Thursday, July 26, 2007

Filipinos Lost Jose Rizal

“My dream,” wrote Rizal to a Spanish governor-general, “was my country’s prosperity . . . I would like the Filipino people to become worthy, noble, and honorable.” On another occasion Rizal also wrote: “I would like the Filipinos to be Brilliant, Enlightened, Intelligent, and Progressive.” Ever since Rizal was executed by Catholic church authority in the 19th century, the same Catholic curch carried on with power and authority to be in charge especially of the system of education in the Philippines. Indeed, we were taught in our schools, colleges, and universities to believe and to have faith in the holy bible that clearly states: “Love not this world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not with him.” John 2:15. Jesus, the loving son of God also preached: “If any man come to me and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26. Thus, as the Sick Man of Asia, even the Knights of Rizal continue to ignore what Rizal was saying to all Filipinos more than a century ago. Only people in foreign countries believed, followed, and substantiated what Rizal was saying. After Rizal’s execution, the president of the Berlin Society for Anthropology, Ethnology and Pre-history, - Dr. Rudolph Virchow, said: “In him we lose not only a true friend of Germany and German science but also the man who had the knowledge and the energy to introduce modern ideas and thinking into the Philippines.” WHAT? Modern ideas and thinking introduce to Filipinos in the Philippines? NO WAY, JOSE! What will happen to our wealth, power, glory and authority over the Filipino minds and hearts to protect and defend big business of Catholicism in the Philippines - the only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century? Poch Suzara

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Open Letter to Jose Rizal

No doubt you are the rarest Filipino that ever lived. You are still the nation’s chief hero. Otherwise, as a humanist-scientists thinker, you were also a human rights defender during your time. Our Spanish colonizers, especially the “friars” and the “theologians” found it crucial to plan your death. This was in December 30, 1896 by public execution with a military decree under the power of the church and its authority. According to those holy men of God, the unthinking Filipino is not worth killing. But the thinking Filipino is worth a bullet inside his brain, especially in God’s name for his glory in heaven. In other words, believing is a virtue. Thinking is always an offense against God - a sin. Well sir, we know today that with you then out of the way, the friars and the theologians faced no more hurdles or threats while they profit from their big superstition business in this country. Of course they called it the “love of God.” With you dead and gone however, you could no longer encourage the Filipino to stand up with dignity as a people to enjoy not the freedom OF religion, but precisely to enjoy the freedom FROM religion. Your enemies were busy spreading Christianity. It would have been better if they were, instead, spreading Filipino decency. But with their own local version of the crusades, holy wars, and inquisition in Europe, Christianity has been quite a success in the Philippines – murdering the minds and hearts of children in school. We have yet to look, however, at the hidden truth: Christianity has always had a vested interest in human suffering. Most Christian doctrines are unintelligible unless viewed in this context. For centuries, Christianity has capitalized on human suffering; and it was enormously successful in insuring its own existence through the perpetuation of such evil. No, it has never openly advocated human suffering; it prefers to speak instead of HOLY SACRIFICES in this life to take advantage of the rewards in the next life. Quite fortunately for the priesthood industry, the dead cannot return to demand a refund. Sir, I am sad to report that, in this modern age, it’s the same old story in the Philippines. As far as love of country and love of fellow-Filipinos are concerned, we have not made any improvements at all. We only love God up there by hating one another down here. Meanwhile, Instead of a government for the people, we only have a government for the government officials. They are the criminals and the sinners of our sick democracy. They are rich and powerful especially because they are always forgiven and blessed by God via the lucrative priesthood industry in the Philippines. We are still lethargic, if not apathetic, when it comes to the power of modern logic. It is still a fright for many of us to read books. But if we read, we do not read in search of the truth. We only read to remind ourselves of the revealed truth told during our childhood days. Our system of education has not improved any. It is still about a system of recruiting believers and followers to defend the faith. In matters of nation building, our college educated men and women are as colorless and self-righteous as their faith-soaked professors. A lot of these professionals would rather immigrate to other countries. The laborers who are left behind would rather enjoy their work here to help increase the population growth of our sick country. Nevertheless, we all look forward to a happy life after death in the Kingdom of God in heaven. In the meantime, our men and women have yet to be educated to work and to develop and to improve the Kingdom of Filipinos with the power of science and the scientific way of thinking and technology. Look, for example, at our primitive dental industry. It is decades behind as compared to the dental practices in other Asian countries. I have met duly licensed Filipino dentists. They are able to expound expert opinion not on the latest tool and equipments of modern dentistry, but bible verses as inspired by ancient theology. In the meantime, according to a survey, 98 per cent of the population of the Philippines suffer from teeth decaying, molars rotting, and gums bleeding. Now look also at our highly educated men and women called “lawyers.” In the college of Law, in order to determine the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, these would be Attorneys at Law are vigorously trained in the art of cross examination. Yet, they would not, even for a moment, cross examine the crimes of religion and other superstition that’s keeping the Filipino impoverished as a people and the Philippines backward as a nation. Again many of these lawyers are more conversant with bible chapters and verses than they are practicing their profession. In the meantime, like the rest in our sick society, these lawyers too would rather play safe and not rock the religious boat. They too prefer to win in the rat-race of eternal salvation in the next life with divinity and to hell with the Philippines in dire need to catch up with modern science and technology. Sir, do you know that even your own so-called Knights are mostly bible readers than they are Rizalian thinkers? When a silly lie is told about you in the media, such as your retraction story, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th degree Rizalists would rather defend religious absurdities. Hardly would they publicly defend what you had died for: - the right not only to a higher standard of living but more importantly, the right to a higher standard of thinking in our country. Despite your knowledge and wisdom, we Filipinos still have not as yet understood the real source of our never-ending troubles: our confused minds and damaged hearts. Mostly owing, if not due to - sacred beliefs and other superstitions that we continue to embrace in deep faith. Instead of standing up to improve by working on what is natural down here, we are still busy kneeling down praying to what is supernatural out there. In the meantime, no Filipino family has ever become rich for believing that God is BAD; and yet millions of Filipino families are poor for believing that God is GOOD. Sir, the search of the truth, indeed, is the noblest of all human activities. In the galaxy of philosophers, humanists, scientists, and freethinkers, I am most proud to be a great admirer of yours. Let me just say, quite simply, my dear Jose Rizal - wherever you are, in the hearts and minds of decent people throughout the world, we will always think of you as a great man - one who has had the courage to put beauty in nature where religious authority in this world continue only to promote horrors of religious insanity. Yours Faithfully, Poch Suzara La Salle High School Expelled Student

