Thursday, April 28, 2005
Thoughts On Jesus
If we, humans, were all children of God, then Jesus was not the Son of God, but the grandson of God as Mary, His mother, was the daughter of God.
The bible relates how Jesus possessed the power to perform miracles. He made the blind see, the lame walk, the deft hear, he got loaves of bread multiplied for the multitude. Jesus walked on water, changed water into wine, cured leprosy, raised the dead back to life. Curiously enough, not a single one of those grateful back-to-life corpses appeared in court to testify that Jesus was a miracle healer; not a trouble-maker. After getting resurrected, they all seem to have disappeared and never heard from again. Crucified on the cross, Jesus cried out: “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Indeed, Jesus could have been more honest with himself if He had instead cried out: “My God, as your only grandson on this earth, this crucifixion ordeal is little bit absurd. How can I die on this cross to save mankind today if I am able to resurrect myself back to life tomorrow?” Jesus was indeed a failure. His divine mission to destroy the devil failed to materialize. The devil is still alive and quite a success living in the Philippines – the only Christian country in Asia inspiring the Philippine government to solve the problems of the nation with prayers. Indeed, the devil is quite proud of his accomplishments; especially since God makes Himself not omni-present, but always omni-absent to pave the way clear for the devil to win more stupid souls for himself, especially stupid souls from the Philippines - the only religiously fucked country in Asia since the 16th century. Poch Suzara
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Left Behind Prophecy
I am in receipt of regular email messages from some outfit called LEFT BEHIND PROPHECY. It is the same old gloom and doom scenario trying to put me in fear so that I will join them to support their silly brand of superstition otherwise more popularly known as “religion.” Yes, it is also the same old lack of self-respect. They can email me but I am not allowed email them back. It’s a one way street. It is just like attending church services. Just attend and listen to some religious moron preaching biblical nonsense. No questions allowed. Perhaps, if LEFT BEHIND PROPHECY could rename itself as the RIGHT FORWARD STUPIDITY, it will be more based on reality, and not on fantasy. It is indeed incredible how in this 21st century, the faithful believers have not yet seen through the sanctimonious sacred hogwash written in the holy bible as inspired by a silly divinity. Instead of being masters, they are still the victims of religion. As an atheist, I am not trying to offer you prophecies of doom and gloom. The only thing I can do is to point out to you that there is a method by which everyone can obtain the ability to view objectively, without prejudice, the important issues of society. Thus eliminating religiously biased misconceptions concerning life and the aspirations of the human community. This will lead to the future development of a culture based on the power of reason. That method I am referring to is called “scientific method.” It deals constantly with objective reality. When you ask of me as I am an atheist: what do I have to offer you? The answer is your own MIND – the most precious gift from nature stolen away from you as a child at home and in school. I give you back your precious self as a whole man, standing on your feet, looking fair and square at the world. Its good facts and bad facts. Its beauties and its ugliness. Conquering the world with human intelligence and not kneeling down proud of divine negligence. Doing your own thing. Solving your own problems, having self-esteem and proud of your human capacities, and indeed, if you have any, - intellectual abilities. Poch Suzara
Any modern thesaurus will tell you that another meaning for the word quickly is rapidly, speedily, hastily, swiftly, expeditiously, or promptly. In the ancient thesaurus, however, the word quickly meant something the exact opposite. Thus, when Jesus in the bible said: “I will come quickly,” He meant it to be in the next two thousand years or so, if at all, truthfully. Poch Suzara
The Second Coming
Jesus Christ has yet to deliver His promise of a Second Coming. Lucifer already beat Him to it with his 3rd Coming. As for me, I thank both God and the devil I have no problem coming. By the way, how come the Son of God had a Mother, but the devil has none? As a baby - Who delivered the devil into this God-forsaken world? Poch Suzara
The Son of God Jesus
The Son of an All-knowing God Jesus totally ignored to give knowledge to the world, especially the sciences: - astronomy, biology, anthropology, chemistry, geology, psychology, sociology, physics, mathematics and logic to help mankind grow, develop, and mature. Indeed, instead of the power of knowledge, Jesus gave the world his blood, parables, fables, and mysticism. Crucified, however, on the cross, Jesus dramatically cried out: “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” As if Jesus Himself knew exactly what he was doing? Jesus Promised to come back precisely because He knew not what exactly He was doing! Poch Suzara
I have no Problem Coming
