Monday, June 16, 2014

Oh Dear, I Must Admit that I am Lost to Whom

"To be found, you must first admit that you're lost." Philippine Star, June 17, 2014 . . . Oh dear, I must admit that I am lost to whom? To a God who is not only lost Himself as He is only always omni-absent, never omni-present? Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

The Trouble with Law

"The trouble with law is lawyers." Clarence Darrow . . . Oh my dear Clarence Darrow, in the Philippines, the trouble with law is not only the lawyers, but also, especially, the lawmakers. They are still our congressmen and and our senators, and never end up in prison; but each and every one of these criminals are always welcomed at any time to be blessed by God inside the Manila Cathedral. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Impossible for God to Reveal the Truth About Himself

"For With God nothing is impossible." Luke 1:37 No kidding? So how come it has always been impossible with God to reveal Himself not as a nothing, but as a something? Indeed, for God to always be omni-present; and not only always omin-absent? Is it really that impossible for God to reveal Himself as the major part of the Revealed Truth that has never as yet been revealed? Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

The Fools, the Saps, the Jerks, and the Corrupt

The fool says in his heart, “there is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds, there is none that does good.” Psalms 14:1 The saps and the jerks, however, all created in the image and likeness of a silly God - as they are the teachers and professors in schools, colleges, and universities - all say that there is a God... As to which God exists out there, nobody knows... It is still a mystery more referred to as the Holy Trinity at worst; at best, however, referred to as the Sacred Divinity always in need of Money! In the meantime, we the wise, when we say there is no God, we say it loud and clear to the world. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

God's Loving Design

"Each person is a unique expression of God's loving design." Philippine Star, June 16, 2014 ... I agree. Specially our sick congressmen and corrupt senators - all claiming publicly to the poor people of the Philippines that they are "MAKA-DIOS and also MAKA-JESUS and therefore NOT capable of committing crimes while in office. . . . And millions of Filipinos who enjoy their blind faith believe such childish nonsense. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Sunday, June 15, 2014


"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." -Philip K. Dick . . . Oh my dear Philip K. Dick, in the ultimate analysis, what does it matter whether we believe or do not believe in the existence of reality? Consider this simply truth as written by science writter Jeremy Rifkin in his famous book ENTROPY: "each unfolding reality contains the seeds of its own destruction and the embryo of a new reality that will replace it." Isn't reality all about the law of birth, growth, death, and decay? Now which part of reality is superior as Pope Francis said: "reality is superior than ideas?" William Shakespeare summarized the bloody mess with these words: "All the world's a stage, and all men and women are merely players. They are have made their exits and entrances.". . . Poch Suzara Twitter@ Facebook# Google#

Friday, June 13, 2014

Right Thinking and Living

"Freethinkers are those who are willing to use their minds without prejudice and without fearing to understand things that clash with their own customs, privileges, or beliefs. This state of mind is not common, but it is essential for right thinking...” - Leo Tolstoy Oh my dear Leo Tolstoy, it is not only essential for right thinking, but also essential, especially, for right, decent way of living. - Poch Suzara

The Corruption as a Greater Evil Than Prostitution

“I prefer a government run like hell by Filipinos to a government run like heaven by Americans.” President Manuel Quezon Oh my dear President Manuel Quezon, you certainly missed the target. We do not have a government run like hell by Filipinos. It's far more despicable than hell. We have a government run by educated men and educated women who are the corrupt products of a corrupt system of a Catholic education - indeed, educated products by schools, colleges, and universities own and operated (tax free) by the Catholic church and its affiliates in the Philippines. To think that corruption is a worst evil than prostitution. Prostitution endangers the morals of an individual. Corruption endangers the morals of society. I said it before, I say it again: the truth hurts; but lies are far more damaging and can last for a thousand years. Far more damaging than the education for corruption is the corruption of education! Millions upon millions of Filipinos love not their country down here, but love only a divinity up there. Indeed, we Filipinos have more love, respect, and admiration for a Jesus Christ than we do love, respect, and admire our own Jose Rizal - the greatest Filipino; in fact, the only Filipino who stood up against the evils of the catholic church in the Philippines.Jose Rizal got arrested, incarcerated, and publicly executed as a way to carry out more of the same business of the Catholic church in the years to come in our poor and corrupt country.. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