Response to Prof. Oros

to all members, RP-Rizal Forum greetings of peace and solidarity amidst trying times!i am a college instructor, and still young at the age of 21. i am now in my second year of teaching, but this is my first time to handle rizal subject (life, works and writings of rizal). what are the different teaching strategies in teaching rizal that would make my lessons very interesting to my students? thank you for taking time out to answer my question. god bless! My Dear Professor Oros, Perhaps, the essay below might be of some help to stimulate your students in the study of Rizal’s life, works and writings. I will privately email to you my other essays on Rizal to help you see a deeper picture, if not a wider view of what Rizal struggled against, and was executed for. Bertrand Russell wrote: “No man can be a good teacher unless he has feelings of warm affection towards his pupil and a genuine desire to impart to them what he himself believes to be of value. This is not the attitude of the propagandist. To the propagandist his pupils are potential soldiers in an army. Professor, sad to say, religious morons killed Rizal. The same religious morons of today with college education keeping Rizal dead spiritually and buried intellectually. Specially those who continue to have faith in the superstitious nonsense that the Catholic Spanish friars brought into this country some 400 years ago. Millions of Filipino students of today have no idea whatsoever of what Rizal wrote in: - The Trial of Jesus Christ in God’s Court.” Rizal has yet to be redeemed from the religious lies, misconceptions and mistranslations, including outright distortions woven around him. Please check your google in the internet. Rizal is mentioned as one of the past 1,000 FAMOUS RELIGIOUS SKEPTICS AND ATHEISTS in the world. In the meantime, Republic Act 1425 - the Rizal law making it a requirement for every Filipino student to study Rizal’s life, works and writings has not been carried out. Forget the Knights of Rizal. They feel more secure with bible verses than they should be promoting the Rizalian or the scientific way of thinking. Rizal wrote, “I would like the Filipinos to be brilliant, enlightened, intelligent, and progressive.” Unfortunately, the religious morons are still insisting that we need concern ourselves on this earth. After all, there is always that better life to come in the next world after death with God in heaven. Dec. 30,2004 OPEN LETTER TO JOSE RIZAL No doubt you are the rarest Filipino that ever lived. You are still the nation’s chief hero. Otherwise, as a humanist-scientists thinker, you were also a human rights defender during your time. Our Spanish colonizers, especially the “friars” and the “theologians” found it crucial to plan your death. This was in December 30, 1896 by public execution with a military decree under the power of the church and its authority. According to those holy men of God, the unthinking Filipino is not worth killing. But the thinking Filipino is worth a bullet inside his brain, especially in God’s name for his glory in heaven. In other words, believing is a virtue. Thinking is always an offense against God - a sin. Well sir, we know today that with you then out of the way, the friars and the theologians faced no more hurdles or threats while they spread superstition in this country. Of course they called it the “love of God.” With you dead and gone however, you could no longer encourage the Filipino to stand up with dignity as a people to enjoy not the freedom OF religion, but precisely to enjoy the freedom FROM religion. Your enemies were busy spreading Christianity. It would have been better if they were, instead, spreading Filipino decency. But with their own local version of the crusades, holy wars, and inquisition in Europe, Christianity has been quite a success in the Philippines – murdering the minds and hearts of children in school. We have yet to look, however, at the hidden truth: Christianity has always had a vested interest in human suffering. Most Christian doctrines are unintelligible unless viewed in this context. For centuries, Christianity has capitalized on human suffering; and it was enormously successful in insuring its own existence through the perpetuation of such evil. No, it has never openly advocated human suffering; it prefers to speak instead of HOLY SACRIFICES in this life to take advantage of the rewards in the next life. Quite fortunately for the priesthood industry, the dead cannot return to demand a refund. Sir, I am sad to report that, in this modern age, it’s the same old story in the Philippines. As