Monday, March 03, 2008

The Catholic Church

We cannot fight the Catholic Church. But we can and should expose the lies and deception behind the wealth, power, and glory of the Catholic Church.
Indeed, Catholics are not the masters of the Revealed Truth. They are, in fact, the victims as the Revealed Truth has yet to be revealed.
I was once a devout Catholic. Thank God not anymore. I excommunicated myself out of my church since I was 16 years old. Poch Suzara

We Filipinos

We Filipinos are born ignorant, not stupid. We are made stupid not because of education, but because of Catholic commercial enterprises more known as Catholic schools, Catholic colleges, Catholic and universities.
In this only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century, when we Filipinos do something we are guilty of, we are instantly aware there is always our faith in a loving God who will readily forgive our sins and crimes and other variegated forms of stupidity. Poch Suzara

Why Evil will always Triumph

Evil triumphs when good men and good women do nothing? This is a lot of biblical hogwash. Evil triumphs when a good God and a good devil do not only amicably tolerate each other's silly existence, but also compassionately support and maintain each other’s evil persistence. When men and women are good, but especially good for nothing, evil will always triumph. Poch Suzara

National Solution

One solution to our country’s historical troubles: no more childish prayer for the sake of a childish theology. Only more science and technology.

Indeed, science and technology that should, as nothing else could, quickly extricate the Philippines up and out of its historical quagmire in fear and superstition, and indeed, in the belief in life after death in the kingdom of God. Poch Suzara


What do the Spaniards, Japanese, Americans, Chinese, Koreans, Malaysians, Singaporeans, Thais, Australians, British, Germans, and, especially, indeed the rich and powerful citizens of the Vatican State - all have in common? These foreigners are now rightful land owners of the Republic of the Philippines. During the past decades, ever since we were granted independence by America, and for personal gain, our high government officials have been busy selling Philippine assets and properties to any wealthy foreign investor buying.
What, however, do the vast majority of poor and miserable Filipino citizens share in common? We all have faith in life after death to come in the kingdom of God in heaven. Poch Suzara

Catholic Bishops

The Catholic bishops have never taught the Filipino self-respect as a people or even dignity as a nation. In fact, these bishops have only been hungry for thought control of our women and our children, and not to mention pretty much insane for secular power too.
Consider the vast majority of the Filipinos taught always that it is better to believe than it is to know? That no matter what, there is always available from God the forgiveness of sins and crimes? Thus, kickbacks in public office, cronyism and nepotism, smuggling, lying, cheating, corruption, etc are not sins or crimes, but rather blessings from God with opportunities to forgive the fall of men. Poch Suzara

Three Masters

No man can serve two masters. Matt. 6:22-24. Gee, Matthew, you are so damned right. It is ridiculous to serve two masters especially when one is always omni-absent; never omni-present!
But then again, how come millions of spiritually poor and morally bankrupt Filipinos have always been able to serve not only two, but three masters: the Catholic Bishops, high government officials, and the foreigners who are now the legal owners of most of valuable property and assets comprising the Republic of the Philippines? Poch Suzara

Divine History

During the past centuries people believed in the divine rights of the king’s government. In this 21st century, we Filipinos still believe in the divine authority of the Catholic Bishops over our government.
Former President Joseph Estrada was charged, convicted, jailed, and pardoned by President Gloria M. Arroyo. If the Catholic Bishops were not allowed to meddle in matters of the State, there would be no such horror as the forgiveness of sin and crime in our insane government. Poch Suzara


Poverty is the greatest of our sins and the worst of our crimes. Millions of Filipinos are not Christians because they are poor, they are poor because they are Christians. Indeed, Christianity has always had a vested interest in misery and poverty. Poverty is the symptom. Christianity is the disease. The fight against poverty should be focused at its roots. Nothing can remedy poverty unless we first get rid of Christianity. Indeed, it is time for those poor in spirit to evaporate and let those rich in spirit take over to establish in our own land a sinless and a crimeless society. To insist that God loves the poor because he made so many of them is an argument against God. Really, if God could give free will to the rich to help them enjoy the higher standard of thinking, why couldn’t God give the same free will to the poor to help them to enjoy a higher standard of living? Poch Suzara

Blind Faith

Thanks to blind faith so prevalent in this only Christian country in Asia, we are even blind to the garbage all around us. Garbage in our streets and highways. Garbage in our homes. Garbage in our schools, colleges, and universities. Garbage in our corporate and government offices. Garbage in our Churches and Cathedrals; and indeed, the most stinking of all – the garbage in our minds and hearts. Look how we all love God up there by being filthy and polluted and corrupt to each other down here.

In tbe meantime, no doubt, there is the power of blind faith. It comes from the power of blind ignorance. Poch Suzara

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Blog Comment

The difference between Christianity and other religions is that in other religions, people search for God. For a Christian, God searches for you!”Really? But isn’t God suppose to be everywhere and people need not be busy searching for God or God need not be busy searching for people? What’s the point of God being omni-present here or there, but omni-absent everywhere. So God created the world! So what? It is the devil gifted with a free will that keeps the world going.

