Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Gods as Particles

The Christians do not believe in the Muslim God. The Muslims do not believe in the Christian God. And neither the Christian nor the Muslim believe in the mother of their religion – Judaism which was founded upon an older religion – Mithraism.
More than a hundred billion religious people have already lived and died on this earth. My dear reader, do you really believe that a Christian God or a Muslim God or a Jewish God gives a hoot about the religious life on this earth? Consider the one million (1,000,000) planets the size of our earth can fit inside the sun! And our sun is just one of the trillions of suns called stars! If those Gods exist, they are just as microscopic a particle that exist in the universal scheme of existence.Poch Suzara

Economic Growth

It is still taught in our universities that population growth is a stimulant to economic growth. The opposite, in fact, is obviously true. Poverty growth, not economic growth, has been the result of population growth. Our economists still have the impression that there is no limit to growth; that there is in nature an infinite amount of resources, and that a satisfactory substitute can be found for every depleting resource. No doubt, during the past centuries, economic growth was the cure; today in this 21st century, economic growth is a disease. Consider most of today’s economic productivity causing “ecological destruction.”
In the 1950s, the population of the Philippines was 15 million Filipinos. We were then a poor country. Today in the year 2006, our population has reached 88 million Filipinos. We are poorer in this decade than we were poor during the past decades. In the meantime, the faithfools of this God-forsaken country are still preaching to the multitudes not to worry because God will provide. Poch Suzara


We atheists have nothing against morality as a method of insuring law and order in society. What we are against, however, is morality based upon religious mendacity and other ecclesiastical authority that have absolutely nothing to do with the creation of a sane and a healthy society.
Bertrand Russell wrote it briefly: I am not suggesting that a man should be destitute of morality. I am only suggesting that he should be destitute of superstitious morality, which is a very different thing. Poch Suzara

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


War is all about soldiers dying in the field of battle. After
the war, the stupid politicians take over the mess while the
economists under the payroll of the industrialists prepare for more war to take place. After all,there is more money to be made in the art of hating and killing than there is in the art of loving and healing. War is big business. Poch Suzara

Nothing is Permanent

Everything is in a state of flux. Everything is in motion. Nothing is permanent as everything is tentative. Change is the only reality. To believe means to be stuck under mediocrity. To think means being unstuck under rationality. It is therefore silly to believe in anything unchangeable as even life itself is all about growth and constant movement towards death and decay. Let us all enjoy the ride as it is free. The trip free on earth as our vehicle around the sun annually. Poch Suzara


I remember in school and at home how we were always active daily with prayers. I remember my parents, grandparents, uncles and aunties, and cousins and how we all prayed the rosary together nightly. We prayed for a miracle from God to please transform the Philippines into a decent country for all Filipinos. Today, it is just more of the same. We Filipinos are still as active as ever with daily prayers. Even the millions of Filipinos already enjoying higher standard of living in foreign countries continue praying to God for a miracle to change the Philippines for the better. These are the same Filipinos who long to come back home already. Especially, if they will have the same opportunities as employees working in the Philippines growing, expanding, and developing as a civilized nation. For my part, I say it again: it is about time we stop wasting time and energy with this prayer business as prayer is nothing but a lot of religious garbage? Isn’t it time that we Filipinos begin to grow as a people and begin to develop as a nation with the power of our own minds and hearts? If there were power in prayer, where are the results? How come in this day and age, even our own church officials are asking us to pray for the priests so that they may remain faithful to their vows, and not walk out of the priesthood industry? What we desperately need in the Philippines is more science and the scientific way of thinking. It is all about the power of knowledge that has nothing to do with the Gospels. Indeed, knowledge has nothing to do with the bible? Knowledge can never be discovered by reading a book written centuries ago by half-starved, protein-deficient, and poorly educated men wondering around the desert hallucinating from the desert heat in which they tried to make sense out of their own mediocre existence. And to think that those were the kind of superstitious morons who brought Christianity into our shores some 500 years ago. Indeed, Christianity – the religion based not upon the good life as inspired by love and guided by knowledge, but the religion based upon the thoughtless scheme of salvation from death. Until we learn to stop hating one another in God’s name, we shall never emerge out of our poverty as a people. Until we learn to love only the Philippines, we shall only continue to remain morally and spiritually bankrupt as a nation! Poch Suzara

Poverty of the Mind

The worst kind of poverty is the poverty of the mind. In this God-forsaken country, even the filthy rich are unable to enjoy the wealth of the mind because they have been taught to believe that if they remain poor in spirit – God will always bless them. Thus, the filthy rich and the filthy poor in the Philippines both equally suffer from the worse kind of poverty – the poverty of the mind.
In the meantime, we members of the intellectual community entirely agree with Bertrand Russell: - Happiness is the nonetheless true happiness because it must come to an end, nor do thought and love lose their value because they are not everlasting. Poch Suzara

I am a Filipino

I am an Asian and a Filipino born in the Philippines. Jesus was a Jew born in Israel. What have I anything to do with the Jews – supposedly already God’s Chosen people? And to think that the Philippines is predominantly a Catholic country; Israel is a Jewish State. And to think further that even Jesus Christ himself was not born of Catholic parents or even raised and educated in a Catholic school. Poch Suzara

God Will Provide

In the 1950s, the population of the Philippines was then 15 million Filipinos. We were then a poor country. Today in the year 2006, our population has reached 88 million Filipinos. We are poorer in this decade than we were poor during the past decade. In the meantime, the religious leaders of this God-forsaken country are still preaching to the multitudes not to worry because - God will provide. Poch Suzara

