Saturday, October 29, 2005

The Burning Bush

During ancient times Moses queried the Burning Bush about its identity. In the King James translation the bush replies: “I am that I am.” In modern times, the Burning Bush in Iraq has identified itself as, “ I am George W. Bush, the President of the United States of America.” In Southeast Asia, however, the Burning Bush identified itself as, “I am Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, the President of the Philippines. The Lord put me here.” Poch Suzara

College educated

Most of my college educated friends and relatives find it hard to determine for themselves if they were thoughtless or mindless; or, whether it matters either way. It is hilarious, however, to see these highly educated individuals go through a mental paralysis standing in front of my personal library of books at home. And to think that these are the kind of men and women who are among the top executives of top corporation owned by the cream of the criminal crop in control of the sick economy of the Philippines. Poch Suzara

Purpose of Religion

The purpose of religion is not to stimulate the mind with its dogma; on the contrary, it is to stultify the medulla oblongata. In my personal war against religion that’s at the foundation of our sick institutions, it is true that, like a David, I am only into inches and ounces. My opponents, Goliaths, are, indeed, into miles and tons. They are way ahead of me as they are the owners of schools, colleges, and universities, and in control of the media. Even in control of the government. I am told, however, to take it easy as the war against human stupidity is really the same thing as the war against infinity. There’s no end to it. I agree totally. In the meantime, what’s wasteful are the science professors. Not one of them would come out to challenge the evils of religion that’s keeping the Filipino poor as a people and the Philippines bankrupt as a nation. It seems clear enough that science professor’s first duty is to reduce the evils of religion into a childish mediocrity, if not into an infantile vulgarity. No other idea has done more harm to the Filipino mind than the idea of religion. Religion has only misdirected the Filipino energy into getting out of this world and go to a better world to come after death. As if there any! Science produces and delivers the goods; but science also needs democracy as much as democracy needs science. More than it is a body of knowledge, science is the only method of thinking for what is real and man’s place in this world. Our world. Science is the never-ending search for the truth. It is the exact opposite of what religion has been preaching for centuries: that in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge, increaseth sorrow. Indeed, religion is the evil that is destroying the potential of every human being to become free, honest, decent, happy, and thoughtful. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#


Obedience is not a virtue. It is a tool to enslave those who have been indoctrinated to keep away from the power of thought. Obedience works well with children. Look how they would rather be rewarded for obeying than be punished for disobeying or worse – for attempts at thinking. Poch Suzara


G. K. Chesterson said: Christianity has never been tried.” On the contrary, Christianity has tried to straighten the mess out of the Western World during the past 2,000 years. It failed miserably. Christianity has also tried hard, during the last 500 years, to establish common human decency in the Philippines. It also failed dismally. As a matter of historical fact, the Philippines, still dominated by Christianity, has been and still is under the inspiration of religious corruption that’s keeping our sick society directionless as ever. Even the Supreme Being Himself knows not where we are going as a people; or, where we are heading as a nation! Poch Suzara

The Catholic Church

The Catholic Church is not a church. It is a business organization masquerading as a church. The pope is the Chairman of the Board and its Chief Executive Officer. The Curia is the board of directors. The Cardinals are the regional vice presidents. The priests are the sales managers. The Multitudes are its customers. A corporation sells either a product or service. The church as a business sells the eternal salvation of the soul. It has been quite lucrative from the beginning since the church herself invented the soul, invented heaven and hell, and invented the “Wrath of God.” Poch Suzara

Silly Divinity

It’s incredible how the vast majority of people can worship a God who, in paradise, loved his apple tree much more than he loved his own children – Adam and Eve. It is even more incredible to believe that this same God, the creator of the billions of galaxies, can allow himself to be unduly represented on this grain of sand called “earth” by the most idiotic of men otherwise known as priests, bishops, cardinals, popes, and indeed, the good-for-nothing theologians. Poch Suzara

Free Will and Mafia

Free Will is to free inquiry what the mafia is to free enterprise. I ask: why is it that everybody has faith in his own free will; but nobody has faith in having good will for anybody? Poch Suzara

Life Span

In terms of eternity our life span on this earth is but a split of second, a flash in the pan, a wink of an eye, not even a millimeter of an inch long. To believe that we can enjoy a meter worth of eternity on this earth is like saying that we can enjoy living one trillion (1,000,000,000,000) seconds long. It’s not possible to live 31,688 years long. In the meantime, it’s silly to try and measure eternity. It has neither a beginning nor an end. Time is in space and space is in time. In measuring the height and weight of such monsters, where do you begin and when does it end? And under such a cosmic mess, how does one managed to offend God, or to commit a sin against the creator of eternity? Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

God as the Intelligent Designer? WOW No Kidding?

