Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Free Will Stupidity

If we were told that we have the free will to choose not to go to heaven or not to go to hell, but free to choose neither heaven nor hell - just to leave us alone - then you might say we do, indeed, have free will! I asked it before, I ask it again: What chances have our free will against God's will especially since behind God is the Devil's free will also? Free will is nothing but holy garbage cooked in heaven and in hell to frighten man with original sin. In the meantime, a pregnant woman has the free will to abort her baby boy or girl. Well, what happened to the FREE WILL of said Boy or Girl in the womb - have they been given the free will to choose not to be born by freely choosing to go along with mom's deadly plan? Poch Suzara

Talking Serpent

God could talk to Adam and Eve at any time, but would not dare talk to the TALKING SERPENT to behave himself? What kind of a SILLY GOD was God? Was God just as frightened of the TALKING SERPENT? Just as much as the religious morons are all frightened of the Talking Serpent today? Poch Suzara

Monday, December 26, 2011

Jesus Freaks

Jesus had neither the beauty nor the power to give any kind of meaning for my life in any shape or form whatsoever. It is what Jesus did to all of my love-ones, relatives, friends and associates, classmates and school-mates in school, indeed what Jesus did to all of my countrymen - all frightened as victims rather than be the intelligent masters of religion. Such Jesus freaks continue to keep our country poor and backward at the price too dear to pay: - the mindless surrender of the self via the mutilation of the intellect. Poch Suzara

Revelation - as Second-hand Old and Useless Information

God may have revealed the truth to Moses in the Old Testament; and may have revealed the truth to Matthew, Luke, Mark, and John in the New Testament. But until God directly reveals the truth to me, I have the right to reject such revelation. I do not care to participate in the Christian scheme of hand me down unreliable old and useless information. Indeed, revelation is a direct communication; it has nothing to do with second-hand or third-hand pass the buck childish information. Poch Suzara

Steve Allen

“It was only when I finally undertook to read the Bible through from beginning to end that I perceived that its depiction of the Lord God--whom I had always viewed as the very embodiment of perfection--was actually that of a monstrous, vengeful tyrant, far exceeding in bloodthirstiness and insane savagery the depredations of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Attila the Hun, or any other mass murderer of ancient or modern history.”
— Steve Allen, Steve Allen on the Bible, Religion & Morality, 1990

Indeed, Steve Allen - a man of my own mind and heart. Poch Suzara

Saturday, December 24, 2011

God is not a Catholic

I am a publicly-declared, openly-avowed atheist. Thus, in our faith-soaked society, I am told that I need to see a psychiatrist to assist me solve my mental illness, if not to remedy my neurotic rebellion against authority. In brief, I am considered a danger to society as I am an individual with emotional troubles without a God to guide me to be on the right path. What is more ticklish about this situation, however, is that to label atheism as a psychological problem is a childish, indeed, a laughable attempt to evade the real issue whether there is a God or not? In the meantime, I already visited a Catholic psychiatrist. He could not prove to me the existence of God, nay, he could not prove to me that God is a Catholic! Happily, after much lively discussion, my Catholic psychiatrist friend is now interested to borrow my books on atheism to read off my personal library. Poch Suzara

Winter Solstice Greetings

WINTER SOLSTICE GREETINGS The earth has spent more time orbiting the sun than all the religions, all superstitions, all of humanity, and even of all life itself. The Winter Solstice represents an actual astronomical event unlike superstition driven celebrations that occur only in religious imagination. The exact day of the winter solstice marks the end of autumn, just one point along the orbital path of earth. The energy of the sun and the fertile earth, along with the over 4.5 billion winter solstices that have occurred, allowed enough time for all of earth's evolution to happen (and to continue to happen). This puts the Winter Solstice in a far more humbling position than anything invented by humans. Considering that the earth also comes closest* to the sun during the winter, what better time to honor the sun than during the Winter Solstice. The festivals of the Winter Solstice celebrate the start of the new solar year and the beginning of winter. The fantasies of superstition have also used this astronomical event to celebrate Saturnalia, Yule, Christmas, and many other superstitious events. The unknown builders of Stonehenge in southern England constructed the megaliths at around 2000 B.C.E. which makes it at least twice as old as Christianity. It accurately predicts both the summer and winter solstices. In astronomy, a solstice occurs two times a year. During the Winter Solstice the sun appears at its greatest distance from the celestial equator, the great circle on the celestial sphere that occurs on the same plane as the earth's equator. In the northern hemisphere, the winter solstice occurs either December 21 or 22, when the sun shines directly over the tropic of Capricorn. The winter solstice marks the shortest day and the longest night of the year. The sun appears at its lowest point in the sky, and its noontime elevation appears the same for several days before and after the solstice. The summer solstice occurs either June 21 or 22, when the sun shines directly over the tropic of Cancer. In the southern hemisphere, the winter and summer solstices appear reversed. It may seem contradictory that the earth comes closest to the sun during the winter and the farthest during the summer, but the seasons occur mostly because of the tilt away or toward the sun, rather than the distance from the sun. As atheists we do not celebrate the birth of Christ called Christmas. Instead, we celebrate the Winter Solstice. We do not care to celebrate man's capacity to believe; rather, we celebrate, all year round - man's great ability to think! After all, there is nothing quite like it in all of nature! . . . Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Friday, December 23, 2011

