Friday, February 12, 2010

Religion and Superstition

Religion destroys the mind. Superstition also destroys the mind. But superstition and religion are one and the same fear under ignorance. So what is the use of having faith in one at the expense of the other? Poch Suzara

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Beauty of Atheism versusThe Evil Monster

Before the Filipino can seriously grow as a people and seriously develop as a nation – an evil monster must first be destroyed. The evil monster otherwise more known as Christianity in the Philippines If, over the next 400 years, Christianity continues to dominate the Filipino mind and control the Filipino heart – we shall only be enjoying nothing but more of the same love of God up there by hating one another down here. Indeed, under these conditions, we shall only look forward to a better future for ourselves as citizens of the Republic of the Philippines by migrating to, residing at, and getting employed in, - foreign countries. Indeed, foreign countries that are blessed not only with freedom OF religion, but freedom FROM religion. Thanks to the power of science and technology. I said it before, I say it again. In this already 21st century, it is time for us Filipinos to dump our faith in theism and instead begin to embrace atheism. Take a serious look at the sensibility and the beauty of Atheism: Atheism helps us to see reality as it actually is, without the mental filters of superstition preventing us from directly experiencing it. Atheism allows us to experience our selves, without the debasing idea that we are innately evil or sinful. Atheism allows us to experience true interpersonal love, without any imaginary supernatural intervention. Atheism gives us the freedom to think for ourselves, to construct our own meanings. We each can choose what we think has value. Atheism shows us that we can gain meaning by seeking to make our world a better place, for ourselves and our children's children. Atheism teaches us to take responsibility for our behaviors in the here and now, not for a reward in an imaginary afterlife. Atheism lets us see that we have to make choices about our future. No big daddy god is going to protect us from bad decisions. Atheism teaches us to treasure this moment, this life, and this world — because we realize that it’s all the world we have. Poch Suzara

Atheists Do Not Cut Throats

“There are no atheists in foxholes” speaks well of the atheists; not of foxholes. Foxholes are places where the religious believers position themselves in order to cut each others' throat. They do so because they cannot agree as what will happen to them after their throats have been cut.

In the meantime, my dear reader, have you ever heard of an army of atheists hating and killing another army of atheists because they do not believe in the existence God?

Meanwhile, have any of you ever heard of religious atheists like a bunch of religious morons singing: THIS LAND IS MINE, GOD GAVE THIS LAND TO ME! Poch Suzara

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Religion Poisons

Religion does not enhance life. On the contrary, religion poisons life. Christianity has kept the Filipino as the Sick Children of Asia. Indeed, Filipinos praying to God is as similar as sick children praying to Santa Claus.

In the meantime, millions of Filipinos are willing and ready to go to heaven. Specially after they have been schooled to get out to live and work in foreign countries. Poch Suzara

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Christianity Exists Everywhere in our Sick Society

