Saturday, September 01, 2012
"Everyone starts out being an atheist. No one is born with belief in anything. Infants are atheists until they are indoctrinated." - Andy Rooney
Conscience is no inner voice from God. Conscience is merely the combined product of evolution and education. If one were to follow one’s conscience rather than reason, what follows is not only confusion, but also delusion.
Atheism is the world of reason, reality, and freedom. Atheism is human concern, and intellectual honesty to a degree that the religious mind cannot begin to understand. And yet it is much more. Atheism is not an old religion, it is not a new and upcoming religious organization; it is not, in fact, and never has been, a religion at all. The definition of Atheism is magnificent in its simplicity: Atheism is merely the bed-rock of sanity in a world victimized by insanity.
Atheism rises above divinity. It is on top of humanity. There are no 'chosen people' in the Atheist philosophy. There are no bended knees in Atheism; No frightened followers; no supplications, no prayers; no doctrines; No sacrificial redemption, no eternal promises; No 'divine' revelations, no sacred writings; No washing in the blood of the lamb; No crusades, no massacres, no holy wars; No inquisition; no dogma, hogma, or pigma. No heaven, no hell, no purgatory, no limbo; No silly rewards, no vindictive punishments; No Christ, and no saviors; no I am who am; No burning bush, no talking donkey; No devils, no ghosts and no gods; No fear of silly divinity, only the courage to work for the good of humanity and to struggle only for the spread of human decency.
YES, I AM AN ATHEIST AND PROUD TO BE ONE. I WAS BORN AN ATHEIST AND I SHALL DIE AS AN ATHEIST. There are no other options. No other choices. It is impossible to believe in God while coming out of mother’s womb. It is equally impossible to believe in God while is going out and leaving this world dead and gone.
In the meantime, I am most proud and happy to publicly admit that I am a part of Atheism - a worldwide movement today with no followers. Indeed, we atheists we all leaders - especially of our own destiny. Poch Suzara
Open Letter to the Catholic Bishops on House Bill 4244
September 1, 2012
Open Letter to Rev. Gabriel V. Reyes, D.D.
Episcopal Commission On family and Life
Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines
My dear Rev. Gabriel V. Reyes,
It is incredible how you and the rest of you Catholic Bishops are against the passage of the House Bill 4244 (Reproductive Health Bill). Such a Bill could greatly help promote daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly the practice of family planning and Birth control measures among the 100 million Filipinos now populating the Philippines. Hopefully to reduce considerably the 3 babies born every minute or 1.8 million babies born yearly and indeed, needlessly in our poor and backward country.
My dear Catholic Bishops, why can't we Filipinos imitate God? God himself practiced family planning and birth control measures. With the Virgin Mary, He had begotten only one Son, didn't He?
Yours Sincerely,
Poch Suzara
San Lorenzo Village,
Makati City
Thursday, August 30, 2012
After My Death in the Afterlife, If any
After my death, if there were life after death, I would like to be with just two groups of loved-ones.
The first group, I would like to see and be with are my great grandparents, grandparents, my parents, sisters, aunts and uncles, cousins, nephews and nieces. The friends I grew up with. The hard working people who worked at our homes as maids, cooks, chauffers, gardeners, plumbers, carpenters - really all great and wonderful people. They looked at me not as their employer, but simply as a decent human being to them. As for my teachers in La Salle grade school and high school - who only taught me how to pray to St. John Baptist De la Salle and to keep Jesus in our hearts forever - I hope to see all of them still mentally dead as ever. I would also like to be with the women (187 of them) that I have had relationships with. Indeed, relationship not because of money, but simply because of the taste of honey. Ours were great moments together on this earth.
The second group of people I would like to meet and shake hands and intellectually listen to, and have discussions with, - are the men and women I deeply loved and highly respected: Jose Rizal, Bertrand Russell, Carl Sagan, Will Durant, Voltaire, Nietzsche, George Bernard Shaw, Tom Paine, Robert G. Ingersoll, Walt Whitman, H.L. Mencken, Jean Meslier, John Shelby Spong, Madlyn O’Hair Murray, Ruth Benedict, Hypatia, Ian Rand, Fidel Castro, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Stephen Hawking, George H. Smith, Alvin Toffler, Socrates, Plato, Epicurus, Euripides.
