Saturday, February 27, 2010

Time and the death of Love

Time is needed to earn money in order to support wife and children. By the time you become rich and famous, however, the question arises: you have become rich for what and famous to whom?

Consider your wife and your children – they hardly know you; neither have a healthy relationship with you as you were daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly too busy in the deadly competition to be a financial success in life., specially to be a successful idiot to get your family derailed.

Indeed, Bertrand Russell wrote it: “In the modern world, however, love has an enemy more dangerous than religion, and that is the gospel of work and economic success.”

Monday, February 22, 2010

Albert Einstein

"Science without Religion is lame and Religion without Science is blind!" Albert Einstein

Obviously, Einstein was just being polite to the millions of religious morons. After all, in the ultimate analysis, science knows a lot about religion while religion knows nothing about science. To begin with, there is not one word, not one sentence, not one verse about the wonders of science written in the bible. Poch Suzara

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Western Civilization

It is claimed by Christians that Christianity built Western civilization. If this were true, how come the rich white Americans lived comfortably on black slave labor in America for a great many years? How come the poorest, most backward, nevertheless only Christian country in Asia – the Philippines - never got to be a prominent part of Western civilization? More to the point: if the Christianity built Western civilization, how come the Filipinos in this already 21st century have not learned to grasp the values of forethought and the power of knowledge; still have not learned what it means to love one’s country, what it means to love fellow-citizens, and indeed, how to enjoy a refined heart to love and a developed mind to respect - one another? If we were such as civilized Western nation and, as the only Christian country in Asia – how come the Christian authority got one of the greatest – the most noblest of Filipinos – a thinker and a humanist – Jose Rizal – arrested, incarcerated, and the publicly executed? In fact, thanks to the teachings of Christianity the majority of Filipinos do not know what exactly Jose Rizal stood and died for in his own land under the rule and authority of Christian power and supremacy. In the meantime, Christian terrorism had been behind the Crusades, the Inquisitions, and the mass killings of “witches” and heretics. Many of these heretics were only guilty of expressing ideas then that are now commonly accepted as the science of social reform. With the threat of heresy, Christianity effectively set back humankind's scientific and social advancement by hundreds of years. Christianity is also at the root of most of today's international problems. Just imagine how much more peaceful the world would be without belief in one God or one Son of God causing so much strife, hate and war. In the ultimate analysis, however, if Christianity build Western civilization, how come the teachings of Jesus Christ played an important part in the division between Catholics and Protestants that historically torn apart the Western world, still divides Northern Ireland, and indeed, has kept the Philippines left behind in the race for growth and development as a civilized nation of Asia?

The Failure of Most Marriages

Most marriages fail miserably because to begin with most men only want to fuck and to fuck women. They do not care to raise children which is what marriage is all about. That is why, for the sake of not bringing unhappy children into our already insane world, the prevention of unwanted pregnancy education is a must while men and women enjoy fucking each other. To think that 3 babies are born every minute of the day and night in this poor and backward country. That is about 1.5 million babies each and every year added to the population growth of the Philippines. Most of these babies are the result of an unhappy or failed marriages, if not out of wedlock. Their fathers have been taught to believe and to have faith in God who will provide - if not this world, in the next world to come after death. Poch Suzara

The Tooth Matters

According to the Department of Health, 98 per cent of the Philippine population suffer from tooth decaying, molars rotting, and gums bleeding.

Now what can be expected of Pinay mothers who have been taught to believe not so much in the values of personal health and sanitation but to have faith only in our terrestrial degradation for the sake of gaining eternal salvation? Poch Suzara

Friday, February 19, 2010

Simple Change

I want simple change in the Filipino to begin to enjoy health and wealth as a people. I also want simple change in the Philippines to begin to enjoy prosperity and maturity as a nation. In order to accomplish the change desperately needed for our historical sanity – we must only begin to love our country and love fellow citizens. We can accomplish the task by throwing out the evils making for our sick society under deadly Christianity. Indeed, Christian beliefs and so-called values are still playing destructive parts in keeping the Filipino still poor spiritually as a people and keeping the Philippines still backward morally as a nation. In the ultimate analysis, ours is the failure of education under the success of Christianity in the Philippines.

