Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Raising Happy and Mentally Healthy Children

“My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy, mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as far away from a church as you can.” ― Frank Zappa... Totally, entirely, proudly, I agree. In the Philippines, however, if I may add, if you want to raise happy, mentally healthy children - keep them away from schools, colleges, and universities especially as they are owned and operated by the Catholic church. They are places where believing, not deeper learning or thinking is taught; where only more praying is taught. Look at our officials in the government all with college education: they are efficient not at governing, but only efficient at daily praying to Jesus; especially for the forgiveness of their sins and their crimes. Poch Suzara Twitter # Facebook# Google#

We Americans Love to Kill Foreigners, if not each other

America is the only country in the world today that's fully armed ready for any kind of war at any time, anywhere; and, indeed, also fully armed are the American people at home. At a moment's notice, we Americans are ready to kill foreigners in foreign countries. When we have no opportunity to kill foreigners, we are happy to kill each other in this land of the free and the home of the brave... The native American Indians are having their last laugh. The thought their conquerors might take a rest and cease to be in the business of killing people... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

With the Power of Thought

For my part, as I am atheist, I cannot follow you Christians; for you crawl through life on your bended knee under sick daily prayers. With me, as an atheist, I stand on my own two feet with self-respect and dignity, rightly or wrongly, with the power of thought.In the meantime, it is true, All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts. Sadly and painfully, however, in Catholic schools, colleges, and universities in the Philippines - the first order of the day is not to enliven, but to deaden our thoughts with prayers. Specially for the glory NOT of our country down here, but only for the glory of a sick divinity up there! . . . Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#


If atheism is a belief system we atheist believe you theists are a gang of frightened spiritually fucked saps! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

No Measure of Health

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted as the Sick Man of Asia within a profoundly sick society especially as generated by sick politics under a sick religion." Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#


Praying is pretty much like masturbating. At first it feel good; but in the long run you are just fucking around with yourself... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Monday, October 26, 2015

Religion in Public Schools

"I think the greatest gift of the Soviet Union to modern civilization was the dethronement of the clergy and its refusal to let religion be taught in the public schools. " W.E.B. Dubois, African-American historian... I totally, happily, and proudly agree. In fact, if the same have been done in the Philippines - throw religion out of public schools, including private schools, colleges, and universities - Filipinos could be educated to be healthy as a people and the Philippines could be educated wealthy as a nation. As it is, as it has always been, thanks to the sick values and sick beliefs as derived from our sick system of education - such as the forgiveness of sin by Jesus and the forgiveness of crimes by God we Filipinos are only famous as the Sick Man of Asia and the Philippines is only getting poorer and backward as a nation. . . Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Civilization versus Churches and Cathedrals

"Civilization will not attain to its perfection until the last stone from the last church falls on the last priest. . . Emile Zola... For my part, I say, the only time civilization will ever begin to flourish is when we all fully realize that churches and cathedrals are existing as nothing but monuments to human stupidity... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Sunday, October 25, 2015

US Criminals in Prison Filipino Criminals in Government

"America has the highest incarceration rate in the world, with 5% of the world's population and 25% of its prisoners. Nearly 2½ million Americans are in prison. Over 65 million people, or 20% of the country, have criminal records. Most disturbingly, nearly 40% of our country's prisoners are African-Americans, who only make up 13% of the general population." The impact on the American family structure is undeniable: More than half the 2.5 million incarcerated Americans are parents of minor children. Happily this is not such a BIG scandal. The BIGGER scandal is in the Philippines. Our criminals are not inside prison. They are inside government office. None are atheistic as all of them were raised and educated as Catholics. They are all happy and proud to brag that they have earned college education in the Philippines. And more than that they all have, on their side, a Son of God Jesus who never fails to forgive them of their sins against the people and their crimes against the country. All it takes is the power of prayer! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Poorest People in this World are the Filipinos

Oh yes, the poorest people in this world are the Filipinos: they have no father and mother to raise them. They have no healthy society to nourish them. They have no schools, colleges, and universities to educate them. They have no churches and cathedrals to take care of their spiritual life. They are no government to govern them. Indeed, Filipinos have nothing except JESUS - a Jewish fellow born in a foreign land some 2,000 years ago that never got to be a Christian or a Catholic country. It is still today a Jewish State... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Life Could be Better Without Religion in this world

Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that troublesome... Isaac Asimov . . . And the troublesome transition has more to do with stupid religion. The horror encourages more hate, violence, and stupidity as a way of life for humanity... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Monday, October 19, 2015

We are Made Stupid by a Stupid System of Education

"We don't know one millionth of one percent about anything."... Thomas Edison... One would think that schools, colleges, and universities should have already remedied this tragedy. Indeed, we are all born ignorant, not stupid. We are made stupid by a stupid system of education! In the Philippines, especially by a sick system of Catholic education! Look at the millions of Filipino with college education in the Philippines. They are more at home with sick daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly praying than they are with more learning via deeper thinking... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#


“But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you... Luke 6:27-28...

