Thursday, October 01, 2009

Unwed Mothers

A single woman gets pregnant by a moron. Then, abandoned, she becomes a prostitute to support his child. She charges money for sex. In order words, she needs other morons to support the child of the original moron who got her pregnant in the first place.

Thus, for the sake of sexual releases men, in the end, are more mediocre than such women. In the meantime, millions of such tuti-fruties are out there as citizens of our sick Republic known as “single mothers.” All have been born and raised and educated to love and fear God first and foremost.

What’s incredible about this comedy of insanity, however, is that the morons involved in the crime all believe that at any rate, no matter what - God will provide. The single mothers are out there in the streets looking for money to support their kids via the offer of more honey.

In the meantime, decent women certainly have needs with regularity: She needs love and affection daily, and orgasmic penetration nightly. Her problem is to find and lastingly keep a decent man for herself. Such decent men, however, with financial resources in our corrupt and rotten society hardly exist. Poch Suzara

Love has No Power When devoid of thought

Never belittle the power of thought. Even love has no power against the power of thought because devoid of thought love has no power. Poch Suzara


Love is sharing solutions, not sharing problems for each other. If love is only about sharing problems, then that it is not love. It is shallow sexuality having a relationship with emotional insecurity as inspired by deep faith in divinity otherwise known as human stupidity.

In the meantime, in our sick society, we must first learn to love ourselves creatively, not destructively. In this way, we would not need another to make us happy. Poch Suzara

FREE WILL After Death

After I am dead, and I find myself in the hereafter, I should wish to take full advantage of my free will. I freely look forward to screwing deviltry in heaven; screwing divinity in hell; and screwing the dead saints together with the dead politicians and dead theologians in purgatory. Poch Suzara

Life versus Death

Socrates said: “the un-examined life is not worth living for man.” Sadly, in our schools, colleges, and universities – we were taught to examine not the values of life, but the importance of death. Never were we ever encouraged to examine life for the sake of cultivating our own sense for humanity. It was always about the preparation for death to meet a silly divinity.

In the meantime, the unexamined religion is not worth believing. What, however is most precious in life is not feeding your mind with lies and deceptions, but attending to the power of your thoughts precisely to be free from illusion, delusion, or confusion. Poch Suzara


People laugh at me because of my tentative faith in humanity. I laugh at people because of their dogmatic faith in divinity. Poch Suzara

First Class Prostitutes

I have yet to meet a woman who is happily married and proud of her family. Indeed, proud of herself as a mother of his children. If such a woman exist, it is only because she has been quite a success in selling herself to the highest bidder who supplies all of her material needs, comfort and security in life. However, that is hardly love and affection. It is self-condemnation masquerading as high class prostitution. Oh yes, I have met a few exceptional women worthy of love, respect, and affection. They have no need of a savior. They already enjoy not only greatest of wealth, but also, especially, mental health. More than they need men, men need them more. In the meantime, what the world needs now is not only love and affection but also greater knowledge of the nature of love and affection with all of its complication. Poch Suzara

Men Screwing Women

If men by nature have the natural tendency to screw around with women isn’t it so obvious that the women are enjoying the arrangement?

Women, however, are more evil than men. They allow themselves to get needlessly pregnant. They accomplish nothing except to replenish the earth with the same kind of men especially under Christian upbringing. To think that the sick women of our sick society have also been raised to believe that God created man in His own image and likeness. Poch Suzara

The Truth Hurts

The truth hurts; especially if you were raised and educated to always have faith in lies and to always feel at home with deceptions. To think that the truth has yet to be revealed. And if you believe that in a Court of Law there is such as a thing as telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth – then you might as well also believe in the existence of fairy tales. Poch Suzara

Death and God

It is incredible how we are all happy and comfortable talking about a lot of trivial matters, petty issues, or meaningless events. But never, do we ever, touch on the issue of death and God – the subject of the greatest importance in life.

To think that while are living, we are also at the same time already dying. Indeed, the day we are born is the day we begin to live in a dying body.

If we should be frightened of death then we should also be frightened of sleep. After all, sleep is a morsel of death. Poch Suzara

Why Am I happy

I am a happy man because I was successful enough to have recaptured the most priceless treasure stolen away from me as a boy in school – my precious mind and heart.

