Monday, February 09, 2004

Rich People

Rich people may own first class homes and furnitures; first class motor vehicles; first class what-not. But if they embrace second-class beliefs and cherish worn-out values that makes them not rich, but indeed, poor. The worst kind of poverty is the poverty of the mind and heart. Poch Suzara

If God Created

If God created Adam and Eve to enjoy the existence of perfection, why were they punished for mutual love and affection or for enjoying the culmination of a sexual satisfaction? Aristotle was right: God is a cold-blooded perfection lost in self-admiration. Poch Suzara

St. Thomas More

St. Thomas More, exchancellor of England, asserted before his death: "I die the king's faithful servant, but firstly, God's." This poor saint could have died politically sober and not drunk with ecclesiastical lies. Poch Suzara

God is Stronger

I am told that God is stronger than our strongest foe. Not, however, according to the devil. He has been quite a success during these past centuries in making God look like a loser and a failure; especially, in the struggle against the evils of human stupidity as inspired by deviltry. Poch Suzara

It is Tragic

It is tragic that God was not quite familiar with the scientific atitude when he created the first human proto-type. God could have made the necessary emendations when Adam and Eve turned out to be not quite perfect made in the image and likeness of God. Poch Suzara


Humility, like faith, has always been quite popular because it makes a virtue out of stupidity, especially as it is perpetually inspired by deviltry always in cahoots with divinity. Poch Suzara

In God's Image

If men were vile and women were vicious, let us not forget that God made man and woman in his own image and likeness. Poch Suzara

To believe In God

To believe in God is the easiest thing to do. It does not require any level of intelligence. No effort is needed. All that is necessary to believe in God is to live a life of fear and hate of this life and hate of this world. Poch Suzara

God Is Pleased

God is pleased with our giving if it comes from poverty; but his church is even more pleased with our giving if it comes from prosperity. Thus, next only to the wealth of the US government, the Catholic Church is the richest organization in the world. Poch suzara

Free Will Mess

If God gifted man with a free will, how come we have to pay for the copies of the original sin? But then again, what could be more original than the free creator who freely originated the free mess to begin with? Poch Suzara

Who Knows

The theologians know nothing of the universe, yet they claim to know something of the creator. The scientists know nothing of the creator, yet they claim to know something of the universe. For my part, I am most happy to claim that I know nothing of the creator and I know nothing of the universe. One thing, however, I do know: I am honest with myself. Poch Suzara

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Twisted Minds and Distorted Hearts

To solve social problems, to grow and to develop, to be well-informed citizens of our country - passionate minds and compassionate hearts are needed. Thanks, however, to a sick system of education that promotes nothing but corruption as a way of life in our country; and, indeed,the promise of a reward or punishment in the next life, naturally, with our twisted minds and distorted hearts, our social problems as a people, and troubles as a nation keep us poor as a people and indeed, backward as a nation. As for Bob Gabuna and his gang in this forum, I would look at them not as the intelligent masters, but as the sick victims of a sick system of education in the Philippines - the only Catholic country in all of Asia since the 16th century. Poch Suzara

Human Dignity

I would rather be wrong intellectually and enjoy my self-respect and dignity than be right academically and then enjoy the promotion of social insanity. Such is our sick society. Everybody is right academically, but wrong intellectually. Poch Suzara

Monday, January 26, 2004

Silly Souls

It is sad to see in Catholic countries Catholics are more involved not with improving human civilization; but involved only in deep faith praying to God to gain after death eternal salvation. As if God in hell must yet win more Catholic souls away from the Catholic devil in charge of a Catholic heaven. Poch Suzara

The Bible Says

The bible says: "THOU SHALT NOT FOLLOW THE MULTITUDE TO DO EVIL." Exodus 23:2. Indeed, let us not follow the teachings of the bible.It is the greatest of evil. Biblical values and beliefs have not ceased to destroy the human mind for the pleasures of divinity, and have not ceased to destroy the human heart for the joys of deviltry. Poch Suzara

Scientific Way

In the ultimate analysis, there is only critical thinking and evidential reasoning with which to examine the truths claimed by authority, or tradition, or revelation. Another word for critical thinking and evidential reasoning is called the scientific way of thinking. It is not only powerful, but there is also nothing quite like it in all of nature. Poch Suzara

