Friday, July 05, 2013

Religion as Organized Superstition in the Philippines

Religion is not provided to us by revelation, it doesn't come to us from the heavens, it does not come from the beyond, it does not come from the divine. It's man-made. And it shows. Religion is created, invented, imposed by a species half a chromosome away from the chimpanzee. - Christopher Hitchens Religion encourages stupidity and an insufficient sense of reality... The power of priests is more obviously connected with morals than any other form of power. In Christian countries, virtue consists in obedience to the Will of God, and it is the priests who know what the Will of God commands. - Bertrand Russell In the Philippines, however, religion promotes nothing but lies and deceptions, if not more of the same old historical social degradation, and indeed, political corruption. Millions of Filipino children are still taught in Catholic schools to believe and to have faith in Jesus, the Savior of our sick souls for the sake of saving the wealth and power of the Catholic church. Meanwhile, we remain spiritually impoverished as a sick people and morally bankrupt as a sick nation. I said it before, I say it again: It is nothing but faith in blind faith that makes us believe that the priesthood industry is only acting in their churches and cathedrals. Nay, they are acting more successfully in their schools, colleges, and universities; and, acting effectively in the media. Such horrors precisely make us famous as the Sick Children of Asia. - Poch Suzara

there Are No Atheists in Foxholes - NO KIDDING?

The statement "There are no atheists in foxholes" is a proverb used to argue that in times of extreme stress or fear, such as in war, all people will believe in, or hope for, a higher power to protect them - more referred to as "God."... Indeed, this is ticklish; but what is even more ticklish is that no one has ever found a dead Christian in a foxhole who did not first pray before he died!... Well, if there were no atheists in foxholes, it is because there were also no wisdom nor understanding either. There was only ignorance and fear that produced foxholes... For my part, I am an atheist. I did not lose my faith. I threw the holy garbage out the window! Of course, it is obvious that there are no atheists in foxholes. There is never any room left for the atheists to be down in foxholes. It is already filled with hate, a Standing Room Only situation filled up with Christians, Muslims, Jews hating and killing each other in God’s name on earth and for His glory in heaven... I say it is more truthful to declare that there are no atheist officials in the government and no atheist leaders in the church. Look how these two great institutions are the most corrupt and rotten in our poor and backward country. Both entities could only survive in cahoots with lies and deceptions especially to protect each other existence in cahoots together... In the meantime, the religious morons are never able to understand the atheists. To begin with - in the history of the world, how come there never was an army of atheists waging war against another army of atheists because they did not believe in the existence of God!... In the meantime, listen to this great scientist/astronomer/atheist: - “Every one of us is, in the cosmic perspective, precious. If a human disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies, you will not find another.” - Carl Sagan . . . Poch Suzara Facebook# Google# Twitter# Atheist#

Thursday, July 04, 2013

Kirk Douglas, Famous as a Hollywood Actor, but a Moron in religion

God always answers our prayers. But sometimes the answer is NO. Kirk Douglas. In the holy bible, it is clearly written: "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Matt. 21:22 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matt. 7:7 Oh My Dear Kirk Douglas,If only you bother to read and study your silly bible, you need not be a religious moron uttering silly statement about silly prayers to a silly God. Poch Suzara Facebook# Atheist# Twitter# Google#

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

In Asia only Filipinos are qualified to go to Heaven

"Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven." Jesus in Matt 18:3 Again Jesus said, "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children." Matt 19:14 I said it before I say it again: The most destructive evil force in the Philippines is not corruption; it is superstition: the irrational belief arising from ignorance or fear, on the one hand; and, on the other hand - illusion, delusion, and confusion as the basis of our faith in a Jewish Savior of the Philippines still stuck under a sick system of a christian education. We are the only people in Asia who have been and still are faithful to Jesus and His teachings. It is truly astonishing to realize how we Filipinos have utterly failed to grow as a people and to mature as nation of Asia. As a matter of historical superstition - for Christ's sake, we Filipinos are only getting more and more famous as the Sick Children of Asia! In the meantime, only in the Philippines: The horror of corruption comes from the horror of education. It is inspired by a bigger horror: our faith in the history of superstition: that in order to be saved, we need not think! We must only believe! In this way, we need not love our country down here. We must only love Jesus in heaven up there! One of the great horrors we poor Filipinos suffer from is in the hope that the evil forces keeping our country drowning in population growth can only be cured not by a system of scientific education, but only by legislation, at best; or, at worst, by praying as inspired by our faith to be less and less involved with the beauty and the power of more and deeper thinking! Poch Suzara Twitter # Facebook# Google #