Who Else has Heard of Jesus

There are 7,000,000,000 BILLION people existing on this planet earth today - HOW COME ONLY 1 OUT OF 7 people celebrate the BIRTH OF JESUS? How come, most Asian non-Catholic countries enjoy a higher standard of living and thinking? So much so these growing and developing Asian countries who never heard of Jesus are able to hire with bigger wages Filipino workers to wash their dishes, laundry their dirty cloths, drive their vehicles, cook for them, run their elevators, be janitors of their office and residential buildings, sweep their streets, etc??

What happened? How come these Asian countries never heard of Jesus who declared to his apostles in the HOLY BIBLE - a book written by inspired authors of God:

"And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. "Go ye into all the world and make disciples of all the nations in my name" (Matthew 28:19).

So how come in all of Asia during these past 2011 years only the Filipinos in the Philippines love, worship, and adore Jesus as its Savior and at the same time - the Philippines is way, way behind in the race to achieve the higher standard of living and the higher standard of thinking as a nation otherwise more known as the race for civilization?" Poch Suzara

Poch Suzara

God Bless the Devil in America

The historical joke in America can best be summarized in a few simple words: GOD BLESS AMERICA - THE LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE. I lived and worked in America for some 19 years. I eventually saw through the reality that as a matter of fact AMERICA IS THE LAND FOR THE SELFISH, THE GREEDY, THE STUPID, AND THE INSANE - precisely the ingredients one must have to attain great wealth, power, and SUCCESS more known as the American way of life. What America did to its native Indians and to its imported Black slave laborers from the African continent says much that it was not only God, but also the Devil who blessed America. Poch Suzara

Thursday, December 22, 2011

What If Jesus Said

What if Jesus had instead said: "Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of heaven as a fearless intellectual, an avid reader, a humanist thinker, a lover of mankind, a La Salle high school expelled student like a Poch Suzara, he shall not enter therein."
What then?

