Thursday, June 23, 2005

Fear, Ignorance, and Hate

Fear and hate and ignorance prevailed in the land where Jesus was born. Two thousand years hence, the same fear and hate and ignorance still prevail in the land where Jesus was born and raised. As a matter of fact, Israel today is a Jewish State surrounded by hostile Muslim countries. Indeed, the Muslims do not believe in the Christian God as they have their own God called “Allah.” Thus, in the Middle East, the region where Jesus had supposedly lived and performed miracles before He died, there is only the never-ending religious internecine warfare; but hardly any development in social welfare. Poch Suzara


Jesus and His disciples possessed the miracle to convert the Philippines into being the only Christian country in Asia. Yet neither Jesus nor His disciples had neither same miracle to convert the land of his birth into a Christian country? Indeed, Israel is a Jewish State. It has never been a Christian country. Meantime, search for Jesus in any of the Jewish literature of ancient times, no word is mentioned about the existence of Jesus as the Son of God. Poch Suzara


If we were all the children of God, then Jesus was not the son, but grandson of God as Mary, His mother, was the daughter of God. Jesus had the power to perform miracles. He made the blind see, the deft hear, the lame walk, multiplied loaves of bread to feed the multitude. He could walk on water, change water into wine; cure leprosy; raise the dead back to life. Curiously enough, not a single one of those grateful individuals appeared in court to testify that Jesus was a miracle-worker, and not a trouble-maker. Even his own apostles abandoned Jesus. They all disappeared out of sight. Nevertheless, crucified on the cross, Jesus cried out: “My God! My God! why has thou forsaken me?” Jesus could have been more honest with himself had he instead cried out: “My God, My God, as your only grandson on this earth, this crucifixion business is a little bit absurd? How can I die to save the world today if I will be able to resurrect myself back to life tomorrow?” Indeed, Jesus was a failure. His mission to destroy the devil did not materialize. The devil is still alive and quite a success living in the Philippines daily inspiring its government to solve problems of the nation with the power of prayer. Indeed, the devil must be so proud of his own devilish accomplishments; especially since God makes himself not omni-present but only always omni-absent! Poch Suzara

Parental Love and Affection

Jesus admonished: “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sister, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26. Now the bible also says that Jesus was the Son of Joseph ( see John 1:45 & 6:42 ) but the same bible is silent as to how exactly his own brothers and sisters and his own mom and dad felt about such incredible conditions before they could qualify to be His disciples. Poch Suzara

The Mistake of Jesus

On the cross, Jesus even cried out: “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do?” If Jesus had instead asked Man to forgive God for he knows not what he is doing, Jesus would have won the hearts and minds of the whole of mankind as his follower, and he need not have been a failure and a loser in the business of saving souls as was His divine mission. Poch Suzara

University Library

In the library of Philippine Catholic universities, one can read books written by Hitler who was raised and educated as a Catholic. The books, however, written by Bertrand Russell are not available. Russell was not a Catholic; in fact, he was an atheist-philosopher-logician-mathematician. Filipino Catholic students are not allowed to read books written by non-catholic thinkers or philosophers; only books written by thoughtless saints, if not by mindless sinners, or by brainless criminals.

In the meantime, my dear reader, would you believe that even the books written by, and other writings of Jose Rizal are banned in Catholic schools, colleges, and universities in the Philippines!Poch Suzara

Not the Same God

It is not true that God Almighty is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. During ancient times, as recorded in the bible, God had the power to save his chosen people – the Jews – from the Egyptian sword. However, during World War II, God showed neither power nor interests to save the Jews from Hitler’s gas chamber. And to think that this is the same Hitler who wrote in his MEIN KAMPF: “I believe I am acting in accordance with the will of God, because in defending myself against the Jews, I am fighting to defend the work of the Lord. “ Poch Suzara


In John, Jesus speaks frequently of his extraordinary Status
in life and speaks of himself in the most exalted language:
“I am the light of the world.” 8:12
“I am the bread of life.” 6:35
“I am the resurrection and the life.” 11:25
“I am the way, the truth, and the life.” 14:6
“I and my father are one.” 10:30
“Whoever has seen me has seen the father.”14:6
“No one comes to God except through me.” 14:6
And yet, crucified on the cross, in more exalted language, Jesus cried out: “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Imagine a God willing and able to forsake Himself? And all for the sake of accomplishing nothing! Poch Suzara

Credulous Theologians

The Theologians are a credulous lot, and must believe in something; in the absence of good grounds for belief, they are happy and proud to believe in anything especially if such beliefs were sacred and therefore based on nothing. Poch Suzara

George W Bush

As a candidate for the US presidency in 2000, Bush was once asked: “Who has been the most important influence in your life?” Without a second thought, he replied: “Jesus Christ.” This is the same Jesus Christ who, in the bible, admonished: “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26. Under the leadership of such religious morons, is it any wonder that America has grown to be a nation of hate? Indeed, Americans hate other Americans for Christ’s sake. As an American citizen myself, I ask: When will we Americans grow up and show to the rest of the world that we have, just like most of the Europeans have duly ceased to embrace the evil called: Christianity? Poch Suzara

George W Bush

As a candidate for the US presidency in 2000, Bush was once asked: “Who has been the most important influence in your life?” Without a second thought, he replied: “Jesus Christ.” This is the same Jesus Christ who, in the bible, admonished: “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26. Under the leadership of such religious morons, is it any wonder that America has grown to be a nation of hate? Indeed, Americans hate other Americans for Christ’s sake. As an American citizen myself, I ask: When will we Americans grow up and show to the rest of the world that we have, just like most of the Europeans have duly ceased to embrace the evil called: Christianity? Poch Suzara