far as love of country and love of fellow-Filipinos are concerned, we have not made any improvements at all. We only love God up there by hating one another down here. Meanwhile, Instead of a government for the people, we only have a government for the government officials. They are the criminals and the sinners of our sick society. They are rich and powerful especially because they are always forgiven and blessed by God via the lucrative priesthood industry in the Philippines. We are still lethargic, if not apathetic, when it comes to the power of modern logic. It is still a fright for many of us to read books. But if we read, we do not read in search of the truth. We only read to remind ourselves of the revealed truth told during our childhood days. Our system of education has not improved any. It is still about a system of recruiting believers and followers to defend the faith. In matters of nation building, our college educated men and women are as colorless and self-righteous as their faith-soaked professors. A lot of these professionals would rather immigrate to other countries. The laborers who are left behind would rather enjoy their work here to help increase the population growth of our sick country. Nevertheless, we all look forward to a happy life after death in the Kingdom of God in heaven. In the meantime, our men and women have yet to be educated to work and to develop and to improve the Kingdom of Filipinos with the power of science and the scientific way of thinking and technology. Look, for example, at our primitive dental industry. It is decades behind as compared to the dental practices in other Asian countries. I have met duly licensed Filipino dentists. They are able to expound expert opinion not on the latest tool and equipments of modern dentistry, but bible verses as inspired by ancient theology. In the meantime, according to a survey, 94 per cent of the population of the Philippines suffer from teeth decaying, molars rotting, and gums bleeding. Now look also at our highly educated men and women called “lawyers.” In the college of Law, in order to determine the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, these would be Attorneys at Law are vigorously trained in the art of cross examination. Yet, they would not, even for a moment, cross examine the crimes of religion and other superstition that’s keeping the Filipino impoverished as a people and the Philippines backward as a nation. Again many of these lawyers are more conversant with bible chapters and verses than they are practicing their profession. In the meantime, like the rest in our sick society, these lawyers too would rather play safe and not rock the religious boat. They prefer to win in the rat-race of eternal salvation in the next life with divinity and to hell with the Philippines in dire need to catch up with modern science and technology. Sir, do you know that even your own so-called Knights are mostly bible readers than they are Rizalian thinkers? When a silly lie is told about you in the media, such as your retraction story, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th degree Rizalists would rather defend religious absurdities. Hardly would they publicly defend what you had died for: - the right not only to a higher standard of living but more importantly, the right to a higher standard of thinking in our country. Despite your knowledge and wisdom, we Filipinos still have not as yet understood the real source of our never-ending troubles: our confused minds and damaged hearts. Mostly owing, if not due to - sacred beliefs and other superstitions that we continue to embrace in deep faith. Instead of standing up to improve by working on what is natural down here, we are still busy kneeling down praying to what is supernatural out there. In the meantime, no Filipino family has ever become rich for believing that God is bad; and yet millions of Filipino families are poor for believing that God is good. Sir, the search of the truth is, indeed, the noblest of all human activities. In the galaxy of philosophers, humanists, scientists, and freethinkers, I am most proud to be a great admirer of yours. Let me just say, quite simply, my dear Jose Rizal - wherever you are, in the hearts and minds of decent people throughout the world, we will always think of you as a great man - one who has had the courage to put beauty in nature where religious authority in this world continue only to promote horrors of human stupidity. Yours Faithfully, Poch Suzara High School Dropout Association of the Philippines 8 Zipper Street, San Lorenzo Village, Makati City

