Saturday, February 02, 2008
The Tree of Death
Let Us Hate Together
“Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord.” Isaiah 1:18 – a proposal made by the Lord in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, however, the same Lord proposed: “If any man come to me and hate not his father and mother, wife and children, and yea, his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26, Matt 10:34-37
Of all forms of power, the most destructive is the power of madness.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Child Rapist
stamina as the most macho member of Congress.
To think that there are sexually-starved, men driven by lust in our sick society who continue to insist that the congressman in question should never have landed in jail. That he got a raw deal sentenced to prison. they argue, while salivating with envy, that the girl he salaciously forced himself into was a child prostitute of 12 years old. As if raping a prostitute is not a crime. As if there is such a criminal
called a child prostitute who could be raped first before services are rendered getting herself invaginated honorably by lust driven moronic sex maniacs. This Congressman could not envisage the girl’s future as a decent mother, or a decent wife, or even as a decent citizen of the Republic of the Philippines.
During her painful experience, I try to imagine that little girl frightened, helpless, crying, and pleading; but her congressman found it more honorable watching with much gusto her abused little vagina bleeding. Poch Suzara
posted by Poch Suzara at 4:24 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Indeed Mr poch suzara.
interesting thoughts you have.
Biblical Fanatics
Take, for example, Brother Eli Soriano of Dating Daan, a religious leader from the boondocks. Daily on TV, he would preach to his viewers bible messages that keep this country perpetually poor and perennially backward. As if there ever was a Filipino who never experienced threats to believe and to have faith in the Word of God! And as if the Word of God has ever stood for human dignity and self-respect for any Filipino living under subhuman conditions in his own Christian country. In the meantime, in this God-forsaken country, we read the bible, if at all, like guilty sinners; hardly do we read the bible like innocent truth-seekers. Poch Suzara
God as a Shining Light
Faithful Christians will at times relate about the experiences of someone dying on the operating table and being “brought back to life.” Some will recount the “near death” experiences where their “soul” was already hovering over, and looking down at their own body… while a celestial being was striving to “guide” them towards a far off “Great Shining Light.”
Isn’t it incredible that the only description available to what God looks like is a “Great Shining Light? And to think during our formative years in grade school, we were already inspired, nay, intimidated to believe that God is existing here, existing there, and existing everywhere watching our every move and jutting down our every sinful thought.
In the meantime, in the Old Testament, Moses queried the burning bush about its identity. In the King James translation the bush replies: “I am that I am.” But the original Hebrew, according to biblical scholars, should actually be translated as “I will be what I will be.”
For my part, I imagine a God identifying himself as either a Great Shining Light, or a Burning Bush, or “I am that I am” while nervously chewing his fingernails. Poch Suzara
In This life
In this life, no matter what, we always find what we consistently look for. Most men and women, however, do not know exactly what they seek in life. True, they seek happiness. Never realizing at the same time that to discover one’s self is far more valuable and lasting than the fulfillment of a momentary desire.
In the meantime, to be ourselves we must complete ourselves. It is, in this way, that we can become the creators of our future and cease to be the slaves of our past. Poch Suzara
Prayers, Not Readers
Atheism is NOT a Religion
Atheism is NOT a religion. Atheism is unbelief in the existence of the supernatural. We Atheists have no sacred writings that inspires any one to live a life of fear. We have no savior to make any one proud of childish dependency, poverty, ignorance, and misery.
Indeed, we atheists seek enlightenment. We do not kneel down to the threats or the promises of the Old or the New Testament. We would rather pin our hopes and dreams on the creation of a world government.
There is little ethical or anything commonsensical in any of the great religions of the world. Except perhaps for Buddhism, the great religions are criminal by decree. What other institution is there existing in this world that, for the purpose of either winning salvation or resurrection or reincarnation, – the minds and hearts of its respective believers - must first be twisted and distorted and stunted?
Atheism is not a spiritual ineptitude. It is a healthy attitude. Atheism is not a belief, but a lack of childish beliefs. We have no need of faith to have faith in our lack of faith. There is only one kind of atheism in this world. Just as there is only one kind of Multiplication Table – the perfect model of truth.
We atheist love and embrace what atheist Bertrand Russell loved and embraced during most of his 98 years of life: - “The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.”
Indeed, we atheist fully appreciate this simple truth: - what the world needs now is not only love but greater knowledge about the nature of love, in all its complexity. Poch Suzara
Broken Marriages
Most marriages do not last because, to begin with, most men need a mother substitute, and most women need a savior. This is not marriage. It is a sacramental joke. In fact, it is a contract for mutual salvation for pain and reciprocal torture especially for the children, if any.
Of course, let’s no ignore the greater evil. Men marry for the sake of what’s menstrual found in between a woman’s legs, and couldn’t care less about what’s functional found in between a woman’s ears. Poch Suzara
The power of the Catholic Church comes from ignorant Catholics. The power of the US government comes from ignorant Americans. Only the ignorant could believe that their power comes from the power of God. Poch Suzara
Truth versus Lies
Saturday, January 12, 2008
My Own Retraction
It has been predicted that one day, in my death-bed, I will duly retract, on my knees make amends for my errors, go back to God, and plead for divine mercy, and beg for the eternal salvation of my soul!
I say, no way. Me, abandon my faith in heresy? Me, neglect my hopes for a better humanity? Me, surrender my fight for terrestrial sanity? Me, be a disgrace to the human race down here to please divine grace up there? Really, I’d rather kill myself first than be dead devoid of self-respect and human dignity. Poch SuzaraCollege Graduates
If the Son of God Jesus could not remove evil out of Israel, his place of birth, how could Jesus remove evil out of a foreign country like the Philippines? As a matter of historical fact, evil exist in the Philippines not only because of human stupidity, but mainly because of Christianity. Indeed, thanks to Christianity and its teachings, we Filipinos believe that there is a better world to come but only later after we are all well situated buried dead in the cemetery. Poch Suzara
Universal God
Source of Evil
In the Old Testament, God admits he is the source of evil: “I form light and create darkness, I make peace and create evil, I the Lord do all these things.” Isa. 45:7
I feel sorry for the religious morons of this world. When it comes to evil, the Lord is way ahead of man's stupid free will. Poch Suzara
Something Versus Nothing
Why something rather than nothing? Well, why a God and a devil existing alongside God? Both God and the devil keep reminding everyone that this something is really all about nothing because there is a better something to come in the next world after we are all dead and buried and gone to nothing! Poch Suzara
God’s Help
If God in heaven could not settle his troubles with the devil in hell, what makes you people believe that God can settle your troubles on earth? And who is the religious moron who threatened you to believe that God’s help is just a prayer away? Poch Suzara