Thursday, November 04, 2004

If God Knows

If God knows for certain how exactly anything works, why does He not share it with the United States of America? After all, IN GOD WE TRUST, has always been the motto of the United States government! Poch Suzara

What do rich

What do rich Americans in America have in common with rich Filipinos in the Philippines? Both enjoy a goverment of the rich, by the richer, and for the richest. The rest of us poor Americans and poor Filipinos are poor dummies of freedom and democracy. Poch Suzara

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Oh Lord

"Oh Lord, hear our prayer." A 100,000,000,000 people already lived and died on this earth and I ask: what if the Lord never heard any of their silly prayers? And if the Lord did, so what? Poch Suzara

If I must believe

If I must believe in anything worth believing, I believe that man is good by nature and that whatever ills or evils there are in human affairs - they are due to corrupt intitutions as inspired by rotten religions that are products themselves of rotten and corrupt system of education. Poch Suzara

Thoughts versus beliefs

Most people have beliefs but no thoughts of their own. Indeed, most people hate to think, and as they practice daily being thoughtless, they eventually become good at it.

In the meantime, if I do not share my thoughts, they wind up being worthless. Sharing is what makes thought beautiful or delightful, or, as the case may be - despicable.
Poch Suzara

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Bertrand Russell Society and Humanist Party

My sister Gemma of the Humanist Party of the Philippines is pretty much involved with helping the poor people of Payatas living off garbage and trash.
The Bertrand Russell Society, Philippines, of which I set up years ago, is involved with helping people precisely to prevent them from ending up in such places like Payatas. Poch Suzara

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Without God

I am told that without God everything is permitted. This is pure hokum. As a matter of fact, with God everything is permitted. Look at the Christians, the Jews, and the Muslims. Look how they all feel not only the permission, but also the inspiration from God to hate and to slaughter each other in His name! Poch Suzara


I believe religion is a disease born of fear, inspired by ignorance, and the main source of superstition that's keeping the Filipino poor as a people and backward as a nation. Poch Suzara

Great Filipinos

I said it before, I say it again, there will never be a generation of great and free Filipino sons unless there is a generation of free and great Filipino mothers answerable not to the priesthood industry, but only to motherhood responsibility and respectability. Poch Suzara

United Religions

The world is now enjoying benefits from the United Nations. I ask: when the world enjoy also benefits from a United Religions? Poch Suzara

What's going on

Filipino Soldiers do not kill, they "salvage" rebels. Israel killers are called "Commandos." Arab fighters are called "Terrorists." But if Crime-fighters fight crime, and Fire-fighters fight fire, what the hell do Freedom-fighters fight? As the song goes... "What's going on?" Poch Suzara


Christians pray to God on Sunday. The Jews pray on Saturday. The Muslims pray on Friday. The Buddhists pray on Thursday. The Hindus pray to God on Wednesday. By
the time the week is over God must be all fed-up, sick and tired of prayers. Therefore God's answer to all of our prayers - JUST KEEP ON PRAYING YOU FOOLS! Poch Suzara

My Kingdom

Jesus said: "My kingdom is not of this world." if this were true, why bother with this world? And to think that Jesus, the Son of the Creator of heaven and earth, allowed himself to be crucified by a bunch of Jewish lunatics? And to think further that the place where Jesus was born has never been a Christian country. Israel today is a Jewish State.

In the meantime, everybody knows that heaven is another word for the "kingdom of God."
However, nobody knows where exactly is heaven or the kingdom of God is located.
Poch Suzara

The Filipino mind

Our teachers in school always said: "Do this, because if you do not not, you will be punished." Is it any wonder that we are a nation not of courageous thinkers, but only frightened believers? In the meantime, every horror that is transpiring daily in our sick society is the exact reflection of the Filipino mind as certified products of our sick system of education. Poch Suzara


The existence of evil before humans arrived on this planet, proves without a shadow of a doubt that an all-powerful, all-good, and all-loving God had already died. If God were still alive today, however, such a God is not worth believing nor loving. Meanwhile, a mystery plus obscurity plus deviltry equals the Holy Trinity invented by silly theology. Poch Suzara

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Christians at War

Christians at war with each other cannot be at peace with their heavenly Father. Christians, however, who are at war with non-Christians make their heavenly Father so proud of them. Poch Suzara

Existence of God

Any debate on the existence of God, not matter how brilliant the arguments for or against, can never be decided at all because even God can never be around to judge who won in the debate. Poch Suzara

Educated Mind and Heart

Our system of education does not encourage human benevolence; on the contrary, it stultifies the potential for human intelligence. education is suppose to promote,
not demote the human mind; indeed, suppose to nourish, not malnourished, the human heart.

