Sunday, January 18, 2009

Linguistic Morons

College professors and newspaper columnists argue on the evils of the English language as the medium of instruction for Filipino students in school. They say it will retard their sense of nationalism. It is incredible, however, that these linguistic morons argue their case so eloquently by utilizing not the Filipino, but the English language.

Jose Rizal got to be bigger and taller, not lesser or smaller of a Filipino as he could speak and write in several languages. In fact, if we Filipinos were tri-lingual, if we could speak and write in Tagalog, English, Spanish fluently as taught to us in kinder, grade school, high school, and in college – we would be treated with more respect and dignity anywhere we go around the world.

The planet earth is transforming itself into a global village. The human way of life will be based more on science and technology. English is the language of science and technology. I wish you linguistic morons would stop fucking around with the power and the beauty of the English language. Poch Suzara

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wise Advice

"Do not do to others what you do not want done to you' - a wise advice, indeed." For my part, however, I want to be wiser. I should want to do to others what I want them to always do to me – make me think! Poch Suzara

The Truth

How wonderful that the truth goes marching on, and that the truth will set us free; unfortunately, however, it is also at the same time dreadful: no one knows what the truth is, or where exactly it is heading. Poch Suzara


The wealth and power, indeed the great success of Christianity in the Philippines comes from Filipinos taught how to live in fear of divinity; if not due to Filipinos taught how to look forward to a better world to come by ignoring love of country.

Christianity in the Philippines has always been about the behavioral control of Filipinos, especially in the development of insufficiency, incompetence, and diminished self-reliance as a people since the 16th century.

In the meantime, look how we all want to go to heaven, but none of us want to die. Poch Suzara

Psalm 119:2-32

“God speaks to those who take the time to listen, and he listens to those who take the time to pray.” Phil Star January 3, 2009.

Oh God, dear God, whatever happened to your own free will to change and eliminate the life of poverty in the Philippines – the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century?

Consider poverty of the worst kind brought about by the teachings of Christianity - the poverty of the mind and heart. Poch Suzara

The Holy Mind

Far more holy than the holy bible is the holy mind of man – solely responsible for the existence of the bible and its contents. In the meantime, the mind is not a terrible thing to waste; on the contrary, it is a terrible thing to waste the mind. Poch Suzara

Dark Black God

It is ludicrous to believe in the existence of a Black God who existed in total darkness before the creation of the universe. It is incredible to believe that such a God had to create the sun to illuminate everything dark around Him originally devoid of brilliant light. Imagine a dark divinity devoid of total luminosity before a show of universal creativity? Poch Suzara

The Corrupt Morons

The corrupt morons comprising our sick society have yet to acknowledge a simple truth. The corrupt officials we have traditionally elected to be in government are all God-fearing men and Jesus-loving women.

There has never been one, no, not a single one amongst these corrupt criminals as government officials who publicly-declared himself or herself as an atheist. Of course, as the Sick man of Asia, we all need to be God-fearing. After all, who but a God out there will forgive us of the sins we commit against each other and the crimes we commit against our own country down here? Poch Suzara

Where’s the Bread

The Bible itself states in Gen. 3:19, that: "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.” And here we are - the religious morons that we all are – we never stop praying to God to give us this day our daily bread. To think that while many of us have no bread to eat, while hungry, we also pray to the same God to lead us not into temptation. Poch Suzara

Born Atheists

No child is born with a religion. We are all born atheists coming out of mother's womb. We were all frightened to believe in a lot of religious hogwash while we were in school. Just like our parents and grandparents frightened too as they are same products of the same school. Who benefits from all this religious hogwash? Me? You? Our children? Our society? Our Country? Take a good look at the wealth, power, and glory of the Vatican State. It even had to get rid of our one and only Jose Rizal to pave the way for the great business of Christianity while everything else is a sick failure that yearly makes Filipinos only famous throughout the world as the Sick Children of Asia! Poch Suzara

The Power of Thought

There is an old Taoist saying, "Beware what you think for they become your words. Beware what you say for they become your actions. Beware your actions as they become your habits. Beware your habits as they become your fate." So changing your fate simply requires changing your thoughts." Bertrand Russell expounded it better, not only courageously, but more so profoundly: “It will be said that the love of mental adventure must be rare, that there are few who can appreciate it, and that ordinary education can take no account of so aristocratic a good. I do not believe this. The joy of mental adventure is far commoner in the young than in grown men and women. Among children it is very common and grows naturally out of the period of make-believe and fancy. It is rare in later life because everything is done to kill it during education. Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth – more than ruin, more even than death. Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible; thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habits; thought is anarchic and lawless, indifferent to authority, careless of the well-tried wisdom of the ages. Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid. It sees man, a feeble speck, surrounded by unfathomable depths of silence; yet it bears itself proudly, as unmoved as if it were the lord of the universe. Thought is great and swift and free, the light of the world and the chief glory of man.” See Bertrand Russell’s THE PRINCIPLES OF SOCIAL RECONSTRUCTION. For my part, I said it before, I say it again: FAR MORE POWERFUL THAN LOVE IS THE POWER OF THOUGHT; FOR, DEVOID OF THOUGHT THERE IS NO SUCH BEAUTY AS THE POWER OF LOVE." Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Bible Scholars

They are among the first religious morons who will tell you that “first of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation.”