God's Word - Historically Destructive in the Philippines

"Let God's word fill your memory, rule your heart, and guide your life." Philippine Star, June 13, 2014. . . Oh, my dear Editors in Chief of Philippine Star, millions upon millions of us Filipinos have already been doing that hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly since the 16th century. Look where it has taken us in this already 21st century. We Filipinos are known worldwide as the Sick People of Asia; and in science and technology, the Philippines is among the most primitive in Asia. In the meantime, my dear Editors, are you not aware that Rev. Eli Soriano of Dating Daan; Rev. Eddie Villanueva of Jesus of Lord Church; Rev. Apollo Quiboloy of the Appointed Son of God church; Rev. Mike Velarde of El Shaddai; Rev. Eddie Manalo of Iglesia Ni Cristo; and the Catholic bishops all hate and insult each other on TV because they cannot agree as to the real nature of God's Word? . . . Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Poor Materially and the poor Spiritually in the Philippines

According to the Department of Social Welfare, out of the population of 100 MILLION Filipinos, an estimated 40 MILLION Filipinos live under poverty level in the Philippines. Indeed, the poverty of materiality. The other 60 MILLION Filipinos, however, live under poverty of another kind - the worst kind - the poverty of the mind and heart - indeed, the poverty of spirituality. They are more known as the Catholics. The Catholic church, however, historically, since the 16th century, has never, but never ceased to remind everybody daily in our poor and backward country what the Lord said: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." ... Thus, life in general in the Philippines can be characterized as the daily competition to be poor in spirit and be saved in the next life as against those who try to be rich in spirit and be damned in this life. . . Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Listen to Jesus in the Bible

"And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them." — Luke 21:8

"For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many." — Mark 13:6

"And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many." — Matthew 24:4-5

For my part, I said it before, I say it again: Jesus could walk on water, change water into wine, multiply loaves of bread into a thousand loaves, raise the dead back to life, got Himself crucified dead on the cross and then resurrected himself back to life. Then get Himself to become world famous as the Savior of the world. But Jesus could not save the millions of poor in spirit Pinoys and Pinays victimized by the religious saps and reverential jerks more famous in the Philippines as Rev. Apollo Quiboloy of the Appointed Son of God; Rev. Mike Velarde of El Shaddai; Rev. Eli Soriano of Dating Daan; Rev. Eddie Villanueva of Jesus is Lord Church; the thoughtless bishops of Iglesia Ni Cristo; and not to mention the insane and selfish bishops of the Catholic church, etc. But then again let's ignore these mindless preachers of Jesus in the Philippines.

Let's listen to Jesus himself as the greatest destroyer of Filipino hearts and minds in the Philippines - the only Jesus country in Asia since the 16th century. Jesus openly and publicly admonished: "IF ANY MAN COME TO ME AND HATE NOT HIS FATHER AND MOTHER, WIFE AND CHILDREN, BRETHREN AND SISTERS, NAY, AND HIS OWN LIFE ALSO, HE CANNOT BE MY DISCIPLE." Luke 14:26

Well, look how, for more than 400 years now, millions of Filipino, the Sick Man of Asia, all love Jesus up there by hating each other and hate our own country down here! Poch Suzara

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Family Bonding

Millions of Filipino families have yet to highly acknowledge, and deeply appreciate this power and beauty: - family bonding has little to do with eating good food together. It has more to do with reading a good book together. Indeed, as products of schools, colleges, and universities we are not a nation of intelligent readers. We remain only as a people of silly prayers. As if prayers have ever reformed our minds and hearts to be progressive as a people; or, as if prayers have ever transformed the Philippines to be progressive as a nation! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Hope is the Worst of Evils