Freedom From Religion

As children in school we were highly exposed to the freedom of religion. Hardly, however, were we deeply exposed to the freedom away from religion. Today as grown-ups, for the sake of our sick religion, we have become the Sick Man of Asia. Poch Suzara

Sunday, January 25, 2004

I Am a Thinking Atheist

I am a thinking atheist. I take full responsibility for my own destiny. I do not care for life after death. For millions of years before I was born, I was a nothing; and for millions of years after I am dead I will again be a nothing. If the former does not bother me, why should the latter? Poch Suzara

As an Atheist I Do Not Believe

I am an active and a passive atheist at the same time: active, because I do not believe that God exists; and passive, because even if God is existing somewhere up there, it is quite obvious to me that his existence is totally irrelevant to human affairs down here. Poch Suzara

All Religious Faith

All religious faith is a form of cowardice in the face of the unknown. Most religious people, however, believe that such cowardice is really an inspiration from divine wisdom. Poch Suzara

A Bunch of Dummies

If we were a bunch of dummies in this God-forsaken country, I say, blame the schools, colleges, and universities. They are places where they teach that this temporary life is nothing compared to the eternal life that's waiting for us after we are all dead and gone. Poch Suzara

Your Stolen Mind

As soon as your mind is stolen away from you in school, you are assured rhen that you are now a "religious person." And if you carry on in life with a great sense of guilt and fear under deep faith in God, and always as a sinner proud to support financially the church, then you are promised that you might even end up to be one of the great saints of God in heaven. Poch Suzara

The Birth of Jesus

If Jesus was born of a virgin mother, then either Jesus never existed or his mother was never a virgin. I am inclined to suspect Jesus never existed all. Otherwise, what's the purpose of unduly exaggerating supernaturally the nature of his birth naturally? At any rate, whatever the case may be, Just like you and me and everybody else who came out of mom's womb, we are all born atheist. Indeed, no one is born a Christian or a Jew or a Muslim. When we were born, none of us had a religion nor faith in God. Poch Suzara

Our Unhappy Society

Ours is not a happy society. On the contrary, ours is a sick society. But what can be expected of a people educated to embrace sick values and to cherish sick beliefs and to promote a sick culture if we hope to gain eternal happiness in heaven in the next life? Poch Suzara

The Aim of Education

The primary aim of education in this only Christian country in Asia: - to be prepared not for this life; but prepared only for the next life. In fact, in the choice between allegiance to God and allegiance to our country, there is no question that we must, first and foremost, have allegiance only to God. In the meantime, in our country, who cares about love of country in the here and now? Poch Suzara

Crocodiles in the Jungle

Crocodiles in the jungle have become symbols of our politicians in government: greedy, selfish, stupid, and insane. But please, let's not insult the poor crocodiles. They have no college degrees; and they are not born-raised-educated to have faith in God as good and faithful Christians. Poch Suzara

Beliefs are Worthless

Beliefs devoid of evidence are worthless. In fact, even with evidence, beliefs are still worthless because a fact remains a fact even if there is no one there to believe it or not to believe it. Evolution, for example, is not a theory, but a fact; and even if millions of people do not believe it, evolution will remain as a fact until proven otherwise. Poch suzara

After I am Dead

After I am dead and gone, I should wish to be remembered only as an atheist. If that were not possible, I should wish to be remembered as the one and only Filipino who was never afraid to openly admit or to publicly declare, or even to maintain consistently - that I am a devout atheist." If I were to end up in hell with God, I would even be more proud to be an atheist forever and ever. Poch Suzara

If God made Man

If God made man in his own image and likeness, in whose image and likeness was woman made of? After all, there is a hell of a lot of difference in shape, size, purpose, and function between a penis and a vagina. Are we to assume that God has not only a penis, but also a vagina found in between his legs? Now let us assume that it is not a joke that God created men and women in his own image and likeness. So how come we can physically see each other as we are materially visible, but we cannot see God as he is spiritually invisible? For my part, ever since I was sixteen years old, I gradually stopped playing the silly HIDE AND SEEK games with God! Poch Suzara

Karl Popper

According to Karl Popper: "No rational argument will have effect on a man who does not want to adopt a rational attitude." But then again, I ask: how would an irrational child grow up to be rational if he were never exposed to the power of rational arguments? Poch Suzara

