Saturday, January 05, 2008

Asian Government Officials

The government officials of other Asian countries do not pray to God. Only the officials of the Philippine government do so daily. And yet, look at the way our government officials are inspired to keep the Filipino people believing that there is a better world to come, but only after we are all dead and buried.

In the meantime, since decades ago, Filipino workers have had better opportunities to enjoy a higher standard of living and thinking working in other non-Christian Asian countries. Poch Suzara

In This Catholic Country

In this Catholic country of sin, crime, poverty, filth, and ill-gotten wealth, there is always something to be grateful for. As for me, I am grateful to the Son of God Jesus that I am no longer a Catholic. I am also grateful that Jesus was not born, raised, and educated as a Catholic in Israel – the land of His birth. Poch Suzara

The Free Bully

God already killed my loved ones – those I happily served and loved; and those who happily served me and loved me. God already killed my brother and dad, my lolos and lolas, my in-laws, most of my uncles and aunties; already a few among my nieces and nephews, cousins; and already killed indeed great friends who rescued me away from religious horrors. Soon God will kill my 95 year old mom, and will have me put to death too any day now. And for all these horrors, I am suppose to love, worship, and adore God? I say: To hell with your free will God! You are nothing but a free bully. Poch Suzara

Judgment Day

During Judgment Day facing God almighty, this will be the nature of my defense: “God, you gifted me with 70 years of free will, but why did you also gifted the devil – your real enemy – not only free will but worst, you gave him centuries of free existence to freely do more evil than I could be free to imagine? Poch Suzara

Go ye Teach all Nations

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying: All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Matt. 28: 18-20

In the last judgment, how would Jesus and his disciples explain to God their sad failure in converting Israel - the land of their own birth from the Jewish religious land into Christianity in general, or into Catholicism in particular? Poch Suzara

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Jesus – Not a Reader

Jesus warned: “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26

Too bad Jesus never read the Old Testament especially where it warns: “He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind.” Proverbs 11:29 Poch Suzara

Evolution versus Revelation

The universe in its immensity, and life in general in its complexity require not an intelligent designer, but simply - an explanation. Happily, the science of evolution has been a more reliable explanation as compared to the religion of revelation. Indeed, in science, there is always that beauty of simplicity. In religion, there is only that putridity behind the perplexity of a mystery for love of a divinity in cahoots with deviltry out there while we are suppose to enjoy human stupidity down here. Poch Suzara

Fear God

Those who fear God need not fear the world. Phil Star Dec. 31, 2007.

It is truly incredible. Imagine an all-powerful God, a Supernatural Being, the creator of the billions of stars and planets out there. He enjoys the situation where He is being feared by no less than silly human beings struggling to survive on this speck of dust lost in the immensity of space and time known as the planet Earth. Poch Suzara

Our Unknown Future

Our unknown future is secure in the hands of our all-knowing God. Phil. Star Dec. 26, 2007

It is truly incredible that in this 21st century an All-knowing God still does not know how we, his children, the human race, continue to be mutually destructive to each other. We continue to be the stupid victims and not, as we should be, the intelligent masters of the great religions in this world? Poch Suzara

Life and Death

There is no such thing as the hereafter because there is no such thing as the herebefore.

Since I did not exist in the infinite past, why and how could I exist in the infinite future? Life after death has always been a promise based upon a tall story. Mostly derived from silly theology – the study of nothing in order to have faith in nothing to keep the faithful under control for the glory of nothing. Poch Suzara

Sins and Lawless Deeds

“Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.” Hebrews 8:12

Oh God, that is not the issue. The issue has always been: how come you help those who can help themselves, but never, have you ever, helped to prevent sins and lawless deeds especially those committed in thy name? Poch Suzara

We Still Believe

We still believe, like the religious morons still do believe, that in obeying, serving, supporting, and loving the Catholic Bishops, it is exactly the same thing as obeying, serving, supporting, and loving God. We are, indeed, the Sick Man of Asia.

God himself never introduced Himself to us in person. It has always been the priesthood industry who taught us to fear and to have faith, especially blind faith in the existence of God.

In the meantime, where is God? Ask any Catholic Bishop. Since they themselves do not know, they will only threaten you with eternal damnation for asking such heretical questions. Poch Suzara

Religious Morons

The religious morons carry on with this life as if it were only a rehearsal for the better life to come after death.