Monday, July 01, 2013

Philippines - Still Stuck Under Religious Garbage

Yes, it is true. The responsible and sustainable mining of our immense mineral resources — described as one of the richest on earth — can pay off all the Philippines’ foreign debt and transform it into a prosperous, mine-rich nation like Australia or Canada! The Philippines has the world’s second biggest gold reserves next only to South Africa, among the top reserves in copper, plus others like nickel, chromite, cobalt, silver, and zinc. Indeed, except perhaps diamond, name it, we have it; estimated worth at more than ONE TRILLION DOLLARS or 45 TRILLION PESOS per annual production. Not to mention the recently discovered oil and coal deposits worth more than enough to make the Philippines - the wealthiest and the healthiest country in all of Asia. Japan has no natural resources except the greatest in any country. The educated minds and hearts of its citizens due to their powerful system of education. Thousands of educated Filipinos are there working as employees in Japanese industries as generated not by prayer and theology, but by science and technology. Singapore has no natural resources except the greatest in any country: the educated minds and hearts of its citizens due to their powerful system of education. Thousands of educated Filipinos are there working as "employees" in Singaporean industries as generated also by science and technology. There is not one cocoa tree grown in Switzerland. Yet the Swiss as products of a powerful system of education produces the best chocolate in the world. Thousands of educated Filipinos are there working as "employees" in Switzerland. We are rich in Agriculture: rice, coconut, sugar, corn, bananas, pineapple, aquaculture, mangoes, not to mention GUABANO - the miracle fruit that prevents certain types of cancer. Industry: textiles and garments, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, wood products, paper and paper products, tobacco products, beverage manufacturing, food processing, machinery and equipment, transport equipment, electronics and semiconductor materials, mineral products, hydrocarbon products, fishing, business process outsourcing services Now look also at the still untapped treasures around us Filipinos - the treasures in plants, flowers, and trees with medicinal and nutritional values; The treasures in our rivers, lakes, caves, and forest; the treasures in the beaches of more than 7,000 islands; the treasures in our shores, bays, and coves. They remain untapped only because as products of schools, colleges, and universities, we are still more into prayer and theology instead of utilizing the power behind science and technology. But most of all, the most powerful and greatest of natural resources - the Filipino mind and heart. Instead of being educated, cultivated and elevated - Filipino minds and hearts are only mutilated, distorted, twisted, and degraded with prayer and theology. Specially for the glory of Jesus on earth as he is in heaven. We are still being taught to LOVE NOT THIS WORLD, NEITHER THE THINGS THAT ARE IN THE WORLD. IF ANY FILIPINO LOVE THE WORLD, THE LOVE OF GOD IS NOT IN HIM." Also, we are still being taught to TAKE NO THOUGHT FOR TOMORROW BECAUSE JESUS WILL SOON BE RETURNING TO REMEDY THE ILLS OF OUR SICK SOCIETY. Also, to worry not about this life in this world. Indeed, to believe only that what is more important is NOT life on this earth, but death in the kingdom of God where our souls are saved; otherwise, if not, we will all end up punished forever in hell. I say it again: Unless the religious garbage is thrown out of our system of education, we Filipinos, in the centuries to come, will only continue wasting our time on this earth having faith in BLIND faith in our sick religious beliefs and values that only make us famous as the Sick People of Asia! The holy bible says: "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." Mark 16:16 I ask it again: WE SHALL BE SAVED FROM WHAT? Isn't it time for us Filipinos do some serious constructive thinking? Isn't it time to put to a halt our destructive silly ways in stupid believing? Indeed, we are all born ignorant, not frightened. It is in our sick system of education that teach us to be frightened! We even faithfully believe that a God, in His infinite wisdom, created Filipinos in His own image and likeness! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google# Atheist#