To think that a published book is for everyone to read and indeed, to understand and learn from. Is it any of the reader’s fault if the bible contents were not as exact and as certain, and indeed as truthful as the multiplication table – not possible for any kind of moronic or contradictory interpretation? Can you imagine a teacher of arithmetic telling his students: “First of all you must understand this, that no part of the multiplication table is a matter of one’s own interpretation.” Poch Suzara

Climate Change

Nothing is permanent. Everything is temporary. Change is the only thing certain everywhere. The danger of climate change around the world is based on a lot of political hogwash. Climate change has been going on around the world and will continue to do so as a law of nature.

Instead of climate change, however, what we should really be concern about is the human population explosion. We humans, not the climate, are the ones destroying our world, especially with the horrors of insane religious beliefs such as we must multiply and replenish the earth with more fools for the glory of God. Poch Suzara

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Truth about the Holy Bible

The Truth about the Holy Bible as exposed by Robert G. Ingersoll:

“Somebody ought to tell the truth about the Bible. The preachers dare not, because they would be driven from their pulpits. Professors in colleges dare not, because they would lose their salaries. Politicians dare not. They would be defeated. Editors dare not. They would lose subscribers. Merchants dare not, because they might lose customers. Men of fashion dare not, fearing that they would lose caste. Even clerks dare not, because they might be discharged. And so I thought I would do it myself.

There are many millions of people who believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God -- millions who think that this book is staff and guide, counselor and consoler; that it fills the present with peace and the future with hope -- millions who believe that it is the fountain of law, Justice and mercy, and that to its wise and benign teachings the world is indebted for its liberty, wealth and civilization -- millions who imagine that this book is a revelation from the wisdom and love of God to the brain and heart of man -- millions who regard this book as a torch that conquers the darkness of death, and pours its radiance on another world -- a world without a tear.

They forget its ignorance and savagery, its hatred of liberty, its religious persecution; they remember heaven, but they forget the dungeon of eternal pain. They forget that it imprisons the brain and corrupts the heart. They forget that it is the enemy of intellectual freedom. Liberty is my religion. Liberty of hand and brain -- of thought and labor, liberty is a word hated by kings -- loathed by popes. It is a word that shatters thrones and altars -- that leaves the crowned without subjects, and the outstretched hand of superstition without alms. Liberty is the blossom and fruit of justice -- the perfume of mercy. Liberty is the seed and soil, the air and light, the dew and rain of progress, love and joy.”

For my part, as I look deep at my spiritually poor fellow-Filipinos, and as I look deeper at my morally bankrupt country – I say, it is time for us as the Sick man of Asia to throw this so-called holy book out the window. It is mainly due to the bible and its teachings that we Filipinos still believe that life is a defect and that we must not bother with reconstruction, but only seek obliteration. Indeed, look at us Filipinos as a people in this already 21st century: We are still praying to God to “give us this day our daily bread, and to “lead us not into temptation.” And we still continue praying to Mary, the Mother of God, to “pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, amen.” Poch Suzara

Monday, January 12, 2009

Forgiving God

Most men need to believe in a forgiving God to forgive them of their crimes against women. Most women need to believe in a forgiving God to forgive them of their crimes against men. At any rate, God needs to believe and to forgive himself too. After all, at most times, God knows not what he is doing. Really, if God could create a happy place called heaven, why couldn't he create a happy place called earth? Poch Suzara


I love philosophy. It provides me with riches that are lacking even among those who already rich: lively intellectual freedom; and the power to keep away from the monotony of deadly boredom. Poch Suzara

The Unexamined Life

Socrates, the ancient Greek philosopher, concluded that: “The unexamined life is not worth living for man.” Indeed, we must examine not only our own life, but examine also the life of our parents who gave us life.

For my part, I began to learn to love my mother and father more than I have then loved Jesus, Mary, and Joseph and other bible Jewish characters who never even existed; and, if they did, born centuries ago in foreign countries, none of them had anything to do with us Filipinos born in the Philippines in this 21st century. Poch Suzara

My Life's Ambition

Ignorance and fanaticism is forever busy, and needs feeding. For my part, I try to feed minds and change lives. What could be more ambitious than helping others become aware of the existence of the power of the mind via thoughts to provoke thoughts?

Knowledge needs to be increasing ceaselessly in every mind. There should never be an end to learning or teaching. Books and other writings should be read and analyzed and discussed. It is beneficial never to tire of partaking in the aims and goals of science, of reason, of evidence, of investigation, experimentation, and discovery. The goal should be endless search of the truth – man’s most noble of professions.

Bertrand Russell summarized it best for all of us: “Heroic lives are inspired by heroic ambitions, and the young man who thinks there is nothing important to be done is pretty sure to do nothing important.” Poch Suzara

Our Greatest Strength

“Our greatest strength is often shown in our ability to stand still and trust God.” Phil Star Jan. 8,2000

On the contrary, our greatest strength is often shown in our capacity to stand up and tell God that enough is enough. Oh God, dear God, you were a such a God in the beginning good; unfortunately, in the end, you are good for nothing. Where is your power under your own free will to change and improve creation? Why are you so busy at only being omni-absent; never busy at being omni-present? Poch Suzara


It is often said that what goes up must always come down. Not however in our corrupt society. Corruption never comes down. It always goes up. Look how in this already 21st century, we spiritually corrupt Filipinos are still praying to a God up there to “give us this day our daily bread,” and to “lead us not into temptation” down here.

We also pray daily to Mary, the corrupt Mother of God, - to “pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, amen.” Poch Suzara