The Enemies of Science

The enemies of science are fear, ignorance, and superstition - precisely the friends and indeed, the foundation of all religions.
The enemy of religion is another religion. Poch Suzara

We are the Sick Man of Asia

Our government would not import superior and scientific brains from overseas to help develop our country with the beauty of science and the power of technology. No, we would rather export inferior brains as laborers to help foreigners develop their own country together with their own highly educated superior and scientific brains. We are, indeed, the Sick man of Asia. Poch Suzara

If God And The Devil

If God and the devil did not exist, my life would be a complete bore and totally devoid of meaning. I will have nothing to hate. I enjoy hating God as much as I enjoy hating the devil either together or separately. It does not matter. God and Devil are one and the same supernatural evil. Poch Suzara

Reality is Unknowable

Reality is ultimately unknowable. Any attempt to describe its luminosity, there is always the dark side of it reflecting obscurity. Indeed, which is closer to reality: a leaf seen under a naked eye, or seen under a magnifying glass, or seen under a microscope? Poch Suzara

The Richest of Men

Among the richest of men are those who sell not the truth, but lies; specially sacred lies. Thus, one of the richest of industries in the world is the priesthood industry. Poch Suzara

The greatest of Philosophical Question

The greatest of philosophical questions - what is truth? Does free will exist? Can we know anything for certain? Does the tree continue to exist if there is no one there to see it? - are as unresolved today as when those profound questions were asked during the Greek days giving birth to philosophy thousands of years ago. Poch Suzara

Saturday, January 24, 2004

Science and Religion

Verification and falsification are matters in the field of science. Intuition and revelation are matters in the field of religion. Science is for those who enjoy living and thinking. Religion is for those who enjoy dying and for those who already dead. Poch Suzara

God is the First Cause of What

Eveything, before it was a nothing, had a first cause. God is the first cause of everything. Since God Himself is part of everything, who then or what then caused God to become something before he too
was a nothing? Poch Suzara

If I were God

If I were God, I would stop wasting time residing in heaven. I would come down to live on earth and do some honest work based on honest thinking. To begin with, I will re-enact the death by crucifixion episode. I will not put my Son Jesus, but put instead the devil to die on the cross. After which I will say: To hell with the devil and his free will. Poch Suzara

Eternal Salvation

We are indeed the Sick Man of Asia. But what can be expected of a people who have been educated to believe that in this world we must never try to seek reconstruction; we must only be contented with ourselves as God's creation. We need not value civilization. We must only appreciate the power of prayer for the sake of our eternal salvation. Poch Suzara


Postmodernism stands in opposition to the advancement of human knowledge, human progress, and human emancipation. In brief, postmodernism hates the new. It only loves the old, if not the obsolete. Poch Suzara

In My Search For The Truth

In my search of the truth, I have learned something about the scientific way of thinking: - at the heart of everything is not an answer, but a question. Poch Suzara

The Search For God and the Devil

I searched for God and for the devil for a great many years. I was told that both supernatural Beings have not ceased fighting over to win my soul for heaven; or, as the case may be, to win my soul for hell. I really don't know what's the fuss all about. God and the Devil may split my soul into half for each. It's a worthless soul anyway. I don't need it. I don't want it. They can even eat it! Peace be with you. Poch Suzara

I am Told

I am told that science is only true in its own way. Theology could just as readily be "true" in another. Maybe so. The difference, however, is that in science, there is no room for confusion. In theology, even as it claims to be infallible, there is room not only for contradiction, but more so - illusion. What the theologians did not know centuries ago, they still do not know in this century. Poch suzara

The Enemy of Religion

The enemy of religion is not science. The enemy of religion is other religions. Science is what we know based on the knowable. Religion is what we do not know, based on the unknowably worthless. Poch Suzara

If I have Free Will

If I have free will, how come I have to pay not only for the sins of Adam and Eve, but also pay for the sins of the devil who, according to Genesis, was also gifted by God to have a free to even transform himself into Talking Serpent? A few of the descendants of this talking Serpent got to be my silly teachers in La Salle grade school and high school. Poch Suzara

Believing is Easy. Thinking is Hard

Thinking is hard. believing is easy. It explains there are far more stupid believers in this God-forsaken country of our than there are intelligent thinkers. For my part, each time I find myself unable to think; or, as the case may be, unable to believe, I do the next best thing: I continue my endless pursuit of the truth - it is man's most noble of profession. Poch Suzara