Friday, July 20, 2007

A Nation of Criminals

We are a nation of criminals? It does not matter! There is always God available at any time via the priesthood industry to forgive the criminals committing the crimes against our country. In the meantime, what is a politician? A politician is a knave who corrupts the people with deceiving promises, lying innuendoes, mass falsifications in the name of the people, well knowing that he is born a crook, the member of the political party based on crookedness, promoting crookedness and hoping for more crookedness to come, in the name of the people, and of course, to benefit the people. Now, any politician will admit this to be a fair assessment of his profession. He will disagree only about one thing. The definition, he will say, fits like a glove his political opponent. But since our politician is the opponent of his opponent, it follows that, seen from his opponent’s viewpoint, the definition fits him like a glove as well. Result? All politicians, left, right and center, are the criminals running our government. But then again if it is not public knowledge that we are a nation criminals, it is only because the greatest crime committed daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly in the Philippines is the crime of silence! Poch Suzara

Acts of God

I am ask: are atheists entitled to receive checks from insurance companies for damage to their properties incurred through "acts of god"?
My response: do you really believe that there would be the need of insurance companies to exist to pay for damage to properties through “acts of God” if a kind and loving and all-merciful God truly exist? Poch Suzara

For Edgar, et al of the Rizal Forum

It must be very painful to notice that as a matter of historical fact no atheist, no agnostic, no freethinker, no heretic, no infidel, no unbeliever of the faith, and specially no humanist bundled together collectively or individually had anything to do whatsoever with the execution of Rizal as the greatest of Filipino thinker who ever graced this only Christian country in Asia.
It was the religious morons who had him put to death. The same religious morons of today who are more concerned on how to win the friendship of other religious morons so that they can be influenced to spread more moronic religious messages for the already spiritually impoverished Filipino.
Rizal wrote: “We can only serve our country by telling the naked truth, however bitter it may be.” My dear Edgar, Jack, Ka Ponso, CVD, Bobby, dm0904 – the bitter truth is that after Rizal was publicly executed – we Filipinos have remained as the Sick Man of Asia. Thanks to the wealth, power and glory of the religious morons who are still pretty much in authority in the Philippines in this 21st century.
In the meantime, in the Philippines, life in general can be characterized as the competition to be the criminal or be the victim of the criminals.

The Beliefs of a Faithful Moron

He believes that human intelligence is always a sin. Human stupidity always a virtue. Though at most times he cannot tell the difference. He does not read the bible; but when he does and cannot make heads or tails of bible verses, he calls it “divine wisdom.” He believes that believing is far more crucial than knowing. In fact, he believes that to be among the silly believers collectively is far more pleasing to divinity than to be among the intelligent thinkers individually. He believes that to be a “born again” is more pleasing to God especially if one remains a child in a state of chronic dependence and does not have to grow up to become a mature adult. He believes in religion not primarily as a search for philosophical veracity, but as an overwhelming search for emotional security. He believes that it does not matter what mysterious things one believes for as long as it remains perpetually mysterious. He believes that God inspired the silly authors to write the bible. But the same God could not inspire the stupid theologians to announce to the world at large if the soul of our dead parents, grandparents and other dead loved-ones made it to heaven or are now being fried punished in hell. He believes in the man of faith despite the fact that the man of faith is a silly drunkard who clings to a lamppost for support, not illumination. He believes in the existence of immortality that consists of a hereafter even if there were no herebefore. Which makes the concept of immortality nothing but a biblical farce, a fraud, and a ceremony. He believes that Jesus died on the cross to destroy the devil. The devil, however, is still alive today employed as chief military adviser of the US government installing the freedom of deviltry in oil-rich countries. He believes that the bible was written by inspired authors of God. Such authors, however, were a bunch of superstitious morons who did not even know that the earth is round or that it rotates on its own axis. He believes that eating no meat on good Fridays is a great virtue. But to live that like pigs and think like cows during the rest of the year is the greatest of virtue. He believes that if a belief were believed by some 100 million people, it must be a true belief. Never mind even if said belief does not accord with the facts. He believes that after death he will meet with God face to face. As if God has a face and as if the believer himself will have a face to face anyone after death. He believes practice make perfect. He therefore practices stupidity daily on this earth so that by the time to gets to heaven he will be stupid perfectly. Indeed, “on earth as it is in heaven.” He believes in how to win friends and influence people especially if they were the religious morons or the stupid teachers - who are the greatest influence on his children in school. He believes that the atheists are a bunch of worthless and immoral sinners. He ignores the historical fact that the atheists have never declared war on other atheists for not believing in the existence of God. He believes that Jose Rizal’s life was not tragic. On the contrary, that it was quite patriotic. Especially since inspired ecclesiastic managed to have him executed as a lunatic since, they claim, he died as a penitent catholic. Poch Suzara