Let us now begin to seriously look at the wonders of science and the scientific way of thinking . Why other Asian nations are enjoying a much higher standard of living and more creative and productive at working. Thanks to the wonders of science and the scientific way of thinking.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

EVOLUTION – fact or fiction

Here’s Bishop John Shelby Spong – a rare Christian leader much too difficult not to love and to respect. Indeed, I have the greatest admiration for this Anglican church Bishop. In his WHY CHRISTIANITY MUST CHANGE OR DIE, he wrote: In 1859 Darwin’s masterpiece, entitled THE ORIGIN OF THE SPECIES, was published. That book caused most of the remaining principles by which human life was understood in religious terms to go up in smoke. Darwin suggested, for example, that the world of God’s creation was not yet finished, directly contradicting the literal biblical text. The world, he said, was still evolving, still being created... In the books of Psalms, it had been suggested that human beings were just a little lower than the angels. But now we began to recognize that we were just a little higher than the animals. . . There was much talk in that era about something called the “missing link,” as if the various species of life were separated by a single link rather than by centuries of tiny adaptations. . .”Dust art thou and to dust thou shalt return” became not just a Lenten note of penitence, but a statement of this newly understood reality of human life. . . That strange thing called “creation science” is nothing more than the ignorant rantings reflecting a frightened and dying religious mentality.” For my part, if Christianity were comprised of men in the likes of Bishop John Shelby Spong – never would I have ever dreamed of excommunicating myself out of the religious mess. Poch Suzara

Charles Darwin

Psuedo-scientist Perry Marshall tells us that Charles Darwin was brilliantly half right and tragically half wrong. Indeed, that Darwin never knew of the existence of the living cell created by God as part of his grand design of nature. That no one can deny that our complex universe is an astounding, majestic marvel. But how did it get here? Where did it come from? Does it really matter? Can it be, as so many contend, that all just happened by some fortuitous cosmic accident? Or did it come about as the result of the careful design of an infinite God?

Listen, however, to the findings of one of the greatest men in the world of science – Carl Sagan. In his COSMOS, he wrote:

“We have five fingers because we have descended from a Devonian fish that had five phalanges or bones in its fins. Had we descended from a fish with four or six phalanges, we would have four or six fingers on each hand and would think them perfectly natural. We use base ten arithmetic only because we have ten fingers on our hands. Had the arrangement been otherwise, we would use based eight or base twelve arithmetic and relegate base ten to the New math.”

Sounds fantastic, doesn’t it? Well, in the meantime, listen to Bertrand Russell. On the values of the scientific way of thinking Russell wrote:: “Science is at no moment quite right but it is seldom quite wrong, and has, as a rule, a better chance of being right than the theories of the unscientific.” Indeed, “what science cannot know, mankind cannot know.” Poch Suzara

Believe It or NOT

“The Vatican held a meeting of scientists from around the world in November 2009 to discuss the possibility of extraterrestrial life.” Philippine Star 2/16/2010.

What an admission of universal stupidity. Obviously, even the theologians of the Vatican have no knowledge whatsoever whether there is extraterrestrial life existing in Heaven, in Hell, or in Purgatory. Poch Suzara

Stupid Academic Messages

Here are the stupid academic messages conveyed to the millions of our youth daily in grade school, high school, and in college in the Philippines: “There is a better world to come after this life’s termination; and, in the meantime, a better foreign country to migrate to, live and to enjoy full employment after college graduation.”

In the meantime, the Filipino is getting spiritually poorer as a people, and the Philippines getting left behind - backward as a nation bereft of any sense of direction. Poch Suzara

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What's Wrong with Us Americans

What's wrong with us Americans? In this already 21st century, the majority of us still believe in a lot of superstitious lies and religious deceptions. The historical evils can best be summarized in few simple words: GOD BLESS AMERICA - the land of the free and the home of the brave! In the meantime, we are a nation of criminals. Life in general is America is the competition to be the criminal like Donald Trump or be like Tom, Dick, and Harry - the impoverished victims of the filthy-rich criminals. Poch Suzara

Monday, February 15, 2010

God as Designer

Perry Marshall claims that he can prove God exists and that he can demonstrate living things have a creator. May I remind Perry Marshall that aside from proving that living things have a creator, he must also prove that such a creator has been a benevolent deity. Well, if we admit the existence of desirable aspects in nature as products of design, we must also admit the undesirable aspects in nature as products of design. Which, in the ultimate analysis, puts Perry Marshal in a ticklish situation. How can he justify a creator who purposely inflicts natural disasters upon man? The master designer could very well be not a kind or a loving God but a supernatural Monster, a malevolent Fiend, or an Almighty Nerd. Poch Suzara

Sunday, February 14, 2010

For Perry Marshall

The religious clowns have to gall to tell us atheists that we have yet to learn that God is a spirit and cannot be found through the telescope or microscope, no more than human thought or emotion can be found by analyzing the brain. That, as everyone knows, religion is based NOT on knowledge, but on faith.

At the same time, however, devoid of knowledge, these religious clowns can offer to us atheists a generous assortment of attributes about God from which to choose. According to these source, God is “almighty, eternal, holy, immortal, immense, immutable, ineffable, infinite, invisible, just, loving, merciful, most high, most wise, omnipotent, omniscient, patient, perfect, provident, supreme, true, and indeed, “incomprehensible.”

Well, if religion were based Not on knowledge, but on faith - how do the religious clowns know that an “incomprehensible” God out there designed and created us humans in his own image and likeness down here on this speck of dust called “earth” aimlessly floating in space heading for no where? Poch Suzara

A Little Learning

A little learning is a dangerous thing. Lots of ignorance, however, is not only dangerous. It is disastrous.

