Saturday, December 15, 2007
The Filthy-rich only Want to get Filthy-Richer
The Analysis of Failure
A man of Faith
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Our Women
Vatican Bank
The Catholic Vatican Bank today is worth more than a trillion dollars in cash deposits. And yet, De La Salle University President is asking for donations to support his Catholic students on scholarship. The One La Salle Scholarship Fund Campaign hopes to raise a billion pesos ($50 million dollars) by the year 2011. La Salle president Brother Luistro himself admits: “The majority of these young people would not even dare enter the halls of our schools because of financial inability.”
Poverty, squalor, and misery keep Christianity going. The ulterior purpose of the whole Christian system of salvation is to make people ill or troubled. Indeed, to put more decadence locally than to spread more intelligence regionally. Look at the Philippines as a backward and a corrupt nation – the only Christian country in all of Asia since the 16th century.
The problem is that we Filipinos only want stupid religion. We do not want intelligent science. We are in mortal fear of science as the one sermon of science is that all life eats other life, and that all life will die. We will never accept science until it transforms the Philippines into an earthly paradise. As long as we have poverty, squalor, and misery – we will never abandon Jesus, Mary, and Joseph and the saints and the other members of the holy trinity otherwise more known as Christianity.
And so, “lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the earth,… but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth and rust doth corrupt, and were thieves break through and steal. Matt. 6:20.
The Dead
I envy the dead. The dead can no longer be acquisitive, jealous, combative, erotic, indeed, can no longer be stupid and insane!
One day, like it or not, we too will eventually join the dead. I ardently hope, however, there is no next world, no hereafter managed by a silly divinity in cahoots with a silly deviltry to ruin again precious life for the sake of nothing, but infinite stupidity.
In the meantime, I ask: should we have more faith with the living dead in this world; or, have more faith with the dead living in the next world? Poch SuzaraJesus
Biblical Negligence
Religion and Superstition
Saturday, December 08, 2007
God Loves the Poor
It is often said that God loves the poor. He made so many of them. If this were true how come God never listens to the prayer of the poor? They are getting poorer. God, however, always listens to the prayer of the rich. They are getting richer!
Then again, if God loves the poor, how come he created a billion of them in China who are not even Christians, but who are now getting rich as a people and acquiring super power as a nation? Poch Suzara
Jesus and Family Values
If I were Jesus crucified on the cross, I should have cried out loud: - “Man, forgive God for He knows not what in hell he is doing!” Poch Suzara
The Bully
The eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his mercy. Psalms 33:18
Just exactly like the moron who bullied me years ago when I was in grade school at De La Salle University. Like the dummy that I was then, I begged for his mercy too. Until I also, via association, learned to be a bully too. I managed to bully even my teachers with merciless non-stop deep questions. Poch Suzara
Only in the Philippines
Filipino motor vehicle drivers do not care for traffic rules. They are ignorant of such rules to begin with. A red light is merely a suggestion. It does not mean stop. A pedestrian lane exists only in fantasy, never a reality constructed in our city streets.
Damian Sotto
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Papal Encyclical
In the second encyclical of his papacy, Pope Benedict urges Christians to
put their hope for the future in God and not in technology, wealth or
political ideologies.
As an atheist, I say, if God exist and doing his job as a God, we should
have no need for technology, wealth or political ideologies. In fact, at this
point and time, with the guidance from an existing supernatural power
called God, mankind should already be living in peace, inhabiting
creatively and exploring productively the planets comprising the Solar
The Pope also admitted: "Let us put it very simply: man needs God,
otherwise he remains without hope." I entirely agree. But then again, if
God is everywhere existing, why is there a need for religious crackpots to
play God? In the Philippines, he is usually referred to as the cardinal
with his bishops.
into our world. What will remedy the mess, however, is not less, but
precisely more scientific knowledge doing its best for the good of mankind.
Poch Suzara
God Not Acting like a God
Sick Babies
More than 90 per cent of the 1.9 million babies born yearly in the Philippines suffer from lack of hygiene, sanitation, and nutrition. The causes of mental retardation via brain damage. It is one reason why we are a nation of morons. The other reason comes from our schools, colleges, and universities. Such places of learning continue to teach such silly nonsense like Jewish God created the Filipino in His own image and likeness.