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Catechism Class

Bishop Teodoro Bacani, Jr. claims that the voice of people is the voice of God. He wrote: “God does not speak only through His bishops. Often He speaks through His people.”
I ask the good bishop: What about the voice of Adam and Eve as against the voice of the serpent speaking in behalf of the devil? Where was God’s voice then to protect Adam and Eve? Indeed, instead of protection, what instead they experienced in paradise was expulsion. Perhaps Adam and Eve were both guilty of sin. But our politicians in government as elected by the voice of God are not only guilty of sins against God, but also guilty of crimes against the State.
What have the bishops got to do with matters of the material State? Aren’t they responsible with matters concerning only the spiritual church? Indeed, if the voice of the people were the voice of God, what need is there for the voice of the bishops to speak to God for the people?
I dare challenge you bishops to be among the first to resign to remedy the ills that’s keeping this only Christian country in Asia poor religiously, backward morally, and insane socially. Poch Suzara

Happy Filipinos

Filipinos are the happiest people in Asia despite crises, - says an Archbishop of the church. What an irresponsible statement to make!
Happiness is an achievement. It is neither a statement nor an opinion. Thus far, however, due to our traditional belief that God will provide, we Filipinos have only achieved more of the same nothing as a people and have achieved more of the same nothing as a nation.
In the meantime, the poverty epidemic in the Philippines has many population-related causes, especially lack of nutrition, lack of medical care, lack of proper hygiene and sanitation, lack of clean water supplies, and indeed lack of housing and school buildings. We do, however, have plenty of politicians and theologians who are the “haves” enjoying prosperity, while the rest of us are the ‘have-nots” enjoying poverty. Poch Suzara

The Filipino

Happily, there are approximately ten million Filipinos living like decent people today working for the foreigners in more than 160 foreign countries around the world.
Unhappily, however, there are about the forty million Filipinos left behind still existing under poor conditions, without sense of pride and dignity as citizens of the Republic of the Philippines.
The real fortunate ones, however, are the very few rich Filipinos. They are most grateful to the one and only foreigner who arrived here some five centuries ago. His name is Jesus – the Son of God. Jesus has answered favorably their prayers. Without having to go foreign countries, they all feel blessed by the Lord to enjoy wealth, power, and glory here in the Philippines. Poch Suzara

Only in the Philippines

The rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer. As poverty of the worst kind, however, is the poverty of the mind and heart, both the rich and the poor alike comprising our sick society mutually enjoy poverty equally, especially for the glory of divinity.
In the meantime, in this poor and backward country, each time we are faced with harsh reality, we just either pray or play or worse – crack a joke about it. In a circus, we are the clowns laughing at our own perpetual stupidity. Poch Suzara

Wealth of the Church

The assets and properties and other commercial enterprises owned and controlled by the church including schools, colleges, and universities in the Philippines are worth in the trillions of tax-free pesos. In the meantime, from the 16th century up to the 21st century, millions upon millions of spiritually impoverished Filipinos continue buying what, for centuries, the church has been selling: eternal salvation in the next world with Jesus. And to think that millions of so-called college educated men and women of this country today still swallow hook, line, and sinker that holy baloney. Poch Suzara

Lenten Season

During the Lenten season, it is a sin to eat meat on Fridays. During the rest of the year, however, it is not a sin to live like pigs or to think like cows.
In the meantime, millions of Filipinos still believe what they have been taught from infancy to believe - that God will always provide.
Is it any wonder that our bishops can easily proclaim that: The Filipinos, despite the economic crises, are the happiest people of Asia! Poch Suzara

Presidential Elections

Massive cheating was endemic during the last presidential elections. No candidate, however, was caught; except the winner – GMA. This is the same president who openly disclosed that “God put me here” and that “God has plans for me.” Imagine God - cheating with her!
It has been suggested that all of the candidates who cheated in last elections should be hanged. Since there are not enough ropes to hang them with – it has been further suggested that they should all volunteer and jump into the Pasig River. And to think that even our own Pasig river has already died of corruption decades ago. Poch Suzara

Fear Of the Lord

If you wish to be a happy person enjoying self-respect and dignity, do not live a life of fear. Do not fear anything. Do not even fear the Lord. Let the Lord, instead, fear you. After all, in sending you to hell, the Lord needs the help of another supernatural coward – the silly devil to carry out the task behind your back. Look at the Lord and his devil – they do not even have the mutual decency to introduce themselves to you face to face. How can they? They do not exist. In the meantime, where’s heaven as God’s residence located? Or, where’s hell as Satan’s home situated? Even the brightest among the Jesuit theologians have not the foggiest.
Poch Suzara

Thank you Lord

Lord, thank you for my eyes to see, ears to hear, nose to smell, tongue to taste, and for my skin to feel. But Lord, could you please kindly remove totally the more than 2,000,000,000 different kinds of germs, assorted viruses, and deadly bacteria existing happily inside the human body as their housing facilities? Really Lord, those nasty little creatures will eventually kill not only me but also kill your disciples and followers even if they believe in free will. By the way Lord, could you also please clarify this issue: After we are dead and our bodies begin to rot, how may we still enjoy eternal happiness with you in heaven without eyes to see, without ears to hear, without nose to smell, without tongue to taste, without skin to feel, without brains to think, and without our sex organs to fuck 72 year old virgins? Poch Suzara

Raising The Dead

Dear Jesus, if you had raised not dead bodies, but raised instead only dead minds in your community, your followers and disciples then would have been among the first to be not deadly in the ways of believing, but more so lively in the ways of thinking. Poch Suzara

Walked On Water

If Jesus had only explored and discovered the wealth found under water, and not just walked on top of it, he could have multiplied not only fish for the health of his community, but also distributed a wealth of information for everybody globally. Poch Suzara