Saturday, May 05, 2007

The Priesthood Industry

The priesthood industry fears atheism, not because it is inimical to human welfare, but because it is inimical to its own welfare. The priesthood industry wants and needs their mythical God because in him they live and move and have their cake and eat it too. The priesthood industry sees to it that the world remains full of suffering, tragedy, disease, disaster, pain and misery. Thus, the priesthood industry has become an institution not for human welfare, but only for the care and maintenance of God. For my part, I cannot imagine a powerful supernatural being behaving not only like a spoiled brat, but also proving to be such a cold-blooded perfection but quite engrossed if not lost in self-admiration. Poch Suzara

Sacred Books

The bible of the Christians, the Quran of the Muslims, and the Talmud of the Jews are all exactly alike and easy to understand. They are sacred books about how to hate everything that might enhance the achievement of the good life – one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. Hatred of life, hatred of learning new and fresh ideas, hatred of curiosity, and indeed hatred of women and the hatred of human intelligence. Such sacred books divert men’s outlook toward the extra-terrestrial heavens, by loosing sight of the terrestrial life on this earth. Hope of eternal salvation or aspiration to the hereafter promotes a sense futility in the present. If the prospect of getting taken up to God’s kingdom generates comfort, it is the mindless comfort of a child picked up from his crib. Poch Suzara

Jesus as Savior

Jesus came to save the world. That was more than 2,000 years ago. The world, however, is not any safer, any saner or any more humane than it was during the time of Jesus, nor is man appreciably any more sensible or responsible. There is little dispute that Jesus as a “savior” has proved to be a dismal failure. His plan of salvation was a failure; it did not work out as Jesus intended. A great teacher is needed now almost as much as 2,000 years ago. If the world, however, is gradually improving, it is because of science, not due to ancient superstitions. Jesus may have resurrected his dead body from the grave back to life, but he failed to resurrect the dead minds of men and the dead hearts of women of his community. Jesus failed to provide the knowledge so much needed by man to enable him to shape his course through life. No one knows how to live intelligently, how best to meet life’s situation, what action is best suited to the occasion. Jesus did not tell us what to do. His sayings are interpreted in many conflicting ways. He failed to predict the needs of the future. He said little of international strife. He offered no program for arbitration of global disputes, no substitute for war between nations, no policy of war prevention. Jesus did not explain what entailed a happy relations between man and wife, nor between employer and employee, nor how to educate children, nor how to preserve health, nor how to make a living, nor how to prevent war, or prevent poverty and suffering. Jesus gave little information, and his spiritual advice was not clearly enough expressed to enable man to apply it to modern times. Jesus neglected to show his followers how to live in search of the truth. His knowledge of the world was less than the knowledge of a high school dropout today who reads with much gusto the basic writings of Bertrand Russell. Poch Suzara

Imagine a God

Imagine a God who can create a trillion stars to comprise the Cosmos. He could create a home called hell for the devil and his fallen angels. He could even create a purgatory as a stopover for silly souls on the way to heaven. God could even split the Read Sea for his Chosen Jewish people to march across. God could even create churches and cathedrals throughout the Philippines. But God would not and could not create houses for my poor brothers and sisters living under subhuman conditions in the Philippines. And to think that these are the same poor and homeless Filipinos who hate each other and who hate their country down here but have so much love God and respect for his saints up there. Poch Suzara

The Supernatural Being

The supernatural being traditionally called God has been vanishing by the explosion of scientific knowledge around the wrld during the last 500 years. Not, however, in the Philippines. We may have a supernatural being no more, but we certainly had human beings like Jaime Cardinal Sin, who was even more supernatural than he was the Archbishop of Manila then. Even the president of our Republic would kneel down to him as a confirmation that our democracy is nothing compared to the power of theocracy in this God-forsaken country. Poch Suzara

As Atheists

Our task as atheists is to help others deepen their courage to embrace the reality of common humanity by ignoring the fantasy behind childish divinity. There is no such thing as the perfection of creation. After all, creation is still expanding and human life is still evolving. Evolving into what? Nobody knows. We hope, however, with more intelligence as intelligence will lead us not into temptation as we should already know where were are going. Poch Suzara

The Job of a Creator

In his book, A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking surmised: “ So long as the universe has a beginning, we could suppose it had a creator. But if the universe is really self-contained, having no boundary or edge, it would have neither beginning nor end: it would simply be. What place, then, for a creator?”

I ask: Which creator? The one who is always omni-absent everywhere; or, the creator who is never omni-present anywhere. Poch Suzara

I am Told

Who am I to question God? My reply: Who are you not to question God whose existence has been concocted by superstitious writers of the bible? Thousands of years ago, they knew much less about our world than our own grandparents knew about our world a hundred years ago? As a matter of fact, our grandchildren’s children will know more, a great deal more about the nature of our world in the centuries to come? Such knowledgeable people in the future should be the ones writing the bible for God, if there is any. Poch Suzara

When we were babies

None of us were believers when we were babies. We were all sane, pure, and atheistic. None of us lived in fear of shame or suffered from guilt. As babies, none of us believed in the cult of the Supreme Being. Until of course the religious morons started to frighten us to have faith in God. Today as grown-ups, in God’s name and for his glory in heaven, whether we are Christians or Jews or Muslims - we are even willing to destroy our home planet earth just to prove how right is our own religion and how wrong the other's religion. Indeed, religion encourages cruelty, stupidity, and insanity. If we were all atheists as we were all born atheists – we can all learn to live in peace on earth and goodwill to all men. Poch Suzara