Never so Few

Never so few robbed so many, of so much, for so long, and so faithfully, and returned so little, as has been and still is the Priesthood Industry. It is even accomplished not only in God's name, but also for his greater glory in heaven. Poch Suzara

What is the Difference

What exactly was the diference between goddless communism and mindless capitalism? What have either contributed to world peace and goodwill to men? Poch Suzara

A Hell Of a Place

America is a hell of a place for intellectuals. It is, however, a heaven for those who are selfish, greedy, stupid, and insane. It is just like the Philippines. It is a paradise for sinners and criminals; but a hell of a place for honest thinkers, fearless unbelievers of the faith, not to mention for Filipinos who are scared to publicly declare themselves to be atheists. Poch Suzara

One Would Think

One would think that after the saints have already been canonized and are now residing as saints in heaven, they would have the heart to speak to God in behalf of the human race and its deplorable condition; especially in the Philippines - the only Christian country in Asia. Poch Suzara

My Accomplishments

What are my accomplishments in life? No, not wealth. I have neither power nor glory. Instead, I am most proud to have successfully recaptured the most priceless treasure stolen away from me as a little boy in school: my precious mind. Today, the theologians have no more influence over my life. I have developed my own sense of morality based not on faith, but on reason. I have extricated myself out of the system of silly beliefs that promotes individual stupidity on the one hand, and social insanity on the other. Far more than free will, I am now enjoying my free mind. Poch Suzara

Thursday, January 22, 2004

The Living and the Dead

"The living know that they shall die, but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten." Eccl. 9: 5-7. Nice mess for the doctrine of eternal salvation. Poch Suzara

A Famous Theologian

A famous Filipino theologian whispered to the ear of famous freethinker decrepit and dying of old age in bed: "Find it in your heart to forgive God." Pity, the theologian ignored as well to whisper to the ear of the dying freethinker to forgive too deviltry always in cahoots with divinity" Poch Suzara

Due To Sacred Beliefs

Due to sacred beliefs based upon fear, ignorance, and superstition, every bit of progress in free thought and humanitarian ideals have been paid at a very dear price: the burning of freethinking men at the stake, and the hanging of freethinking women in the scaffold. Poch suzara

The Muddled Filipino Mind

The muddled Filipino mind may have been due to, if not the result of, two sources both historically mixed inextricably together: the Vatican trash and Hollywood garbage. Perhaps, I am wrong. We may all be rather muddleheaded in this country simply because we have never been exposed to the power of science and the scientific way of thinking.Poch Suzara

The Communion of Saints

In religion, there is the communion of saints. In science, however, there is the communion of thinkers and philosophers. In the Philiippines, the only Christian country in Asia, there is yet another kind - the communion of losers and the failures all praying daily together to God Almighty to lead us not into temptation but to deliver us from evil via divine intervention. Poch Suzara

Biblical Teachings

The bible teach that degraded women are best left degraded. That women should only be measured, weighted, sniffed and quality-graded for freshness like buying a kilo of pork in the market. Indeed, according to the bible: "Woman should be in subjection because Eve was deceived.: 1 Tim 2:11-14. Can any one blame me for believing that the bible was written not by inspired women authors, but by inspired morons of God? Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Filipinos Love to Hear

Filipinos love to hear the foreigners admit that the Philippines is a paradise. Yet, it is a paradise only to foreigners; but not to millions of Filipino Christians who have been taught to believe that paradise can only be found in the next life after death with God in heaven. Meantime, we Filipinos are famous for our hospitality. Not, however, to each other, but only those greedy, selfish, stupid, and insane men otherwise known as the "foreigners." Poch Suzara

Now Faith is the Substance

"Now faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrew 11:1. In other words, faith is the sacred word we must use to hide away or justify in every way our lazy mentality. After all, how else may we please divinity? Poch Suzara.

