Friday, April 01, 2005
Revelation via inspired authors of the bible is not revelation, but a second-hand information and therefore not a reliable source of communication. As an unbeliever of the faith, if I must believe in the revealed truth, it must first be revealed directly to me. And not revealed to a Jewish fellow even if, with his rod, he could part the Red Sea some four thousand years ago. Poch Suzara
The Seven Deadly Sins
According to Catholic teachings: - pride, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony, avarice, and sloth are the seven deadly sins. Unfortunately, stupidity is not included. After all, stupidity comes first; sin follows. But it’s wonderful that there is always available, at any time and place from God, the forgiveness of sin. But if sin were forgivable by a kind and loving God, what’s so threatening about the seven deadly sins? Poch Suzara
The Bible and Science
The bible may be rich in thought and imagination, but very poor in scientific facts as the bible is a work of fiction. There has yet to be a book written not by inspired authors, but by a God himself to prove his own existence. But then again, in what language should it be written for the whole of mankind to read, understand, and believe. In the meantime, the sciences as exposed in the bible are all patently false. In astronomy – the sun rotates around the earth. In biology – humans did not evolved but created by God. In the science of medicine – diseases are caused by the devil. In physics – God as part of total darkness himself had to declare: let there be light. In zoology – the only animal that survived Noah’s biblical Flood were the crocodiles. They evolved to be qualified politicians to run the Philippine government. Poch Suzara
Conscience is not innate. It is acquired through evolution and education, and varies with geography. Otherwise, if conscience were universally planted by God, then people everywhere would have similar beliefs and harmonious values. We would all embrace one standard of morality. There would be no disagreement over what is right or wrong. There would be no need for laws, policemen, lawyers, and judges in court; and no need for the military to settle moral disputes between nations. Poch Suzara
The Spirit of Liberty
The spirit of liberty is utterly worthless and and meaningless if it does mean, first and foremost, the courageous pursuit of the search of truth. Poch Suzara
To exist is to change; to change is to mature; and, to mature is to go on creating one’s self in growth. It follows therefore that progress is nothing but the perpetual solution to perpetual problems. After all, where one problem ends, another problem begins. Poch Suzara
Free Will for What
What is the use of free will if we were already indoctrinated to exist frightened of life after death? So much so, not as the intelligent masters, but only as the stupid victims of free will that makes us prefer to live with faith in the comfort of religious lies or within the security of sacred deceptions? In the meantime, a widespread belief founded on nothing but free will concocted by the ignorant and the unlearned or even by the blessed is more likely to be fictitious, if not superstitious. Free will should always be about what is intellectually nutritious or anything that is rationally meritorious. Poch Suzara
Let There Be Light
If God were such a brilliant light colorfully illuminating everything around him when He was creating the world – why did He have to declare: Let there be light? Poch Suzara
Christianity teaches that the human race is depraved, fallen, and sinful. Under this premise, how then could humanity have learned to live according to the precepts of truth, the principles of justice, and the beauties of human dignity? Authoritative Christianity punishes the inquirer, and rewards gullibility. For my part, I am glad Christianity is dying and will soon to be buried. She has already done a great deal of harm. In the words of Bertrand Russell: “harm by sanctifying conservatism and adhesion to ancient habits, and still more by sanctifying intolerance and hatred,” in this world. Moreover, Christianity has kept nations, like the Philippines, poor spiritually, backward morally and inefficient in science and technology. Poch Suzara
One Nation Under God
America is one nation under what God of which religion? Indeed, there are so many religions as there are so many Gods. At any rate, where in the constitution of the United States of America does it say: “thou shalt have no other Gods before me?” Poch Suzara
Christ Made a Bet
Christ made a wager in his community. He claimed that after his death, he will be able to resurrect, leave the world, and then return quickly back to earth. His believers called the bet and then had him crucified. In the meantime, millions of people suffer daily for years. Christ suffered but for a few hours on the cross. Then he had the gall to claim that he saved the world through his suffering. And to think that those believers in his community never got to be Christians. It is today, as it was yesterday, still a Jewish community. Poch Suzara