The Worst Kind of Corruption

Dec. 22, 2011 Philippine Daily Inquirer Letter to the Editors Dear Sirs: The Worst Kind of Corruption Corruption in our country is not only endemic; it is pandemic. It is like a supernatural monster existing here, there, and everywhere. It is always hungry and needs feeding. The diet is unique: sacred lies marinated in holy deception then cooked with the power of education The worst kind of corruption, however, is the corruption of the mind and heart. The evil comes from our corrupt system of education. Look at the corrupt men and corrupt women in and out of government. They are the corrupt products of La Salle, Ateneo, Assumption, Letran, San Beda, Miriam college, University of Santo Thomas, University of the Philippines, Asian Institute of Management and all the rest of them that are commercial enterprises, hardly educational. Indeed, we are all born innocent, not corrupt. We are made corrupt during our formative years in school to believe in a lot of illusions and delusions that keep our society perpetually sick under national confusion. Indeed, we are not the rich masters of education. We are the poor victims of it. It is time that we Filipinos look seriously at our corrupt values and beliefs. Corruption has given us an image not of life, but of death. Ours, indeed, is a culture of corruption. A half-naked dead Son of God hangs on a cross in most of our homes, schools, hospitals, banks, sports arena, courts of Law, executive, legislative, judicial branches of government office, and indeed, especially around our own necks. It is not a symbol of self-respect as a people. It is not symbol of dignity as a nation. It is, indeed, a symbol of our failure as a people under the success of superstition in our poor and backward country. One of the greatest man this world has ever produced was a Filipino - our one and only Jose Rizal. He wrote two great books that shook the foundation of Christian power and authority over our minds and hearts as a conquered people. He proved with documentary evidence that we are not the brightened masters, but the frightened victims of Christianity. He was publicly executed in December 30, 1896 as authorized by his enemy. The enemy that never left the Philippines. She is still here with power, wealth, and glory popularly known as our "faith in God." Jesus, the Founder of Christianity, warned his disciples and followers: "If any man come to me and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethern, and yea, his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." Luke 14:26 Our Jose Rizal, always on the side of humanity, wrote: "The whole thought of my whole life has always been love of my country and her moral and material development." To Filipinos, he wrote in a manifesto: "My dream was my country's prosperity. . . I would like the Filipino to become worthy, noble, honorable, for a people who makes itself despicable for its cowardice or vices exposes itself to abuses and vexations." In the meantime, we Filipinos have yet to recognize why and how other foreign countries have also been substantiating Rizal's stand on the beauty of science and the power of technology. So much so that these foreign countries have been growing and developing. They are able to hire Filipinos to be their workers and laborers. Now estimated at 15 million Filipinos today residing and working in some 198 countries around the world. Such foreign countries have the free will to establish for themselves a higher standard of living and thinking. The life we conceive as a people is the life we achieve as a nation. With the birth of Jose Rizal in my mind and his death anniversary in my heart, I celebrate dearly what I envisage yearly - the Filipino capacity for love, beauty, knowledge, and the joys in life. Indeed, I celebrate the Filipino potential in creating social sanity, political integrity, religious rationality, economic prosperity, and historical sensibility. The struggle against corruption is everyone's business. Everyone is affected by it, therefore everyone should be responsible enough to take a genuine interest in efforts to admit it, confront it, and to eradicate it. We might begin to admit that the lies and deceptions making for our sick society are not constructive invocations but have been and still are utterly destructive revelations. Sincerely, Poch Suzara San Lorenzo Village, Makati city

Monday, December 19, 2011

Human Misery, Human Tragedy

With or without natural disasters such as flood-hit areas in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao - millions of Filipinos in this only Christian country in Asia struggle to survive with no clean water, no toilet facilities, no shelter, no 3 square meals a day, no medicine, no schools, no hospitals, no hope for a better future. But they are told again and again that GOD WILL PROVIDE FOR THEM if not in this life, in the next better world to come after death known as heaven in the KINGDOM OF GOD. Even the head of the Vatican Bank - the richest, wealthiest, the most powerful bank in the world today - The holy Father - Catholic Pope - offers nothing but silly PRAYERS and CONDOLENCES to alleviate such human misery, such human tragedy in this only Catholic country in Asia today. In the meantime, daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly - we Filipinos have always prayed faithfully to God to help us remedy poverty out of our sick society. This has been going on since the 16th century. Today, in this already 21st century - nothing has as yet happened; in fact, things are just getting out of control, especially our population growing - now at 100 million Filipinos in this only Catholic country in Asia. However, as the results of our daily prayer have been not about something, but only about nothing, what we are told to do is to pray more, pray harder, and pray longer. Obviously, it is getting more and more obvious that as the Sick Man of Asia we have only been praying to a sick God who is just as sick here, sick there, and sick everywhere. Poch suzara

Christianity Seriously

Yes, we should take Christianity seriously; especially if we hope to continue having faith in human stupidity perpetually. After all, silly divinity inextricably mixed and always in cahoots with silly deviltry, especially in the Philippines, spells - Christianity. Poch Suzara

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Jesus in the Bible

In La Salle grade school we were repeatedly told that God is not only here, is not only there, is not only everywhere, but that God is also present in the past, present in the present, and present in the future. But we were also frightened to believe that we must always seek and find God in order to save our souls damned in hell after death.

Do you see now why, in this God-forsaken and devil-taken only christian country
in Asia, millions of us Filipinos have been schooled to carry on our popularity throughout the world as the Sick Man of Asia?

