Ask any Christian saint, like a St. Thomas Aquinas, what is the origin of the world? He will answer that God created the universe. What is God? His reply would be that he does not know anything about it. Why did God create the world? He has no idea.
What is the cause of pestilence, famines, wars, sterility, inundations, and earthquakes? It is God’s wrath. What remedies can prevent these calamities? Prayers, sacrifices, processions, novenas, offerings, ceremonies, are, St Thomas will tell you, the true means to disarm Celestial fury.
But why is heaven angry? Because men are wicked. Why are men wicked? Because their nature is corrupt. What is the cause of this corruption? It is, St. Tomas will reply, because the first man was seduced by the first woman to eat an apple which his God had forbidden him to touch. Who induced this woman to do such a folly?
The devil. Who created the devil? God! Why did God create this devil destined to pervert the human race? We know nothing about it; it is a mystery hidden in the bosom of the Deity. Just accept, believe, and have faith.
And stop asking silly questions. Change your attitude! You might end up with eternal punishment which is eternal revenge that can only be inflicted by an eternal monster.
Do I need to explain any deeper why religion encourages stupidity and promotes social insanity, especially in this Asia’s only Christian country! In the meantime, I am told by no less than college professors themselves and by intellectually bankrupt Americans that I should avoid being a superstitious fellow! POCH SUZARA
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