Does God want to save All
YES! according to 1Tim. 2:3-4: "God our Savior will have all men to be saved." NO! according to John 12:40: "He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.” So, is the answer YES and NO? Take your pick. Take advantage of your free will. Poch Suzara
In a plane crash or a sinking ship or a train derailed, God always get the credit when someone survives. He does not. however, get any blame when someone dies? Is it because God loves the dead more than He does the living? At any rate, if God is everywhere, instead of saving somebody, why not save everybody, or better yet, why not prevent the disaster from happening to begin with. In the meantime, I have greatest admiration for the fireman who saves a child inside a burning building despite the fact the fireman never started the fire to begin with. Poch Suzara
I am Asked
I am asked if I believe in life everlasting. Yes, I certainly do; specially as human life proceeds with stupidity even way ahead of infinity. Poch Suzara
Disunited Filipinos
Think of it: - we are not united as a people due to, if not because of, our common Christian religion. And yet, whether we are Catholics, Iglesia Ni Cristo, members of El Shaddai, Couples for Christ, Born-Again Christians, or Lutherans, or Mormons, etc – the fact is, we all love God up there by hating one another down here. Of course, we can always blame the Pharisees and the greedy elite for all of our troubles as a people and all of our problems as a nation, but that only proves that God is neither here, nor there, nor found anywhere in the Philippines. Poch Suzara
April 1/2005
Dear Editor:
Not enough jobs is the flip side of too many applicants. In brief, there are already far too many workers than the Philippine economy needs workers.
But then again, we also do have highly educated superstitious primitives who have not ceased proclaiming that there is no population problem in the Philippines. As if, in this country, we are all already living a comfortable life without having to degrade the capacity of our environment to support that same comfortable style for future Filipinos yet to be born in the years to come.
Really, in this country, thanks to our religious values and beliefs, we do not need a reason to believe in something. But we do need a reason to believe in nothing. As a matter of fact, thanks to our system of education, we all come out of our schools, colleges, and universities ready to be good; unfortunately, to be good for nothing.
Poch Suzara
Bertrand Russell Society, Phil
p.o. box 3036 Makati City
Dear Editor:
Not enough jobs is the flip side of too many applicants. In brief, there are already far too many workers than the Philippine economy needs workers.
But then again, we also do have highly educated superstitious primitives who have not ceased proclaiming that there is no population problem in the Philippines. As if, in this country, we are all already living a comfortable life without having to degrade the capacity of our environment to support that same comfortable style for future Filipinos yet to be born in the years to come.
Really, in this country, thanks to our religious values and beliefs, we do not need a reason to believe in something. But we do need a reason to believe in nothing. As a matter of fact, thanks to our system of education, we all come out of our schools, colleges, and universities ready to be good; unfortunately, to be good for nothing.
Poch Suzara
Bertrand Russell Society, Phil
p.o. box 3036 Makati City
Saturday, March 19, 2005
Dear Ms. Patricia Anne Cortez
Dear Editor,
I Enjoyed reading the letter of Ms. Patricia Anne Cortez published in MANILA STANDARD TODAY. She is totally right about the value of education. It is, indeed, the best way to deal with our growing population. I should think, however, that the first education should be purely negative. It should consist not in the teachings religious lies and other sacred falsehoods; on the contrary, education should be about developing the mind from error and cultivating the heart from vice.
In the meantime, the Church could not care less about the quality of life. For the sake of saving souls, what’s essential to the Church is the quantity of life. The more souls there are to be saved, the business is better for the Church. Thus, the evils of family planning and birth control practice – the only way the Church stays in business for wealth, power, and glory.
Yes, abortion is evil. Besides, it is no thrill to kill a baby inside the mother’s womb. It’s called murder; and murder is a crime. What’s more thrilling, however, is to let the babies be conceived, let them be born, let them grow up a bit, give them a fighting chance, and then kill them. Kill them with malnutrition, filthy surroundings, parental neglect, diseases, or asphyxia from vehicular soot and lead. Indeed, many of the nation’s poor children play, trade, sell, eat and sleep, pee and poo, and God knows what else they do – in the streets of our major cities.