God Is an Atheist. So Was Jesus

Why Atheism Won’t Succeed in the Philippines by Hector Gamboa I used to embrace atheism and I used to be active in the Philippine atheist forum and community. However, during the past few years I find myself being drawn away from atheism. Did someone “save” my wretched soul and showed me the path to eternal life and salvation? No! I still believe that there is not enough evidence yet that I have witnessed and experienced that would offer sufficient proof (and arguments) for the existence of the theistic god. Given that my view on the existence of the theistic god hasn’t changed, why do I find myself being drawn away from atheism? If atheism is favored by science, evidence and reason, why is it such at a disadvantage against religious beliefs that often comes with credulity? The biggest word that comes to my mind when I think about this question is “Arrogance”. As long as arrogance lingers amongst the vocal proponents of atheism in the Philippines, I just do not see it prospering in the country despite the feeding programs, conventions, public debates and media mileage its organizations have.


My dear Hector Gamboa, I invite you to carefully read God's first commandment: "THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME." This means God does not to believe in the existence of other GODS - and that makes God an ATHEIST. Well, obviously this logic puts the frightened believers in a complicated situation since you all believe, love, and worship a God who is an atheist! And you people cannot even see this simple truth due, apparently, to your faith in blind faith! But here is something clearer to see: Look at the Son of God Jesus. He was also an atheist. Crucified on the cross Jesus cried out loud: "MY GOD, MY GOD WHY HAST THOU FORSAKEN ME?" Obviously, Jesus was an atheist. He did not believe nor had He faith in God's divine plan. In the meantime, I ask: when we were born, coming out of mother's womb, did we have a religion? Did we believe in the existence of God? Isn't it a fact that no child has a religion? All babies are born atheists: free from religion. No baby is born a Catholic, a Muslim, a Jew, a Hindu or a Baptist? So I am proud to be an atheist. What is the problem? If God, Himself an atheist, created me in his own image and likeness, and therefore created me to be an atheist like God - why should that bother any of you frightened religious saps? Cheers! Poch Suzara, Father of Atheism in the Philippines.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Oh Plato, My Dear Plato

“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.” ― Plato Oh Plato, my dear Plato, the real tragedy in the Philippines comes from Catholic schools, Catholic colleges, and Catholic universities: We were taught to be afraid of the dark,to be afraid of light, and also to be afraid of life itself, especially for the glory of Jesus on earth as he is in heaven and in hell. - Poch Suzara

Oh God, My Dear God

If there were a God, I think it very unlikely that he would have such an uneasy vanity as to be offended by those who doubt his existence. Bertrand Russell Oh God, dear God, if you are a God, what are you a God for? Especially for the here and now, and not for the by and by later in the sky? Poch Suzara

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Oh My Dear Manuel L. Quezon

"I would rather have a country run like hell by Filipinos than a country run like heaven by the Americans, because however bad a Filipino government might be, it can always be improved.”... Manuel L. Quezon... Oh My Dear Manuel L. Question, it has turned out to be worst than hell. We have a government run by sick college-educated politicians who are selfish, greedy, stupid, and insane... Poch Suzara twitter# facebook# Google#

Thursday, June 27, 2013

For Whom the Bell Tolls

"And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee." John Donne Oh John, my dear John Donne, I ask: The bell was invented by whom, and in this world bells ring to accomplish what? Poch Suzara

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Holy Bible and its teachings in Australia

