In the second encyclical of his papacy, Pope Benedict urges Christians to
put their hope for the future in God and not in technology, wealth or
political ideologies.
As an atheist, I say, if God exist and doing his job as a God, we should
have no need for technology, wealth or political ideologies. In fact, at this
point and time, with the guidance from an existing supernatural power
called God, mankind should already be living in peace, inhabiting
creatively and exploring productively the planets comprising the Solar
The Pope also admitted: "Let us put it very simply: man needs God,
otherwise he remains without hope." I entirely agree. But then again, if
God is everywhere existing, why is there a need for religious crackpots to
play God? In the Philippines, he is usually referred to as the cardinal
with his bishops.
into our world. What will remedy the mess, however, is not less, but
precisely more scientific knowledge doing its best for the good of mankind.
Poch Suzara