Thursday, August 21, 2008


War is always big business for the munition makers. They naturally do everything possible to market the idea of war such as war is the only way to settle international disputes. More often than not, the munition industry will even concoct such disputes by declaring it to be the war for freedom and democracy, or for God. In fact, war is mostly about men killing other men so that the munition makers will earn big profits. Poch Suzara


When you do not or cannot make a decision, indecision takes over. When you refuse to think for yourself someone else will think for you. At most time, it is usually referred to as having “faith in God’s Will.” In the meantime, there is no such as thing the right decision or the wrong decision. There is only evil of indecision. We must face the fact that life is a series of decisions. We must learn to never be afraid to make decisions. Poch Suzara


Loneliness has always been an emotionally painful experience. Today, however, paradoxically enough, loneliness is a shared way of life. Even within the family members. In loneliness, they pray together to stay together. Too bad prayers don’t work. More families are derailed in this century than it was during the last century. Poch Suzara


If Progress only means the accumulation of money, then it becomes a mockery against human decency. In fact, progress should be like a flowering tree with many branches extending to the future. As a product of the power of the intellect, progress is not revolution. It is evolution. Progress should mean a better tomorrow than it was a better yesterday.
Take, for example, progress in education: more and flexible learning should occur outside, rather than inside, crowded school rooms. Poch Suzara


“I cried out to the Lord because of my affliction, and He answers me.” Jonah 2:2

It is incredible how the religious bobos would readily believe what Jonah wrote in the bible. If this were true, however, how come millions upon millions of Filipinos who cried out to the same Lord because of their affliction, no Lord answers them? Instead, they ended up dead and buried. Their remains are found in the cemeteries throughout the Philippines. Poch Suzara

American Politics

Whether we are Democrats or Republicans, despite our differences, we all belong in the same sinking American economic boat. All of us, while jockeying for power within it, are all basically committed to preserving the dying “Military-Industrial-Oil-University complex” of the USA.

There is hope, however, in the new presidential candidate of Barack Obama. There is a great chance he could bring real change in America. For one thing, he will transform the White House into a more prestigious Black House.

It is time for us Americans to enjoy real freedom; not the freedom of lies; but the freedom from lies. Especially the freedom from government lies. Poch Suzara

Divine Boredom

Here’s an example of divine boredom as written in the bible: “I form the light and create darkness: I make peace and create evil: I the Lord do these things.” Is. 45:7. Indeed, evil is mostly derived from boredom, especially from divine boredom.
Boringly, bible readers excitingly call it: divine wisdom. Poch Suzara

Organized Religions

Historically, no doubt, organized religions have flourished. But what flourished alongside with organized religions, however, has been the fear of thought, hypocrisy, dishonesty, criminality all rolled into one bundle called “social insanity.”

In the meantime, most men are proud of the religion taught to them during childhood years. It has given conscience that is good; unfortunately, good for nothing. They cry like little boys for peace. As if there is such a thing as peace. They ignore the words of their own Jesus who admitted: “Think not that I have come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.” Matt. 10:34. Poch Suzara

Bread Crumbs

According to the bible, man does not live by bread alone. Is this the reason why Christian charity never distribute loaves of bread to, but would even remove bread crumbs away from, - the Filipino people in this spiritually poor and morally backward country? In the meantime, when Filipinos accept poverty and insanity as the normal Filipino way of life it can only mean malevolence on the one side; and, on the other, - decadence. Poch Suzara

Jose Rizal

Jose Rizal was a man of science. He was not a man of religion. He was publicly executed by religious morons precisely because he exposed the nature of religion in this country as nothing but harmful superstition. Poch Suzara

College Educated

It is precisely those who are selfish, greedy, stupid, and insane – in brief – college educated men and women who make me happy to be a high-school dropout, and who make me proud to be an atheist.