Oh My Dear Nathaniel, Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" If Jesus is God, the Savior of the world, the Savior of the Filipinos, and the Savior of the Philippines - why would He be crying on the cross? Matt. 27:45-46 As a God Jesus was crucified by men that he created in His own image and likeness? What kind of an ecclesiastical merry-go-round is this holy baloney? Nathaniel, some 200 years ago, British convicts were freed to go live and work and they indeed colonized Australia. Most of them were atheist, freethinkers, and agnostics, men with the power of reason, not faith. Look at Australia today - decent, advanced, and civilized as a nation. Have you ever heard of Australian women producing 3 babies every minute in Australia for the glory of Jesus in Australia? The Philippines, on the other hand, some 400 years ago, was colonized by Spanish Catholic friars - disciples and followers of the Son of God Jesus. They had no faith in humanity, but faith only in divinity. The Philippines today is one of the poorest spiritually and backward morally and the most corrupt economically as the only Christian country in Asia today. Of course, I cannot deny, IT IS MORE FUN IN THE PHILIPPINES. Look at our prostitutes. They are among the most honest women in the Philippines today. They pay for the education and support their brothers and sisters in school. They make money for taxi drivers, sex traders and operators, owners of motels, and police protectors of corruption in our blessed by Jesus country. Well, despite their best to prevent the crime of rape, despite their contributions to the GNP, and despite their constants exposure to venereal diseases - these honest prostitutes are utterly despised by Christianity and abandoned by the government of which is managed by corrupt officials and all of them are MAKA-DIOS. None are atheists, or freethinkers, or agnostics. Cheers! Poch Suzara, 6/26/2013

Find Rest with the Lord

When you're weary in life's struggle, find your rest in the Lord. Philippine Star, 6/26/2013 On the contrary, when you're weary in life's struggle, it is time to ask: Oh Lord, dear Lord, what was your purpose in creating us humans in your own image and likeness? Poch Suzara, 6/26/2013

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Oh Jesus, My Dear Jesus

Oh Jesus, My Dear Jesus, Millions of your Filipino followers are filthy poor; but your Filipino leaders - the bishops, evangelists and pastors are filthy rich. All rich and poor alike, however, are waiting for your return. What’s holding up the show? Where are you Jesus? It has been more than 2,000 years already. Why did you make a promise you could not deliver in due time? Time has elapsed! Oh Jesus, my dear sweet Jesus, do you know that millions of Filipinos who are college educated Catholics have to earn a living overseas. These are in foreign countries that do not believe you are the Son of God who performed wonderful miracles or that you are the Savior of the world! Oh Jesus, my dear sweet Jesus, while you lived on this earth, did you really have to squander your supernatural powers on frivolous nonsense? Instead of raising dead bodies, how come you never raised dead minds and hearts with intelligence to benefit the human community? Instead of bringing to mankind a cure for heart disease and cancer, you only used magic to curse a fig tree. Instead of ending birth defects and infant mortality, you only filled pigs with demons. Instead of ending world hunger and illiteracy, you changed water into wine. Instead of showing men and women how to walk with dignity and self-respect, you only showed them how to walk on water. Instead a punching to death a boy who had accidentally hit you, wouldn't it been better if you punched to death the devil responsible for the sins, crimes, and in your own community? Oh Jesus, my dear sweet Jesus, the worst kind of poverty is the poverty of the mind and heart. This is the kind of poverty that seems endless as a scandal in the Philippines. Thanks of course to your Catholic church - the owner of more than 1,000 schools, colleges, and universities teaching us Filipinos to believe that you will soon return and we therefore need not worry about tomorrow because, at any rate, your Father God will provide and will take care of our tomorrows. In the meantime, my dear sweet Jesus, your Catholic Vatican bank is the richest, most powerful bank in the world today. She is far richer and more powerful today than the United States Federal Reserve Bank. Cheers! Poch Suzara

Monday, June 24, 2013

I Love Jose Rizal as I have no need for a Jesus in my Life

“I would like the Filipinos to be brilliant, enlightened, intelligent, and progressive.” Jose Rizal "If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple." Luke 14:26 "But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me." Luke 19:27 Jesus Christ For my part, as it is obvious that the disciples and followers of Jesus Christ had our Jose Rizal slaughtered in public by firing squad, - I should wish it put on public record that as a Filipino I have far more love, more respect, and more admiration for Jose Rizal as I have no need for a Jesus Christ to reign over my life and thoughts. Poch Suzara

