot about the living. Poch Suzara

Born-Again Atheist

Each and every single one of us, without exception, are born atheist. No child ever comes out of mother’s womb singing “Glory be to God,” or praying the rosary? A Born-Again Christian is a childish myth! More truth to tell, however, is that after that dreadful theism has been shoved into our innocent minds, we can only be born-again atheist! Poch Suzara

Our Historical Trouble

Our historical trouble is that we have not prayed hard enough? We have not prayed daily enough, weekly enough, monthly enough, yearly enough, and centuries enough? We need to pray more? Let us be more active and consistent with our prayers? In fact, our parents, grandparents, great grandparents did not pray as much they should have prayed?

If we could only devote more time, more energy, more resources, more ways and more means, and indeed devote more faith in the power of prayer, then and only then will God provide. In the meantime, we Filipinos continue to be famous as the Sick Man of Asia. Poch Suzara