Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Open Your Mind and heart to Change

Dalai Lama said: Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values. For my part, I say, open your mind and heart to change, especially by letting go of your silly values and childish beliefs that are useless, if not obsolete. They have been frightened into you during your formative years in school by religion in order to control your mind and heart from birth to death! Poch Suzara

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I love and Respect and Admire the Atheists in this world

I said it before, I say it again: Abolish Christianity, Islam, and Judaism together with their respective schools, colleges, and universities and we will have a better, more peaceful, beautiful, and a more fruitful and creative world. The great religions of the world have been and still are the root causes of hate and war and poverty and misery and stupidity in this world. What can transform our insane world into a sane world is via the spread of ATHEISM. I have every love and respect and admiration for the atheists - they do not hate or kill other atheists just because they do not believe in God or in Allah or in Yahweh! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

I was Born an Atheist

God inspired the Talking Serpent to bring down Adam and eve to be guilty of the Original Sin. The Talking Serpent's mission was a great success. Then God blamed Adam and Eve for being guilty of the Original Sin even if neither Adam nor Eve never originated anything in this world to begin with. For my part, I thank God, I thank the Talking Serpent, and I thank the Holy Bible lessons and messages, and I also thank a lot of you active members of this forum - you all make me proud and happy that I was born as an ATHEIST and will die one day soon as an ATHEIST. indeed, I am most elated that I have no need for an invisible means of support. Poch Suzara

Monday, July 09, 2012

We FILIPINOS Are Employees in Foreign countries

My Dearest Et Al, When the foreigners - Americans, British, Germans, French, Italians, Spaniards, Jews, Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Malaysian, Vietnamese, Australians, etc, are here living in the Philippines - they are here as our "employers." When college-educated Pinoys and Pinays (20,000,000) million of college-educated now living and working today in 200 foreign countries - they are there living and working in such foreign countries as their "employees." In Hongkong, our teachers earn better wages as "servants"- cleaning toilets, doing laundry work, washing dishes, taking care of babies than if they remain "teachers" in the Philippines. Grade school, high school, and college education in the Philippines have yet to be about learning how to work together for our own growth as a people in the here; and, should be about learning how to think together for own development as a nation in the now. For my part, as a high school expelled student of some 60 years ago - I said it before, I say it again: it is time for all of us Filipinos to take back what was stolen away from us for God's glory in heaven - our precious minds and hearts - twisted and mutilated inside schools, colleges, and universities. Such commercial enterprises have been and still are teaching us Filipinos to only be faithful as a Catholic; and never mind to also be well-informed, useful, and loyal in the here and now as citizens of our Republic! Cheers! Poch Suzara

I Love my country

When the foreigners - Americans, British, Germans, French, Italians, Spaniards, Jews, Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Malaysian, Vietnamese, Australians, etc, are here living in the Philippines - they are here as our "employers." When college-educated Pinoys and Pinays (15,000,000) million of us now living and working today in 168 foreign countries - we are there living in such foreign countries as their "employees." Grade school, high school, and college education in the Philippines have yet to be about learning how to work together for our own growth as a people in the here; and, should be about learning how to think together for own development as a nation in the now. For my part, as a high school expelled student of some 60 years ago - I said it before, I say it again: it is time for all of us Filipinos to take back what was stolen away from us for God's glory in heaven - our precious minds and hearts - twisted and mutilated inside schools, colleges, and universities. Such commercial enterprises have been and still are teaching us Filipinos to only be faithful as a Catholic; and never mind to also be well-informed, useful, and loyal in the here and now as citizens of and for our Republic! Poch Suzara

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

What Philippine Government Are You Talking About

My Dear Dr. Bayani Katigbak, What Philippine government are you talking about? We Filipinos have no government OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, and FOR THE PEOPLE. What we do have, however, is the GOVERNMENT OF THE OFFICIALS, BY THE OFFICIALS, and FOR THE OFFICIALS. All of them CORRUPT especially as they are perpetually inspired by divine guidance under the doctrine of the forgiveness of SIN and CRIME in this only Christian country in Asia! Poch Suzara

Bertrand Russell - a God to Me

Unlike many lonely people, Bertrand Russell cultivated a rather self-conscious sensitivity to the troubles of others. Indeed, Bertrand Russell believed(1): that the good life or happiness requires almost continuous activity, and (2) that, if knowledge and love are capable of being extended, then it follows that however good a life may be, a better life can be imagined because we can always imagine a world in which there is more knowledge and more love. I love and respect Bertrand Russell. He was a God to me. Bertrand Russell saved not my stupid soul; he taught me how to save instead my intelligent mind. Poch Suzara