Christianity, just like God, exists here, there, and everywhere in the Philippines. It is demonstrated in our custom and tradition, indeed in our culture, damaged as it is already. Christianity is in the home. In the schools, colleges, and universities. In the theaters, and radio and television, in newspapers, in books, magazines, and journals. Christianity intrudes into our judicial, executive, and legislative branch of government. In the social functions and other civic organizations. In the business meetings, political campaigns, commercial seminars. Christianity is there in prayer before mealtime. In sports contests. The music of the day is contaminated with Christian messages. From all sides it moves in on us, endlessly. Ceaselessly. It is not possible to go through a day of one’s life without being exposed to Christianity. In the office, banks, hospitals, police precincts, city hall, residential buildings, hotels, motels, streets, highways, and in billboards, and public transportation system. In any important event of one’s life Christianity is standing by ready to take over the event: birthday party, college graduation, marriage, anniversary, death. In fact Jesus Christ demands that Christianity be pushed here, there, and everywhere. Matthew 28:19 “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, son, and of the Holy Ghost: 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” It is all about behavioral control of the Filipinos. To have more faith in the success of indoctrination that brings about not the Age of Reason or the Age of Enlightenment, but simply the Age of Christianity that gives the Filipinos the power to act as its own destroyer both as a people and as nation. We are not, by any measure, the intelligent masters; on the contrary, as a matter of history, we are the sick victims of organized insanity otherwise more known in our country as Christianity. Indeed, Christianity has developed insufficiency, incompetence, and diminished self-reliance of, with, and for the Filipino way of life as a people since 400 years ago. Otherwise, one would think that as the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century, the Philippines should already be the most matured and developed country in Asia. After all, we Filipinos are the only people in Asia who believe in Jesus – the Son of God Almighty. But with more than 20,000,000 Filipinos today employed in some 200 foreign including non-Christian countries to financially assist the other 20,000,000 Filipinos left behind unemployed or underemployed, including those supporting our corrupt government officials – in the whole of Asia today, thanks to the wealth and power of Christianity, we are only getting more sick as the Sick Children of Asia. The essence of Christianity is its intolerance. The first commandment of the Christian god is: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” Christians cannot live with other ideas. They are forced to convert all persons to their belief system because that person, who is outside, illustrates that God has failed to bring at least one person to his flock. Therefore he is not all-seeing, all-knowing, all-understanding, all-benevolent, all-powerful god. If he were that, he could induce all to “come unto him” and feel the “glad tidings of great joys.” It is impossible for those of you who are caught in that trap to understand that others have no need of faith in such beliefs systems and do not live in mental prisons or spiritual cages. Therefore you scream out to us atheists that our position is one of religion too, that we have a belief system as you do. What you are trying to do is, by definition, include us in your insanity. You define the positions and attitudes, opinions and ideas that we have as “a religion” because your thinking is so structured that it is impossible for you to understand the concept of a “free mind.” Indeed, you can only believe in the freedom of religion, when there is something better and greater to believe - the freedom away from religion. Atheism has none of the attributes of a religion. We have no god above or beyond nature, no breach of natural laws by such a god to demonstrate that he exists, no method of communication between such entity and ourselves, no elaborate reward and punishment system such as heaven or hell for being in accord with that god’s dictates. There is not one element needed for religion existing anywhere in Atheism. We have no atheistic morons known as atheist saints. Therefore, you charge that our religion is the worship of “nothing.” But, in fact, this is what the Christians do: worship nothing. An unseen, unknown, uncaring, indifferent entity which you call god is supplicated by you daily with no response. Nothing is there – but you worship it. Nothing hears you – but you address communication to it. Nothing responds – but you hear some messages in the void. Nothing ever happens – but you rationalize that “something” occurs somewhere, perhaps in one’s heart. It is an incredible game that you play like a bunch of lost children looking for a happy home. In the meantime, not the truth, but evil goes marching on! We atheists insist only that you do not include us in your credulity game. We have neither the taste nor the gumption to live with you in your world of make-believe. We atheists are real people who live in a real world which we trust will be a better world in the future than all the rotten religions have made of it during these past centuries. Poch Suzara

Monday, February 01, 2010


Poverty in this 21st century Philippines is still due to collective insanity especially since the arrival of Christianity in the 16th century. There is, indeed, the existence of poverty of the worst kind: the poverty of the mind and heart. It deprives our nation’s historical, cultural, and scientific growth and development. In the meantime, here's how poor the average Filipino is: His only sense of wealth is not health; but to be seen driving around in an imported expensive automobile with a sexy Pinay seated beside him. He is living in an expensive mansion which he bought from filthy rich criminal. His organizing prayer rallies to save the lives of fellow-criminals scheduled to be executed for high crimes in foreign countries. The last, but not least his having acquired a college diploma ostensibly displayed in his living room wall or in his office. Poch Suzara

Children in School

It is not through pain and suffering or by illusions or delusions that children in school learn how to be good, creative, and productive citizens.. It is with a sense of self-respect, self- direction, and, indeed, with nutrition and sanitation. In the meantime, we cannot love others unless we love ourselves first. Sadly, in our school, colleges, and universities, we are taught to love Jesus, Mary, Joseph and other bible characters, but hardly to learn how to love our selves with a sense of pride and dignity as citizens of our country.