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Death After Death

Nothing is more natural and more simple than to believe that the dead man lives no more, nothing more absurd than to believe that the dead man is still living.
To claim that the souls of men will be happy or unhappy after the death of the body, is to pretend that man will be able to see without eyes, to hear without ears, to taste without a palate, to smell without a nose, to feel without hands and without skin, to have thoughts without a brain.
Grown men and women of this forum who believe themselves very rational, adopt, nevertheless, such absurdities.
Don’t you people ever think that it is time to extricate yourselves up and out of that “overextended infantile syndrome” and begin to question the concept of immortality?
How can immortality consist of a “hereafter” when there is no evidence that there was ever a “herebefore?” Immortality must consist of both the “hereafter” and the “herebefore” or else there is no immortality! Poch Suzara

The Malicious Gods

"Those whom the Gods wish to destroy they first make mad.” That’s how malicious the Gods are to each other creating, and, indeed, also atrocious at destroying. For no reason at all, the Gods seem even to be more mad at each other; though not as mad as the religious morons always ready to destroy each other in God’s name in heaven or for the glory of Jesus in paradise. Poch Suzara

Monday, July 16, 2007

Low Intelligence

Why do most people still cling to religious beliefs when presented with logic and evidence – conclusive evidence – against it?
Low intelligence is the main cause of religiosity. After all, thinking is much harder than believing – hence the great preponderance of believers over thinkers in all ages and cultures. Especially in the Philippines – the only Christian country in Asia – mostly populated by believers and not by thinkers. In fact the first and last real thinker we had in this God-forsaken country was Jose Rizal. He was executed in 1896 by the Catholic church for thinking too much. Ever since then, we have become a nation of stupid believers rather than intelligent thinkers.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

A Religion Worthy of Trust

Of course only the religious morons will insists that we cannot live without a religion; especially RELIGION defined as the daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable.
However, RELIGION defined as teaching our children to believe in the potentials of and for humanity, and not for some silly divinity, I would be among the first to embrace such a RELIGION as worthy of trust.
Wasn’t Jose Rizal himself, as a man of science, more concerned about cultivating the minds and hearts of the Filipinos in this world rather than about saving the silly souls going to the next world?
In the meantime, there seems to be a terrible confusion on the part of a great many religious morons to the effect that when you no longer believe you may no longer behave. Poch Suzara

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Bertrand Russell's Logic, mathematics, and the Computer

One should read and study the works of Bertrand Russell. He has been described by great mathematicians as the greatest logician since Aristotle. Indeed, Russell showed that there were many forms of inferences than Aristotle had thought three thousand years ago. Aristotle tried to guard against fallacious reasoning by making a complete list – they might be called working rules – of all forms of deduction which are valid. Aristotle decided that these were nearly all syllogistic: for example, “All men are mortal, Socrates is a man, therefore Socrates is mortal.” Russell showed how much more there was to logic, and that syllogisms should have no such pre-eminence. But that is not all. When asked why Russell was a great logician, there is another important answer which is somewhat a paradoxical one; it was because he showed how little logic can do. Meantime, Russell not only insisted on the importance of philosophy and science to each other, he also tried to redefine the fundamental principles of mathematics on a few basic laws of logic. The whole project may have been misconceived and a grand failure, but it helped to make modern logic the analytical tool that it is today. Though he himself never realized it, Russell was, indeed, one of the founders of the modern computer age. Yes sir, that's the machine facing you right now at this very moment! Poch Suzara