I have neither the hope nor the wish to meet sick characters who never existed but have nevertheless have had sick influences over our sick world. I mean I do not care to meet Superman, Batman and Robin, Spider Man, Mickey Mouse, Popeye, Bugs Bunny, Mutt and Jeff, Lulu, Dick Tracy, James Bond, Moses, Noah, Joshua, Jesus and his apostles, Mary, Joseph, the holy spirit, the holy Ghost, Satan, angels of God, and the rest of the holy bible forces of evil characters who religiously fucked us Filipinos as a people and who criminally fucked our Philippines as a nation.
Indeed, our history as a people has never been about the fight of good versus evil. It has always been about the fight of evil against evil and evil always won. In this day and age, criminals continue to dominate us as a people and criminals continue to rule our Philippines as a nation! And via schools, colleges, and universities - we Filipinos have been frightened enough to even believe that God has always blessed the Philippines - the only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century. Poch Suzara
Cancer Cells do not give a hoot about your Power of Prayer to God
One day Jesus called together his twelve disciples and gave them power and authority to cast out all demons and to heal all disease. LUKE 9:1
What happened? Was Jesus just clowning around? Even his own apostles died of diseases! DO YOU PEOPLE REALLY BELIEVE THAT CANCER CELLS, deadly germs, bacteria, and viruses CAN HEAR AND BE MOVED BY THE POWER OF YOUR PRAYER TO GOD?
The day we are born is the day we begin to live in a dying body because of cancer cells and deadly germs, bacteria, and viruses born with us inside our bodies. Why do you now insult God with your prayers to stop you from dying sooner or later? For my part, I welcome DEATH. It is the best and last part of LIFE! Poch Suzara
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Filipinos Have Never Been Healed by Jesus
When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, 2 and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. Luke 9:1
Indeed, I asked it before, I ask it again: How come in the whole of Asia, only the Philippines got to be converted to be a Catholic country, but not all Filipinos are Catholics as not all Filipinos have been healed as the SICK MAN OF ASIA? Poch Suzara
Shame on You Editors
August 28, 2012
The Manila Times
Letter to the Editors,
Dear Editors:
We are already living in the 21st century. It is incredible how you people still do not, as yet, clearly see that the one and only reason why we Filipinos in the Philippines continue to remain poor spiritually, bankrupt morally, insane socially, corrupt politically, infantile academically, degraded historically, and bankrupt economically - it is because the Philippines - the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century - has always been consistently BLESSED BY GOD!
Today, your editorial reads: GOD BLESS CJ SERENO - AND THE PHILIPPINES. As if God has ever failed to bless daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly any of our corrupt government officials in the past and in the present!
Poch Suzara
San Lorenzo Village
Makati City
Sunday, August 26, 2012
There is Nothing Wrong with Filipinos in the Philippines
Aug. 24, 2012
Dearest Guys and Gals,
I said it before, I say it again: there is nothing wrong with Filipinos in the Philippines except that it continues to be BLESSED by GOD with CATHOLICISM. Indeed, the trouble with the Philippines is that since the 16th century, today, in this already 21st century - she is still under the rule and domination of the Catholics,
by the Catholics, and for the Catholics. Cheers! Poch Suzara
Saturday, August 25, 2012
The Power of Thought
Ninoy Aguino said: "The Filipino is worth dying for." For my part, I should say: "The Filipino is worth thinking for."
After all, there is nothing more worthy in this world than the power of thought that gives birth to the power of love and growth and development.
Indeed, it is obvious: as a people, we are loveless; and, as a nation, we are thoughtless. It is what our schools, colleges, and universities have been and still are all about down here; especially for the glory of the next life with God in a heaven up out there! Poch Suzara
Life as More Precious than Death
Frightened believers tell me that they believe in God because it "gives meaning to their lives."
Well, during my youthful years, I too believed in God. However, I hardly felt life's meaning; on the contrary, I felt the burden of guilt that crippled my mind and heart. The terror made me live uselessly like a frightened subservient moron. I only loved divinity up there. I did not give a hoot for humanity nor had I any kind of love for my country down here. Under the influence of great fear, like a good soldier, I had the courage to die gallantly in battle; but I had no courage at all to question what it was really that I will die for. In brief, RELIGION as the most important of all subjects - I was educated to never think for myself. In fact, I was warned to read not the bible. Well, as a teenager, I did. I began to see slowly and learned gradually the lies and deceptions - the illusion, confusion, and delusion that characterize our spiritual poverty as the Sick Man of Asia in the Philippines.