Look At the Filipino Lawyers

Look at Filipino lawyers highly trained in the college of law to learn to become experts in the art of cross examination. Yet, they too are dumbstruck when it comes to cross examining their own silly religious beliefs and sick social values that's keeping the Filipino illegally poor as a people and illegally backward as a nation. Poch Suzara

What's the Difference

What is the difference between the monster called Sadam in Iraq who loves and prays to Allah in heaven, and the other monster called Bush in the USA who loves and prays to Jesus Christ also in heaven? Poch suzara

God Has The Power

God has the power to forgive sin and to forgive crime. God therefore has all the right to order such evils committed. The most the rest of us damned fools can do is to pray to God to please lead us not into temptation. Poch Suzara

It is all so Absurd

It is all so absurd. Something as the creation of the soul that will exist forever, should be tied up to such trivial incident like the meeting of the male sperm with the female egg. What is even more ridiculous, however, is that there will be good souls to end up in heaven, and there will be bad souls to end down in hell.The latter to please the devil. The former to please God. And then we are even intellectually crippled enough to be unable to figure out how we have become the Sick Man of Asia? Poch Suzara

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ, the son of God, who came down to earth to destroy the devil, utterly failed to do so. Thus, ours is the religion of the failures and the losers. Look how the devil has been winning more Filipino souls for hell than God has been winning Filipino souls for heaven. And at the rate things are going in the Philippines, it looks like only the souls of politicians and the souls of the theologians will make it to God's Kingdom Come. Poch Suzara

I Do Not Agree

I do not agree that the truths of religion are beyond the power of reason. If they were, then religion was not made for human beings.I agree, however, that religious lies are for people devoid of thought. Indeed, religious people are incapable of critical analysis due to mental paralysis. Poch Suzara

Not Good Enough

I am told that no one is good enough to save himself, and no one is bad enough that God cannot save him. For my part, I ask: I am to be saved from what? Poch Suzara


Pagan culture in Greece gave birth to such concepts as democracy, rational philosophy, public libraries, theatres, and the Olympic games creating a blueprint for the modern world of science and technology. I ask: What about Christianity? During these past 2,000 years of existence, especially for the Philippines - the only Christian country in Asia, aside from the Filipino being the Sick man of Asia, what else has Christian values and beliefs given birth to? Poch Suzara


Most people associate Paganism with the myths of the gods of the Olympus. But if Paganism were so primitive and Christianity the one and only true religion, why was paganism or Pagan civilization replaced by a thousand years historians refer to as the Dark Ages? Poch Suzara

The Power of Reason

The power of reason is always more revealing, more lively, more inspiring, more enlightening, more penetrating, and in fact, sometimes, even more blinding.On the other hand, sadly, blind faith is the premature death and burial of human intelligence. Poch Suzara

I do not believe in Supernatural Morons

I do not believe in the existence of God or in the existence of the devil. I do not see any value whatsoever in believing in the existence of supernatural morons. Indeed, the mere fact that God and the devil, since time immemorial, have been fighting over to win the silly souls of men, makes them both moronic supernaturally. Poch Suzara

Questions Are Far More Precious

Questions are far more precious than answers because in time the answers become obsolete. Sadly, most people have all the answers, but no longer ask interesting questions. Wondering no more why there seems more stupidity generating our sick society as inspired by a sick Deity. Poch Suzara

Real Education

A real education has nothing to do with earning a college diploma. It has more to do with learning how to keep away from the evils of dogma, hogma, and pigma; especially as it keeps forever retarded the medulla oblongata. Poch Suzara

Fates Far more Deplorable

There are fates far more deplorable than death. For example, wasting away this precious life by preparing to be saved in the next life as if there is any. In the meantime, we all want to go to heaven, but why is it that nobody wants to die? Poch Suzara


America is not only the home of the brave and the land of the free. It is also a place where weapons of mass destruction are produced to drive other nations to buy such weapons in order to defend themselves against the American foreign policy. The US government apparently loves to substantiate the paradoxical theory that nations can keep themselves alive only by preparing to kill each other. Poch Suzara

The Philippines

The Philippines is one of the most progressive countries in Asia.It has ceased multiplying and substracting Filipinos locally for the sake of replenishing Filipino workers globally. Poch Suzara

A Stroke or a Heart Attack

A stroke or a heart attack is less damaging compared to the brain damaged caused by religious indoctrination during childhood. Religious faith cripples the mind and damages the heart for the rest of one's life. Poch Suzara

Tuesday, January 20, 2004


To explain the unknown in terms of the known is a logical necessity. But to explain the unknown in terms of the unknowable is a theological insanity. Indeed, theology may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, or whether what it is claiming makes sense to any one at all. Poch Suzara