Look for example what a little learning has done to this poor religious minister (Perry Marshall) pretending to be a scientist. He claims that he has discovered a new theory of evolution. He says “I only desire to demonstrate that living things have a creator.”

Well, what has a creator anything to do with evolution? Unless, of course, what we want to discover is not more about evolution but a new theory of revelation!

In the meantime, as Carl Sagan asked: “What does seventy million years mean to beings who live only one-millionth as long? We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.”

We Humans have a demonstrated talent for self-deception when our emotions are stirred, and there are few notions more stirring than the belief that there must be a loving God out there somewhere in the universe who created us in his own image and likeness down here on this speck of dust. Poch Suzara

Messages from the Mind

“Messages, languages and coded information never, ever come from anything else besides a mind. No one has ever produced a single example of a message that did not come from a mind.” So says Perry Marshall. Granted.

But the real issue is: how come messages that come only from the mind are not only confusing or meaningless sometimes, but also utterly thoughtless at most times?

Consider what the mind knows is so puny and insignificant as compared to what the mind has yet to discover and to really know not this or know that, but in fact to know exactly what “knowing” means! Poch Suzara

Perry Marshall

Perry Marshal recently wrote to me and said: “If you can read this sentence, I can prove God exists.” “That’s right,” he continues, “I only desire to demonstrate that living things have a creator.”

Well, Perry Marshall has yet to prove not only that God exists but to prove something even more important: - that God as a supernatural being is also a supernatural reader who fully understands that those who refuse to read materials they cannot agree with are no better off than those who can’t read at all. Poch Suzara

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Power of Stupid Prayer

If God answers our prayers to cure cancer of our mother or father, how come cancer is still a disease that afflicts our sons and daughters and will continue to trouble even the life of our grandchildren? Indeed, if prayers were true and reliable all of us would stay young, healthy, attractive, learned, sane, kind, loving, intelligent, and rich in spirit. But we live in a sick, rotten, and corrupt world due to, if not because of - our faith in the power of sick prayer. Poch Suzara


If babies were designed by a creator, how come babies carry no information or have any kind of knowledge whatsoever about the existence of their creator?

So, each of the trillion cells that makes human body carry information about how to make a duplicate copy of ourselves. But then again – so what and why bother? When the original human body itself is so stricken with defects and shortcomings and it only last for a few seconds in time in terms of a million years on this earth that, according to science is already some 4.5 billion years old. Poch Suzara

Science Versus Theology

Here are the two most fundamental questions in science: If evolution happens, how does it happen? And where did the information in DNA come from? Whatever the case may be, we must only wait for science to find the right answer. Forget theology. The theologians do not even know why babies are born ignorant, not stupid. Babies are eventually frightened to become stupid with the teachings of having faith not only in the unknowable, but also to have faith in the not worth knowing. Poch Suzara

Friday, February 12, 2010

Atheism For Filipinos

Atheism is not a belief. It is the absence of belief. An atheist is not primarily a person who believes that a god does not exist; rather he does not believe in the existence of a god. “Theism” and “atheism” are descriptive terms. They specify the presence or absence of a belief in god. If a person is designated as a theist, this tells us that he believes in a god, not why he believes. If a person is designated as an atheist, this tells us that he does not believe in a god, not why he does not believe. In this context, theism and atheism exhaust all possible alternatives with regard to the belief in a god: one is either a theist or an atheist; there is no other choice. One either accepts the proposition “god exist” as true, or one does not. One either believes in a supernatural being, or does not. There is no third or middle ground. Forget agnosticism. The agnostics are spineless cowards who have lost the courage to make a decision about matters of great importance on this earth. In the meantime, to declare that Atheism is a religion is ridiculous. There are no messiahs in Atheism. There are only heroes and heroines who work steadily and often quietly over many years to make those changes in our culture which will enlighten future generations. In the world of atheism, we atheists are all leaders. We are not followers, We Filipino atheists fully understand that the reward of a good life comes to everyone who invests in the future collective well-being of all Filipinos. We Filipino atheists may be as negative as Columbus. We may be as rebellious as Jose Rizal who questioned Catholic authority in the Philippines. We are interested in the here and now, not in the fantasy of a later life to come after death. We see religion – theism – as simply irrelevant to human life. We Filipino atheists understand that we are all part of human life in our country and that we must look after its interests as well as our own, to enjoy together that pursuit of happiness as defined in human civilization. Oh yes, we are few in number. But we care. We are involved as we continue to evolve. We care desperately that our children and grandchildren shall enjoy not the freedom of religion, but precisely enjoy the freedom from religion. It does not matter that we Filipino atheists stand alone; what matters is that we stand. Atheism is a basic posit of life, reason is the only guide, understanding is the only requirement; where education and science are the primary instruments toward a fulfilled life for all Filipinos and where, finally, the Filipino mind becomes totally free. Poch Suzara