In the ultimate analysis, I managed, somehow, to save my precious mind and heart; NOT my silly soul. Indeed, at the age of 14 I slowly began to appreciate not only the sanity, but also the beauty and the dignity of enjoying not freedom OF religion, but freedom FROM religion.
We humans live in a world of extreme poverty, hunger, and preventable diseases. Today, in this already 21st century, more than TWO BILLION people are still without access to safe drinking water, without sanitation facilities. And to think that the bible says proudly that "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have life everlasting." John 3:16. And that in the meantime, we must only wait, like crippled faithfools, for the Second Coming of the Son of God Jesus who will remedy the ills of our historicaly blessed by God society? Poch Suzara
Friday, August 24, 2012
Death is not Temporary, It is Final
After death, even if one were still alive in spirit, I ask: with what eyes shall we see; with what ears shall we hear; with what nose shall we smell; with what palate shall we taste; with what skin shall we feel; with what sexual organ shall we have sex; indeed, with what brain shall we think?
In the final analysis, man dies entirely. We do not die partially. Nothing is more evident to him who is not delirious. The human body, after death, is but a mass of meat, incapable of producing any movement the union of which constitute life. We no longer see circulation, respiration, digestion, reflection, or declamation. Nothing is more natural and more simple than to believe that the dead man is no more. There is nothing more absurd than to believe that the dead man is still living.
H. L. Mencken summarized neatly for all of us to clearly see: "Immortality is the condition of a dead man who does not believe that he is already dead." Poch Suzara Google# Atheist# Facebook# Twitter#
Daily Birth and Daily Death in this World
Aug, 23, 2012
Philippine Daily Inquirer
Letters to the Editors
Dear Editors,
According to UN statistics an average of 360,000 babies are born each and every day in this world; and an average of 150,000 people die each and ever day in this world.
One would think that God could have far more important things to do with his time and energy - like alleviating the historical troubles of Filipinos in the Philippines - the only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century!
God just busy daily creating babies in this world to live a life of poverty; and, to daily judge the poor souls of the dead to go to heaven or to go to hell - sounds so monotonous, so boring, so meaningless - like a broken fucking record!
Poch Suzara
San Lorenzo Village
Makati City
Catholicism in the Philippines
There is something greater, far more delightful than the separation of the Catholic church of the Philippines away from the Catholic Church of the Vatican and that is the separation of the Philippines away from Catholicism - the greatest evil monster that has kept us Filipinos spiritually fucked as a people and has been keeping the Philippines morally fucked as a nation.
Indeed, it is incredible to realize that in this already 21st century we Filipinos are still waiting for the Second Coming of a Jew, the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ - to remedy the historical ills of our sick society? Poch Suzara
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Birth and Death daily in this world
According to UN statistics an average of 360,000 babies are born each day in this world; and an average of 150,000 people die each day in the world.
One would think that God could have far more important things to do with his time and energy than to create babies in this world to suffer and begin to live in a dying body and to judge the silly souls of the dead to go to heaven or to go to hell!
And to think that this is the GOD we were all frightened to believe, to love, to worship, and to adore!
What have we here - a supernatural monster? Poch Suzara
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
I ask you and your gang of religious moron on these pages: HAVE ANY OF YOU EVER MET A FILIPINO WHO GOT TO BE FILTHY RICH FOR BELIEVING THAT GOD IS BAD?
So how come millions upon millions of Filipinos are FILTHY POOR for believing that GOD IS GOOD?
Come on, you frightened religious morons - GISING NA! Poch Suzara
Friday, August 17, 2012
shame on all of your Frightened Catholics
It is truly incredible, nay, despicable, in this day and age - scholars, historians, biographers, college professors, journalists, newspaper editors, and indeed - even the Knights of Rizal are all still pretty entangled arguing back and forth about Rizal said this or said that; or Rizal wrote this or wrote that; or Rizal retracted or never retracted; or Rizal married Josephine or did not marry Josephine; or Rizal promised his mother that he will once more embrace his Catholic faith or did not; or Rizal died not as a heretic but died as a penitent Catholic; or that Rizal believed in God or did
not believe in God; etc, etc, etc.