If God designed everything, then who or what designed God as He is part of everything Himself? But if God were such a perfect designer, what was his purpose in designing the imperfect male organ uncircumcised? Do we not insult the creator by re-designing the male organ by removing the prepuce with circumcision? Indeed, if we admit the wonderful aspects of nature as products of design, we must also admit the dreadful aspects of nature as products of design. In other words, the master designer, if any, could very well be, in the scientific term, - a super psycho-ceramic; or, in the layman’s language - a super crackpot... Here, however, is something even more ticklish to think about: God designed the most beautiful part of a woman's - her face; but why would God at the same time also designed the ugliest part of a woman's body - her vagina!.. . Come on you sick saps, you have got to be a sick jerk to believe that woman’s vagina is the most beautiful thing to look at! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Atheist and Scientist

“No man in ten thousand has the goodness of heart or strength of mind to be an atheist.” Samuel Taylor Coleridge. If I may add, atheists are like scientists: they do not care to believe. They only want to know. Poch Suzara

The holy bible

The holy bible is a paradigm of misology – the hatred of reason. In fact, the bible is all about the love of faith as the entire notion of faith generates upon the terror, as it presupposes the horror of, - reason. Poch Suzara

Jesus and Children and His Mom

“Unless you turn and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matt 18:3.
Jesus must be so proud of so many little children who already made it to the kingdom of heaven.
The lesson from Jesus: - do not grow up. Maturity is evil. Stay childish and obedient for the rest of your lives, and you too will make it one day to the kingdom of heaven.
In the meantime, the only loved-one present during the crucifixion of Jesus was his mother Mary. Yet after his resurrection from death, Jesus was thoughtless enough not to appear to his bereaved mom; instead, he appeared only to his apostles who did not bother to attend and to testify at his trial. In fact, If Jesus performed the power of healing which were credited to him, it is rather strange that on his day of execution there was not one to appear and to protest because of his marvelous experience of being restored back to health and indeed, even restored back to life. Poch Suzara

A stupid Man

A stupid man isn’t really all that stupid. He is intelligent enough to know for certain that everybody else is just as stupid as he is. Poch Suzara


Terrorism is nothing but a method to make war – a technique as inspired by religious fanaticism. The war against terrorism would be more effective if the struggle were against religious fanaticism rather than against its poor victims - the Christians, Muslims, Jews, or what - not.

As a little boy in school, I can still feel the terror from my teachers terrorizing my mind into believing and into having faith in the revealed truths or I will burn eternally in hell if I do not believe it. I suppose I did not grow up to be a terrorist because I threw my religious faith and beliefs out the window. I decided, instead, to study religion not as a good, but as an evil. I thought it quite deadly why religious fanatics are quite ready and willing to cut each other’s throat because they cannot even agree as to what will happen to them after their throats have been cut.

In his WHY I AM NOT A CHRISTIAN, Bertrand Russell wrote: “We ought to stand upon our own feet and look fair and square at the world – its good facts and bad facts, and its beauties and its ugliness; see the world as it is, and be not afraid of it. Conquer the world by intelligence, and not merely by being slavishly subdued by the terror that comes from it. The whole conception of God is a conception derived from ancient oriental despotism. It is a conception quite unworthy of free men. When you hear people in church debasing themselves and saying that they are miserable sinners, and all the rest of it, it seems contemptible and not worthy of self-respecting human beings. We ought to stand and look at the world frankly in its face. We ought to make the best of the world, and if it is not so good as we wish, after all it will still be better than what these others have made of it in the past. A good world needs knowledge, kindliness, and courage; it does not need a regretful hankering after the past, or a fettering of the free intelligence by words uttered long ago by ignorant men. It needs a fearless outlook, and a free intelligence. It needs hope for the future, not looking back all the time towards a past that is dead, which we trust will be far surpassed by the future that our intelligence can create.” Poch Suzara

Super Power Nations

Due to the advancement of human knowledge, it has now become quite clear that there exist no super power nations, not even the United States of America. It has turned out that the real super power has always been the balance of nature which, when upset ecologically or environmentally or biologically, nature herself such as in the shape of a hurricane, flood, typhoon, tsunami, and earthquake takes over to keep the balance of nature in peace and in harmony with itself.
Of course nuclear weapons owned by super power nations can be employed to destroy our planet earth. But then again, after earth has been destroyed by such weapons of mass destruction, what will remain of the so-called super power nations? Super power stupidity? Poch Suzara

The Filipino

Most Filipino college educated men and women have been taught to believe that what will help the Philippines is neither science nor technology, but only more prayers under the power of divinity?
To prove the validity of my accusation, these college-educated individuals would only refer me to read verses written in the holy bible. For me to understand that what is happening in the Philippines is all due to God’s divine will for which we should never question.
I said it before, I say it again: - the biblical mind is a troubled mind. It fears everything but examines nothing. And the biblical mind fears nothing more than having nothing to fear. Poch Suzara

A little Prayer

We are told that a little prayer never hurt anyone. That belief is not only moronic, but also destructive, specially to a child’s mind. To teach a child to reach for fantasy solutions to real life problems is the worst possible training that any child can have for his emotional growth and intellectual maturity. Prayers never solved anything. Even the prayers of Jesus were all a waste of time and energy. Otherwise, crucified on the cross, he need not have cried out: “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me!” Poch Suzara

Philippine Crisis

Each time we have a crisis, our politicians get together with the theologians to organize prayer rallies for the Lord above to solve for us here below the same old troubles and problems that’s already traditional. How sick are we as the Sick Man of Asia? We all give thanks to the Lord for the great success of the 15,000,000 Filipino workers who already emigrated to some 156 foreign countries. They are there living and working and earning wages to help financially members of their family left behind and to help keep afloat the economy based upon the power of prayer in the Philippines. Poch Suzara

Silly theologians

The silly theologians who promised to save your soul from going hell were the very same theologians who invented the existence of your soul. They also invented the existence of hell in case you would refuse to believe another of their great inventions: - “the Wrath of God.” Poch Suzara