Saturday, June 26, 2010

Dear Mar

Mariano Patalinjug
New York City, USA
June 27,2010

Dear Mar,

A great many thanks for the phrase: "The more you use your brains, the more brains you will have to use." How very true. For my part, I still find it incredible to have began to deeply appreciate my brain, the little of it that I possessed - after I was expelled out of La Salle high school. Especially after I also started reading seriously the so-called "bad books" that I was told must never never read.

May I, however, add: - "When the brain is troubled, men believe everything and examine nothing." We can see this truth on these pages. Most men are afraid when
in darkness - physical or moral. Fear is habitual to most men and becomes a necessity: they would believe that something precious is missing in life if they have nothing to fear. Sadly, this is what so-called "education" has basically been all about in the Philippines. Indeed, for the most part, schools, colleges, and universities in the Philippines are places where intelligent minds are damned, but stupid souls are saved.

Bertrand Russell summarized it: "Fear is the principal reason why men are so unwilling to admit facts and so anxious to wrap themselves round a garment of myth."

Yours Truly,
Poch Suzara

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