It is said that those who deny God deny Him because of their despair at not finding Him. I believe this to be a delusion born of fear. A God who has not ceased hiding away from the problems of the human race is not worth finding to begin with. Indeed, the important question is not whether we believe in God; but does God believe in the human race? If God does care and provides for us, how so, and where is He? Poch Suzara
Does God believe in the human race? What would God have to do to convince you one way or the other? What would it look like if He did?
How could He demonstrate that to you? Would you respond to Him if He did?
Who has made you so angry at God or even the possibility of God?
You are posting anonymously, so I'm commenting annonymously as well. Steve means well, but is missing the point, here...Don't let him keep you from using your brain about this. No offense to Steve.
The faith lives by the faithful
- not the reverse-
no matter that the faithful have this faith.
The few who actually live off the faith,
albeit the faith of others
more than their own, see to this,
belying again the faith of the faithfull.
A man of faith is like a drunkard who clings to a lamppost for support, not illumination. In the meantime, please, no need to prove to me that God exist. Just prove to me that God is not an alcoholic, but a catholic. Thanks. Poch Suzara
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