If you examine seriously the similarity between the Jews and Filipinos, you would clearly see there isn’t any. To begin with, the Jews are the chosen people of God. And what have we Filipinos got anything to do with Jewish history, culture, laws, religion, and tradition?
For Christ’s sake, if we Filipinos were to be guilty of the original sin, the least we should have first is our own original religion. Since the 16th century, we never had any except vague copies! Poch SuzaraA Reader
A reader wrote explaining why we are the Sick Man of Asia. He concluded that it is because we Filipinos have not accepted the right religion for our country.
I replied: if there were such a business as the right religion, it is the right religion according to whom and to be determined by whom?
In the meantime, why bother to think when Christianity has already determined for us all the answers? What's the use of examining the facts when the Vatican keeps reminding the multitude about the pains of eternal punishment if we ever try to question its doctrines or if we try to seek the truth! And to think that these are the same religious morons who keep bragging that God is everywhere and who gifted man with a free will. Poch SuzaraCoup D’ etat
Friday, November 30, 2007
Rotten Family Values
Amidst the sin, crime, and corruption that make for our sick society, it is claimed that, nevertheless, we always have something to be thankful for. Indeed, we have. For my part, I am thankful that I am a Catholic no more!
No doubt, it is historically true, Magellan discovered the Philippines in 1521. It was because of Magellan that we Filipinos became Catholics. Today in the year 2007, almost 500 years later, we Filipinos have yet to discover too the Philippines, and to discover also why we are a nation of lunatics. Poch SuzaraOnly in the Philippines
In China, ordinary minds talk about people. Average minds talk about events. Great minds talk about ideas.
In the Philippines, what we have are sick minds – we only talk of how we should embrace the love of divinity up there by struggling against deviltry called sin down here. Hell, we do not even talk about love of our country and its future. We only talk about the better world to come after we are all dead, buried, and gone.
A Developed Philippines
Hitler’s Mein Kampf
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
A Religious Moron Myself
I was once myself a religious moron. It was during kindergarten, grade school, and high school days. Confession every Friday. Mass and communion every Sunday. Prayers morning, noon, and night. I must have uttered more than a million times our school prayer: “Saint John Baptist De la Salle, pray for us. Leave Jesus in our hearts. Forever.”
I believed then with all of my heart and soul that God created man in his own image and likeness. Until I read a simple biological truth never revealed to me before. “Life is a sexually transmitted disease with a death rate of 100 per cent.”
Men of Faith
Men of faith do not want to know. Like misguided children, they only want to believe.
We Filipinos are men of faith. It means we have no faith in our country. In this 21st century, however, we still have faith that as our country grows darker, the promised return of the Son grows brighter.
Ignorance and fanaticism is perpetually busy and it needs feeding. All of our famous religious leaders – the Catholic bishops, Mike Velarde of El Shaddai, Eddie Villanueva of Jesus is Lord Movement, Brother Eli Soriano of Ang Dating Daan, including my teachers at La Salle University during grade school and high school proved themselves experts with the works of the Lord feeding ignorance and fanaticism.
Another Great and Rare Filipino
Dear Poch,
I have long maintained that corruption in the Philippines is systemic.
A great majority of Filipinos (out of a total of around 88 million) are in the clutches of chronic and dehumanizing poverty.
Poverty and Corruption: that is a deadly combination.
Which explains why the Philippines has been drifting aimlessly all these terrible years since independence in 1946--that's a total of 61 years!--like a rudderless ship, tossed willy-nilly here and there by an angry sea.
Mar Patalinjug,
NY, 27 Nov. 2007
Only in the Philippines
Original Sin
My Prayer as a Grown Up
Monday, November 26, 2007
A 21st century Rare Filipino
A 21st century rare Filipino Louie Fernandez wrote: “If the Filipino masses and our cowardly politicians were not like sheep to their priests and the Filipino Catholic hierarchy, and these intelligent priests were not mere mindless errand boys to the Vatican, this tragedy would not have happened.” I entirely agree without question.
Mayor Jojo Binay
Mayor Jojo Binay of Makati said that: “Our country is not only bankrupt economically, but also bankrupt morally.” Phil Star Oct. 17, 2007.
May I also add bankrupt biblically? Look how, in this 21st century, we continue to pray to a higher power to remedy the ills of our perpetually sick society?