Freedom of the Press

There is no such thing as freedom of the press unless you own press. If you were the owner of the press, you can certainly enjoy the freedom of the press. In the meantime, our democracy encourages mediocrity, and fosters vulgarity. Indeed, under our so-called democracy, we Filipinos enjoy not only the power of ferocity, not only the glory of insanity, but also the blessings from the Catholic church and its authority as they are the real owners of the press in our poor and sick country. Poch Suzara Facebook# Google# Twitter# Atheists#

Jesus cast out demons

Jesus never sent any one to do the work of God without giving them the authority to cast out demons. Jesus called His twelve disciples to Him; He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease. (Matt 10:1) Jesus said, ‘And as you go, preach, saying, The Kingdom of heaven is at hand...cast out demons... (Matt 10:7,8) Jesus said, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth’ (Matt 28:18)

Well, what happened? How come the apostles never managed to destroy the unclean spirits? The devil is still pretty much alive and kicking. All kinds of sickness and diseases are still with us. Not to mention the sick clowns identifying themselves as God’s messengers and/or God’s delivery boys in the Philippines in this already 21st century. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Free Will

We are told that God’s greatest gift to man is his free will. Indeed, we have the free will to obey God’s will. We are not free, however, to practice the virtues of free thought. Under God’s free will syndrome – the best of freedom can only be the freedom OF religion. On the contrary, under free thought – the most precious of freedom is the freedom FROM religion. Poch Suzara

Abortion - A woman's Priority

Abortion is a woman’s business. She is the one carrying the fetus inside her body. Abortion is neither the man’s business or the government’s business or the priestly business. It is, simply, the woman’s business.

For my part, as an atheist and a humanist, when it comes to the necessity of an abortion, I say, let the pregnant woman decide for herself. It is her decision. No one should decide for her.

In the meantime, if a fetus were already a human being, how come when there is a miscarriage there is no such thing as a funeral service or a Christian burial of
the dead fetus? Poch Suzara

We are a Nothing

We are told that we are nothing compared to God, our creator. Well, if God created us in his own image and likeness, then God must be made of nothing too. Now it is said that we have intelligence, and therefore there must be intelligence greater than ours. Well, why not say, that God has intelligence, therefore there must be intelligence greater than His? So far as we know, there is no intelligence apart from matter. We cannot conceive of thought, except as produced by the human brain. Ah yes, the human brain – a three pound mass of gray matter you can hold in your hands that can imagine the existence of a God who created us out of nothing. Poch Suzara

Why Something

Why something rather than nothing? But has not something always been an absurdity? A nothing makes more sense than a something. A nothing does not suffer pain, poverty, misery, death and indeed, a nothing could never be the stupid victim of a silly nothing.

For my part, before I was born, for millions of years, I was better off. I was not a something, in fact, I was, happily, a total void - a nothing!

God as Protector

There is no evidence that God protects the believers any more than he rejects the unbelievers . When the TITANIC sunk, those who perished were not solely the wicked sinners. There was no distinction in the terrible disaster. Both the believers and unbelievers were damned to face death together with the damned vessel that only God could sink.

Well, this is in modern times. What about during the ancient times. Look how God protected his first creation – Adam and Eve from the lies and deceptions of the Talking Serpent – the devil – another of God’s creation.