"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man." Friedrich Nietzsche . . . Oh my Dear Friedrich Nietzsche, I entirely agree with you; except perhaps, in the Philippines. Millions upon millions of Catholic Filipinos still happily believe and indeed have high hopes that Jesus will soon be returning to be the Savior of the Philippines. As if, in His own time, centuries ago, Jesus saved his own Jewish land that continues to exist today not as a Catholic, but as a Jewish State. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

There is no such thing as Security

Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing... Helen Keller. . . Oh my dear Helen Keller, I entirely agree with you; except perhaps in the Philippines. With millions of Filipinos, however, security exist as they have been taught via schools, colleges, and universities that they are secured and blessed like in "blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Otherwise more known as the existence of Christianity as inspired by the existence of a mystery more referred to as DEVILTRY masquerading as the Holy Trinity! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Nothing is Permanent in this Wicked World

“Nothing is permanent in this wicked world — not even our troubles.” Charles Chaplin... Oh my dear Charles Chaplin, I entirely agree with you; except perhaps, human stupidity as inspired by our sick values and sick beliefs under a sick religion. It is endless as it seems also mindless. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

One Moment in childhood

"There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in." ... Graham Greene ... Oh yes, with me, it happened when I was 10 years old. I read a pocketbook entitled: "SIXTEEN GREAT BOOKS THAT CHANGE THE WAYS OF THE WORLD." It certainly changed me. I began see how the existence of intelligent humanity was far more precious than the existence of a silly divinity. Poch Suzara

Monday, June 09, 2014

The Evils that Continue to Dominate the Millions of Filipinos in the Philippines

"The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world." Indeed, women, particularly mothers, have a decisive influence on the future direction of society because they raise and nurture the next generation. In Asia, however, what dominates the millions of Filipinos as a people and what rules the Philippines as a nation is the Mother church more known as the Catholic Church and her affiliates and, her schools, colleges, and universities. Indeed, ONLY IN THE PHILIPPINES - the daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly - social, cultural, political, economical, and ecclesiastical affairs are mostly based on how to feel BLESSED AS WE ARE POOR SPIRIT; especially as promised by Jesus - after death, we shall all inherit THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook Google#

Sunday, June 08, 2014

Prayer Before Meal Time in Catholic Homes in the Philippines

Listen to this childish prayer before meal said by millions in Catholic homes in the Philippines: "Bless us, Oh Lord, and these thy gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty, through Christ, Our Lord. Amen."

And to think that Millions of Filipinos are still praying and hoping for the 2nd Coming of Christ to save them away from poverty and insanity. No, there is no thanks for the cook who cooked the food. No thanks for the maid who washed and prepared the dishes set on the table. No thanks for the fishermen who caught the fish, the shrimps, and crabs cooked on the table. No thanks for the farmers who planted the rice and raised the chickens, pigs, and cows, and vegetables set on the table. No thanks for those who marketed the food in the market and those who sold such food items in the market. As a matter of cruelty and stupidity in these Catholic homes, the millions of employees more referred to as maids, cooks, laundry woman, drivers, gardeners, etc are not even enrolled with the Social Security system for their benefits during old age, retirement years! Indeed, why should this be a worry of the Catholic employers of domestic employees since we are all told to believe that God will provide for them! If not in this world; in the next world after death! Do you people see now just how sick we are as the Sick Man of Asia!... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Our Discontented High Government Officials

"A contented person has learned to accept the bitter with the sweet." Philippine Star, June 9, 2014... However, in the Philippines, our corrupt congressmen and corrupt senators have not, as yet, learned to be contented with their millions. They need more money. They need billions; specially for the glory of Jesus on earth as he is in heaven. Poch Suzara

