Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The United States Government

The United States government would rather be wasting TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS on stupid wars against other countries than be spending monies on medical science research to find the cure of terminal diseases such as malignant brain cancer. Another even far more dreadful disease terrorizing America itself and other nations of the world is called – RELIGION. Poch Suzara

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Chronic Boredom

Boredom is a chronic disease of the rich, not the poor. Chronic boredom stays with the rich round the clock. It smothers enthusiasm, impoverishes the imagination, saps personal energy, and inspires fear of new and fresh ideas. Most rich people would admit that they are bored; but never would they ever admit that they are boring. Indeed, rich people are always bored to death though they are always looking for excitement to help them prevent the necessity of thought.
In the meantime, economics is a scam to confuse and to take advantage of the poor for cheap labor. If the economists knew exactly what they are talking about, they would have been wiped poverty out of this world centuries ago. Poch Suzara

Free Choice

In the free choice to choose between thoughtless belief or thoughtful unbelief, without hesitation, I choose thoughtful unbelief. Sooner or later, for the sake of higher learning, we must abandon faith, especially in not wanting to know what is true. Poch Suzara

Christ Experienced

I am told that Christ is best experienced, not explained. Well, that's fine and dandy. But we should experience Christ as a member of which church? Baptist, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Adventist, Methodist, Unitarian, Presbyterian, Anglican, Episcopalian, Mormon, Catholic, Iglesia ni Cristo, El Shaddai, Jesus is Lord Fellowship?
To think even Christ himself never experienced anything inside a Christian “church.” He did, however, explained himself why he was more at home inside a Jewish “synagogue.”
Christianity is the venereal disease of the Pinoys. Christianity is what makes the Filipino the Sick Man of Asia. Look how in this 21st century, we continue to love Jesus up there by hating fellow-Filipinos down here. Poch Suzara

Blind Faith versus Bright Reason

Faith continues to be popular because, like “humility,” it makes a virtue out of lazy mentality which is really a euphemism for ecclesiastical stupidity. Blind faith makes us see only 2 sides of every coin. I’d rather enjoy clear-eyed reason. It is more creative and expansive: it makes me see the 7 sides of every coin: left and right, top and bottom, back and front, and the middle side. In the meantime, to advocate that a belief be accepted without the scrutiny of reason is to advocate that a belief be accepted without thought and without verification. Poch Suzara

Born in the Flesh

“That which is born of flesh is flesh, and that which is born of spirit is spirit.” Gospel of John 3:6.
In the meantime, it is, indeed, anybody’s guess how many children in our sick society owe their existence to the spirit of vanity, sadism, and masochism, rather than to the flesh of love or genuine physical attraction. Most men, however, prefer to think that they are libidinous or oversexed in the flesh rather than believe that they are vicious, lascivious, or, in the spirit, - idiotically salacious. Poch Suzara


“It is dangerous presumption to say, “tomorrow,” when God says, “today!” Philippine Star April 30, 2008
If there is a God, I ask: “Where were you yesterday?”
In the meantime, I am asked what best describes my belief? Well, I am an atheist. We atheists have no belief system. Even in the beauty of questioning everything, we atheists have no system in doing so. We just question everything including the way we think. Poch Suzara

College Educated Friends

Most of my college educated friends and relatives are into twaddle or drivel on the one hand; and, religious hokum or political bunkum, on the other hand. For my part, I am happy and proud of myself expelled out of high school for asking my teachers endless questions. Poch Suzara

War on Poverty

The war on poverty can never be won. To begin with, the world economists themselves do not exactly know what in hell they are talking about. For example – economic growth? According to whom, by whom, for whom, and with whom? Hardly would they also seriously look into the Entropy Law: it shows that the more the economy grows, the more it digs itself into a hole.
For my part, I would attach more credibility or reliability to the scientists who disclosed that each unfolding reality contains the seeds of its own destruction and the embryo of a new reality that will replace it. Poch Suzara

Friday, May 02, 2008

Abused Atheists

We atheists make fun of religious beliefs because they are ludicrous. Can you really believe that Satan appeared and wafted Jesus on to a mountain top from which he could see the entire world and that Satan, personally, tempted Jesus and offered to him the kingdoms of this world if Jesus would only kneel down to Satan? ( matt. 4:11) (Luke 4:2-13). To think Jesus never asked Satan if he possessed titles of ownership of those kingdoms of the world! Perhaps you believe you can change your diet to suit God’s menu? … “hath he not sent me to the men that sit upon the wall, that they may eat their own shit, and drink their own piss with you? ( Isaiah 36:12 ) ( 2Kings 18:27 ) You can’t laugh at Atheists because we do not adhere to such irrational ideas. However, if you find any hilarious slips in our logic, we will be the first to laugh with you at our own errors. But now you complain that Atheists have done nothing to help the poor and the downtrodden as much as the Christians have. Well, how could we? Look what you Christians did to us Atheists for about 1,500 years. You outlawed us from the universities or any teaching careers, besmirched our reputation, ostracized us, blacklisted us, banned our books, burned our writings of any kind, drove us into exile, humiliated us, seized our properties, arrested us for blasphemy. Christians have dehumanized us atheists with beatings and exquisite torture, gouged out our eyes, slit our tongues, stretched, crushed, or broke our limbs, tore off their breasts if they were women, crushed their scrotums of they were men, imprisoned us, stabbed us, hung us, and burnt us alive – for bringing enlightenment to the minds of men and intelligence to the hearts of women. Atheists are now in government, in the United Nations, and other global organizations. Have you heard of atheists doing the same horrors to the Christians or to believers of whatever faith today? No, because we atheists are rational men and women. The most we do at your ridiculous beliefs is to laugh at them as they are childish, if not delusional ever doing more harm than good in our world. Poch Suzara