In the meantime, the evil monster that had Rizal arrested, incarcerated, and publicly executed - THE CATHOLIC CHURCH - is still here pretty much enjoying more wealth, more power, more authority, and more glory keeping us Filipinos spiritually FRIGHTENED as a people and keeping the Philippines morally FRIGHTENED as a nation. Indeed, among the owner of various types of commercial enterprises, the Catholic church owns and manages more than 1,000 schools, colleges, and universities established throughout the Philippines teaching daily, weekly, monthly,and yearly that Jesus Christ is not only Savior of Filipinos, not only the Savior of the Philippines, but also the Savior of Jose Rizal!
I said it before, I say it again: SHAME, SHAME, SHAME ON ALL OF YOU FRIGHTENED Catholics! Poch Suzara
Thursday, August 16, 2012
In the World of Fear, Ignorance, and Lies
Dearest Et Al,
In the world of fear and ignorance, a man of courage and intellect is look upon as the devil himself.
In the world of lies, a man of truth is known to be vulgar, indecent, and in the Philippines he is referred as "pocholito"- a high school expelled student who never went to acquire a college diploma. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
Useless Traveling is like Useless Reading
God sees our tiny world of hate and violence, pain, suffering, illnesses, diseases, poverty, and misery. If God, however, can still afford to feel good and happy with
his creation, I can only say that such an all-loving and all-merciful God has got to be some kind of a supernatural monster, if not a divine Jerk!
Now we are told God does not want to meddle by transforming this earth into a paradise because God does not want us humans to be like robots. Upon what stupid nonsense is this argument based upon? Any intelligent child can see how we humans, if we do not have to waste time and energy solving our silly emotional problems or dealing with our stupid religious troubles, we can, instead, devote our time and energy to traveling around other planets inspecting, discovering, appreciating the beauty of God’s entire creation, and not just what he had created on this tiny planet called earth. To think that earth is so tiny in that a million of such planet earth can fit inside the sun.
We are told that Nothing is impossible with God. Well, how come it has always been impossible for God to have created humans to inhabit heaven, and not to inhabit this God-forsaken earth?
In the meantime, traveling is like reading or even separating way from an unhappy school premises: it is utterly useless if one cannot change; indeed, the greatest discovery of all time is simply - finding one's SELF in this world.
Leonardo Da Vinci wrote briefly: "One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of the great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he could not do."
As for me, a Born-again atheist, I discovered that I need never be afraid of the power of thought; especially as falsely frightened into me by my religiously frightened silly teachers to believe in La Salle grade school and high school. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
I Reject. I Reject. I Reject.
My Dear Reader,
Monday, August 13, 2012
Everybody knows that the truth is sacred; yet nobody knows what the truth is. The same goes for free will. Everybody knows the will is free; yet nobody knows exactly what the will is. We think ourselves free because we are conscious of our wishes and desires, but we are ignorant of the root causes by which we are led to wish or to desire.
Now comes the soul. Everybody knows that the soul is immortal; yet nobody has the faintest idea of what the soul is. All that is known is that the soul must be saved. But if the soul were already immortal, it means that it is imperishable, deathless, and endless. Yet, we are constantly inspired to “save” our souls. But if the soul were already immortal, “save” from what? For what? After death, or even in life, what does it matter? Who needs it? But why even bother to save a silly soul? After death, what good is a soul without a body to house it or to contain it? If the soul can exist apart from the body, then what need is there to save it? Even if, or after, you do obey your priest’s or minister’s idiotic advice ( these guys are self-appointed expert in that field ) to repent all your sins, beg God to forgive you, etc., how can you really know that your soul has been “saved?”
If Adam was the first “mortal” on this earth, and as the Christians claim, gifted with the first immortal soul, then whence came all the following billions of souls since Adam? From God? How, exactly? How do you know? God created everything? Well, if this were so, God must have created time and space too. Now where was God located before he created space, and when was it before God created time?
As a matter of fact, what do we really know – not just think or imagine, but actually know anything about the nature of the soul? Not a dammed thing! Just for example: what is its length, height, and width? Color? Is it round, square, or triangular? Origin? Abode? Mode of locomotion? Has a soul been smelled, tasted, touched, measured, weighted, photographed, detected, or determined with any microscope, or telescope, or meter, or instrument of any kind? The truthful answer to these simple questions is: “We don’t know!” Then how in hell does anybody know that it even exists at all? And if the soul is non-materialistic, how can it “burn forever in hell” or “saved” – or even burn for just one single second – for that matter – it it’s not made of combustible matter? If God wants the soul saved, why doesn’t he just save it? He would know how if anybody does since “God knows everything.” You or I have no power to perform such miracles?