The right to believe and to have faith are taught first in schools. Hardly, however, the right also to think and the right to question everything - the very foundation of science and the scientific way of thinking. Poch Suzara

Love and Sex

A man gives love in order to get sex. A woman gives sex in order to get love. It's a game men and women play together in order to multiply and replenish the earth with unwanted children who grow up to play the same old silly game over and over again. Poch Suzara

The Orginal Mess

If I were Defense Attorney handling the case against Adam and eve in the Garden of Eden, I would have had both acquitted and found instead God in cahoots with the devil guilty not only of the Original sin, but even more guilty of the whole Original Mess. Poch Suzara

Filipino Politicians

When God created the Filipino politician, He set a limit to his intelligence; however, to add insult to injury, God allowed the devil to put no limit to stupidity of the Filipino politician Poch Suzara
There are only two kinds of world: the world of illusion and the world of facts. Every form of human happiness belong to the world of illusion. In line with self-respect, what is essential is to find beauty and harmony in the world of facts. poch Suzara
What makes a belief true is its harmony with reality. What makes a belief false is its harmony with human stupidity. Poch suzara
A man of faith is one who, if he does not have a hangover, he is working on one. The worse part, however, is the way he clings to a lamppost for support; not illumination. Poch Suzara
Christians against Christians. Jews against Jews. Muslims against Muslims. Christians, Jews, and Muslims against each other. And to think that God made the Christians, the Jews, and the Muslims in his own image and likeness. Poch Suzara

The Virtues of Pries

The virtues of the priesthood industry are far more harmful than its vices. For one thing, its vices produce piety; while its virtues produce sacred mendacity to promote religious hypocrisy. Poch Suzara
Has faith ever moved a mountain? I have already reached the October of my life - my end is near - but I have yet to see a mountain moved by an inch with the power of faith. Poch Suzara

Monday, January 19, 2004

Filipino Intelligence

Thanks to our Christian values and beliefs as the basis of Filipino culture, we celebrate not the rise of human intelligence to benefit our country; on the contrary, we celebrate instead human negligence to maintain our sick society. Poch Suzara
Ninoy Aquino may have lived for freedom and democracy; but he died for theocracy. He never said the Filipino is worth living for; on the contrary, he said: "The filipino is worth dying for." The Filipino agreed. With faith in God, Filipinos killed him. Poch Suzara

Bertrand Russell Books

I am most proud and happy to have been expelled out of La Salle high school. The development gave me the rare opportunity to enroll in the greatest of all universities - which is but a collection of books; especially the books written by Bertrand Russell. Indeed, if I did not discover the works of Bertrand Russell, never would I have ever recaptured the greatest treasure stolen away from me in school: My most precious mind. Thank you Bertrand Russell. Wherever you are: I have the deepest love for you, the highest respect for you, the greatest of admiration for your work in the world of human intelligence. Poch Suzara

All Great Religions

The great religions of the world have been based on one evil only: The love of God up there by hating each other down here. Poch Suzara
God expected to flood and to drown all living things as punishment of sin during Noah's days. God failed miserably in his plan. He could not drown the things living in the ocean. Poch Suzara
As a matter of fact, the Philippines is a very rich country. Even if it owes the World Bank some $57 billion dollars, it can still afford to remit, as the only Catholic country in Asia, millions of dollars a year to the Vatican. Poch Suzara

Jaime Cardinal sin

Jaime Cardinal Sin, a shepherd, is now without a flock. He recently retired as the archbishop of Manila. This is great news because only sheep need a shepherd. Poch Suzara
I have more fear of schools than I have fear of bullets. For the most part, schools are places where they destroy human minds and human hearts to have faith in stupid beliefs. Millions of people have been killed in war with bullets because they utterly refused to have faith in the stupid belief of others. Poch Suzara
Poverty is a negative condition. It is like darkness which is the absence of light. Poverty can never be eradicated or abolished; it can only be remedied with the creation of wealth. Poch Suzara
Happiness is always doing something; not nothing. Now how can we be happy in heaven doing nothing except occupy empty space while looking forever at God's non-existing face? Poch Suzara

Problems and Prayers

I have neither the taste nor the gumption to run for government office in the Philippines. I have not the ability nor the capacity to solve social and political and economic problems with the power of prayer. Poch Suzara
There's more, much more in what is real because there are no clear-cut boundaries in what reality comprises. Poch suzara