Focus on Rizal

Only a religious moron can relate to, and agree with, another religious moron. This is usually referred to as the communion of saints and sinners.
Only a great man can read and understand and relate with other great men. This is usually referred to as the communion philosophers and thinkers.
Too bad for Jose Rizal – among the rarest of Filipino thinkers. The religious morons, those in authority, including his own Knights, have unduly reduced this great Filipino into an ordinary run-of-the-mill Filipino. They promote what the other religious historians have declared to be part of Philippine history. That before he was executed, crying like a frightened little boy, our national hero Jose Rizal went to confession, mass and communion and that he retracted. In other words, Rizal was like a little hero proud to confess his sins to a deluded priest, heard mass said by a mediocre priest, and received communion given by a stupid priest. As if these were the courageous activities worthy of a hero eager to be a winner in the childish rat-race for salvation? Meanwhile, in this poor and backward country, our schools, colleges, and universities continue to teach that Jose Rizal retracted. He therefore never really taught us how to think intelligently; but only what to believe what the religious morons have always believed traditionally.
Thus, only the religious morons can relate to, and agree with, other religious morons. Only great men can read and understand and relate with other truly great men.
To a few thinking Filipinos, however, who could read, understand, and relate to him, - Jose Rizal was always a thinking man, incorruptible, fearless and unbribable. Indeed, Rizal was never, ever, a saint - one who is always useless, if not always worthless, and indeed, always senseless – especially in the task of elevating the welfare of the Filipino as a people in the here and in the now. Poch Suzara

Reading the Bible

Most Christians in general and Catholics in particular do not read the bible from cover to cover. They even say that it is not important to read the bible as what is more important is having “faith in God.”
When, however, they read verses in the bible but do not understand what they are reading - they call it “divine wisdom.”
For my part, I am no longer in a quandary as I used to be when I was a little boy in school. I have come to the conclusion that there isn’t that much of a difference if the bible produced the religious morons or, the religious morons produced the bible. I think both mutually produced each other! Poch Suzara


If a belief is false, it cannot be true, even if it is called “sacred belief.” Indeed, a false belief anywhere is a false belief everywhere.
In the meantime, contradict yourself and you are sure to be wrong. Not to watch out for contradiction is the same as not watching out for the truth. We are all, each and every one of us - guilty. The most we can do is to be fully aware of the mess. In the meantime, never mind the revealed Truth. It has never been revealed! Poch Suzara

All Boys

All boys are born supot. It is therefore an insult to God when boys get circumcised. The male organ with the prepuce cut away is not the way God created it in his own image and likeness. Indeed, far more original than the original sin is the original supot! Poch Suzara

Rizal's Retraction

My good friend Manny Almario wrote: “If Rizal heard mass, went to confession, took communion and married Josephine, how come there were no photographs of these alleged events, while there was a photograph of his execution? And Rizal's photograph at execution did not show him holding a rosary around his hand or wearing a scapular around his neck! People who tell lies about him are traitors to our country.” Poch Suzara


“Necessity is the most powerful divinity the world knows, and necessity is the resultant of physical forces set in operation by ethical forces." - Jose Rizal
Poor Jose Rizal, I bet it had never crossed his brilliant mind that in the future his own Knights of Rizal and the majority of RP-Rizal Forum discussants would be praying to Necessity to pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death, amen?

Belief in Which God

I don’t believe in God? Which God? The God of Islam, Judaism, Shintoism, Christianity, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism or Brahmanic God. There are ten thousand others Gods out there. Perhaps, I should believe in the UNKNOWN God also mentioned to the holy bible. See ACTS 17:23
Indeed, the bible is a wonderful source of inspiration especially for those who do not bother read it or even to understand it.
Nothing is sacrosanct to the mind of an atheist. Everything must be examined. Everything must be questioned. Everything must be put under scrutiny and tested by objective criteria. Anything that cannot be measured up, anything which succumbs before an onslaught of questions, should never be tolerated by the human mind.
To be an atheist, one must first enrich one’s precious mind with knowledge based upon science and the scientific way of thinking. Also, it is not possible to be an atheist if one chooses to remain ignorant of the contents of holy books.
Life’s purpose of the atheists is to involve mankind to lift itself up out of the deadly maelstrom of superstitious nonsense that continue to generate hate and war that does not upgrade, but only degrade – our one and only precious world. Poch Suzara

Play God

“A lot of our problems and miseries happen whenever we play God, and refuse to obey and follow Him.” Fr. Jerry M. Orbos, SVD.

It obviously never occurred to this shallow-minded priest that as soon as God plays the role of a decent God, we too can begin to live like decent men, decent women, and decent children in this God-forsaken country since Christianity arrived here some 400 years ago.

For Christ’s sake, haven’t we been already praying daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly to Jesus for, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Is heaven such a sick place too? Poch Suzara