Born-again Politicians

With Reagan’s victory in the 1980 presidential race, organized Christianity inherited more power and glory in America. Reagan, in violation of the separation between State and Church openly and constantly sought the advice of such famous Born-again evangelists as Jerry Farwell and Jimmy Swaggart – both generous supporters of the Republican party. Born-again Christians were elated; Born-again atheists were degraded.
Unfortunately, however, there is no such creature as a Born-again Christian. When we were born, fresh out of the uterus, we are atheist. No child has any religion. All babies are born atheists: free from theism, free from religion. No baby is born a catholic, a muslim, a jew, or a baptist or a hindu. We are all born free and then indoctrinated. For my part, I was raised and educated as a Catholic; but I know that in the truest sense of the word: Today and proudly, I am a Born-again atheist. Poch Suzara

Power of the Church

Church power has been damaged irreparably with questions from all sides and is in fact already crumbling miserably. Attendance is declining, except in those churches, like in the Philippines, who traffic in closed minds and broken hearts.
n the meantime, science has gifted us with diversity of beliefs, values, and standards so that we have been forced to wonder what is true or lasting or real. Tragedy, however, comes when people cannot embrace the changing reality and therefore unable to live creatively or intellectually. They would rather be inspired by religious timidity, if not by ecclesiastical mediocrity, not to mention biblical stupidity perpetually. Poch Suzara

Let’s Reason Together

“Come now, let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red as like crimson, they shall be as wool.” Isaiah 1:18. Verses down, the Lord also admits: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither your ways are my ways, saith the Lord.” Isaiah 55:8. Gee, I am glad I have my own thoughts and my own ways. It's another word for self-respect and dignity. Poch Suzara

Wars in Heaven

How can heaven be a happy and a peaceful place when wars have been declared in the kingdom of God too? In Rev. 12:7 - 9: “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragons; and the dragons fought against his angels. . . And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast with him.” For my part, I ask: what was the devil and his dragons doing in heaven to begin with? Who created those celestial monsters, and for Christ’s sake, for what divine purpose? Poch Suzara

Biblical Unicorns

The Holy Bible as written by inspired authors of God actually declares that unicorns, yes unicorns, exist? Here are the biblical passages:

"Will the unicorn be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib? Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band in the furrow? or will he harrow the valleys after thee?" Job 39:9-10.

"Save me from the lion's mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns." Psalm 22:21.

Unicorns are likewise presented as truly existent in Numbers 23:22; Numbers 24:8; Psalm 29:6; Psalm 92:10; Deuteronomy 33:17; and Isaiah 34:7. Poch Suzara

The Bible

The bible is the greatest source of inspiration especially for those who do not read it. They depend on bible scholars, if not on atheists to interpret bible messages for them. This, in order to maintain faith in the sacred mysteries and in church doctrines. It is indeed sad. The atheists have to point out the silly words, verses, and chapters written in plain English in the bible to wake up the bible believers to read for themselves the holy book. It is, after all, the basis of incredible beliefs in sacred lies and other ecclesiastical deceptions. In the meantime, the clichés of antiquity such as “but the bible says so,” or “but the church teaches,” can no longer be applied to settle questions and disputes. Only arguments based upon logic can we put ourselves on the path towards arriving at the truth of which has yet to be revealed in the bible. Poch Suzara

The Planet Earth

There is nothing tragic or even comic about the human conditions. We are like a speck of dust in the infinity of worlds. We are all but organisms inter-relating with one another in the environment on this grain of sand called “earth.” Against the backdrop of the galaxy, the earth looks like an atom. One million
( 1,000,000 ) planets the size of earth can fit inside the sun. In fact, our earth is one insignificant planet circling around one star in a galaxy that contains about 400,000,000 stars and planets, and is itself one of the hundreds of billion of galaxies called the Cosmos. One day our sun will eventually grow cold, and life on this planet will come to an end, but the cosmos will continue, utterly indifferent to our fate. “Mankind,” wrote Bertrand Russell, “is like a group of shipwrecked sailors on a raft in a vast sea at night. There is darkness all around. One by one they fall off the raft into the waters and disappear. When the last man has fallen off, the sea will roll on and holes made in the water by their bodies will be covered over. Thus, after a brief life, man drops out of the scheme of things, and the universe moves on uncaring and unknowing. In the eternity of the universe, one individual with his values and principles amount to nothing. Nature cares not for man.” It follows therefore that we must love one another as there is no else to care for us. It is up to us to assume responsibility for our own lives and for our own destiny by establishing local and global sanity as the redeeming feature in what should constitute humanity. Poch Suzara


Superstition is the product of fear and ignorance. By nature the majority we are all still superstitious. Look how we believe that God will provide, and if that were not yet forthcoming, the Son of God Jesus will nevertheless make His Second Coming soon to straighten out the religious mess that is keeping, for example, the Filipino poor as a people and the Philippines backward as a nation. And to think that Jesus was not born in a Christian country like the Philippines. He was born in a Jewish town in Israel – a Jewish State. Poch Suzara

The Great Religions

If the human race lives in a welter of organized hatreds and threats of mutual extermination, do not blame human nature; blame instead the great religions of the world: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. For centuries, the faithful believers of each of these great religions have not ceased making a mockery of human nature as they all hate and kill each other down here for love of God up there. If, however, there is anything I find great joy in contemplating – it is that in this century organized religion is finally meeting its own mortality, a victim of its own immaturity, stagnancy, and traditional stupidity. Poch Suzara