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Our Troubles as a People and Problems as a Nation

Focusing on the character of God helps us take our eyes off our circumstances. Philippine Star, June 24, 2013 I said it before, I say it again: If we hope to see the real causes of our troubles as a people, and our problems as a nation - we need to seriously look at our sick system of education. Indeed, it is in schools, colleges, and universities where we learn to focus on the character of God by ignoring with blind faith the sick circumstances happening to us as the only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century. Indeed, we have yet to listen to each other always declaring that Jesus will soon be returning to remedy the ills of our sick society. If that were not yet forthcoming, God, in the meantime, will provide for us Filipinos, sooner or later. Poch Suzara

Friday, June 21, 2013

The Corrupt and the Sick Man of Asia Not Yet Cured by the Holy Spirit

June 22, 2013 My Dearest Guys and Gals, I am told that AIDS, HIV, HIV patients and cancer, bone cancer, brain cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, mouth cancer, skin cancer, stomach cancer, cervical cancer, leukemia, syphilis, flu, innumerable kinds of cancer patients all over the world were healed by the Holy Spirit Power and confirmed by medical doctors that AIDS, HIV virus died completely and they were healed. I asked it before, I ask it again: What about the CORRUPT AND THE SICK MAN OF ASIA - when will the holy spirit cure such diseases endlessly spreading in the Philippines - the only Catholic country in Asia since 400 years ago? Consider the millions upon millions of Filipinos have been taught to believe and to have faith in the claim that GOD WILL PROVIDE FOR US CORRUPT AND SICK FILIPINOS; and if that were not yet forthcoming, His Son Jesus will soon be arriving to remedy the ills of our SICK SOCIETY! Hijos de tootie-frootie y patooties CONIO! MGA ULOL! GISING NA TAYO! Cheers! Poch Suzara

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Oh My Dear Aldous Huxley

“The charm of history and its enigmatic lesson consist in the fact that, from age to age, nothing changes and yet everything is completely different.” ― Aldous Huxley Oh my dear Aldous Huxley, not so in the history of the Philippines. Nothing has changed; everything has remained the same: we are still ruled and dominated by the teachings of Jesus since the 16th century. That after death, we Filipinos will have a better life to come in the next world with God in heaven. Even corrupt teachers in school, and corrupt officials in our government believe and have faith in this corrupt holy baloney! --- Poch Suzara

Fucking is more Fun than Thinking in the Philippines

Where do most of our endless troubles as a people and endless problems as a nation come from? They come from too much FUCKING; hardly from THINKING. Indeed, in our country, there is hardly the birth of new and fresh ideas; only the birth of new babies. More than a million of them arrive every year, indeed yearly in the Philippines. Other men and women in other countries enjoy fucking too; but they fuck for fun; not for making unwanted, unloved, and uncared for needless babies. The evil monster that benefits from the horror is the Catholic church. More babies born every day insures the everlasting existence of the Catholic church and its big business in the Philippines. Especially as they are the owners of schools, colleges, and universities and other commercial enterprises established all over the Philippines. 80 per cent of the economy of the Philippines is owned and controlled by a few wealthy families and a few rich multinational corporations. On top and always ahead, with tax-free advantages, has been and still is the Catholic church - among the first to speak out loud against humanitarian plans for family planning and birth control measures. Not to mention health measures for women and children! Poch Suzara

Monday, June 17, 2013

Wow Jesus

We live most effectively for Christ when we keep our eyes on Him.--- Philippine Star, June 18, 2013. Wow Jesus, this has been going on daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly during these past 2,013 years. Are you really that cold-blooded in perfection, or just lost in self-admiration? Have you nothing more important to do with your life in heaven as a powerful son of a divinity except to be a silly clown for the rest of eternity? --- Poch Suzara

Public and Catholic Private Schools

Out of the public schools comes the greatness of the nation." -- Mark Twain. In the Philippines, out of Catholic private schools comes lies, deception, illusion, delusion, and corruption as a nation. -- Poch Suzara