Saturday, April 12, 2008
Religion and Politics as Evil Monsters
Separation of Church and State
Religious Rat Race
No doubt, in the religious rat race, we Filipinos won and have been victorious since the 16th century. Indeed, in matters of religious beliefs and values, specially with faith in Jesus, we are way ahead among all other Asian countries still untouched by Christianity.
The Human Race
Rotten Religion
Religion is the most rotten thing in the world. It misdirected humanity to live a sick life after death in heaven. It never guided humanity to live a healthy life after birth on earth.
Bertrand Russell and Voltaire
Voltaire said: “If God does not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.” On the contrary, if God does not exist, it would be even more necessary to live the good life. Atheist Bertrand Russell described “the good life as one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.”
If only the politicians in government understand this piece of truth, ours could be a government of the truth, by the truth, and for the truth. Not as it has always been a government of lies, by lies, and for lies. Poch SuzaraHorrible Faith
Nothing is really completely horrible, because the most horrible of things can, at least, serve as a horrible example. For example, faith may be not that horrible all the time. Sometimes it can be very useful. Faith helps to choke free inquiry and the useful consequences it might bring. Faith also promotes the fallacy of the unknown by means of the more unknown. Poch Suzara
Revealed Truth
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Obama - the anti-Christ
The Existence of Reality
God and the Fireman
Where is Hell
I bet the Catholic theologians know everything there is to know about hell. After all, they invented the concept of hell for intelligent children who have hopes of being unfaithful and disobedient. They are destined to end up in hell. Poch Suzara
God and Evolution
If this were true, however, then God is natural, not supernatural. But then again, if God were part of nature, why would he declare such nonsense like: “My kingdom is not of this world?”
In the meantime, I will take sides with Carl Sagan, one of the greatest scientists our world has ever produced. In his Pale Blue Planet, he wrote:
“Two billion years ago our ancestors were microbes; a half-billion years ago, fish; a hundred million years ago, something like mice; ten million years ago, arboreal apes; and 1 million years ago, proto-humans puzzling out the taming of fire. Our evolutionary lineage is marked by mastery of change. In our time, the pace is quickening.” Poch Suzara
Thursday, March 27, 2008
“If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” 1 John 1:8.
It is insane to imagine a supernatural Being still bothered with stupid sin in this 21st century. Billions of Christians, Jews, and Muslims have already been born, sinned, and died on this earth since ages ago. Especially since His own son Jesus pretended to die on the cross to save the world from sin. Indeed, when Jesus resurrected from the dead, so have the deadly sins of the world resurrected along with Him. Poch Suzara