We are, indeed, a corrupt people because of our corrupt faith in corrupt values and beliefs for the sake of the corrupt salvation of our corrupt souls.
To think corruption was brought into this land by corrupt Spanish friars, They too were gifted with corrupt free will from a corrupt country that was then ruled by a corrupt King.
Indeed, consider those corrupt Spanish religious criminals: they sold the Philippines to the United States of America, a nation just as greedy, selfish, stupid, insane, and indeed, just as corrupt, - for $20,000,000 dollars. Poch SuzaraTalk to God
If you talk to God, you are praying. If God talks to you, you are hallucinating. God talked to Moses. Golly, God even dictated the Ten Commandments to Moses. Oh well, that was during the biblical century.
In this 21st century, however, God talked to the President of the USA; and, to the President of the Philippines.
Issac Asimov
The Seven Deadly Sins
Sunday, November 25, 2007
A Message from George Carlin
Friday, November 23, 2007
The Worst Kind of Poverty
Life After Death
Let’s be honest and frank. If there were evidences that there is a better world to come after we are dead, then suicide should one of the greatest of virtues, if not the greatest of man’s pleasures.
Imagine the planet earth, due to daily suicide, there would be no such thing as overpopulation, poverty problem, violence and wars. All babies would be born loved, needed, and wanted – the very foundation for peace on earth and goodwill to all men. Poch SuzaraWhat’s not True
Now let’s ask: what’s wrong with believing what is false? Nothing wrong with it except that it is usually referred to as “blind faith” – the foundation and the promotion of superstition.
But then again: what’s wrong with believing in superstition? Nothing wrong with it except that superstition is precisely what makes the Philippines - the Sick Nation of Asia.
It is Fantastic
I am Told
Cats and Dogs
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Wealth Stolen in the Philippines
If it is true that the Philippines has no overpopulation problem and that our problem of vast poverty is really due to unequal distribution of wealth as provided by God, I ask: when will the Vatican bank begin to return and distribute to poor Filipinos the trillions of dollars stolen by religion big business in the Philippines – the only Catholic country in Asia since the 16 century? Poch Suzara
Our Politicians
Our politicians are more at home with prayers than they are learning as readers.
Political power is not derived from divine tolerance. It comes mostly from people who are proud of human ignorance. Poch SuzaraThe Bible
“Study the bible to be wise; believe it to be safe; practice it to be holy.” Philippine Star Nov. 17, 2007.
If the bible was truly written by inspired authors of God and if God made any sense at all, no one would need to acquire a modicum of common sense to do what any sane man should do after studying, believing and practicing the bible: throw the silly book out the window. The bible is a good book; unfortunately, good for nothing. Look at the results of bible teachings in the Philippines – the only Christian country since the 16h century.For my part, I wasted precious years of my youth studying, believing, and practicing such biblical childish nonsense. Poch Suzara
The Evil called Religion
Nobel Prize-wining American physicist Steven Weinberg said: “Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it, you’d have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, it takes religion.”
What is even more scandalous, however, are the people who invented good religion. They themselves have turned out to be good; unfortunately, good for nothing. Poch SuzaraFrom Adamson University
A college student in Adamson University proudly commented that it is ok for me not to believe in God since God believes in me. Well, I replied: I find it enigmatic that a God could also be in the childish business of believing or disbelieving anything! What happened to that more matured business of “knowing?”
“Believing” is the business of misguided children. “Knowing” is the business of intellectually courageous men and culturally secured grown-up women. Poch SuzaraMonday, November 19, 2007
Who is the greater Scholar
Human Stupidity
How to be a Decent Human Being
Friends and Relatives
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Christianity, Poverty, and Democracy
Friday, November 16, 2007
Deadly Religion
“Every cause, “ wrote Paul Ehrlich, “is a lost cause unless there is population control.” With all due respect, I do not quite agree. The more people there are existing under subhuman conditions, indeed, the more misery and poverty that exist in the world, the more the cause of religion becomes a winning cause.
Christianity always had a vested interest in human suffering. Christianity had been quite a success by capitalizing on human suffering. She has been enormously successful in insuring her own existence through the perpetuation of human suffering via blind faith. Especially in the Philippines. The only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century. Poch SuzaraThursday, November 15, 2007
Jose Rizal
To believe that Rizal died as a Christian only makes Rizal what we Filipinos are today - the Sick Man of Asia - still devoted and faithful to Christian values and beliefs. Poch Suzara
Refuse to Think
Bible Inspiration
Religious Founders
The failure of organized religions is that all of them made a mockery of what their founders taught. And why not, since the founders of most religions have not been flexible thinkers, but only rigid, if not reckless, believers.