Anti-Christ Movement in Israel

The term anti-Christ refers to those who deny the divinity of Jesus Christ, deny His Gospel as truth, or deny Jesus and his teachings. Well, if that were so, it follows that there are many more anti-Christ individuals existing in Israel than anywhere else in the world. Israel, the land where Jesus was born during the 1st century, never got to be converted into a Christian or into a Catholic country. It is still a Jewish State. What could be more anti-Christ than that in this already 21st century? Poch Suzara

Catholic Caritas Manila

“I agree that it is quite difficult to preach on empty stomach. This is the reason why there is Caritas Manila, one of the largest charitable institutions in the Philippines. Not to mention, Hospicio de San Jose. Parishes are involved in livelihood programs to uplift the quality of life of every Filipino.” The Catholic church earns more than ONE BILLION PESOS each and every month from its sale of religious junk alone in the Philippines. Tax free. At the same time, however, we do have millions of faithful believers in this poor and backward country who are so proud that the Catholic Church has also established Caritas Manila – one of the largest charitable institutions in the world. Well, charity comes from profit. How come the church has so much profit in that she can afford to be in the charity business? More than 15,000,000 ( million ) Filipino workers just these last decade alone have already migrated to some 168 foreign countries around the world in order to enjoy a better way of life. I ask: just exactly how has the quality of life of every Filipino been uplifted by the Catholic Church in the Philippines? As for the Hospicio de San Jose and parishes involved in livelihood programs to uplift the quality of life of every Pinoy and Pinay, how come we, as a people, are only getting poorer as the “Sick and Poor Children of Asia?" Poch Suzara

Happy and Perfect Earth

If a Creator could create a happy and a perfect place called “heaven,” why couldn’t the same Creator create as well a happy and perfect planet “earth.”

Of course, the creator could not do so. He had no wish to disappoint his best and only friend – the devil in hell – the same devil who still sees to it that we Filipinos remain poor and miserable as ever specially as we are the only faithful Christians in all of Asia. Poch Suzara

No Life after Death in the Bible

The Bible likens death to a deep sleep. David said: “Answer me, O LORD my God. Do
make my eyes shine, that I may not fall asleep in death.” (Psalm 13:3)

Moreover, just before he resurrected Lazarus, Jesus likened death to sleep.—John 11:11-14. Which brings up another question, if Jesus best friend Lazarus was going to a better place why bring him back to life on earth?

In the meantime, at death, the cerebral function ceases; there is no more thought process, no more reward, no more memory, no more knowledge, and no more access to this world. Death terminates the individual’s interaction with this physical dimension of existence.

So, I ask: if there were no more life after death how do we enjoy life as a reward after death in heaven or suffer in life after death punished in hell?

“After these things I heard a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, ‘Alleluia! Salvation and glory and honor and power to the Lord our God’ “ (Revelation 19:1).

I ask: who are you among the already dead have the extra ability to hear a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven? Poch Suzara

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Anti-Christ messages in the BIBLE :

1 John 2:18-19 "Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have arisen; from this we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out, in order that it might be shown that they all are not of us." 1 John 2:22-23 "Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father; the one who confesses the Son has the Father also." 1 John 4:2-3 "By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; and this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world." John 1:7 "For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist." As written in the Bible we can clearly see people against Jesus. First, the "antichrist" is defined as anyone who doesn't believe Jesus is the divine son of God. Second, "antichrists" appear to actively teach against Christ. Third, there were many "antichrists" in the world when John wrote the book. This directly contradicts the teaching of modern prophets who say that one antichrist will arise at some still future time. As for me, as it turned out, the Indians, Chinese, Malaysians, Japanese, Indonesians, etc more than 3 BILLION OF THEM have never heard of Jesus; only the Philippines since the 16th century, and East Timor in 2002 have been frightened to believe that Jesus died on the cross to save a lot of Catholics - there have been more anti-Christ than pro-Christ in this world. Including the place where Christ was born - it has never been converted into a Catholic country, it is still, more than ever, a Jewish place! Poch Suzara

Organized Insanity

Christianity is based upon organized absurdity in its teachings; in its values, however, it is based upon organized absurdity. Listen to God and then listen to Jesus - the Son of God. First God: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John. 3:1. Now listen to Jesus - the Son of God: “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not with him.” 1 John 2:15. Well, if the Revealed Truths have been revealed, which truth should we believe in – the truth from God, the Father; or, the truth from the Son of God Jesus? Poch Suzara