Jesus Christ has yet to deliver His promise of a Second Coming. Lucifer already beat Him to it with his 3rd Coming. As for me, I thank both God and the devil I have no problem coming. By the way, how come the Son of God has a Mother, but the devil has none? Who delivered the devil into this God-forsaken world of ours? Poch Suzara
Failures and Losers
If there were religious leaders who started the religion of the losers and the failures, it was no less than Jesus himself - the Son of God. Consider how Jesus allowed himself to be crucified on the cross by the losers and the failures of his backward community. On the cross, Jesus even cried out to another All-mighty Loser: “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Poch Suzara
New Testament
In the New Testament, Jesus admonished his followers: “Be ye as wise as the serpent.” Jesus was referring to the same old serpent of the Old Testament. The snake who could walk and talk and was wise enough to have played the lead role in the fall of Adam and Eve who, to no fault of their own, never got to be exposed to the power of prayer or even to the Revealed Truth. Poch Suzara
The Lord’s Prayer
The faithful believers pray daily with these words: “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, amen.” If Jesus were truly the Lord worthy of love, respect and admiration, he should have already eliminated evil out of this world. In this way, He need not waste any more time and energy leading his faithful followers into temptation. Poch Suzara
Jesus and Socrates
Socrates – the Greek philosopher was a better man and indeed a wiser thinker than the Jesus – the Son of God. For one thing, Socrates never invented the concept of hell for those who disagreed with his logic. Jesus, however, was more theologic. He said: “But those mine enemies, which would not that I should rule over them, bring hither, and slay them for me.” Luke 19:27. For my part, I have more love and respect for Socrates. He said: The unexamined life is not worth living for man. Poch Suzara
The Three Wise Kings
A wise king usually enjoys power and glory and authority over his people. Imagine a wise king being told that there is a pregnant Virgin Mary in some remote town who will soon deliver a child who will be the king of the world. The wise king not only believes the story, but also goes out of his way to notify two other neighboring wise kings to come along with him to visit with gifts and to adore the child-king of a virgin woman. If you can believe this Three Wise Kings story as true, you might as well believe also that you too can become a very wise king one day. Poch Suzara
Parental Love and Affection
Parental love and affection can never be repaid. It can only be passed on to our own children and they in turn to their own children. Not, however, according to Jesus Christ. In Luke 14:26, Jesus admonished: “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, his mother, and wife, and children, and brethren and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” Such were the sacred words uttered by Jesus - the Prince of Peace, the most lovable of men, and the Savior of the mankind. Poch Suzara
A Holy Spirit
A holy spirit existing way out there among the clouds that can actually experience emotional breakdown or psychological injury due to blasphemy from an atheist like me down here does not deserve to be called a holy spirit. In the scientific term, it deserves to be called a psycho-ceramic. Or, in the layman’s language, - a crackpot. Poch Suzara
The New Pope Benedict XV1
It is claimed that the newly elected pope receives an average of 56,000 e-mails a day. As if this were something to brag about. God receives an average of 56,000,000,000 prayers a year. One would think that these two powerful and famous characters would get together and have a heart to seriously introduce here and now - peace on earth and goodwill to all men. Poch Suzara
Failures and Losers
There are a variety of failures and losers in this world. The most prominent are those quite respectable. They made tons of money working for, if not got to be closely associated with, the wealthy land grabbers – among the biggest thieves in this only Christian country in Asia. Thanks to the inheritance from the Spanish Friars of centuries ago, who grabbed land for themselves and for their children and grandchildren and called it - blessings from God on the Philippines. Poch Suzara
G. K. Chesterson
He wrote: “When people cease to believe in God, they don’t believe in nothing, they believe in anything.” On the contrary dear sir, when people cease to believe in God, they are no longer encouraged by fantasy; in fact, they begin to develop a sufficient sense of reality. For my part, when I gradually ceased to believe in God, heavy theological baggage was unloaded off my back making it more comfortable for me to proceed with my happy life, brief and fleeting as it is, on this earth. Poch Suzara
Much Easier
It is much easier to believe than to think. Look at our sick society composed of sick believers. Golly, even our daily newspapers must cater to its readers as they are silly believers, but not to readers as they may be intelligent thinkers. Poch Suzara
What Is An Atheist
What is an Atheist
An atheist is not an object to hate. He is a person just like you to love. The right question to ask therefore is: Who is an atheist?