In the Philippines, thanks to our schools, colleges, and universities we are mainly taught how to be happy and proud as the Sick Man of Asia. It is, in this way, that we must always have contempt for those others who have the capacity to think. Poch Suzara

One Ambition

As an atheist, I have only one ambition in life. Before I leave this world, I would like to be accused of having corrupted the minds not only of our youth, but also those of the middle-aged, and the senior citizens. If this were ever accomplished, I shall not have died in vain. Poch Suzara

A Banana Republic

Never say that the Philippines is a Banana Republic because that would only be an insult to the Banana. After all, the Banana is a lovely tree that produces delicious fruits. But then again consider a Banana plantation exempted from a system of education that keeps it away from silly politics as inspired by a silly religion. Poch Suzara

Monday, October 18, 2004

If only God's purpose

If only God's purpose in creating the world were to make humans happy, and not to make humans glorify Him, no one would think of God, as I do, as some sort of an egomaniac unworthy of either belief or worship. Poch Suzara

The poor Iraqi people

Why are the Iraqi people today who are fighting for love of country called "rebels" or "terrorists?" In the meantime, this business of the US President Bush crusading as a Christian for American freedom and democracy in Iraq is a crime against the American people who are now the target of Muslim outrage. Poch Suzara

If God did not exist

Imagine if God does not exist. We will all stop looking to heaven for solutions to all our earthly problems down here as we will no longer believe that God will provide from up there. Poch Suzara

Saturday, October 16, 2004

The Second Coming of Christ

"And now, little children, abide in him, that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before him at his coming." 1john 2:28. What is the purpose of a second coming if the first coming were already a great and a wonderful success? To begin with, His mission on earth was to destroy the devil. How come the devil is still alive and kicking and residing in the Philippines - the only Christian country in Asia? Poch Suzara

United Nations citizenship

If just 2 billion of us throughtout the world pay $10.00 each as dues for citizenship of the United Nations, the UN will have $20 BILLION dollars every year for expenses to maintain its own Armed Forces as a World Government to insure peace and goodwill among nations of the world. The 21st century view that only the United States of America has the right and the power to be the world's policemen should already be obsolete. Poch Suzara

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Hope for Peace

Is there hope for peace? Yes, there is. The bow and arrow were once weapons of attack and defense with an aim to destroy, but today it is an art of Archery - a pure exercise in skill. Fencing and sword fighting too have become a sport in the Olympic Games. Who knows, one day, our nuclear weapons may be used to offset killer meteors on the way to destroy the planet earth. Poch Suzara


"Terrorism is the best political weapon as nothing drives people harder than the fear of sudden death." Hitler. Today, US President Bush and his gang are saying exactly the same thing to the American people. Poch Suzara


If being destructive were part of human nature, how come we are born crying with mama already on our side? Poch Suzara

Food for body and mind

What is food for the body if it were not ambrosial? The same goes with food for the mind: it has to be controversial. Poch Suzara

Jaime Cardinal Sin

Jaime Cardinal Sin, the Archbishop of Manila, had a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital. Nobody, however, thought of rushing him to church. What happened to the power of prayer? Poch Suzara


Why is it that religion has all the answers for everybody and yet has solutions for nobody? Poch Suzara

Love your enemies

Love your enemies according to Jesus and turn the other cheek if someone smite thee on thy right cheek. On the other hand, Jesus also said: "Depart from me you cursed one, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. Matt. 25:41. Yet we are told that Jesus was the paragon of love, the prince of peace, the savior of the world. Poch Suzara

