Thursday, July 17, 2008

Science and Reality

I have every respect for science. It has been honest enough to admit that it knows only 1 per cent of what constitute reality. I also have every respect for philosophy. It too had been honest enough to admit that all we can ever experience are the appearances that the world presents to us, but that we all remain ignorant of the “reality” of nature.
As for religion, I have every wish it will soon die out. Religion has always been a deadly, not a lively boom, - for mankind. Poch Suzara

Jesus Here and There and Everywhere

In Hebrews 13:8, it says that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and for all eternity. So where was Jesus to protect and to defend Adam and Eve from the lies of the stupid Talking Serpent in order to prevent them from Falling? Poch Suzara

The Greatest Warmonger

The greatest warmonger of all time was Jesus Christ. He said: “I bring not peace, but a sword.” Indeed, millions upon millions of people have been killed in his name, for his name, and killed because millions more refused to love, worship, and adore his name in war. Poch Suzara

Prayer for Prosperity

Prayer for prosperity? What a lot of religious hogwash! Golly, we pray to God, the Father; to God, the Son; and pray to all the saints; and we even pray to Mary, the mother of God to pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, amen. Look at the results. We used to be a nation of sinners and criminals. Now thanks to our prayers, we have grown and developed. We are now a nation of experts but only in the business of saying more silly prayers. Poch Suzara


We are not, by any measure, the intelligent masters of our educational institutions. Rather, we are the victims of educational enterprises. In the meantime, our so-called “educators” are again insisting that schools years from 10 years must increase to make it 12 years of total study. As if, the basis of all learning which is teaching the art of questioning everything should take more than a year to learn. Indeed, question everything. It is the power behind the foundation of all knowledge. Poch Suzara

The Perfect God

If God were that perfect why would He need miracles remedy the imperfections of his creation? More to the point: how come even with miracles God proved himself to be a lousy designer? Look at the human body: designed in such a way so as to serve as the housing facility of little creatures called germs, bacteria, and viruses that sooner or later, whether we are designed with free will or not, will eventually put each and every one of us to death? Poch Suzara

Jesus, the Christ

He was not a man of high moral character. He was never bothered with the crime of His Father who never legally married His Virgin mother, Mary. Jesus was not a legitimate son.
That Jesus Christ was the Prince of Peace has got to be the greatest lie ever told. Hitler killed 6 million Jews during World War 2. He was such a amateur compared to Jesus in the business in killing people. Millions of more people have been killed in the name of Jesus during the 5th to the 15th century otherwise known as the Dark Ages; and during the Christian colonization of the Filipinos in the 16th century. People were killed for both believing in Jesus or for refusing to believe in Jesus. Today in the 21st century the senseless carnage in God’s name is still going on. It is mostly about - the Love God up there by hating one another down here.
In the meantime, Jesus is the prophet not of the winners, but the losers. He proclaimed that the first will be the last; that in the end of it all - the weak will be the strong; and that the fools will be the wise. Poch Suzara

Love in the Holy Bible

The bible says love is the one thing that never fails. I Cor. 13:8. What a cheap lie. The love of divinity for humanity has always failed Miserably. Religiously. Indeed, historically. For my part, as a bible reader, I say the bible is a book that should be thrown out the window not only lightly, but thrown out the window forcefully. No other book has caused more misunderstanding, more disagreement, more confusion, hate, violence, and war than the silly holy bible written by inspired superstitious primitives as the authors of God. Poch Suzara

Atheists Hate Divinity

Why do the atheists hate divinity? Well, I am an atheist. What we atheists do hate is human stupidity, not divinity. Especially as it competes with infinity eternally as perpetually inspired by the teachings of Christianity.
Christianity has always capitalized on human suffering and misery. And Christianity was enormously successful in insuring its own existence through Filipino suffering and misery in the Philippines – the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century. Poch Suzara

The American Stupidity

As an American citizen, I find it ridiculous to notice how, in this already 21st century, elections for a new President of the United States of America have yet much to do with more of the same historical crap. Like whether the American war ongoing in foreign countries like in Iraq today should already end or not? Or that a military officer riding on an aircraft, gets shot down, falls on enemy lines, gets captured and jailed, and that makes him highly qualified to be a candidate for the next president of the USA. Poch Suzara

