Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Filthy-rich only Want to get Filthy-Richer

Instead of seeking the beauty of veracity, most men would rather seek the power money. After the few successful ones, by hook or by crook, or by inheritance or connivance or contrivance make their money, and the power that goes with it, these moneyed individuals just continue to remain selfish, greedy, stupid, and insane. Our world has always been ruled by such morons more famous then as the millionaires. Today more famous as the billionaires. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

The Analysis of Failure

The failure of the Filipino way of life, especially in matters of achieving a higher standard of living as a people, and accomplishing a higher standard of thinking as a nation can, and should be traced, if not attributed to only one major cause: the great success of Christianity in the Philippines. Indeed, from among the many minor evils, only the major evil called Christianity has kept the Filipino spiritually poor as a people, and has kept the Philippines morally backward as a nation. Consider our corrupt government managed by corrupt officials since God knows when. No Filipino can be elected to a public office unless he belongs to a religion. Indeed, there has never been an atheist in the Philippine government. No government official or employee would ever admit to being an atheist. In fact, government functions or meetings begin with childish prayers. Poch Suzara

A man of Faith

A man of faith clings to his infantile beliefs even at a price so dearly paid: the mindless surrender of the self via the mutilation of the intellect. Poch Suzara

Sunday, December 09, 2007


We are told that practice makes perfect. Indeed, it does. Hopefully, however, since we practice so much unhappiness everyday, by the time we are dead, buried and gone, we will not be perfect in the next world enjoying so much perfect unhappiness? Poch Suzara

Our Women

The women of our society need lecture and exposure to new scientific knowledge - the opportunity to interact with it freely as a way to achieve intellectual maturity, self-respect, and human dignity. It is only in this way, our women could help remedy Filipino social, political, and moral insanity. Poch Suzara

Vatican Bank

The Catholic Vatican Bank today is worth more than a trillion dollars in cash deposits. And yet, De La Salle University President is asking for donations to support his Catholic students on scholarship. The One La Salle Scholarship Fund Campaign hopes to raise a billion pesos ($50 million dollars) by the year 2011. La Salle president Brother Luistro himself admits: “The majority of these young people would not even dare enter the halls of our schools because of financial inability.”

Ours, indeed, is the most corrupt religion in all of Asia. Poch Suzara


Poverty, squalor, and misery keep Christianity going. The ulterior purpose of the whole Christian system of salvation is to make people ill or troubled. Indeed, to put more decadence locally than to spread more intelligence regionally. Look at the Philippines as a backward and a corrupt nation – the only Christian country in all of Asia since the 16th century.

The problem is that we Filipinos only want stupid religion. We do not want intelligent science. We are in mortal fear of science as the one sermon of science is that all life eats other life, and that all life will die. We will never accept science until it transforms the Philippines into an earthly paradise. As long as we have poverty, squalor, and misery – we will never abandon Jesus, Mary, and Joseph and the saints and the other members of the holy trinity otherwise more known as Christianity.

And so, “lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the earth,… but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth and rust doth corrupt, and were thieves break through and steal. Matt. 6:20.

Notice the bible does not admit who are the biggest thieves in the world – the men in the priesthood industry! Poch Suzara

The Dead

I envy the dead. The dead can no longer be acquisitive, jealous, combative, erotic, indeed, can no longer be stupid and insane!

One day, like it or not, we too will eventually join the dead. I ardently hope, however, there is no next world, no hereafter managed by a silly divinity in cahoots with a silly deviltry to ruin again precious life for the sake of nothing, but infinite stupidity.

In the meantime, I ask: should we have more faith with the living dead in this world; or, have more faith with the dead living in the next world? Poch Suzara


“I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me though he were dead, yet shall he lived. Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. John 11:25. One of the great tragedies of Western civilization was that there was no lunatic asylum established during the 1st century to commit crackpots like sons of God for psychiatric treatment. Indeed, sons of God who could boast, if not make promises as cheap as those promises made by cheap politicians in our corrupt government. Since Jesus died, then resurrected, and then physically evaporated, more than a hundred billion people already lived and died on this earth. Now where are those people today? Jesus already met with them? Have those dead people already contacted Jesus? In the meantime, how come we never hear from any of our dead loved-ones? In fact, we never even hear from Jesus himself. Otherwise, how come the Revealed Truth has yet to be revealed? Poch Suzara

Biblical Negligence

The bible neglects to mention that an earlier creation was already finished over the next county called China – older than the Old Testament by some 4,000 years. Cain’s wife must have been a Chinese lady who, with her friends and relatives helped Cain build a city. Poch Suzara


Theology is the study of the unknown for the sake of defending and protecting the existence of anything unknown. In brief, it is more popularly known as a divine mystery. Poch Suzara

Religion and Superstition

The difference between religion and superstition is that there isn't any at all. Both are one and the same animal created in the image of fear and in the likeness of ignorance. Poch Suzara

Saturday, December 08, 2007

God Loves the Poor

It is often said that God loves the poor. He made so many of them. If this were true how come God never listens to the prayer of the poor? They are getting poorer. God, however, always listens to the prayer of the rich. They are getting richer!