Well, suppose it turned out to be true. That souls do exist. That a billion souls pass on to the next world every 25 years or so. However, in the thousands of years that man has existed in this world, God must already be fed up with saved souls here, souls there, and saved souls everywhere in heaven. The devil too must already be fed up with damned souls here, souls there, and damned souls everywhere in hell. Ah, what about the billions of souls too in purgatory on the way to heaven. Let’s not forget the billions of souls too in Limbo on the way to nowhere as neither God nor the devil couldn’t care less for sinless, nay, worthless silly souls of men. Poch Suzara
Friday, August 10, 2012
The Church has Always Faltered All the Time
August 11, 2012
Dear Maribel Ongpin,
The Church could not care less about the quality of life. For the sake of saving souls, what’s essential to the Church is the quantity of life. The more souls there are to be saved, the business is better for the Church. Thus, the evils of family planning and birth control practice – the only way the Church stays in business for the accumulation of more wealth, more power, and more glory and authority.
Yes, abortion is evil. Besides, it is no thrill to kill a baby inside the mother’s womb. It’s called murder; and murder is a crime. What’s more thrilling, however, is to let the babies be conceived, let them be born, let them grow up a bit, then give them a fighting chance, and then kill them. Kill them with malnutrition, filthy surroundings, rotten sanitation, parental neglect, diseases, or asphyxia from vehicular soot and lead. Indeed, many of the nation’s poor children play, trade, sell, eat and sleep, pee and poo, and God knows what else they do – in the streets of our major cities.
What’s the Catholic purpose in being so overly concerned with babies not yet existing, and at the same time be apathetic with children already existing but also already sick and dying? Isn’t this the height of religious hypocrisy? If we do not abandon our children in the streets, we abandon them in school. There, for the most part, they are taught not to learn how to stand up to needs of the human race, but only how to faithfully kneel down to divine grace. How to seek a life of piety by ignoring knowledge and wisdom that should inspire them to carry on a decent and a healthy society. Indeed, for the most part, they only learn how to love divine grace up there by hating the human race down here.
The Catholic church indeed, faltered, but not only sometimes, it does so all the
time. Year in and year out. As the owners of more than 1,000 schools, colleges, and universities look how daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly - the church teaches millions of Filipino students to follow and obey: - "LOVE NOT THIS WORLD (Philippines) neither the things that are in the world. If any man (Filipino) love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." 1 John 2:15. And since we are also taught to believe that there is a better world to come after death, we need not worry about tomorrow because with God's blessings, tomorrow will take care of itself. Matt. 6:34. Or, via the power of prayer - to believe that in order to escape God's wrath, we must only embrace not love of country, but love of divinity.
In the meantime, the worst kind of poverty is the poverty of the mind and heart. Such poverty is what our basic system of education has been and still is all about. Take a deep look at an average Filipino: He is more conversant with the life of a Jewish fellow popularly known as Jesus Christ than he is at home or familiar with
the life and works of a Filipino thinker - Jose Rizal - one of the greatest of men this world has ever produced.
And to think that what ails our sick country precisely comes from the teachings of the Catholic church. Look how millions upon millions of us Filipinos have been taught to believe that our Jose Rizal was a NOBODY compared to Jesus Christ - the Savior of our souls and the Savior of our country - the only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century.
Isn't it time to figure out just exactly why, in our sick country, life in general can be characterized as the daily competition to be the criminal or be the victim of the criminals. Indeed, look how we Filipinos all love Jesus up there, especially by hating one another down here? And why not - since Jesus clearly preached: "If any man come to me and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethrern, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." Luke 14:26
Well, as if such horrors were not enough to keep us spiritually poor as a people and to keep us morally bankrupt as a nation, here are more holy messages from
Jesus - our kind and loving Savior:
"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come
to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law - a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household. Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me." Matt. 10:34-37
For my part, as a publicly-declared, openly-avowed humanist and a humanist
is an atheist who cares, I rest my case!
With my best wishes always,
Poch Suzara
San Lorenzo Village, Makati City
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