What’s our purpose in being so overly concerned with babies not yet existing, and at the same time be stupidly apathetic with children already existing but also already dying? Isn’t this the height of religious hypocrisy? If we do not abandon our children in the streets, we abandon them in school. There, for the most part, they are taught not how to stand up to needs of the human race, but only how to kneel down to divine grace. How to seek a life of piety by ignoring knowledge and wisdom that should help carry on a decent and a healthy society. Indeed, for the most part, they only learn how to love divine grace by hating the human race.
Poch Suzara
Bertrand Russell Society, Phil
P.O. Box 3036, Makati City
c.c. Ms. Patricia Anne Cortez
Thursday, March 17, 2005
The Holy Bullcrap as Revealed Truth in the holy Bible
"The Bible is the Christian's blueprint for life." Phil Star, May 9 2014. I said it before, I say it again: If the Christians would only bother to read fearlessly the bible from cover to cover, then Christianity would have died centuries ago. Please check for yourselves bible contents as the most damnatory biography of God in print everywhere. Too bad the Son of God Jesus has not yet made His Second Coming to make the necessary corrections the inspired authors recklessly wrote in the bible. For one thing the bible is filled with contradictions, inconsistencies, absurdities, vulgarities, obscenities, and atrocities.
Take a look at a few verses, then take a closer look around you:
Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. Luke 9:1
Verily, say unto you, if ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed… nothing shall be impossible unto you. Matt. 17:20
Neither of these religious primitives were kind enough to share with the world their secret on how to cure diseases, like a Dr. Jonas Salk for example. He virtually wiped out leprosy in children the world over with his anti-polio vaccine.
Jesus himself cured leprosy but only during his lifetime and only in his community. Leprosy is still a disease in our world today. What kind of silly doctors were these people considering they had so-called supernatural assistance? The least Jesus could have done was to make not diseases, but health contagious for every man, woman, and child everywhere in the world.
"And Jesus Christ said to them, Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the Kingdom of God come with power." Mark 9:1 In front row of course will be the Filipinos who have enrolled in bible studies in the Philippines such as the ones given endlessly on TV by Bro. El Soriano of Dating Daan - a bible preacher who never knows what in hell he is talking about.
The bible says: “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
James 5:16. Unfortunately, the same bible also admits: “There is none righteous, no, not one.” Rom. 3:10
Now it is claimed that we must only attend bible study and not read the bible by ourselves? As if the bible were the private word of inspired authors; and not the public word of God for everyone. Please read:
Luke 14:33 , Luke 19:27, Luke 14:26, Matt 10:34-37, Matt. 8:21-22, Matt 19:29, Mark 10:20-30, Mark 13:12, Luke 12:51-53
And then please explain how Jesus could be such a lovable character? Such a Savior? On the one hand, Jesus said: “Blessed are the Peacemakers.” Then He comes around proudly proclaiming that: “I came not to bring peace, but a sword, and to set families against themselves.”
And there is more. Much more to prove that the bible in fact is not the word of divinity; it is not even the word of deviltry - but the word of frightened superstitious primitives soaked with too much infantile stupidity inextricably mixed with religious insanity. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
Silly Believers
Silly believers believe that I am very silly man because I do not believe in the existence of their God. Indeed, these silly believers have been schooled to fear God and to fear the unknown including the mysteries. It’s the main reason why silly believers are mindless, if not heartless - living a life that is not only meaningless, not only aimless, but for this earth I dare say, - even purposeless. Poch Suzara
If Atheism were a Religion
If atheism were a religion, then health is a disease. Consider the 138 billion hours a year spent on prayers, and God has yet to cure the pimples on the faces of teen-age boys and girls. In fact, atheism has no belief system. It is not what I do believe; on the contrary, atheism is what you do not believe. Poch Suzara
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