Saturday, April 12, 2008

Religion and Politics as Evil Monsters

“Those who say religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is.” Mahatma Gandhi. My dear Gandhi, you are right on target: religion and politics only pretend to be separated, but in reality, however, both have always been in cahoots together. Especially for wealth, power, and glory. Look how they have mutually concocted for themselves the “divine right of kings,” on the one hand, and on the other hand, the “divine authority of the Church.” In the meantime, silly theologians always in cahoots with the silly politicians are both masters in the art of telling lies at best, and at worst deceptions; especially with much alacrity, if not with much hypocrisy. Poch Suzara Facebook# Twitter# Google#

Separation of Church and State

The separation of Church and State has always been based on a lot of superstitious hogwash. Why should stupid religion always in cahoots with stupid politics have to pretend that they are separated? The existence of the State should be above the Church. In fact, in this 21st century, the church should already be dead and buried and gone. The Church knows nothing of the secret of life after death. She knows nothing of the secret of life after birth? So what exactly does the Church know since even her own God continue to remain nothing but an useless mystery? Poch Suzara


If God created man in his own image and likeness and we are all born supot, then God must be a supot too. Well, if God and all men are born supot, why should religion be stupid enough to consider the doctrine of circumcision which is really the mutilation of the image and likeness of God as something sacred or holy? Poch Suzara

Religious Rat Race

No doubt, in the religious rat race, we Filipinos won and have been victorious since the 16th century. Indeed, in matters of religious beliefs and values, specially with faith in Jesus, we are way ahead among all other Asian countries still untouched by Christianity.

What is sick and rotten, however, about the religious rat race, is that rats continue to dominate our way of life as a people, and rats continue to dominate the Philippines as a nation. Poch Suzara

The Human Race

There was existing, once upon a time, the beauty and the sanity known as the human race. Unfortunately, somewhere along the line, divinity emerged in the shape of a stupid Burning Bush to meddle in human affairs. And deviltry in the shape of a stupid Talking Serpent emerged also to meddle in human affairs. The human race then evolved into something not only irrational and insane but eventually proceeded to become something of a rotten global disgrace for the sake of divine grace. Poch Suzara

Rotten Religion

Religion is the most rotten thing in the world. It misdirected humanity to live a sick life after death in heaven. It never guided humanity to live a healthy life after birth on earth.

As for me, an atheist, it seems self-evident that the secret of life and death are not only unknown, but unknowable. Poch Suzara

Bertrand Russell and Voltaire

Voltaire said: “If God does not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.” On the contrary, if God does not exist, it would be even more necessary to live the good life. Atheist Bertrand Russell described “the good life as one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.”

If only the politicians in government understand this piece of truth, ours could be a government of the truth, by the truth, and for the truth. Not as it has always been a government of lies, by lies, and for lies. Poch Suzara

Horrible Faith

Nothing is really completely horrible, because the most horrible of things can, at least, serve as a horrible example. For example, faith may be not that horrible all the time. Sometimes it can be very useful. Faith helps to choke free inquiry and the useful consequences it might bring. Faith also promotes the fallacy of the unknown by means of the more unknown. Poch Suzara


The Pastor’s sermon this morning: ”Jesus Walks on the Water.” My own sermon: Jesus Saves but first we must find Jesus? I ask: Since Jesus could walk on water, how come nobody picked up on that miracle to be included in the Olympic Games competition called "walkers on water contest?" Poch Suzara

Revealed Truth

If the search of the truth were man’s most noble of professions, it is only because the Truth revealed in the holy bible has never, as yet, been revealed. Poch Suzara

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Obama - the anti-Christ

According to The Book of Revelations the anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal.... the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, will destroy everything. Is this Obama? So wrote Ken Blackwell – Columnist of the New York Sun.