If we die

If we die, shall we live again? Job 14:14. I ask: If we shall live again after we are dead and gone, doesn't that make death nothing but a sick joke? Poch Suzara

God so loved the world

God so loved the world in that He gave his only begotten Son. Too bad God had no begotten daughter. She could have done a better job in straightening out the mess in this world. Poch Suzara

Washing evil out

Washing evil out of this world is not our business for it is beyond our power to do so. Nevetheless, if we can choose from among the lesser evils as a consolation, why couldn' the Creator choose too from among the lesser evils as a decent reflection? Poch Suzara

The closer we get to God

Why do we need to get closer to God if God were already everywhere? And why is it that the closer we get to God the more he gets farther away from us. And why does God continue to hide away from the problems of his children otherwise also known as the Human Race? In the meantime, the bible says: "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." James 4:8. I ask: when is it suppose to happen? Poch Suzara

The greatest crime

The greatest crime is the crime of taciturnity; especially as it is encouraged by timidity and inspired by stupidity. Poch Suzara

Instead of killing people

Instead of killing people with stupid beliefs, why not kill instead the stupid beliefs that got people to be stupid to begin with? The power of reason should play a role. Poch Suzara


Women may be selfish, greedy, stupid, and insane. They may be murderers, adulterers, thieves, and liars. But there is one thing that remains totally lovable and highly respectable about women: Not one of them ever wrote a silly line in the silly book known as the holy bible - a silly book written by silly men authors of a silly God. Poch Suzara

Bush and Bin Laden

George W Bush wants to liberate the Arabs in the Middle East away from Islam. Osama Bin Ladin wants to liberate the Americans in America away from Christianity. For my part, I want to thank both God and Allah for having liberated me as I am better off as a faithful atheist. Poch Suzara

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

There is Nothing Tragic


There is nothing tragic about having been raised by ignorant parents at home; or educated by ignorant teachers in school; or indoctrinated into one’s faith by ignorant priests in church.

What’s truly tragic, however, is if, in later life, under the inspiration of more fear and ignorance, we do not search for the truth. We just carry on with our children and grandchildren to have faith in the same old religious mendacity; to believe in the same old political hypocrisy; and to contribute to the same old social insanity – that’s keeping us spiritually poor as a people and morally bankrupt as a nation.

Undoubtedly, our system of education is nothing but a euphemism for the evils of stupidity. Regretfully, however, only by replacing such evils with faith, especially faith in supernatural mediocrity. Who benefits in the end? Obviously not the people in desperate need of a higher standard of living and thinking; but only the superstitious primitives supporting the so-called believers behind the most profitable of commercial enterprises in the Philippines - schools, colleges, and universities! Poch Suzara

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Dear Fellow-Americans

Oct. 4, 2004

Dear Fellow-Americans,

I am a Filipino-American residing in the Philippines. The U.S. Bill of Rights is precious to me. It has made it possible for me to think freely, to articulate my views, however unpopular or heretical they might be. Indeed to write what follows without fear of suppression or repercussion. I should wish to put on public record my shame of the U.S. government. The central government in Washington has become a source of national malady and international ills rather than the potential for local and global sanity.

More than half the population of the world is under-nourished, not because it need be, but because the U.S. government prefers to be in the business of killing rather than helping poorer countries achieve a higher standard of living. For example, instead of sending to the Philippines materials for human welfare, the U.S. government sends materials for enemy warfare. The result, thus far: - the Filipino is becoming more sophisticated in the business of killing fellow-Filipinos. Meanwhile poverty, hunger, disease, unemployment, and the continuing population explosion continue to be problems for divine intervention, and not attention for Philippine government confrontation.

Yesterday, killings were about the fight against “communists,” in possession of weapons of mass destruction. Today, it is called the fight against “terrorists” in possession of weapons of mass destruction. What’s the difference? In fact, many countries possess “weapons of mass destruction.” Half of the world calls it “faith in God.” The other half calls it “faith in Allah.” And under whichever faith, the faithful believers see nothing immoral to cut each other’s throat, especially since both cannot agree as to what will happen to them after their throats have been cut. Now isn’t it obvious that our enemy is not another human being, but organized conflicting faiths based on sacred barbarism?

