Thursday, April 02, 2015
Science in the Hands of the Sick Politicians
“Perhaps religion provides the justification for wars, but science provides the weapons.” ― James Rozoff . . . Sir, you are way off target. Science in the hands of selfish, greedy, stupid, insane, and sick politicians provides the weapons for war... Poch Suzara twitter# Facebook# Google#
The Truth versus Lies and Deceptions
After I got expelled out of high school some 65 years ago, I devoted most of my life in search of the truth via reading and reading great books. No, I have not found the whole truth. I only found parts of the truth. Sadly, however, as I tried to share with my friends, associates, and relatives these partial truths with them - they got shocked with me as they are only happy and proud being faithful as believers in the lies and deceptions told to them to believe in their schools, colleges, and universities. It is true, down through the years, my fight against the believers have been endless; especially as believers are often told that ignorance is a mark of closeness to God; that ignorance is really a kind of spiritual enlightenment, and that ignorance is what true faith is all about. I said it before, I say it again: Belief in God is not a problem. Belief without evidence is the problem! Poch Suzara twitter# Facebook# Google#
We Filipinos Have No Culture
Culture is the way a people think. We Filipinos have no culture. We do not know HOW to think. We only know WHAT to believe as taught to us in schools, colleges, and universities mostly own and operated by the Catholic church in the Philippines - the only Catholic country in Asia. But here's something even more ticklish: our catholic system of education has taught us to hate life, to hate fellow-citizens, hate our country down here. Indeed, we must love only God and the Son of God Jesus always. In this way, we shall gain "eternal salvation after death in the kingdom of God up there. Poch Suzara twitter# Facebook# Google#
Wednesday, April 01, 2015
The Miracle From God Due to the Power of Prayer
Why is it that when someone recovers from cancer, Christians claim the recovery is a miracle from God due to the power of prayer; but how come they never ask "why did God give that person cancer in the first place?" ... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
It is Better to Light the Candle than Curse the Darkness
What, indeed, is terribly wrong with us, Filipinos? Why are we addicted to the habit of "cursing the darkness instead of lighting the candle" that will illuminate our road to the future?". . . Carlos D. Isles . . . My dear Carlos, it is better to learn first how to manufacture our own candle. There is no use lighting a Catholic candle. Such a foreign product has been and still big catholic business in our poor and backward, messy and corrupt, aimless and rudderless, - only catholic country in Asia since the 16th century... Poch Suzara twitter# Facebook# Google
Lee Kuan Yew on the Philippines
"I do not believe democracy necessarily leads to development. I believe what a country needs to develop is discipline more than democracy." - Lee Kuan Yew... Oh my dear Lee Kuan Yew, Unfortunately, as the sick system of education in the Philippines has always been and is under the full control and authority of the Catholic church, we Filipinos could only learn to be Catholics first, and then to learn, if at all, be well-informed citizens of our own country... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
All Serious readers are Atheists
All readers, serious and fearless readers, are atheists; in fact, if the existence of books frighten you, you can never appreciate the power nor the beauty of atheism. Poch Suzara Twitter# facebook# Google#
Monday, March 30, 2015
Corruption in the Media and Courts in the Philippines
"The Philippines had a rambunctious press but it did not check corruption. Individual press reporters could be bought, as could many judges." - Lee Kuan Yew... Indeed, what could be expected of writers and editors of the media, and the lawyers and judges in court educated under a catholic system of education in grade school, and in college to believe there is always available from God the forgiveness of sin and crime at any time. Especially if we were more loyal and devoted to Christian values and beliefs than we should be loyal and in love with our own country. . . Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# google#
Sunday, March 29, 2015
The Lucky and Fortunate people of Singapore
"The Singaporeans just do not realize how lucky and fortunate they are. Lew Kuan Yew, their Prime Minister of some 30 years, never attended grade school, high school, and college own and operated by the Catholic church. Otherwise, Singapore would be just as poor and backward, messy, sick, and corrupt, aimless and rudderless as the Philippines is today as the only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century... In the meantime, most Asian countries growing and developing with science and technology, its people are working and thinking, working and working all the time. In the Philippines, we Filipinos are always only praying and praying daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. . . Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
The Secret of my happiness
The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less... Socrates. . . As for me, the secret of my happiness is to seek more question and with the answers to develop and to enjoy more and deeper questions... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
Friday, March 27, 2015
Who the Fuck is this Satan?