Persistence in Prayer

“Persistence in prayer pleases God.” Phil Star, May 3, 2008. Obviously, this only proves that God is not all that powerful or all that kind and merciful or all that thoughtful. In fact, it proves that God is really a cold-blooded perfection lost in self-admiration always desperate for affection via endless attention. Poch Suzara

God Will Provide

A country that produces more children than it does produce rice can only mean one thing: that country, like the Philippines, continue to believe and to depend on its traditional Christian teachings such as God will always provide. Poch Suzara


If Atheism is a natural response to the abuse of fundamentalism, then fundamentalism must also be the natural response to the abuse of ecclesiasticism. And what good is ecclesiasticism devoid of Satanism? In the meantime, a God who maliciously and recklessly created a world like this one has got to be a supernatural Jerk. What is more incredible, however, are the faithfools. The still believe in such unbelievable malarkey. They continue to be frightened of such childish nonsense. Poch Suzara

The Childish Creator

God could create human hair and fingernails that can continue to grow after death without pain for a thousand years. God, however, refused to do the same with the rest of the human body. What a silly and childish creator. Poch Suzara

Little Men

I am told that great men of history have always had a high libido. Always lustful. They were sexually active in the pursuit of women just as active in the other great challenges in life.
Well, I have known of morons who have had a much higher libido. They will fuck anything dumbstruck with a skirt; yet they remain Lilliputian as ever before always bereft of any kind of courage for greatness to put beauty into this world where nature has put only horror. Poch Suzara

Poor Judas

"Now this man [Judas] purchased a field with the reward of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out." (Acts 1:18) In school, we were taught that Judas hanged himself. Indeed, he hanged himself according to Matthew 27:5? "And he threw the pieces of silver into the temple sanctuary and departed; and he went away and hanged himself. I suppose before we can determine whether Judas was a hero or a villain, let’s first Determine how the poor fellow met his death as reported in the bible a book written by inspired authors of an All-knowing God! Poch Suzara

The Rich against the Poor

It is a fact of life that the rich are interested to become richer. But more so they feel a greater sense of accomplishment if they were able to successfully keep the poor poorer. To think that the worst kind of poverty is the poverty of the mind and heart. Is it any wonder that our world, since God knows when, has always been ruled by a gang of rich morons! Poch Suzara


America has approximately 1,600 Buddhist temples, 1,200 Muslim Mosques, and about 500 Hindu houses. Most of America’s black population now embrace the Islamic faith. It is now almost equal in numbers to the Jewish followers.
Author Dennis E. Hensley, in his book MILLENNIUM APPROACHES,writes that prisoners in New Jersey and Georgia have asked to worship on Fridays because they are Muslims. Orthodox Jews serving as rabbis in the military have asked to violate Air Force dress regulations in order to wear a skullcap. Sikhs serving in the military have petitioned to be allowed to grow their beards for their faith forbids shaving them. Muslim women in four states have sought an exception to revealing their faces for driver’s license photos since wearing a veil is part of their religious discipline.
According to high officials of the US government, if you were an American atheist, you are not considered a citizen of the USA.
America is indeed a great nation. It is blessed not only with unity of diversity, but also liberty; especially the liberty to perpetually enjoy human stupidity. Poch Suzara

Computer Industry

Logic and mathematics on the one hand, and science and technology, on the other hand, produced the computer machine.
It is truly pathetic, however, to see timid friends and frightened relatives sitting in front of a computer machine still clinging to the belief that the power of divinity had everything basic to do with logic, mathematics, science, and technology responsible for the birth of the computer industry. Unfortunately, how to assemble and produce and operate a computer machine is not mentioned in the Old or in the New Testament! Poch Suzara


There is so much fuss and excitement about the physical death of a relative or an associate or a friend. Nobody, however, gives a damn about the mental death of children in our schools, colleges, and universities. Especially those taught never to think critically; or to learn to be independent fearlessly; or to be truthful creatively especially in helping to establish and maintain for ourselves a lively and a sane society. Poch Suzara