Take a good look at the men and women running our corrupt and rotten government. All of them are college educated. All them believe that God is great, especially in the national business of forgiving the sin of degradation and the crime of corruption! Poch Suzara

Book Learning

Learning by reading books is utterly worthless unless it is used and verified with variegated experiences in life. Only then can it begin to affect our power to think. It is the love of life that educates. Outside academic wall, books have been and still are the only kind of teachers and professors that I could love and respect. All my teachers in school were frightened of divinity, if not terrorized by deviltry. Thus, they only taught me how to have faith in mediocrity, and how to love and respect religious mendacity that's always in cahoots with hypocrisy. Poch Suzara


Our moral values are based more upon garbage than it should be upon real human values. Morality should solely be about alleviating human suffering, and eliminating human poverty, and indeed, about establishing a healthy and a sane society where we love, not hate, one another for our country’s sake.

Morality is silly if its purpose is to please a mysterious divinity. In brief, morality is a necessity for the good of society established with scientific veracity, not with silly religious mendacity. Poch Suzara

Misology and Theology

Misology – the hatred of reason – is a great evil. Misology is no different from theology – another great evil. Theology hates reason especially as reason promotes the beauty and the power of thought. Poch Suzara

Frank Sinatra

Most people have only thought of Frank Sinatra as just a great and a famous singer. Only the esoteric few knew that he was fearless thinker too. Listen to the words not of someone who kneels, who didn’t have to take the blows, but nevertheless did it his way:

"There are things about organized religion which I resent. Christ is revered as the Prince of Peace, but more blood has been shed in His name than any other figure in history. You show me one step forward in the name of religion and I'll show you a hundred retrogressions. Remember, they were men of God who destroyed the educational treasures at Alexandria, who perpetrated the Inquisition in Spain, who burned the witches at Salem. Over 25,000 organized religions flourish on this planet, but the followers of each think all the others are miserably misguided and probably evil as well." Frank Sinatra, Playboy Magazine, Feb. 1962

If only the other famous singers of our world possessed the intellectual calibre of a Frank Sinatra – ours, indeed, would be a healthy and a peaceful world.

“Frank, wherever you are, I love you. Thank you for having been in our world a great example of a melodious and harmonious grace for the human race.” Poch Suzara

Jose Rizal

Rizal stood by himself alone in his struggles against religious stupidity in our country. A group of religious morons, however, the Spanish friars, got Rizal arrested and jailed to face death by firing squad.

With Rizal dead and gone - out of way, the Spanish friars could then insure that religious stupidity could remain as one of the greatest of blessings from divinity perpetually enjoyed in this only Christian country.

Indeed, take a deep look at us Filipinos in the Philippines in this 21st century. Look how we enjoy with blind faith our love for God up there by hating one another down here! Poch Suzara

Ninoy Aquino

He said: “The Filipino is worth dying for.” Do any of you really believe that Ninoy Aquino now in heaven with God is so proud and eternally happy of the fact that the Filipino proved him right? The Filipino killed him.

In the meantime, I am told my own own friends and relatives and other associates that I should not refer to ourselves as a nation of religious morons. Poch Suzara

The Power of Universal Stupidity

In God’s kingdom is the power of love. In the devil’s kingdom is the power of hate. In man’s kingdom is the power of fear. Combine inextricably the three kingdoms and they all add up to the kingdom of universal stupidity.

To think that for thousands of years science had to painfully struggle against religion for its right to be born, to grow, and to develop and mature. And to think further that in this 21st century, the religious victims here and there are using radio, television, internet, and the mobile phone – all miraculous products of science - to preach the Word of God to fellow religious victims everywhere. Poch Suzara

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Life After Death

To pretend that we will happy or unhappy after the death of the body is to pretend that we will be able to see without eyes, to hear without ears, to taste with a palate, to smell with a nose, and to feel without hands and without skin, and especially to think without a brain.

There is obviously no such thing as life in the hereafter. To begin with, it is not possible since there is no such thing as life in the herebefore. Poch Suzara

World Peace

Fucking around with religion is much more fun than fucking around with women. There are no deadly consequences in fucking around with religion. There are no unwanted or unloved babies born only to survive miserably under subhuman conditions.

World peace can only be the basic product of children born loved, wanted, and needed under health and sanitation that insures peace on earth and goodwill to all men, women, and children. Poch Suzara