Then again, if God loves the poor, how come he created a billion of them in China who are not even Christians, but who are now getting rich as a people and acquiring super power as a nation? Poch Suzara

Jesus and Family Values

Jesus had no faith in family values. He didn’t give a hoot that his mother never married his father. In fact, it never bothered Jesus that his parents were not properly married in church. It is incredible to believe that Jesus, the Son of an All-knowing God, knew nothing of the troubles of the human family. How troubles within the family give rise to hate, violence, and war in our world. Crucified on the cross, Jesus should have realized the values of the happy family relationship. He cried out: “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?”
If I were Jesus crucified on the cross, I should have cried out loud: - “Man, forgive God for He knows not what in hell he is doing!” Poch Suzara

The Bully

The eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his mercy. Psalms 33:18

Just exactly like the moron who bullied me years ago when I was in grade school at De La Salle University. Like the dummy that I was then, I begged for his mercy too. Until I also, via association, learned to be a bully too. I managed to bully even my teachers with merciless non-stop deep questions. Poch Suzara


As soon as a cult achieves wealth, power, and glory, it ceases to be a cult. It becomes an established and a prestigious Church. El Shaddai of Mike Velarde and Jesus is Lord Movement in the Philippines of Eddie Villanueva for example are no longer cults, but established churches. The Catholic Church, in its early days during the Roman Empire was a cult. Poch Suzara

Only in the Philippines

Filipino motor vehicle drivers do not care for traffic rules. They are ignorant of such rules to begin with. A red light is merely a suggestion. It does not mean stop. A pedestrian lane exists only in fantasy, never a reality constructed in our city streets.

Speaking about Filipino hospitality, generosity, caring, a smiling race, and always faithful to Mary, the Mother of God – this obviously could only be the conclusion of a college-educated moron. Poch Suzara

Damian Sotto

Damian Sotto was a great and a rare Filipino. He was the famous radio broadcaster in the late 50s and early 60s. He cursed to high heavens the saints, filling the air waves with truths against holy scriptures for the masses to listen. He confronted the Catholic Church head on - to put up or shut up. He provoked the thoughts and asked millions of his radio listeners: How could you believe that a white woman who had blue eyes, a brunette, born and raised under a Jewish culture - be the mother of God in a land that was never converted into Christianity? Sotto also found it laughable that the Father of Jesus never married his Mother Mary. Indeed, Jesus was not a legitimate child. I was so proud when I personally met Damian Sotto at the Erewhon bookstore in Padre Faura street, Erminta, Malate in 1963. I shook his hands with great respect and admiration. I said to him in the vernacular: “If only our teachers in school and professors in college possessed a modicum of intellectual courage of a Damian Sotto we Filipinos need no longer be famous the Sick Man of Asia today. Poch Suzara

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Papal Encyclical

In the second encyclical of his papacy, Pope Benedict urges Christians to

put their hope for the future in God and not in technology, wealth or

political ideologies.

As an atheist, I say, if God exist and doing his job as a God, we should

have no need for technology, wealth or political ideologies. In fact, at this

point and time, with the guidance from an existing supernatural power

called God, mankind should already be living in peace, inhabiting

creatively and exploring productively the planets comprising the Solar


The Pope also admitted: "Let us put it very simply: man needs God,

otherwise he remains without hope." I entirely agree. But then again, if

God is everywhere existing, why is there a need for religious crackpots to

play God? In the Philippines, he is usually referred to as the cardinal

with his bishops.

My dear Pope Benedict, no doubt, scientific knowledge has brought troubles

into our world. What will remedy the mess, however, is not less, but

precisely more scientific knowledge doing its best for the good of mankind.

Poch Suzara

God Not Acting like a God

If a God refuses to act like a God in this world here and now, why should such a God act like a real God only in the next world later? What’s the big deal about a FREE WILL, if, in the next world, what we will enjoy is the DEAD WILL of a dead body. The purpose driven life is based on a lot of religious hogwash. After all, the real meaning of life is that it stops. As an atheist, I care about the future of children and their children in this world. I do not give a hoot about the future of stupid souls after a stupid death. Poch Suzara