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Charles Chaplin

I remain just one thing, and one thing only - that is a clown. It places me on a higher plane than any politician. Charles Chaplin If I may add, as a matter of fact, Charles Chaplin was also a great intellectual. His messages to laugh at this world were far more beneficial than the silly messages of the silly theologians to cry in this world. Poch Suzara

Christianity - the greatest Evil Monster

My Dear Sir: Take a good look at what's around you, below you, on top of you, behind you, and indeed, what's in front of you - you need not bother to read my messages to realize, accept, and acknowledge - that the greatest evil that's keeping us Filipinos spiritually poor as a people, and morally bankrupt as a nation has been and still is CHRISTIANITY AND ITS TEACHINGS in our schools, colleges, and universities. Cheers! Poch Suzara

Saturday, June 30, 2012

I Never Lied to Any of You

"If a man would follow, today, the teachings of the Old Testament, he would be a criminal. If he would follow strictly the teachings of the New, he would be insane." - Robert Ingersoll Another word for "insane" is THE SICK MAN OF ASIA - the frightened men and women - products of schools, colleges, and universities own and operated by the Catholic church in the Philippines. Such frightened men and women are more horrified by harmless "vulgar language" than they should be more terrified by harmful "vulgar beliefs and vulgar values" keeping us Filipinos intellectually poor and spiritually sick as a people; not to mention morally sick and economically bankrupt as a nation. Consider in this already 21st century. We Filipinos are still taught to believe that among the countries of Asia, the Philippines has been and still is the one and only country in Asia that's lucky enough to have been always BLESSED WITH CHRISTIAN VALUES AND BELIEFS by God and his angels from heaven through Christ our Lord down here on earth. May I however, say, with all due truthfulness, that the damage I have done in this forum by my foal and vulgar language is so puny, so petty as compared to the historical damage done to Filipino minds and hearts since the 16th century by the wealth, power, and glory of Christianity in the Philippines! Indeed, the truth hurts, but lies are far more damaging and can last for a thousand years. One thing I should get credit for in this forum - I never lied to any of you!Poch Suzara

We Love only Jesus

In the Philippines, as the only Christian country in Asia since 400 years ago, who cares about following traffic rules and regulations or the laws of our land? We follow only JESUS; especially for the sake of our ETERNAL SALVATION after we are all religiously fucked to death right here in our own country for the glory of Jesus in heaven! Poch Suzara

Friday, June 29, 2012

Animals Native in the Philippines

I have all the respect, trust and admiration, for all of the animals native in the Philippines. None of them can be accused of sin, crime, or corruption. Indeed, these animals are all very lucky. They have never had a need to enroll in any of our schools, colleges, and universities. Poch Suzara

Why I do not Follow Jesus

In the News Testament, Jesus said: "Follow me!" But I declined. I rather not. I would rather follow a man of self-respect and dignity. A character like Jesus who tells me: "believe and be saved, believe not and be damned," is a person not worth following, not worth emulating, not worth believing! Poch Suzara

I am a happy and a proud Atheist

To be moral, according to Jesus, I must shackle my reason. I must force myself to believe and have faith in what I cannot understand. I must suppress, in the name of morality, any doubts that surface in my mind. I must regard as a mark of excellence an unwillingness to subject religious beliefs to critical analysis. Less doubts, less criticism leads to more faith – and faith, Jesus declares, is the hallmark of virtue. Indeed, “unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matt. 18:3. Children, after all, are always gullible enough believe even in the existence of Santa Claus. As an atheist, - I am a man of self-esteem. I therefore cannot quality to be a candidate for the master-slave relationship that Christianity offers me. A man lacking in self-esteem, a man ridden with guilt, will frequently prefer the apparent security of Christianity over independence and find comfort in the thought that, for the price of total submissiveness, God will love and protect and reward him especially after death in heaven eternally. Indeed, I am a happy and a proud atheist. I have no need to pay a dear price for that deadly religious way of life: the mindless surrender of the self via the mutilation of the intellect. Poch Suzara Facebook# Atheist# Twitter# Google#