In the first place, the anti-Christ may not be a person, but a whole State like the Jewish State that never got converted to Christianity. What could be more anti-Christ than that?
In the second place, how could Revelation predict that the anti-Christ will be of a Muslim descent since there were no Muslims yet existing when Revelation was written by inspired superstitious primitives of God? Poch Suzara

The Existence of Reality

In the short run, yes, perhaps reality exists; but in the long run, what is there really to believe about the existence of reality? Each unfolding reality contains the seeds of its own destruction and the embryo of a new reality that will replace it. Which reality is therefore real – the reality on the way out after death, or the reality on the way in after birth? Poch Suzara<


If prayer were allowed inside the school, such a school might fail in its task to reflect as a monument to human intelligence.
Prayer should only be allowed inside a cathedral. After all, a cathedral is a monument to human stupidity. Poch Suzara

God and the Fireman

God says that it is not his business to save a child from burning inside a building on fire because, to begin with, He did not cause the fire. And yet, a fireman saves a child inside a burning building even if the fireman did not also cause the fire! Isn’t it strange that a fireman could play God because God himself refuses to play God? Poch Suzara


Christianity has done very little to promote civilization; in fact, Christianity has done a great deal to retard it.

In this 21st century Philippines, for example, there is hardly even a semblance of civilization. In the 19th century, for writing two great books based on the power of ideas and the values of civilization throughout his land, Christianity had our Jose Rizal arrested, tried, and executed by firing squad.

I submit, if Christianity had instead promoted, not shamelessly demoted, - the impact of Rizal’s writings, the Filipinos would be one of the most highly respected people and the Philippines one of the most greatly admired nations in all of Asia today. Ah, thanks to Christianity, we Filipinos remain only famous as the Sick Man of Asia. Poch Suzara

Where is Hell

Nobody, but nobody knows what mode of transportation can be used to travel to hell. Nobody, but nobody knows the direction on how to get to hell. Nobody, but nobody knows even if hell has an address? And yet, religious morons never cease to ask: if there is a hell?

I bet the Catholic theologians know everything there is to know about hell. After all, they invented the concept of hell for intelligent children who have hopes of being unfaithful and disobedient. They are destined to end up in hell. Poch Suzara

God and Evolution

I am told that evolution is evidence of God. God is part of nature that man has not yet studied.
If this were true, however, then God is natural, not supernatural. But then again, if God were part of nature, why would he declare such nonsense like: “My kingdom is not of this world?”

In the meantime, I will take sides with Carl Sagan, one of the greatest scientists our world has ever produced. In his Pale Blue Planet, he wrote:

“Two billion years ago our ancestors were microbes; a half-billion years ago, fish; a hundred million years ago, something like mice; ten million years ago, arboreal apes; and 1 million years ago, proto-humans puzzling out the taming of fire. Our evolutionary lineage is marked by mastery of change. In our time, the pace is quickening.” Poch Suzara

Thursday, March 27, 2008


“Only God has the right to define what’s wrong.” Phil Star March 13,2008 If God could only wake up, He might begin to do right what has always been wrong with His original creation to begin with. For God’s sake, even the scientists are trying to find ways and means to improve the human conditions on this earth. Such as curing diseases, even conquering death. Now we are told that scientists are playing God. Well, if God would only stop wasting his powers fooling around and begin to play the role of God himself, we would have no need of scientists trying hard to make this world a better place than what the religious morons have made of it during these past centuries! Poch Suzara


“If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” 1 John 1:8.

It is insane to imagine a supernatural Being still bothered with stupid sin in this 21st century. Billions of Christians, Jews, and Muslims have already been born, sinned, and died on this earth since ages ago. Especially since His own son Jesus pretended to die on the cross to save the world from sin. Indeed, when Jesus resurrected from the dead, so have the deadly sins of the world resurrected along with Him. Poch Suzara

Free Will

“Our Father who art in heaven,” "give us this day our daily bread," "lead us not into temptation" and “thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Free will is a myth. A biblical joke. We have no free will. Where is our free will if we were only doing God’s will on earth as it is in heaven? Where is your free will to do something for yourself without God or without the devil?Indeed, where is your free sense to attain for yourself self-respect and dignity as a thinking man? Poch Suzara