Organized Religions
Jesus Christ
No Atheist in the Corrupt Government
The Problem with the Lord
World History
Children – our only Hope
Human Greatness
Sinful Thinking
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
As to whether divinity or deviltry will ever reveal the truth, not even faith knows! Poch Suzara
It is truly Amazing
In recent decades homosexuals and the lesbians have come out of the closet. Openly and publicly, they have courageously exposed their real identity for everyone to tolerate.
The atheists, however, are still playing hide and seek inside the closet. They are still afraid to rock the religious boat. Atheist are still careful not to displease the homosexuals and the lesbians who are owners of schools, colleges, and universities, including the so-called “freaks” of nature as priest and nuns in the priesthood industry. To think that it takes a much higher I.Q. to be an atheist. Poch Suzara
Childish Religion
A religion that attaches blame to the faults of the created rather than point to the faults of the creator has got to be a religion for the religious morons.
Freedom and Religion
Most Religious Morons
I am Told
A Nation of Religious Morons
On Being Spiritual
Friday, November 02, 2007
God Revealed in Nature
Nature is terrible and cruel. It cares nothing for human values. Nature is also wasteful. Moreover, nature has only to do with birth, death, and decay. Nothing is permanent in nature. As an atheist I admit that I am a part of nature as nature is part of me. Now where or when or how has God ever revealed himself in nature? Poch Suzara
Why Something
Quality Education
Atheist Defined
Our Most Pressing Problem
What is the most pressing issue besetting our country today?
I say blind faith. We are still blind with so much faith in the power of stupid prayer.
During the past 400 years, we never missed praying daily to a higher power to remedy the ills of our sick country.
In the meantime, we are a corrupt people because of our corrupt values and corrupt beliefs.
100 Trillion Cells
The 100 trillion cells that are bundled up together comprising our body are not human cells, but tiny animal cells. It is amazing how such tiny creatures together could evolve into our physical form and still more amazing how such little devils could evolve as thinking human beings.
Too bad silly religion managed to intrude into the picture to damaged man’s thinking capacity; especially to believe that a God made man in his own image and likeness. Poch SuzaraReligion Against Science
In school, we were taught to believe that God is omni-present. And yet, God has always been omni-absent. God was not present to edit the works of His inspired authors who recklessly wrote such nonsense as “Cain knew his wife,” or that “Joshua commanded the sun to stop,” or that God told Noah to save not his neighbors, but to “save the animals,” or that dead characters in the Old and in the New testament were able to resurrect themselves back to life. Poch Suzara
Russell and Dawkins
Bertrand Russell was once accused of being “lecherous, salacious, libidinous, lustful, venerous, erotomaniac, aphrodisiac, atheistic, irreverent, narrow-minded, bigoted, untruthful, and bereft of moral fibre.”
On the contrary, Russell was one of the kindest philosophers who ever lived. In his time in many countries, he intellectually taught millions of people to be courageous with self-respect and to be comfortable with human dignity.
Next to Russell, I have the greatest respect and admiration for the famous atheist-biologist Richard Dawkins. He recently published “The God Delusion” – a best seller in the USA and Britain, it is now also coming out in 30 foreign editions, shooting onto best seller lists in Italy, Germany, Brazil and Spain.
If God is Dead
The Bible
The bible tells us to have faith. But faith means having the free will to choose to avoid knowing what is true.
God's Children
Why should God tell parents how to raise their children when he had drowned His own? Oh yes, the existence of God might still be a mystery. One thing, however, is no longer a mystery: in this world, God loves the dead more than He gives a hoot about the living. Poch Suzara
Born-Again Atheist
Our Historical Trouble
Our historical trouble is that we have not prayed hard enough? We have not prayed daily enough, weekly enough, monthly enough, yearly enough, and centuries enough? We need to pray more? Let us be more active and consistent with our prayers? In fact, our parents, grandparents, great grandparents did not pray as much they should have prayed?
Our System of Education
In our schools, colleges, and universities are teachers and professors who have proven themselves incapable of deeper learning.