Friday, December 21, 2007
Nothing Unthinkable
At the rate the power of science is growing, developing, and expanding, there is nothing any more that’s unthinkable. Indeed, with science anything that is conceivable or imaginable is achievable. Except the conveyors of human stupidity. They still think that science and human stupidity are all one and the same animal created in the image and likeness of a creator.
What is the Real Nature of Reality
The Absurdity of Existence
The Speed in Nature
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Our Country
Lesbians and Homosexuals
The church equally condemns married couples as immoral if they practice family planning and birth control measures. The church loves the population explosion everywhere. It maintains and supports suffering, poverty, and misery – the very evils that keep the business of the church growing, developing, and expanding. Poch Suzara
Harmful Faith
Instead of faith, I’d rather have confidence. Life is too damned short and fleeting. Indeed, if the examined life is worth living, then our beliefs must always be examined if our lives were to be worth living especially for and in the business of establishing peace on earth and goodwill to all men.
Poch Suzara
What about the values of citizenship? My country continues to suffer from lack of leadership due to the traditional controllership of the Vatican Lordship over the millions of the faithful Catholic membership! Poch Suzara
The Filthy-rich only Want to get Filthy-Richer
The Analysis of Failure
A man of Faith
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Our Women
Vatican Bank
The Catholic Vatican Bank today is worth more than a trillion dollars in cash deposits. And yet, De La Salle University President is asking for donations to support his Catholic students on scholarship. The One La Salle Scholarship Fund Campaign hopes to raise a billion pesos ($50 million dollars) by the year 2011. La Salle president Brother Luistro himself admits: “The majority of these young people would not even dare enter the halls of our schools because of financial inability.”
Poverty, squalor, and misery keep Christianity going. The ulterior purpose of the whole Christian system of salvation is to make people ill or troubled. Indeed, to put more decadence locally than to spread more intelligence regionally. Look at the Philippines as a backward and a corrupt nation – the only Christian country in all of Asia since the 16th century.
The problem is that we Filipinos only want stupid religion. We do not want intelligent science. We are in mortal fear of science as the one sermon of science is that all life eats other life, and that all life will die. We will never accept science until it transforms the Philippines into an earthly paradise. As long as we have poverty, squalor, and misery – we will never abandon Jesus, Mary, and Joseph and the saints and the other members of the holy trinity otherwise more known as Christianity.
And so, “lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the earth,… but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth and rust doth corrupt, and were thieves break through and steal. Matt. 6:20.
The Dead
I envy the dead. The dead can no longer be acquisitive, jealous, combative, erotic, indeed, can no longer be stupid and insane!
One day, like it or not, we too will eventually join the dead. I ardently hope, however, there is no next world, no hereafter managed by a silly divinity in cahoots with a silly deviltry to ruin again precious life for the sake of nothing, but infinite stupidity.
In the meantime, I ask: should we have more faith with the living dead in this world; or, have more faith with the dead living in the next world? Poch Suzara