Native American History

Native American History - Early History The History of Native Americans is both fascinating and in many ways, tragic. Estimates range from about 10 – 90 million Native Americans inhabited America at the time of the European arrivals. They had lived in the land many, many years before white man set foot on their soil... It is believed that during the ice age, they had traveled a land-bridge across the Bering Sound, from Siberia into what is now Alaska. They had gradually migrated across the land and southward into Mexico and beyond. The name “Indian” was given them by Christopher Columbus who mistakenly believed he had landed in the Indies. They have been labeled Indians, American Indians, and the now preferred Native Americans. They migrated to all regions of the land and were formed into many different tribes or nations... These were a people who adapted well to their particular regions and made wise use of all natural resources available. They believed in respecting the land and the abundance of gifts it offered. They became proficient fishermen, hunters, farmed crops such as corn, and built homes with whatever available resources their territory provided. Some of these included animal skins, sun-dried brick for adobes, or lumber for long houses depending on the regions. Native American History - Native Americans and the Europeans The Native Americans of the east coast met the new 16th and 17th century visitors from Europe with enthusiasm. They regarded these bearded white men as strange but were delighted with the steel knives, mirrors, copper kettles, and other intriguing novelties. The indigenous tribes were more than accommodating and hospitable. Without their aid, the first waves of settlers would not have survived in the land they knew little about. But in time the Europeans disregarded all respect for the valued land and resources and instead displayed insatiable greed and arrogance... The Europeans soon pursued their intent to conquer this new continent with brutal attacks and invasion. The Native Americans soon realized that the invaders would arrive in overwhelming numbers, as many “as the stars in heaven.” Initially, the people of this land tried to co-exist with the Europeans. But many more problems arose. With all their intriguing gadgets, the white men brought deadly diseases to the Native Americans. The colonists and explorers brought measles, smallpox, cholera, yellow fever, and many more devastating diseases. This drastically diminished the Native American population and annihilated entire villages. In addition to this, the arrogant attitude of the ever-growing whites led to the Indian Wars, the Indian Removal Act (1830), and in 1890 one of the worst massacres ever -- Wounded Knee, South Dakota. Here warriors, women, and children alike were ferociously slaughtered by the U.S. Cavalry. The U.S, government began Relocation Programs and the now famous Trail of Tears march where hundreds of Cherokee died from starvation, exposure, and illnesses. The Native American peoples were not only reduced in number but taken from their homes, stripped of their customs, and even forbidden to speak their native languages. Their children were taken from them and sent to schools to “civilize” them, forced to abandon every aspect of their heritage. In January 1876, the U.S. government forced them to live on ‘reservations’ where the majority of Native Americans still reside today... Native American History - The 20th Century Native Americans Some consider Native Americans as a resilient people. The Indian Citizen Act of 1924 offered official citizenship to the Native American tribes. This was partly due to the heroic service of many of them in World War I. Others like Jim Thorpe, Sequoyah, and Sacajawea have represented their people with greatness. There are well over 500 recognized tribal governments currently in the U.S. They are self-governed and considered to be sovereign nations of people within America. There are currently more than 2.48 million Native Americans, according to the 2000 census bureau. While most still live on the reservations, they are considered some of the most poverty-ridden areas in the United States. Unemployment is 5 times higher than the general U. S. population, according to the 2002 Bureau of Indian Affairs. As with many defeated, oppressed people, they have suffered tremendously from the plagues of alcoholism and suicide. These were once a vibrant and resourceful people. They have been robbed, humiliated, and removed from all they knew. Though many have tried through the centuries to civilize, Christianize, and Americanize the Native American people, there are organizations today that recognize the important heritage of these nations. For example, Wiconi International says “we want to see Indigenous people come to know and experience ultimate freedom, and deliverance from the powers of darkness that still prevail in lands and communities…” ... In the meantime, in view of the above, I say again to Ayn Rand, you are such a sick tootie-frootie of a Patootie when it comes to judging a people who were already existing in America for more than a thousand years before the white "trash" arrived to ruin everything that was so beautiful, so peaceful, and so delightful in America!. . . Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#