Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Eternal Salvation

“For what does it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world but loses his own soul?” Matt. 16:26. Well, I ask: what does it profit a man if he wins eternal salvation but leaves behind this world a worse place than he found it for his own children and the children of others? Poch Suzara


“And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.” Luke 10:18. I ask: what in hell was Satan doing in heaven in the first place? Poch Suzara

Meet With God

According to Catholic theology I could not meet God for as long as I am alive. Only after I am dead will I be able to meet with God in person. In the meantime, I ask: if God were a spirit, how could He have created the material me in His own image and likeness? And was this before or after my circumcision? Poch Suzara

A House Divided

The bible admits: - “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” It is, indeed, a simple truth and a timeless message. But then again why did God allow the devil in the form of a serpent to divide the home of Adam and Eve – the first couple trying hard to stand in unity as both were anxious to build together a happy family? In the meantime, I ask: where was the Son of God Jesus – the Savior of Mankind, - during or right afterthe Fall of Adam and Eve? Poch Suzara

God is Not Everywhere

The bible clearly admits that God is not everywhere: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1. Really, if God is everywhere, faith for things not seen is utterly needless. Poch Suzara

Moses - One of the Inspired Liars of God in the Bible

In Genesis 6:6 Moses wrote that “it had repenteth that Lord that he had made man on the earth. In Exodus 32:14, Moses again wrote that “the Lord repenteth of the evil which he thought to do unto his people.” But in Numbers 23:19, the same Moses wrote: “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?” Oh Moses, my dear Moses, what other sacred lies have you revealed as the Truth in the holy bible? Poch Suzara

The Bible Admits

“Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.” Psalms 51:5. Indeed, Christians believe in guilty babies. Catholics are worse:- they believe in guilty embryos. For my part, I do not believe in the existence of original sin as I do not believe in the existence of an Original Creator. The most basic law of physics states that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed; they can only be transformed into different states. Therefore the basic stuff of the universe could not have been created, and it can never be destroyed. The Original Creator is a myth. Poch Suzara

My Readers

Say that the trouble with me is that everybody sees God except me. They say, to see God, all I have to do is to open my heart and God will be there as clear as daylight for me to see. Well, God is either everywhere or somewhere. But where is God to be found anywhere? And which God are you people referring to? Consider the perpetual sad state of human affairs on this earth, I say such a God is in desperate need of sober advisers. Well, where in hell are His angels? In the meantime, I ask my dear readers: if it does not bother you to realize that you were a nothing herebefore of eternity before you were born, why should it bother you to realize that you will be a nothing again in the hereafter of eternity after you are dead? Poch Suzara

Theology and Philosophy

If God gave you the free will to embrace the theology of theism, why should any one be mad at me if that same God gave me the free will to embrace the philosophy of atheism? Poch Suzara

Scientitic Way of Thinking

When Catholics or Muslims or Jew or Buddhists or Hindus or what-not think of the multiplication table, they all think correctly, there is no difference among them. All are in the same arena of what is precise, certain, and truthful. When they think of their respective religious beliefs, however, they are disunited and are ready to do harm to each other. Indeed, religion as an idea has done more harm to mankind
than any other idea.

For my part, I hate religion because it is fundamentally opposed to everything I love that’s precious: intellectual honesty based on the pursuit of the truth. Poch Suzara

Religious Insanity

In his Democracy in America, Alexis de Tocqueville wrote: “Religious insanity is very common in the United States.” Too bad he never visited the Sick Man of Asia. He would have found religious insanity a much more serious condition in the Philippines than it was then in the United States. During these times, there was only one Filipino who was scientifically sane: Jose Rizal. He wrote two books ( Noli and Fili ) about the religious insanity of the Spanish Catholic Friars against Filipino Catholics. The Civil government, under the power of the Catholic Church had Rizal put away. He was publicly executed in 1896. In the meantime, lies have been told about this great man. Indeed, even up to today, in every school, colleges, and universities in the Philippines, it is still being taught that hours before he died, Rizal retracted. That in his death cell he went to confession, heard mass, received holy communion, and wore a scapular around his neck and holding a rosary around his hands on the way to face his firing squad. Such retraction is purely based on sacred Catholic lies. In Manila City Hall, there is a blow up photo hanging on a wall showing Rizal being executed with NO scapular around his neck NOR a rosary around his hand. Poch Suzara