Indeed, I am a happy man because I have lost my faith in human stupidity. I am a happy man because I could tell a woman, any woman, straight to her face, that I have neither the ability, nor the talent, to be her savior. I could only, with her, if she cares to join me - seek solutions together problems of our world. Poch Suzara

What Value has FREE WILL

I ask: what value has free will if it is only about the freedom to believe in nothing when it should be about the freedom to question everything? Poch Suzara

Cute Babies

To think that thieves, swindlers, liars, babblers, hypocrites, idiots, tutie-fruties, patuties, lovable scoundrels, traitors, cheap politicians, phony theologians, corrupt lawyers, rotten judges, top executives and other criminals of our sick society all share something equal in common together: They were once cute babies created in the image and likeness of God. Poch Suzara

Billions of People

BILLIONs of people have already lived and died on this earth since Jesus was crucified on the cross more than two thousand years ago. Today almost 8 BILLION people are still alive. Most of them, specially and children in the Philippines, (only Christian country in Asia) are poor and sick struggling to survive under subhuman conditions eating, if at all, from hand to mouth existence. Well, why not? Jesus was the prophet of the losers, not the winners. He proclaimed that the first will be the last, that the weak will be the strong, that the fools will be the wise, and that you must hate your mother and father, brothers and sisters, and yea, hate also your own life also in order to be his disciple. In the meantime, imagine the Son of God Jesus dying on the cross for the stupid sins of the world and its stupid leaders! In the meantime, one would think that Mary, the Mother of Jesus, should have already straightened out the priorities of her son Jesus. It's been 2,000 years already and Jesus has not yet returned to earth as he had promised. Time has elapsed! I clearly remember my grandmother at 60 and my great-grandmother at 90 waiting daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly for the SECOND COMING OF JESUS to remedy the ills of our sick society then as it is still sick today in this already 21st century! Poch Suzara

Friday, September 04, 2009

Evils of the Catholic Church

Catholics are responsible for the rape of more children, the murder of more women, and the torture of more innocent people than any other institution ever devised by man. From its origin through this very day, the Catholic 'Church' has suppressed knowledge and fought scientific progress. They openly and actively supported slavery. They supported racism, fascism, and sexism. They were allies of Hitler and Mussilini. They published the Witches Hammer, a 'how to' guide to torture and murder innocent women. They burned scientists at the stake in a futile attempt to keep the masses from learning the Bible is incorrect. They tortured and murdered multitudes in the Inquisition and and Crusades - all in the name of a loving God. Is the Catholic Church evil? Yes. It is the most evil institution ever devised by man. The Pope's apology for the vast amount of "sins committed by the church" in 2000 is not enough. It is ridiculous. The Pope has yet to apologize and to return the WEALTH stolen away from the Philippines - the poorest country in Asia today as the only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century. Moreover, the Pope has yet to apologize for the public execution of Jose Rizal - the greatest Filipino who was the greatest enemy of the Catholic Church in the Philippines.

Indeed, the Catholic church has never had a vested interests in prosperity as a way to pave the way for the spread of common Filipino decency. The Catholic church in the Philippines has always insured for the filipino only misery, poverty, and indeed religious stupidity as the best way to maintain political and social insanity.
Poch Suzara

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Nonoy Aquino

Nonoy Aquino is now seeking “divine guidance” as a presidential candidate.

Why couldn’t he just ask his mom Cory and dad Ninoy both now alive in heaven to ask “divine guidance” to stop messing religion around with stupid politics in the Philippines keeping us Filipinos poor perpetually, insane eternally, and backward endlessly? Poch Suzara

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Catholics versus Camelics

We are told that it is easier for a poor camel to enter the eye of a needle than for a rich catholic to enter the gates of heaven. This is true. That is why I walked out of the church years ago. I decided to become a poor Camelic. I do not care to ever be a rich Catholic as I do not care to go to heaven. Poch Suzara

In Grade School

In grade school I was frightened to believe that God is not only here, not only there, but that God is everywhere. I therefore concluded that instead of me wasting my time looking for God, God must have already found me. It was this conclusion, among other things, that got me into trouble in grade school. It eventually got me expelled out of high school.

My teachers got mad at me. I insisted that it is not our business to be looking out for God; on the contrary, God must be the one always looking out for us. After all, God has the kingdom, the power, and the glory. We humans have nothing except the glory and the power of human stupidity. Poch Suzara

Afraid to Die

Those who are afraid to die are afraid to live. Bertrand Russell taught me the courage to live and the courage to face death sober, and not drunk with lies.

Now on these pages readers tell me that there is more to life than just to love, worship, and adore Bertrand Russell . Well, if there were, how come millions don’t know how to live such a life? How come millions are still waiting for their own Savior? It has been going on for more than 2,000 years now.

In the meantime, in life, you will always find what you are looking for. I have no money because I seldom looked for money. I am, however, rich in ideas, as I have never ceased to look for more and better ideas. In the meantime, mental health is the greatest of wealth. Poch Suzara

None of my Business

What other people think of me is beyond my control and therefore none of my business. If what they think of me is something dreadful – so what? If what they think of me is something beautiful – so what?

Either way, I stick to my character. My ways. I continue to develop my own mind and continue to cultivate my own heart. I try to live the good life – one inspired by love and guided by knowledge - and that’s the difference. Poch Suzara