What a BOOBOO to be like God

The bible tells us to be like God, but then on page after page it describes God as petty, unjust, cruel, vindictive, capricious, sadomasochistic, and a bully, not to mention - a murderer. These horrors may be the historical complexity that explains the political behavior of most countries of Western world; especially, the Philippines - the only Christian countryin Asia. A country where its people are more loving of God up there by hating one another down here. In the meantime, I am told on these pages that I am preaching, not teaching. Well, whatever the case may be, I teach FREE OF CHARGE and I also preach FREE OF CHARGE. Poch Suzara

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Civilization is the order and freedom promoting cultural activity. Will Durant Civilization is the process of reducing the infinite to the finite. Oliver W. Holmes In the Philippines, if we ever hope to enjoy civilization in the here and now, we must first learn to be courageous enough dump down the drain the bullshit more known as God leading us into temptation for the sake of our "eternal salvation." Poch Suzara

God Bless our Sick Economic System

There are already more than 15,000,000 Filipinos residing and working today in some 168 foreign countries. Indeed, in the Philippines, out of every one job available there are more than 100 applicants applying for that job. And the wages offered are, as usual, pathetic. Just like working for any employer who is a “me first” greedy lunatic or the kind who is proud to be a BLESSED BY GOD Catholic! In the meantime, I have yet to see Filipino economists working not for their employer’s greed, but working by protecting and defending the employee’s needs. If they are unable to do so, the least they can do is to start proclaiming that our population growth is not fruitful, but fruitless in our struggle for equality via national economic prosperity. In our country where the rich minority get richer, and the poor majority get poorer, I ask: what the fuck are you Filipino college-educated economists doing to remedy the national bullshit otherwise more known as GOD BLESS the sick economic system traditional in the Philippines? Poch Suzara

Monday, June 25, 2012

Old Age, Manny Pacquiao, and Decency in the Philippines

Old age, like any other age, is the time to struggle for human decency. - Bertrand Russell I would like to add, however, old age, like any other age, is also the time to expose the lies and deceptions that's keeping us Filipinos directionless as a people, and rudderless as a nation. In this connection, I say, if only Manny Pacquiao as our champion boxer of the world can see his way clear that he could also be the greatest Filipino thinker by boxing too at the dirty faces of lies and deception that's keeping losers as a people and a failure as a nation - he can turn out to be the greatest Filipino boxer/hero/savior this world, our world, has ever produced! Poch Suzara

Who are We as Atheists in this world

We atheists stand for inquiry and doubt. We stand for logic and sound empirical method. We stand for things capable of sorting true facts from what is false, to every reasonable person's satisfaction. We stand with courage to admit ignorance, and the wisdom to assume not too much, as well as the consequent political reality that finding common ground and negotiating differences is far wiser, and better for all, than maintaining adamant opposition on matters that do not even warrant an adamant opinion in the first place. We stand for reason as justification for free inquiry rather than slavish belief. We stand for happiness, and the understanding and accomplishment that are needed to achieve it. Above all, we atheist stand for being a hero to himself and his fellow humans, rather than to a villain. When the reasons for these values are truly understood, any man would hold on to them and keep them, even if god himself appeared and ended all dispute as to his existence. Indeed, an atheist ought to live his life so he can say with all sincerity, "even if God's existence were proven, I would change only my understanding of the facts, and not the values by which I guide my conduct and thought as a decent man living the good life - one inspired by the love of life, and guided by the joys of more learning via the pursuit of more knowledge. Indeed, we atheists are inspired not by infantile pursuits but by endless questioning to promote intelligent and honest thinking for the sake of enhancing intellectual maturity in order to spread more common human decency. It is, in this way, in the end, that we atheists die sober, and not drunk with lies. There is no such thing as a "hereafter" after death simply because there no such thing as a "herebefore" before birth! Poch Suzara

Atheism is a Worldwide Movement Without Victims

Foremost Philippine historian Teodoro A. Agoncillo summed it all up: “Self-deception is the worst tragedy of the Filipino as a people." Well, I should add, what can be expected of Filipinos who continue to be not the intelligent masters, but the silly victims of values and beliefs under Christianity and its teachings based upon confusion, illusion, and confusion, not to mention: "eternal salvation" at the expense of Filipino civilization? In the meantime, I am most proud to be one of the many Filipino atheists in our country today. Atheism is a worldwide movement without followers, without victims. As atheists, we are all, each and every one of us - the masters, as well as leaders of this movement. We have no need of frightened followers or members to charge membership dues and to extract "donations" or "charity money" from them. Poch Suzara