Isn’t it time to realize that the glory of creation lies in its consummation, not in its inception? And this consummation should not be global stupidity; precisely, it should be perfected humanity.

Poch Suzara

Old and New Religion

In the old religion, God will provide. In the new religion, however, the universe will provide. If either were true, how come in the end no one can even survive? After a brief moment of life on this speck of dust called earth, we are quickly poofed out of existence and the billions of galaxies out there couldn’t care less.

Poch Suzara

Dear Jesus

Dear Jesus, Millions of your Filipino followers are filthy poor. Only a few of your Filipino followers are filthy rich. All, however, rich and poor alike, are waiting for your return. What’s holding up the show? Where are you Jesus? It has been more than 2,000 years already. Why did you make a promise you could not deliver sooner? Time has elapsed! Oh Jesus, do you know that millions of Filipinos who are college educated Catholics have to earn a living overseas. These are in foreign countries that do not even believe you to be the Son of God who performed wonderful miracles or that you are the Savior of the Filipinos! Poch Suzara

In School

In La Salle grade school and in high school we were threatened with punishment if we dared to read the great books written by great thinkers and philosophers. I somehow disobeyed. Down through the years, I began to clearly see why we are a people of childish prayers; and not a nation of matured readers.

Indeed, we Filipinos are born ignorant, not stupid; we are made stupid not by an educational, but by the powerful commercial enterprises otherwise more known as Catholic schools, colleges, and universities.

Poch Suzara


“Beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.” Luke 12:15

Gee Luke, you are so right! What is the Church doing with abundance - its trillions of dollars in cash deposits in the Vatican Bank? Poch Suzara


“The greatest of intellect without religion in the heart, is only civilized barbarism, and disguised animalism.” Bunsen

Well, what about the senseless death of Jesus crucified on the cross here on earth? His own Father in heaven abetted and tolerated the carnage; or, was that just a theological barbarism, if not just an ecclesiastical animalism? Poch Suzara

Dr. Harold J. Sala

This famous minister says that the science of archaeology has contributed more to substantiating the authenticity of the holy bible than most people know about. Really? What about the science of astronomy where it discovered that we are a speck of debris from the cosmic explosion? Where is that discovered and explained in the bible?
What about the science of geology that reminds us of our brief existence both as individuals and as a species? Where is that elucidated in the bible?
Dr. Harold J. Sala says that the bible was written in a world of flesh and blood, of commerce, of intrigue, of love and death. Hell, Dr. Sala! If these were the case, why would the authors of the bible need inspiration from a loving God to write such superstitious nonsense?
Poch Suzara


Whoever slanders the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven: he carries the guilt of his sin forever. Mark 3:29

Phooey on the Holy Spirit. Phooey on the forgiveness of sin. Phooey on the guilt of my sin forever. And for being such a bully, phooey on you too Mark! What did you, as a superstitious author of God, really know anything about what is holy and what is a spirit? In fact, what did you know anything about God? Poch Suzara

Biblical Zombies

Here's one revealed truth in the HOLY bible as written by inspired authors of God: And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose. And came out of the graves . . . And went into the holy city, and appeared to many.” Matt. 37: 52- 53. Quite a few of those biblical Zombies migrated to the Philippines and got to be installed as teachers and professors in our Catholic schools, colleges, and universities. Millions of us Filipinos got to be the "idiots," "Morons," "stupid fools" as we were all indoctrinated to believe their teachings as they were the resurrected zombies. They all frightened us to believe as well that we too are gifted with a FREE WILL especially to enjoy too after we are dead - the miracle of resurrection back to life with Jesus on earth as HE is in heaven! It is insane, isn't it? Well, here's another revealed truth written in the bible which nobody likes to read or to admit as a revealed truth: "THE DEAD KNOW NOT ANYTHING, NEITHER HAVE THEY ANY MORE A REWARD FOR THE MEMORY OF THEM IS FORGOTTEN." Eccl 9:5 Poch Suzara

The Human Body Created by God

"In cancer," wrote Bertrand Russell, "a group of cells engages in a career of imperialism, but, in bringing the rest of the body to death, it decrees also its own extinction." Well, about the 20 billion kinds of germs, bacteria, and viruses existing inside our body during birth? We are told the human body is God’s greatest gift to man. How wonderful. Sadly, however, the human body at birth, grows, gets old and it dies. The human body is eventually killed by those deadly little microscopic monsters - all bereft of moral values - deadly little creatures living inside our body as a housing facilities but gifted too with free will on this earth for the glory of God in heaven. It is, in this sense, that I ask: have any you ever met any one who has been blessed by God? Blessed how and for how long? Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#