Monday, January 05, 2004

Intellectual Cowards

Schools, colleges, and universities in the Philipines are in the business of producing corwards; especially intellectual cowards. Indeed, when college graduates of this country are scared to think, or frightened with new and fresh ideas, the most that they can enjoy is the freedom to enjoy infantile pursuits. Poch Suzara

Saturday, January 03, 2004

Let us Die Sober

I will certainly die one day soon. I should wish, however, to die sober accepting the end of my metabolism. I do not wish to die drunk with the promises of Catholicism. Indeed, I look forward to the peace of sleeping eternally. I have no taste for life after death. I do not care to meet Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and the rest of those silly bible characters. Most of all, I do not care to meet supernatural morons known as God and Satan.

I said it before, I say it again: Fuck divinity. Fuck deviltry. Fuck life after death! There is no human existence after death. With what eyes shall we see? With what ears shall we hear? With what nose shall we smell? With that palate shall we taste? With what skin shall we feel? With what sex organ shall we feel the pleasures of sex? Poch Suzara
In our sick society everybody's involved in the universal scramble for money: - to satisfy not only one's stupid greed, but also to amplify one's stupid creed. Poch suzara
Great is the freedom of religion. Greater is the freedom from religion. Greatest is the freedom of inquiry to promote rationality for the sake of establishing a sane society. Poch Suzara

Learning as an Endless Adventure

God's Chosen People

For my part, I have no interest whatsoever to become a Jew - God's Chosen people. I would rather be an Eskimo - God's Frozen people. Poch Suzara

Jesus Said

Jesus said:"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." So how come Adam and Eve knew not the truth since both were created not only perfect and free, but also gifted with a free will? Poch Suzara

Stupid Deviltry

What is the purpose of the freedom of religion as a gift from divinity if humanity only continues to struggle painfully daily against stupid deviltry? I said it before, I say it again: far more important than the freedom OF religion is something far more precious is the freedom FROM religion. Poch Suzara

Lies and Falsehood

The fear of hell has always been overwhelming. It has destroyed the spirit of free inquiry, promoted spiritual poverty, and discouraged intellectual liberty. It is indeed difficult for a child to grow up matured and responsible when he has to carry on his back the burden of lies and falsehood. Poch Suzara

Stupid Religion as Evil

In this world largely dominated by organized religion, we are born to be emotionally bothered, condemned to live with guilt and shame, if not intellectually retarded. We are even indoctrinated to die spiritually frightened. Thus, the greatest evil is the evil of stupid religion. Poch Suzara

Science - product of Human intelligence

Science is a product of human intelligence. In order to carry out its tasks to change our world of darkness into a better world of light - science has neither the time nor the energy to fool around with stupid religion - the product of human stupidity.

Indeed, religion as a product of human stupidity encourages, fearfully, more stupidity.
On the other hand, science as a product of human intelligence encourages, fearlessly
not only more intelligence, but also promotes more benevolence so that we may all reject divine grace, but learn instead to live creatively, peacefully, and nobly together as decent members of the human race. Poch Suzara
Scientific analysis expresses the assumption that we can take things apart and study the details in isolation in order to understand the whole. Poch Suzara

Man of Science

I would rather learn from a man of science awestruck by the beauty, subtlety, and majesty of the natural world than I would believe the man of religion dumbstruck with fear and ignorance in love with superstition. Poch Suzara

Original Talking Serpent

God readily blamed Eve for the Fall of Adam. God did not have the guts to blame the real culprit of the original mess: - The stupid devil in the shape of a Talking Serpent that got away scot-free. Poch Suzara

Silly Apple Tree

God was more worried about a silly apple tree than he was involved with the welfare and happiness and education of his first two kids. Specially to grow up precisely like a Noah the only man, according to Genesis, who found grace with God. Poch Suzara

Abandoned Women

God had the kindness to send an angel to assist a virgin, but he leaves abandoned millions of women and children to languish and to starve to death. No way will I ever love, worship, and adore such a worthless, a mean and a brutal God. Poch Suzara

God in the Koran

Another nice definition of insanity is found in the sacred Qu'ran: - "Never think that those who were slain in the cause of God are dead. They are alive and well provided for by the Lord." Poch Suzara

The Clearest Definition of the Sick Man of Asia

The clearest definition of the Sick Man of Asia is found in the New Testament of the Holy Bible: "If any man come to me and hate not his father, his mother, his wife, his children, his brethren, his sisters, and yea his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. Luke 14:26 Poch Suzara

Religious Moron

Those who are afraid to read material that they think will contradict their religious beliefs are no better off that those who are afraid to read from cover to cover the holy bible. Poch Suzara

God and the Devil

Blessed are the peacemakers. They have finally realized that hate and wars are the effects of a silly belief in a silly God always in cahoots with a silly devil. Poch Suzara