EARTH as a Speck of Dust

I find it hard to imagine how on this planet earth – of which one million planets the size of earth can fit inside the sun - really earth as a speck of dust floating aimlessly in space will one day be transformed into the kingdom of God as promised in the bible? I also find it even harder to imagine the more than 100 BILLION people who have already lived and died on this earth and have moved to heaven, - will again be relocated back to earth to inhabit the new kingdom of God that will be established here. Hijos de tootie-frootie y patootie GISING NA! Poch Suzara

As An Atheist

I have something valuable going for me as an unbeliever of the faith: I no longer allow myself to be viewed as a sinner or a worthless human being in the sight of God. Again and again I am told that I must learn to see God’s way which is clear. Really? God’s way of which religion? Christianity? Islam? Judaism? All hating and killing each other in God’s name! No thanks! I have better things to do with my life.

The Average Person

The average person, according to the Department of Industrial Education of the University of Texas – retains 10 percent of what he reads, 20 percent of what he hears, 30 percent of what he sees, 50 percent of what he hears and sees at the same time, 70 percent of what he is able to describe in his own words, and 90 percent of what he discusses and performs of what he had read, heard, or seen.
I have yet to read, hear, and see a study of what happens to children after they are taught to believe in God and will be punished forever in hell if they refuse to believe in such a cruel monster. Poch Suzara

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Free Speech

Free speech is utterly empty, if not totally worthless, unless it is product of a free mind. Poch Suzara

The Holy Bible

So you are proud of yourself to be a bible reader and a believer? You should, in fact, be ashamed of yourself. Our corrupt and rotten officials in the government are also proud that they are readers and believers of the bible. So are most of the criminals in jail.

For my part, I am grateful. The bible is the only book I have read over and over again that inspired me to become an atheist. Indeed, if I never seriously read the bible from cover to cover, I probably would still be the religious moron as I was during my younger years.

Oh yes, my dear reader. I dare you to read your bible. Seriously. Judiciously. Critically. Any of the 48 different versions of the bible sold in bookstores today. You might begin to understand how much of the hate and violence and wars in our world come from stupid messages from the stupid bible. And this is the same holy book that tells you not to hate and not to kill but amongst the bible characters themselves as inspired by God - they hated and killed each other, especially for the glory of God. Poch Suzara


Faith can move mountain. Nobody believes it. A Nuclear bomb can move mountain. Everybody believes it. For my part, I would rather have a faith that can remove the mountain of human stupidity in men’s way of thinking; especially those with college education in the Philippines. Poch Suzara

Knights of Rizal

Most of these so-called “knights” of Rizal are more CATHOLIC than they should seriously be RIZALISTIC. They do not carry around with them a book written by Rizal. Instead, they carry around with them the sick bible – the same sick book that gave the Church all kinds of inspirational power to get Rizal arrested, jailed, and executed in public. In the meantime, the bible says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. On the contrary, the fear of the Lord is the beginning social and political insanity that got great thinkers like our Jose Rizal removed away from the world stage as one of the greatest Filipino thinker mankind has ever produced. Poch Suzara Goggle# Facebook# Twitter


How mediocre of Jesus to have cured diseases. He could have proved himself kind and intelligent had he instead made health permanently contagious instead of just temporarily curing diseases during his days. Poch Suzara

Can Religion Merge with Science

Can science and religion merge? Yes, they can; but before the merger can seriously take place, religion must first merge with other religions. The Christians, Muslims, and the Jews have not ceased cutting each other’s throats because, to begin with, they cannot agree what will happen to them after their throats are cut. It is, in this sense, with self-respect and dignity, science has no obligation whatsoever to be "compatible" with silly religion. Indeed, science could not care less about its conflicts against human stupidity or human religiosity such as those behind Christianity. Poch Suzara

The Frightened Cowards

The frightened cowards would sooner spread cowardice than promote self-respect and human dignity. They would be ready and willing to deal at any time with other frightened cowards just to make money or maintain a certain standard of living. But to admit openly that one is a courageous atheist – oh no, no way! They claim they have a wife at home and children in school or associates in business to protect.

To protect them from what? From the ills of our religiously insane society? Shame on you frightened morons! For Christ’s sake many of you are even college educated! Wow, quite a lot of you are even college professors! As for me, I am a high-school expelled atheist and I have no time to have faith in such infantile pursuits. As an atheist, I have no need for an invisible means of support. Poch Suzara