Bible Lessons

There is nothing in the bible that says Jesus was a Catholic or a Lutheran or a Baptist or a Methodist or a Presbyterian or a Mormon, etc. In fact, Jesus was a devout Jew. But then again, if Jesus was the Son of God and Jesus was a Jew, then God must be a Jew too. Here, however, is something else to think about. Jesus died for our sins. Jesus must be proud of Filipinos. After all, we Filipinos are the most corrupt sinners in all of Asia. We never stop to commit sins and crimes and thus we also never stop to add more meaning to the Jesus martyrdom. As far as latest chosen people of God are concerned the Filipinos are in. The Jews are out. Poch Suzara

Jesus Said

“Man does not live by bread alone.” In the Philippines, however, we hardly have bread. More than 70 per cent of our population live on $2.00 a day. The rest live on sin and crime, indeed, by greed, graft, and corruption. In order, however, to remedy the ills of our sick economy, we export Filipino workers abroad. More than 15,000,000 of our PEOPLE have already found a better standard of living and thinking having already migrated to 169 countries around the world. If we could only export sick teachers and professors, sick government officials, sick theologians, sick evangelists, and sick criminals not yet sentenced to prison in this faith-soaked republic. Aside from bread, let us begin to entertain other values that make for the good life under a growing and developing civilization right here in our own beloved country. Poch Suzara

Luke 19:27

In Luke 19:27, Jesus said: “But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them for me.” Indeed, If Jesus were alive today he would be an American and could be as great as president George W. Bush of the United States of America. Poch Suzara

World History in Brief

In the history of world, there never was a war declared by atheists on other atheists for not believing in God. In fact, if peace on earth and goodwill to all men will ever become a historical reality one day, it will be due to, if not the result of, - the spread of atheism throughout the world.
In the meantime, I have yet to hear of atheists who invented, manufactured, and sold weapons of mass of destruction anywhere in the world. Poch Suzara

Human Dignity in Hinduism

Human dignity rests on the assumption that human life is, in some way, significant. Indeed, significant to what is clear and natural down here, and not significant because of what is vague and supernatural out there.
A Hindu has greater opportunities to enjoy human dignity than a Christian. Hinduism maintains no creeds or doctrines. It is more of a way of life. It grows, changes, and assimilates when it meets new and fresh ideas. It does not resist, attack, or convert. In Hinduism, no one is right or wrong; each is simply on a different level of consciousness. In Hinduism, life’s common purpose is not to be right or prove others wrong, but to help one another to deepen one’s respect for life on this only home we have called “earth.”. Poch Suzara

The Power of Christianity

The power of the priesthood industry comes not from God. It comes from the human ignorance supported by the horror of fear, if not the terror of guilt. Indeed, fear of eternal punishment; and, guilt of the Original Sin. As if we humans originated anything in this world to begin with.
In the meantime, if only Jesus had resurrected not himself from the dead, but resurrected instead the dead minds and dead hearts of his apostles and followers and disciples comprising his dead community, we Filipino Christians would probably be enjoying today social sanity with health and wealth in the Philippines. Poch Suzara


I am having a lively debate with a bible lover at present. He admits that the holy bible is the greatest book he has ever read. He admits, however, that he does not understand a great many portions written in the book.
Well, I have myself read and studied bible contents and messages for some 15 years. I have had problems too understanding some of the things written in the bible. Instead of admitting my ignorance as something of a divine wisdom, I submitted bible contents and messages into deeper scrutiny and then threw my bible out the window. Why not? After all, the bible should be as simple to understand as the Multiplication Table – the perfect model of truth which is precise and certain and free from all temporal dross. The bible, however, is a compilation of trashy, incoherent, confabulated, incredible tales, poems, sagas, and pieces of dramas. It is full of hatred, murder, greed, selfishness, falsehoods, lust, sadism and masochism, absurdities, inconsistencies, contradictions, stupidities, and cruelties written by superstitious primitives. No doubt, there is something for everyone in the bible. Indeed, nothing is missing in the bible; except the most priceless of values: - the growth and development of the human intelligence. Especially the kind that should lead to intellectual potency; not psychological stagnancy.

After Five Centuries

After five centuries of spiritual guidance derived from bible lessons, we Filipinos are still praying daily to God to “lead us not into temptation.” As we are already successful sinners, isn’t it time to pray to God to lead us now into health and sanitation? One of the most painful facts about life in general in the Philippines is that the majority of Filipinos still believe in God’s ancient command: “Be fruitful and multiply.” Today, however, if we Filipinos do not alter those words with “be truthful and dignify,” we are on the way to national suicide. Poch Suzara

Atheism at the Foundation of Science

As a matter of historical fact, Atheism is the one and only religion that has always played a major part in the foundation of science. The other great religions of the world have only been too busy hating and fighting each other; especially on how to impede the advancement of science, especially in Jesus's name on earth and for his glory in heaven. Poch Suzara

The Most Expensive

The most expensive thing you can own in this world is a closed mind. The prize paid for it is too costly: the mindless surrender of the self via the mutilation of the intellect. The intellect precisely that brings about the achievement of self-respect and dignity. Poch Suzara

Fear and Wisdom

Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom. Bertrand Russell
But the bible says: For in much wisdom is much grief; and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. Ecc. 1:18.
For my part, after I am dead, and I meet the creator, and he will ask me if I brought along with me the bible, I shall simply reply that I threw it out my holy window while I was still alive and kicking back on earth. Poch Suzara