Prayer – the supplication of expression addressed to God and very much still in the nature of magic formulas, mumbled over and over again with an advertiser’s faith in the law of re-iteration. Unfortunately, there is no God; otherwise, if there is a God, and he’s fully aware of the impact of what it means to be all-knowing and all-mighty and indeed what it means to be always on the job, there would be no need of prayers. Poch Suzara

For Centuries

Centuries before the 1st century, the theologians have not ceased explaining the unknowable in terms of the not worth knowing. And to think that in this 21st century the theologians themselves have no explanation whatsoever as to why God created them in His own image and likeness. Poch Suzara

Dark Side of the Catholic Church

Armando Ang wrote the book - “The Dark Side of the Catholic Church.” He should have been more honest had he titled his book “The lies and falsehoods and Deceptions behind the Catholic Church.” Indeed, in the history of Christianity bequeathed to us by the Roman Catholic Church, we find ourselves embroiled in a world of schism and power struggles, forged documents, false identities, letters that had been edited and added to the wholesale destruction of historical evidences and gross distortion of the truth; not to mention - murder. Unfortunately for the greatest story ever told, it has yet to be truthfully told. Poch Suzara

Democracy Ubder a Theocracy

“Democracy,” wrote Tocqueville, “does not attach men strongly to one another, but it places their habitual intercourse on an easier footing.“

In the Philippines, however, theocracy has always been on top of our democracy. We are more faithful to a divinity than we are habitual in our intercourse to cultivate our sense of morality for the sake of establishing common Filipino decency. Poch Suzara

Russell or the Theologians

Between one philosopher and a thousand theologians, I would listen first to a Bertrand Russell: He made it clear that freedom is the supreme good; for without it personality is impossible. Life and knowledge are today so complex, that only by free discussions can we pick our way through errors and prejudices to that total perspective which is truth. Let men, let even teachers, differ and debate; out of such diverse opinions will come an intelligent relativity of belief which will not readily fly to arms; hatred and war come largely of fixed ideas or dogmatic faith. . . We think of education as the transmission of a certain body of settled knowledge, when it should be rather the development of a scientific habit of mind. Poch Suzara

The Test of a True Religion

The test of a true religion has nothing to do with how it began or how it will end. It has nothing to do with Churches and Cathedrals. It has nothing to do with fear or blind faith or even with daily prayers. True religion generates love and compassion in the human community. Anything less is not religion. It is superstition - the encouragement of stupidity and an insufficient sense of reality. Poch Suzara

Hollywood Trash

It is all about the good guys versus the bad guys. Good guys according to whom? Bad guys according to whom? Take the Cowboys and the Indians. Hollywood made movies about HOW THE WEST WAS WON by the Cowboys. No movie has yet been made by Hollywood about HOW THE WEST WAS LOST by the Indians. Poch Suzara


What if Columbus was such a coward who never dared to exposed the truth about having learned that the world is round? Today in this 21 century, we would probably still believe that the world is flat. In my own case, friends and relatives and associates are terrified as I tell them that according to the latest scientific findings, it has been discovered that the human brain is round as a mammalian and only flat as a reptilian. Poch Suzara

Philosophy and the Bible

“Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” Colossians 2:8 .
Too bad bible readers are inspired to keep away from Bertrand Russell who wrote: “Philosophy should make us know the ends of life, and the elements in life that have value on their own account. However our freedom may be limited in the causal sphere, we need admit no limitations to our freedom in the sphere of values: what we judge good on its own account we may continue to judge good, without regard to anything but our feeling. Philosophy cannot itself determine the ends of life, but it can free us from the tyranny of prejudice and from distortions due to a narrow view. Love, beauty, knowledge, and the joy of life: these things retain their luster however wide our purview. And if philosophy can help us to feel the value of these things, it will have played its part in man’s collective work in bringing light into a world of darkness. OUTLINE OF PHILOSOPHY. Poch Suzara