Hey, wake up! This is it. This is the only life we have. This is the only world we have. There is nothing else but - the here and the now. There is no such thing as another life after we are dead. As a matter of fact, if nobody knows anything about life after birth, how could anybody know of anything about life after death? Poch Suzara

War and Religion

War and religion have always been about big business. One sells - ammunition; the other - salvation. In war, hate is created. In religion, fear is created. In fact, historically, both war and religion have always been allied together, always in cahoots together. War and religion have always have been and still are the greatest evils that continue to make the few rich richer, and to make the many poor poorer. Poch Suzara

Reason and Authority

In the Old Testament, the Lord says: “Come, let us reason together.” Isa. 1:18.

In the New Testament, however, the Lord abandons reason to impose bloody authority. “But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them for me.” Luke 19:27. Poch Suzara

God In Darkness

Before God created light in the 4th day, there was only miserable darkness. Is there a theologian out there who can explain how God managed to exist happily in total darkness before he created light? Aside from the fact of course that God was already enjoying his title as the “Prince of Darkness.” Poch Suzara

Abused Children

It has been fully recognized that an abused child quite frequently will grow into being an abusive adult. I know. Most of my teachers in grade school and high school at De La Salle University were painfully abusive. For God’s sake on this earth and for his glory in heaven, my teachers wanted me to learn. However, they too never bothered to learn with me. I often tried to tell my teachers that questions are always far important than the answers – they punished me physically for my impertinence. Thank God it is now my turn to punish them as they continue to have faith in academic stupidity. Poch Suzara

Saturday, December 29, 2007

On Rizal's Death Anniversary

Even up to the last hours of his life, Rizal was writing a message for fellow-Filipinos. He wrote in his last poem: “I go where faith does not kill and where he who reigns is God.” Rizal was obviously admitting that in the Philippines God is found neither here nor there. And that we should abandon faith as faith does kill minds and hearts everywhere! Especially those who call themselves “Knights of Rizal” and the “Rizalists” continue on with their endless debates. To add not to the Rizalian way of acquiring knowledge and its diffusion, but only to add more to the superstition behind our national confusion. They also continue to ignore the historical fact that the killers of Rizal are still with us today. In fact, after the death of Rizal, his killers, men of the priesthood industry have taken over most of our schools, colleges, and universities to see to it that we Filipinos carry on with faith in our spiritual poverty as a people; and indeed, to have more faith in our moral bankruptcy as a nation. Since decades ago, most Asian countries begun to embrace the power of science and technology. The Philippines, however, with its religious system of education, continue only to embrace faith and politics, especially as both have always been harmonious in cahoots together.

My dear Jose Rizal, since your day of execution in December 30, 1896, you would think that we Filipinos could have already learned to be the real masters of human destiny in our own country. But thanks to the academic threats of hell-fire and deviltry, we just continue to be the historical victims of human stupidity. Of course we Filipinos hardly think of ourselves as lacking in self-respect and human dignity. On the contrary, we think of ourselves as highly blessed especially as we believe in a savior otherwise more known “Christianity.”

In the meantime it is strange but true: Never, was there ever, a Filipino who got to be filthy rich for believing that God is bad. And yet, millions of Filipinos are filthy poor for believing that God is good. Indeed, in this 21st century, we Filipinos are the Poor and the Sick Man of Asia. And as our population is increasing tremendously out of control recklessly - we continue to get even poorer and sicker. Oh, when is the Second Coming of the Lord who promised to remedy poverty out of our sick society? Poch Suzara

Friday, December 21, 2007

Sex and Love

Man gives love in order to get sex. Woman gives sex in order to get love. At most times the result is an unwanted child in order to keep our world out of order. Indeed, life is a sexually transmitted disease with a mortality rate of 100 per cent. Poch Suzara


We are all born ignorant, not stupid. We are made stupid by education. What are the evidences to logically support the truth of this statement?

My dear reader, please take a serious look at the results of education cranked out yearly by Ateneo, La Salle, Letran, San Beda, Mapua, University of Santo Thomas, University of the Philippines, Marian college, Assumption college, Santa Escolastica, Asian Institute of Management, University of the East, Adamson University, etc.

Please consider the shady character of these college educated men and women as corrupt products of these prestigious universities. Elected or appointed or promoted as officials to manage the government of the Philippine, it has become nothing but a reflection of the politically tragic at its best, if not economically destructive at its worst.

And to think the politicians in our government share a common goal with the theologians in our Church: Both have high hopes of keeping the Filipino perpetually poor on the one hand, and keep the Filipino eternally ignorant on the other hand.

I rest my case. Poch Suzara