Friday, February 16, 2007

The Voice of the People

The Son of God Jesus, crucified on the cross, cried out: “Father, forgive them; for they know now what they do.” Luke 23:33
Well, if the Son of God Jesus clearly admitted that the people know not what they do, isn’t it rather childish to believe that the voice of the people is the voice of God? Poch Suzara

Mother Teresa

“…We cannot solve all of the problems of the world, but let us never bring in the worst problem of all that is that is to destroy love. And this happens when we tell people to practice contraception.”
This is really another pontifical way of saying that nothing pleases God more than to see poor women here and poor children there and the propagation of poverty spreading everywhere. After all, Mother Teresa loved not only poor people here and there but loved even more poverty everywhere. Poch Suzara

Bishop Teodoro Bacani Jr.

wrote: “Somebody has remarked that if we offend God, God will forgive us if we repent. If we hurt our fellow humans, they will forgive us if we apologize. But if we destroy the Earth, it will not forgive us even if we ask for its forgiveness.”
Bishop Bacani ignores the biblical teachings of Christianity with its vested interests in poverty and misery: The bible clearly declares: “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” John 2:15

Cardinal John Newman

wrote: “Conscience has rights because it has duties.” Indeed, it has: duties not to religious authority, not even to any other outside forces, but duties only to one’s self as a self-respecting man. Conscience should and must decide for itself what is good or evil. Revelation does not count. Revelation exposed “the tree of knowledge of good and evil.” Unfortunately, it has failed to reveal why such a silly tree had been created and planted by God to begin with! In the second place, no one knows where that tree is to be found anywhere in the world today.
In the meantime, Proverbs 28:26 states: “he who trusts in his own mind is a fool; but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered.” Is it any wonder that the faithful always end up walking mindless, if not always thoughtless as believers of bible wisdom? Poch Suzara

Archbishop Fulton Sheen

“Modern man . . . has long believed that right and wrong were only differences in point of view, but now when evil works itself out in practice he is paralyzed to do anything against it.”
I ask Archbishop Sheen: what about your own church from ancient days to modern times during these past 2,000 years? What exactly has your church done to diminish, nay, eliminate the evils in this world? What has happened to the power of God almighty always behind the power of your church? Poch Suzara

St. Augustine's Silly Philosophy

Wrote: “It is the mark of perfection to recognize one’s imperfections.” This is childish dishonesty with one’s self as far as I am concerned. I’d rather embrace Bertrand Russell’s sense of truthfulness: “No one is perfect and we should not be bothered by the fact that we are not.” Poch Suzara

Alvin Capino

Wrote in the Manila Standard Today: “There is no better expression of love than to help feed the hunger.”
Alvin, I totally disagree. There is no better expression of love than that of informing as well as encouraging would be mothers and fathers to seriously practice family planning and birth control. In this way, there will be less sick and hungry people to feed in our already sick and hungry society. Moreover, as we over-populate, nature will destroy us off with famine, disease, and environmental destruction. It is already a reality in so many parts of the fragile world. The alternative is family planning and birth control. In the meantime, every cause is a lost cause without population control. Poch Suzara

Emil Jurado

Wrote in the Manila Standard Today: “We all admire Pacquiao for his boxing skills. But I am afraid he’ll be a fish out of the water in Congress. What is pathetic about it is that he could win and kiss his boxing career goodbye. What happens if somebody in Congress challenges him to a debate? Will Pacman box him? Why can’t he just settle with the boxing career?
What happens, you asked, if somebody in Congress challenges Pacquiao to a debate? Well, what happens I ask, when Pacquiao challenges Congressmen to kneel down and make the sign of the cross before he starts punching everybody on the Congressional ring? Poch Suzara

G. K. Chesterton

Wrote: “The trouble when people stop believing in God is not that they thereafter believe in nothing, it is that they thereafter believe in anything.”
I ask G.K. Chesterton: What happens when God stops believing in God? After all, God made it very clear in his first command: Thou shall have no other gods before me?” For Christ’s sake, who created those other gods? Where in hell do they come from? Poch Suzara

Miracles From Jesus

If Jesus performed feats of healing which were credited to him, is it not strange that during the days of his trial, or on his day of execution there was not one person who appeared and to protest because of his marvelous experience of being dead and resurrected back to life and restored back to health?
But then again even Jesus himself, dead on the cross, came back to life. I ask: Would a man who returned from the tomb fail to visit his mother? Only an extremely hard and thoughtless man could neglect his grieving mother. Also, how come there was no appearance to the idiots who had crucified him on the cross? Poch Suzara

Sigmund Freud

“The psychoanalysis of individual human beings, however, teaches us with quite special insistence that the god of each of them is formed in the likeness of his father, that his personal relation to God depends on his relation to his father in the flesh and oscillates and changes along with that relation, and that at bottom God is nothing other than an exalted father.”
Gee, Mr. Freud, I regret to disagree with you. Years before I had a great opportunity to get know, understand, and love my father, my maternal grandfather, and my paternal grandfather – God had them expunged dead out of my life.
Happily, however, my mother is still very much alive. She is 94 years old. I am taking care of her. A devout Catholic that she is and despite her devotion to God all these past years, I love her more than I care to love Mary, the Mother of God, not to mention all the saints of God whom I have never met.
And to think that if the supernatural God and supernatural Devil have been in existence for more than 70 million years and we humans on the average exist only for some measly 70 years, why should we care about pleasing, or, as the case may be, care about displeasing supernatural beings out there? Poch Suzara