Bertrand Russell once asked: “Have we all become savage? Why do we turn, inevitably, towards ferocity in dealing with political opponents – towards maiming or killing or sentencing them to disproportionately long imprisonment? I think it is because we live in an atmosphere of fear bred by political policies. We have been conditioned to accept cruelty, even the threat of extermination, as the sole means of defending a way of life that seems to prove itself, by such result, hardly worth defending.”

The greater crime we face today is the crime of silence. It is time to speak up. I am most proud of Michael Moore. In the film document FAHRENHEIT 9/11, he proved it no longer a theory, but a paradoxical fact that as far as the United States government is concerned, nations of this world can only keep alive by preparing to kill each other. The main economy of the United States continues to be based on revenues not for health and community development, but for war, death and destruction, and the preparation for future wars.

Nothing breeds more hate and terror than the spread of fear based on lies. Our young men and women in military uniform, no doubt, have the courage to die in battle; unfortunately, they do not have the courage to question what it is that they are dying for in Iraq today. Immoral acts breed immoral acts. Must we therefore continue to commit atrocities because we cannot discontinue to believe absurdities?

I appeal to fellow-Americans to support Americans with a conscience everywhere today who give the USA a good name. One such thinking American is Ramsey Clark. He referred George W. Bush, James Baker, Richard Cheney, Colin Powell, and others to the International War Crimes Tribunal – a commission of inquiry for evidences of war crimes against Iraq and crimes against humanity.

Let us work and vote for a government of construction and not a government of destruction. In this 21st century, there is no longer any need for American wealth and power to be based upon past wars, present wars, and the preparation for future wars. The power and wealth of America should be founded upon the pursuit of the truth, the spread of liberty, and the advancement of science for peace and goodwill to all men, women, and children throughout the world.

Yours faithfully,

Bertrand Russell Society, Philippines
San Lorenzo Village
Makati city, Philippines

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

It is said

It is said that those who deny God deny Him because of their despair at not finding Him. I believe this to be a delusion born of fear. A God who has not ceased hiding away from the problems of the human race is not worth finding to begin with. Indeed, the important question is not whether we believe in God; but does God believe in the human race? If God does care and provides for us, how so, and where is He? Poch Suzara

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Belief in God

Belief in God is not knowledge; in fact, most people deny knowledge in order to make roon for faith in God. And as long as we continue to cut each other's throat since we cannot agree as to what will happen to us after our throats have been cut, we shall always have faith in God; or, as the case may be, we shall always have "faith in Allah." Poch Suzara


Jesus was a typical Christian. He was comfortable to be around fishermen, sheepherders, and carpenters; but he was not happy to be in the company of writers, thinkers, and philosophers. In fact, not one of his apostles was a recruit from the intellectual community. Poch Suzara

Monday, September 27, 2004

The fool

The fool saith in his heart that there is no God. But who is the bigger fool? The fool or God who created the fools? Poch Suzara

Religion and Television

Religion - the opium of the Filipino yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Television - the opprobrium of the Filipino today, tomorrow, and for years yet to come. Poch Suzara

Rizal's retraction

Rizal's retraction story has been and still is the fairy tale told by the traditional liars of the Catholic Church in order to protect the rule of theocracy in the Philippines. If Rizal indeed retracted, why was he not given a Christian burial? Indeed, Rizal's remains was just put inside a dirty old sack and then thrown in an area reserved for the heretics in Paco Cemetery. Poch Suzara

Jose Rizal

If Jose Rizal's scientific way of thinking have become the shinning light guiding the Filipino way of life, the Philippines could have been the greatest and the most decently developed nation in Asia today. Indeed, Jose Rizal wanted us to be a nation of intelligent readers and honest thinkers, and not a nation of childish prayers. Christianity, however, wanted us to be a nation BOBOS. It has been quite a success. Look at how we are all still waiting for the Second Coming of Christ to bring peace, love, goodwill, and law and order in the Philippines. Poch Suzara