"If we hold on to God's truth, we won't be trapped by Satan's lies." ... Philippine Star, March 27, 2015. . . Now wait a minute! Who is this Satan? Where the fuck did he come from? Who the fact created Satan? And how come he is able to tell lies just like our corrupt politicians in the government know how to tell lies to the people!... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
We Have no College-educated Leaders for our country
In our poor and backward country, since more than a century ago, we have college-educated lawyers, doctors, engineers, architects, importers, exporters, stock brokers, not to mention college-educated writers, editors, mayors, governors, congressmen, senators, presidents; indeed, we even have college-educated theologians, teachers, and professors. Sadly, unfortunately, and historically, we have yet to have college educated leaders to lead us to grow in health as a decent people, and to lead us to develop in wealth as a decent nation... Golly, even the millions of college-educated men and women in this God-forsaken country are all just waiting for the coming to Jesus to remedy the ills of our society society... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
The Examined Vagina
The un-examined life is worth living. - Socrates... The un-examined belief is not worth having. - Nick Fatool... Well, here's something to think about: The examined vagina is not worth fucking. After all, there is nothing uglier in this world than the existence of a vagina... And to think men, having come out of it, would even kill each other just to enter back in. Oh yes, the vagina is the alter by which all men worship. . . Well, here's something even more ticklish to think about: The most sellable item at any time and anywhere in the world today is the ugly vagina. Well, I said it before, I say it again: if we live in a sick world populated mostly by sick men, it mainly due to a sick creator! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
The Intimidated Atheists
I envy the gays and the lesbians. Decades ago, they were laughed at, threatened, insulted, maltreated, ostracized, frightened, beaten, tortured, lynched, burned, and hanged. But they stood their ground to vigorously fight hatred and bigotry. Today, the gays and lesbians are the accepted parts of mainstream society. They are in government as politicians, in church as priests and nuns, in trade and commerce as businessmen and businesswomen, in schools, colleges, and universities as teachers and professors, creative artist in the advertising industry, actors and actresses in the film industry, golly they are even the loved moms and respected dads raising decent children...
Except the frightened atheists. We are still behaving like a bunch of intimidated freaks. Instead of evolving publicly; we would rather be recoiling privately. We are still afraid to expose the power of knowledge that got us to be atheists to begin with. We are still hiding inside the dark closet. For Christ’s sake, there are even existing atheist today who are famous authors, lawyers, educators, philosophers, and scientists but they are among the first idiots to intimidate fellow atheist not to identify our true identity in public as “atheist.” After all, they insists: the word “atheist” connotes something of a criminal, if not some kind of an animal. I say: fuck that shit!...
In this already 21st century, we atheists are left out like a bunch of crippled idiots in a quagmire stuck away from the decent struggle to promote tolerance for our rights to openly exist as atheists too. We continue to be frightened hiding under the pressure from those who enjoy exalting fear and fanaticism for and in this world that forever needs feeding...
I said it before, I say it again: ATHEISTS, STAND UP AND SPEAK UP. WE HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE AND EVERYTHING TO GAIN ESPECIALLY MORE SELF-RESPECT AND HUMAN DIGNITY! . . . Poch Suzara - The Father of Atheism in the Philippines Twitter# Facebook# Google#
I Walked Alone Proudly and Happily
The one who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The one who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been before... Albert Einstein . . . For my part, as a high school expelled student of some 65 years ago, though poor and virtually a nobody, I am nevertheless most happy and proud still enrolled as a student in the greatest of all universities - it is but a collection of books... Indeed, I have been in places where none of classmates and schoolmates, not to mention my own teachers in class - have ever been before. . . Poch Suzara twitter# Facebook# Google#
Monday, March 23, 2015
The Sick Liars of our Sick Government
'I was Lee Kuan Yew of Makati.'. . VP Jejomar Binay . . .
Wow, VP Binay, how do you explain the fact that thousands of college educated Filipinos are working as "employees" in Singapore... While there is not one college-educated Singaporean working as an "employee" in our poor and backward only Catholic country in Asia? More Wow Sir, where are the honest and decent leaders you produced for Makati when, after 20 years in office, you ceased to be the mayor of Makati? . . . Poch Suzara twitter# Facebook# Google#
Sunday, March 22, 2015
The ills of the World are Still to Sick Religions
"Almost all of the progress in the world from the earliest times is attributable to science and the scientific way of thinking; almost all of the ills are attributable to religion." --- Bertrand Russell . . . In the Philippines, in this already 21st century, millions of us Filipinos are still quarreling like a bunch of religious morons on what is revealed as truth or what is not revealed as the truth in the stupid bible - a book of lies written thousands of years ago by inspired Jewish saps and superstitious primitives of God... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
The Knowledge of God
"The thought of God staggers the mind but to know Him satisfies the heart." --- Philippine Star, March 19, 2015 . . . In the meantime, most men, specially those proud and faithful of their school-boy mentality; indeed, those with twisted minds, and with mutilated hearts, would readily declare that they know this about God; or, that they know that about God; but they have not the foggiest notion what "knowing" means... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
The Philippines as the Only Catholic Country in Asia Since 500 years ago
The Catholic resolution to find the Philippines poor, ugly, messy, and dirty has made the Philippines poor, ugly, messy, and dirty. Indeed, this is one truth revealed in the bible: "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." 1 John 2:15. Well, thanks to Catholicism as the only Catholic country in Asia since 500 years ago, millions upon millions of Filipinos have neither love nor affection for the Philippines. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
The Frightened Minds and the Broken Hearts of Men
"The thought of God staggers the mind but to know Him satisfies the heart." ... Philippine Star, March 19, 2015. . .
In the meantime, most men, specially those proud and faithful of their school-boy mentality, those who are mindless as they are heartless, would readily declare to the whole world that they know this or that they know that; but they have not the slightest notion what "knowing" means... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
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