The Fools and God

Only a fool says there is no God. Why then did God create fools? Over a billion of them live in China. Perhaps, not all Chinese are atheists. But the Chinese have been irreligious since the 11th century. They do not believe that God is a Christian in general; or, that God is a Catholic in particular. Oh, the Chinese may not merit eternal salvation in heaven. At the rate, however, they are being created in the image and likeness of God (one out of every five people in this world today is a Chinaman) they will surely inherit the earth. Poch Suzara

John Blanchard

In his book: Has Science got Rid of God? Blanchard writes: “Atheism’s creed is clear and cruel: we began as a fluke, we live as a farce, and we end as a fertilizer.”
Obviously, like millions of Christians throughout the world, John Blanchard too is shamelessly ignorant of bible contents. Indeed, the creed of theism is just as clear and just as cruel too: “ For dust thou art, and unto dust shall thou return.”
The difference between an atheist and a theist is that we atheists do not believe in childish fairy tales. You theists believe that there is a God out there who will reward you for being a believer or will punish you for being an unbeliever. We atheists have no need for either rewards or punishments to make sense of our beliefs or, for that matter - disbeliefs. Poch Suzara

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Idiot Candidates

“There are no idiot candidates where there are no idiot voters.” Antonio C. Abaya
As a matter of deeper fact, if our system of education were purely based upon the scientific revolution of the mind, and not upon the apostolic revelation of the idiotic soul - our politicians need not arrive at high government office by having achieved a reputation in mediocrity. In the meantime, our democracy is shallow, meaningless, and thoughtless since the majority of our people live in misery and in poverty.
And to think that far more evil than the idiot candidates and the idiot voters are the idiot religious so-called leaders. They still preach that poor Filipinos must and should continue to multiply and replenish for themselves more misery and poverty in this God-forsaken only Christian country in Asia. Poch Suzara

The Faith

The faith that does not doubt can only be the faith of the college educated men and women who are not the masters but the childish victims of the priesthood industry. Indeed, the faith that does not doubt can only thrive among those who were twisted emotionally, distorted mentally, impoverished spiritually, bankrupted morally, fooled politically, sickened religiously, and made insane socially. Poch Suzara

Saturday, February 03, 2007

The US Social Security System

The Internal Revenue Service says Americans took tax exemptions for $88 BILLION in religious donations in 2004. Imagine that kind of donation in just 10 years. It would amount to $880 BILLION or almost a TRILLION DOLLARS. Imagine further that money, donated not to corrupt priests, greedy ministers, insane evangelists, and other religious charlatans, but donated to the pool of the Social Security system. Each and every one of SSS recipient could receive an average of $2,000 a month rather the measly $500 a month; not to mention even the hard working illegal aliens could receive social security as well upon retirement.
I wish we poor Americans would stop carping about the illegal aliens working hard to earn a living and trying to stay alive in America. After all, the only legal Americans are the Mexicans who owned the State of California, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, and Texas in the past. And the Native Indians who owned the whole of the United States Continent until the White Race arrived. Indeed, they arrived greedy, selfish, stupid, and insane taking the land away from the native Indians and the Mexicans with the help of war, death, destruction and indeed with the inspiration from Christian values and beliefs. Poch Suzara

Friday, February 02, 2007

I Believe

The Filipino is good by nature. No doubt, there exist ills and evils in the Filipino social and political affairs. Such horrors, however, are to due to corrupt institutions such as schools, colleges, and universities as inspired by the rotten teachings of the Church. Such respectable institutions have made the Filipino good; specially good for the next life, if any; unfortunately, for this life in this country, good for nothing. Look at how we Filipinos are all loving of God up there by hating one another down here! Poch Suzara


Imagine our great grandparents then praying daily to God to give us this day our daily bread and to lead us not into temptation. Imagine our great grandchildren will also be praying to God to give us this day our daily bread and to lead us not into temptation. That is hardly civilized progress in human affairs. Poch Suzara

Filipino Sociologists

Say that it would take more than 20 years of study to discover if we Filipinos were actually impoverished by a damaged culture. As a high-school expelled student, however, I say it should only take less than 20 days. Indeed, just visit the toilets facilities in any of our schools and universities, including our government buildings. One can easily deduce that Filipino culture has gone down the drain already severely damaged in this only Christian country in Asia today. In the meantime, take heed of the great Filipino historian Teodoro A. Agoncillo. He bravely wrote: “Self-deception is the worst tragedy of the Filipino as a people.” Poch Suzara

Healthy society

“Without the development of the whole society, economic growth cannot be possible.” Nguyen Tan Dung, Prime Minister of Vietnam
As a matter of fact, without the development of the whole human personality, it is not possible to create a sane and a healthy society. Poch Suzara