Take from Theology

Take from theology the mystery, the supernatural, the sacred lies, incomprehensible, the impossible, the unthinkable, including the invisible, the absurd, and nothing but a vacuum remains. Poch Suzara

Saturday, September 25, 2004

We have no government

We have no government of the people, by the people, and for the people. We do, however, have a government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich. But the poor believe they have a government because they are the only ones who are made poorer for paying taxes to the government.In the meantime, in this country, if you steal small, you end up in jail; but if you steal big, however, you immediately qualify to become a candidate for the highest office of the land. Poch Suzara

99 percent of Filipinos

Would you believe that 99 per cent of the population of the Philippines have no idea whatsoever about the contradications, inconsistencies, absurdities, immoralities, and indeed, obcenities written in the holy bible? What could one expect of a nation of daily prayers, not daily readers? Poch Suzara

Thursday, September 23, 2004


Most people love divinity even as they never examine their God-given mediocrity. Indeed, most people believe that God will provide. Thus far, however, God has provided for humanity nothing but the infinity of human stupidity. Look how we all hate one another in this world for the sake of God's glory in heaven. Poch Suzara


Ignorance keeps the Filipino poor as a people and backward as a nation. Mostly because Filipinos have been indoctrinated to emulate Jesus and his twelve apostles who were all quite a success in the spread ignorance throughout Christian countries. Poch Suzara

I am a failure in life

By all standards I am a total failure in life. In the world of the mediocres and the Philistines, I could have been a great success had I been a stupid soothsayer instead of having been a frustrated truthsayer. Poch Suzara

Monday, September 20, 2004

The Poor Filipino

The Filipino is poor because his national economy is based mostly
on sellers of divine grace, brokers of holy sacrament, traders of sacred lies, retailers of superstition, movers of faith, dealers of eternal salvation, and promoters of prayer under the promise that God will provide while graft and corruption goes on perpetually.
Poch Suzara

I love science

I love science. There is no authority in science; there are only experts of science. I hate religion. There is only authority in religion. There are no experts of religion. Poch Suzara

In this world

In this world there is more human stupidity than there is human intelligence. This is only because most people feel at home with human stupidity as they are easily frightened by human intelligence. Poch Suzara

Saturday, September 18, 2004

No college degrees

Women have no college degrees in motherhood. Men have no college degrees in fatherhood. If only mothers and fathers have the right information for family planning and birth control, more and more babies will be born needed, wanted, and loved in this world. Poch Suzara

True Religion

Is there one true religion? This is a grammaticaly correct question but fails to reflect the logical form of its meaning. A better question to ask: Does man need moral and ethical values to evolve farther into a higher level of consciousness? Poch Suzara

As soon as I am dead

As soon as I am dead, I will probably believe in God one more time. After all, God has more fascination for the dead than He feels an obligation for the living.
In the meantime, every year, during ALL SAINTS DAY, we visit the dead in the cemetery. But if man enjoys an immortal life after death, shouldn't it more wonderful if the dead visit us at home rather than we visit the dead in the cemetery? Consider the happy reunion with the dead not only with our immediate love-ones, but also visits from our great-great-grandparents dead centuries ago?
Poch Suzara

The real poor

Rich people have the impression that they are not poor because they are not materially needy. In fact, the poorest among the poor are those who are empty intellectually, bankrupt morally, impoverished spiritually, and socially insane perpetually. Poch Suzara

The Question

The question is not whether religion is worthy or unworthy, but whether religion does not destroy the minds and hearts of children who grow up to be mindless men and heartless in love only of the next world, but not of this life. Poch Suzara

God Loves

God loves the poor. He made so many of them. But God loves the ignorant even more. The many poor are just as ignorant as the many rich. Poch Suzara

The United Nations

The world has already established the United Nations for the sake of humanity. It has yet, however, to establish the United Religions for the sake of divinity. Poch Suzara

The Way, Light, and the Truth

There was a time when the Way, the Light, and the Truth ruled the world. It lasted for a thousand years. It was called the "Dark Ages." Poch Suzara

A thief

According to the bible, there is nothing wrong with being a thief. Look at the thief crucified along side with Jesus. For believing that Jesus was the Son of God, the thief was promised eternal salvation in paradise. Poch Suzara