What a lot of academic garbage mixed with a lot of theological hogwash. I say said it before, I say it again: If you wish to be a greater and a more decent person than being a sick Christian or a sick Muslim or sick Jew - learn from your enemies, learn from those who hate you, learn from those who curse you, and learn from those who mistreat you. After all, in the ultimate analysis, all men of learning are thinking men and all thinking men  and thinking are atheists! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#


Could any of you religiously frightened saps really expect that a God who is almighty, indivisible, eternal, just, loving, merciful, most wise, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, perfect, provident, great, and wonderful as a God could do better in another world than he does in this world?... GISING NA, MGA ULOL! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Friday, October 16, 2015

Sick Values and Sick Beliefs of Filipinos as the Sick Man of Asia

"We have nothing to fear if we stay close to the Rock of Ages." Philippine Star, Oct. 16, 2015... See what I mean about horrors of schools, colleges, and universities. They are places where we learn how to be sick as a people; and, how to be insane as a nation... Indeed, what is there to be found in the Rock of Ages that teaches self-respect as a people; and that teaches a nation to have a sense of direction?... I said it before, I say it again: What's happening to us as the sick Man of Asia is the exact reflection of the horrors that's happening in schools, colleges, and universities; especially as own and operated by the Catholic church in this poor and backward country... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Religion is a Disease that Needs to Be Cured

Notice in the school of medicine there is no subject offered on how to cure the most contagious, most poisonous, and indeed the deadliest of diseases anywhere in the world. It is more referred to as "RELIGION?" Consider, ever since man emerged out of the jungle tens of thousands of years ago, religion has kept man hating and killing each other down here; specially for the greater glory of a sick God in heaven up there! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Thursday, October 15, 2015

There Are No Atheists Among Officials In the Philippine Government

"There are no atheists in a plane crash," or "there are no atheists in shipwrecks," or the more popular phrase "there are no atheists in foxholes" - are all minor horrors. The major horror is when we know that there are no atheists in the rotten and corrupt government. Our sick government officials all believe not only in the existence of God, but, especially believe in a God who is always available to forgive them of their sins and crimes. Such is the Philippine government - a government of the filthy-rich criminals, by the filthy-rich criminals, and for the filthy-rich criminals. In the meantime, 85 per cent of the 100 million Filipino population of the Philippines - the only Catholic/Christian country in Asia since the 16th century are still hoping and praying for the return of Jesus - their Savior - to save them away from poverty, misery, mindless religious insanity, and from endless political stupidity. Of course, let us not ignore the fact that there are also no atheist teachers and professors in Catholic schools, colleges, and universities. They continue to teach boys to grow up like religious morons who keep the Philippines still spiritually sick as a catholic country. Religious and frightened morons like Rogers, or Angel Arando or Eddie Calderon, etc. - all happy and proud to be known as college educated saps and jerks who have nothing going on for them in this life except a Sweet Jesus born in a Jewish land some 2,000 years ago a land that never got to be converted into a Catholic country as it is still today a Jewish State! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Sick and Ugly Religions of the World

The Christian resolution to find the world ugly and bad has made the world ugly and bad. . . Friedrich Nietzsche... It is the same horror with the Islam resolution and with the Judaism resolution - to find this world ugly and sick. Indeed, let's take a closer look at these great religions of the world - look how the Christians, the Muslims, and the Jews all hate each other as the believers of their sick and ugly religion! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Sick Religion at the Foundation of a Sick System Education

I think the greatest gift of the Soviet Union to modern civilization was the dethronement of the clergy and the refusal to let religion be taught in the public schools.” ― W.E.B. Du Bois The Filipinos in the Philippines are still poor and backward because the priesthood industry is still pretty much in control of the sick system of education. Indeed, via schools, colleges, and universities millions upon millions of Filipinos are educated to become not productive or creative citizens of the Republic, but educated to become first and foremost frightened and faithful Catholic. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

People, Events, and Ideas

Most men never rise above viewing things as objects of desire - hence their shallow-mindedness. They do, however, suffer with deadly paralysis; but to see people, events, and ideas as objects of understanding is the greatest of freedom; specially the freedom to enjoy the joys of critical analysis. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#