An atheist accepts that heaven is something for which we should work now – here on earth – for all men together to enjoy.
An atheist accepts that he can get no help through prayer but that he must find in himself the inner convictions and strength to meet life, to grapple with it, to subdue it and to enjoy it.
An atheist accepts that only in knowledge of himself and knowledge of his fellowman can he find the understanding that will help to a life of fulfillment. Therefore, he seeks to know himself and his fellowman rather than to know a god.
An atheist accepts that a hospital should be built instead of a church.
An atheist accepts that a deed must be done instead of a prayer said.
An atheist strives for involvement in life and not escape into death. He wants diseases conquered, poverty vanquished, war eliminated. He wants man to understand and love man. He wants an ethical way of life. He accepts that we cannot rely on a god nor channel action into prayer nor hope for an end of troubles in the hereafter. He accepts that we are - in a great sense – our brothers’ keepers in that we are first, keepers of our own lives; that we are responsible persons, that the job is here and the time is now.
Lastly, an atheist accepts that if we must die, we must die intellecutally sober, and drunk with religious lies. Poch Suzara
An atheist is not an object to hate. He is a person just like you to love. The right question to ask therefore is: Who is an atheist?
An atheist accepts that heaven is something for which we should work now – here on earth – for all men together to enjoy.
An atheist accepts that he can get no help through prayer but that he must find in himself the inner convictions and strength to meet life, to grapple with it, to subdue it and to enjoy it.
An atheist accepts that only in knowledge of himself and knowledge of his fellowman can he find the understanding that will help to a life of fulfillment. Therefore, he seeks to know himself and his fellowman rather than to know a god.
An atheist accepts that a hospital should be built instead of a church.
An atheist accepts that a deed must be done instead of a prayer said.
An atheist strives for involvement in life and not escape into death. He wants diseases conquered, poverty vanquished, war eliminated. He wants man to understand and love man. He wants an ethical way of life. He accepts that we cannot rely on a god nor channel action into prayer nor hope for an end of troubles in the hereafter. He accepts that we are - in a great sense – our brothers’ keepers in that we are first, keepers of our own lives; that we are responsible persons, that the job is here and the time is now.
Lastly, an atheist accepts that if we must die, we must die intellecutally sober, and drunk with religious lies. Poch Suzara
St. Augustine and Women
St. Augustine considered women as very inferior to men and blamed Eve for the fall of Adam. Did this famous saint make sense even as a Catholic? You be the judge. Listen to St. Augustine’s confession: “There is another form of temptation, even more fraught with danger. This is the disease of curiosity. . . It is this which drives us on to try to discover the secret of nature, those secrets which are beyond our understanding, which can avail us nothing and which men should not wish to learn. . . In this immense forest, full of pitfalls and perils, I have drawn myself back, and pulled myself away from these thorns. In the midst of all these things which float unceasingly around me in everyday life, I am never surprised at any of them, and never captivated by my genuine desire to study them. . . I no longer dream of the stars.” The time of Augustine’s death, 430 A.D., marks the beginning of the Dark Ages in Europe. From the 5th to the 15th century, the Dark Ages in God’s name and for His glory lasted for a thousand years. And to think that in this 21st century there are still religious fanatics who are in authority leading us back to the Dark Ages. Poch Suzara
What God
I never met God. He was not around the day I was born. He was never at home or in school with me. He never played any games or sports or danced or appreciated music together with ma. He never shared good and bad times together with me. We never laughed or cried together. God never showed up at my marriage nor was he there during the birth of my children. God and I never had breakfast or lunch or dinner together. My own father devoted most of his life to God; I was there at my father's death-bed, but I never saw God around anywhere. Now what reasons should I have in life to always take the side of God who was never there existing for me as a friend or even existing for my loved ones? Poch Suzara
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