Not only the Old Testament contradict the New Testament. Not only the gospel of Matthew, Luke, John, and Mark contradict each other; but the Cathlic version, Duane Version, the King James Version, the Good News Version, etc. all contradict each other. Moreover, there are 37 different versions of the bible for sale in the market today. But go to any bookstore, you will find only one version of the Multiplication Table Chart. And to think that the multiplication table - the perfect model of truth - was not written by inspired authors of God. Poch Suzara

In The Search of the Truth

In the search of the truth, since they could not find it, the theologians have taken the back seat. They now let the scientists do the driving. Poch Suzara


Notice how God, soul, heaven, hell, demons, angels, and everything else that is invisible all look exactly alike? Poch Suzara

According to Catholic Teachings

According to Catholic teachings, if you were childlike, innocent, and indeed questionaless, you have a better chance of gaining eternal salvation and be with God in heaven after you are dead. Poch Suzara

If a spiritual God

If a spiritual God designed the material universe, who or what designed the spiritual designer? Poch Suzara

Religion and Politics

Religion is just as worthless as politics because in both, the holding of a belief without evidence is a necessity. Poch Suzara

Friday, September 17, 2004

In schools and Universities

In schools and universities, they teach all sorts of information, except the evidence for its truthfulness. Indeed, they teach WHAT to believe, and not HOW to think. Poch Suzara

Respect for God

How could I respect God who showed more concern for his silly apple tree than showing kind attention to the plight of his children in paradise? Poch Suzara

The Success of Christianity

Christianity owes its great success not so much owing to the teachings of Christ, but owing mostly to the existence of the devil. Indeed, without the devil, there would be no need to save one's soul from eternal damnation. Poch Suzara

Faith in God

The priesthood industry knows full well that if God ever comes out from hiding, there would be no need for faith in God anymore. And so, the priesthood industry sees to it that God never comes out of hiding. Poch Suzara

Most of our Beliefs

If most of our cherished beliefs were wrong a hundred years ago, it follows that our most cherished beliefs today will turn our wrong also a hundred years from now. Poch Suzara

Cholera and faith

Cholera and faith are alike an epidemic; fortunately science has already found the cure for cholera. Religion has yet not found the cure for faith as it is still an evil pretty much inspiring the war between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland, and the killings in God's name going on the Middle East today between the Jews, the Muslimsn and the Christians. Poch Suzara

Believe in God again

Introduce me to a God who can impregnate a virgin; resurrect back to life Bertrand Russell and Carl Sagan; cure the pimples off the face of my 15 year old son, and I will believe in the existence of God once again. Poch Suzara

Monday, September 06, 2004

To err

To err is not only human, it is being religious. To forgive is not only divine, it is to become more religious. Indeed, there is money to be made in the business of errors and forgiveness. Ask Mike Velarde of El Shaddai, now a billionaire in the business of selling religious errors for the sake of forgiveness. Poch Suzara

Where's Jesus

The theologians are suppose to be quite knowledgeable on the subject of God, heaven and hell, including the Gospels and the bible, but ask any of them for the whereabouts of Jesus Christ? They know not. Neither the dead nor the living among the theologians have any idea as to where exactly Jesus is existing at present. Poch Suzara

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

The cruelty from Jesus

Jesus seemed not familiar with the writings of the Old Testament.
He obviously did not know that His own father drowned the entire population of the world except for eight people. Otherwise, if Jesus were familiar with the killings, he was not fair to command: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all of thy heart, with all of thy soul, and with all of thy mind." For my part, I am nost proud to have walked out of the Catholic Church years ago. Specially when I discovered that Jesus himself was a misguided Catholic. Poch Suzara

Monday, August 23, 2004

If God were powerful

If God were indeed all that powerful, he surely is able to find a way to give the creatures he made in his image and likeness some of that power. In this way, we do not have to waste time praying to God to lead us not into temptation or to give us this day our daily bread or to worry about an anti-Christ situation on the rise in the Middle East. Poch Suzara