In the holy bible, as written by inspired authors of God, Jesus clearly declared: "WHOSOEVER SHALL NOT RECEIVE THE KINGDOM OF GOD AS A LITTLE CHILD, HE SHALL NOT ENTER THEREIN." Mark 10:15

I asked it before, I ask it again: When will you college-educated frightened morons begin to grow up and contribute to the spiritual growth of the Filipino as a people; and, contribute as well as to the intellectual maturity of the Philippines as a nation?

Must we remain forever on our dumbstruck knees waiting for the Second Coming of Jesus to remedy the ills of our sick society? Especially for the glory of God in hell always in cahoots with the devil in heaven? Poch Suzara

The Bible for Whom, For What

Reading and accepting bible messages as written by inspired authors of God produced not only the Catholics, Lutherans, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Anglicans, Unitarians, Episcopalians, Mormons, Masons, Iglesia Ni Cristo, El Shaddais, Dating Daan, tamang Daan, Jesus is Lord Movement, but also produced 57 other versions of bible itself, not to mention produced also the atheists, agnostics, heretics, and yes produced also the Iglesia de Pocholo? Again, I ask: what was the purpose of God inspiring His authors to write the bible for WHOM? To accomplish WHAT in this world that is not only God forsaken, but also already Devil over taken? Pocholo Suzara

Friday, December 16, 2011

Bible And the Constitution

Mar Patalinjug wrote, and I quote" "The Constitution should be read, understood and interpreted as it is WRITTEN--which is as clear as a legal document could get.
Any "ambiguity" or "lack of clarity" must be the invention of Litigants who have a pecuniary or other reason deliberately not to understand and interpret it AS WRITTEN."

Exactly the same thing should apply with the holy bible. We must read, understand, and interpret it as a religious book written by inspired authors of God.

Unfortunately, due to fear, fear of God, fear of the devil, fear of the unknown, and fear of death, we ignore all the contradictions, inconsistencies, absurdities, obscenities, and atrocities written in the holy bible. Poch Suzara

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Bible Confusion

Reading and accepting bible messages as written by inspired authors of God produced not only the Catholics, Lutherans, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Anglicans, Unitarians, Episcopalians, Mormons, Masons, Iglesia Ni Cristo, El Shaddais, Dating Daan, tamang Daan, Jesus is Lord Movement, but also produced 57 other versions of bible itself, not to mention produced also the atheists, agnostics, heretics, and yes produced also the Iglesia ni Rivera?

Again, I ask: what was the purpose of God inspiring His authors to write the bible for WHOM to accomplish WHAT in this world that is not only God forsaken, but also already Devil taken? Poch Suzara

Free Will is a Serious Joke

Yes, oh Yes, we all have the free will to produce children. Now the question is: where is that same free will of said children to choose whether it wants to be born a girl or a boy or even to choose not to be born at all. Or, to choose the kind of mother and father they would want to have?Free will is a serious joke. Poch Suzara

The Multiplication Table Not Inspired

Do you and your religious gang on these pages, in this forum, have the same problem, the same conflict, the same disagreement, the same need for understanding THE MULTIPLICATION TABLE? Now have you ever heard of the MULTIPLICATION TABLE was written by INSPIRED authors of God?

If simple thinkers can come up with the MULTIPLICATION TABLE as the perfect model of truth, as it is precise and certain and free from all temporal dross, free from contradictions, inconsistencies, absurdities, obscenities, and free from atrocities - why couldn't GOD do exactly the same thing with his INSPIRED authors writing the so-called HOLY BOOK? Poch Suzara

No One is completely Useless

Mar Patalinjug, A teacher in grade 6 La Salle once told me in class that I was a totally useless student. I replied: "No one is completely useless, because the most horrible of us at least serves as a horrible example to others not to emulate." After I was expelled, I embarked on a self-education course. I gradually came to realize that it was my teachers in school who were the ones totally useless for me never to emulate. Indeed, there is greater value in learning HOW to think than learning WHAT to believe. During this Christmas season, while millions will be celebrating the birth of Christ, I would like instead to celebrate with you and Helen, Manny, John, Litton, Emily, Tolo, Peewee, Bobby, Louie, Gil, Frank, Doug, joe Assad, Danding, Nancy, and the rest in our communion of thinkers - the birth of man's capacity for ethical, moral, and philosophical development in love, beauty, knowledge, and the joys in life. More power to all of you in the years to come! Poch Suzara, 2011