Curse the Darkness

It is better to light up a candle than to curse the darkness. For my part, I am working daily to make my surroundings cleaner, healthier, and brighter. I have no need of candles. Poch Suzara

Sunday, August 22, 2004

My teachers in La Salle

My teachers in La Salle were not devoted thinkers or passionate researchers of the truth. They were men afraid of new and fresh ideas. My education therefore was not a thrill or a joy, but in fact a threat. Indeed, in school, I was never taught how to think; only what to believe. It was always impressed upon my malleable mind that the frontiers of knowledge are closed. How utterly wrong and pathetic were my teachers in school. But I cried more not my teachers, but for all my classmates and schoolmates. None apparently saw the painful light as I alarmingly did. Poch Suzara

Jesus said

In the bible Jesus said: "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." Is it any wonder that we do not love the world, neither the things that are in the world? As a matter of fact, we hate the world and hate the things that are in the world, specially as we are faithful Catholics devoted to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Poch Suzara

If you were miserably married

If you were miserably married to your husband, and God had him killed, you would obviously believe that God's grace never ends. Such was the case of Gracie Burnham, whose husband was killed by bandits in a kidnap ordeal in Mindanao. She admitted openly and publicly that: God's grace never ends." Poch Suzara

Nature cares for Man

The universe may go on uncaring and unknowing of the existence of man. But nature cares. After all, man is a product of nature as it proceeds to be conscious of itself. Nature evolves not aimlessly or purposelessly, but precisely meaningfully for nature created the human mind. Poch Suzara

Religious Leaders

Religious leaders such as Mike Velarde of El Shaddai would urge his poor followers to turn their umbrella upside down in order to catch manna from heaven. What the followers do catch, however, is not manna, not even rotten banana, but a lot of tra-la-la behind the silly religious drama. Poch Suzara

My mind is not a terrible thing

My mind is not a terrible thing. On the contrary, my mind is a wonderful thing. It is only terrible when the potentials of my
mind are utterly wasted. Poch Suzara

I care for Happines

I care for happiness in this world. I do not care for happiness in the next world. There ins't any. Whatever the case may be, I hold
as forever true what Bertrand Russell wrote: "Happiness is the nonethelesss true happiness because it must come to an end, nor do thought and love lose their value because they are not everlasting. Poch Suzara

Nothing before Birth and Nothing After Death

It does not bother to realize that I have arrived into this world as an atheist. I should be happier when I leave this world one day as an atheist too. Before I was conceived, without a brain, I had no capacity to believe. After I am dead, and my brain dead also, I will again have no capacity to believe. Indeed, if it does not bother me to believe that I was a nothing before I was born, why should it bother me to believe that I will again be a nothing after I am dead? Poch Suzara

I have Nothing Against

I have nothing against Filipino scientists except when they are too timid to speak out openly against false values and silly beliefs that continue to promote not only stupidity but also insanity in our already sick society. Poch Suzara

What is the difference?

What is the difference between human creed and human greed when one destroys the body and the other destroys the mind? Poch Suzara

The Human Brain

If God gifted us with a brain and expect us to use it, how come our knowledge of God have not grown with more knowledge of his creation? Indeed, even the theologians in this day and age know not whether God is a He, a She, and It; or, whether Gid a supernatural Tootie Frootie, or just an Almighty Patootie. Poch Suzara

A silly God

Why would a good God incarnate himself as a man knowing full well that man is essentially sinful by nature? But then again, why would God reveal himself to the theologians knowing full well that theology is not a branch of knowledge; it is but a branch of ignorance and with wings at that. Poch Suzara

Science in brief

Science in brief: - today's up-to-date is tomorrow's out-of-date. Indeed, nothing is definite in science as it's findings are tentative and always subject to change or emendations. Poch Suzara

Philippine Presidents

At the rate all presidents of the Philippines, past and present, have prayed for divine intervention to solve the nation's troubles and problems, Malacanang has been transformed into a cathedral, and no longer a presidential palace. Poch Suzara


I have the highest respect, the greatest of admiration, and the deepest affection for the atheists. To begin with, those atheistic friends and atheistic associates of mine are not in Congress. Poch Suzara